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1、九年级化学第十单元测试题第十单元 酸和碱 1(氢氧化钙可用于改良酸性土壤,其俗称是( ) A( 小苏打 B(熟石灰 C(生石灰 D(纯碱 2. 下列有关生产、环保、能源、资源问题的叙述错误的是( ) pH,A 5.6的雨水称为酸雨 B 使用乙醇汽油能减少污染,节约石油资源 C “温室效应”主要是由CO等气体引起的 2D 加速石油、煤炭的开采,快速提高人类的生活质量 3.物质分类是一种重要的化学思想。下列物质中属于酸的是( ) A. HCO B. NaHCO C. PO D. KOH 233254. 下列溶液暴露在空气中,可以使溶液质量增大的是( ) A(蔗糖溶液 B(浓盐酸 C(浓硫酸 D(饱

2、和食盐水 5.下列有关化学实验的说法中不正确的是( ) A( 用高锰酸钾制O时,反应试管的管口应略向下倾斜 2B( 做铁在O中燃烧实验时,集气瓶应先放少量水或细沙 2C( 配制稀硫酸时,可在盛浓硫酸的烧杯中慢慢倒人蒸馏水 D( 用金属和酸制H时,可采用与制CO相同的发生装置 226.下列事实的结论或解释中不正确的是( ) A(水烧开后易把壶盖冲起,说明温度升高分子会变大 B( 公园的桂花开放时满园飘香,说明分子在不断运动 ,+C( 酸碱中和反应都能生成水,实质是H与OH 结合生成了HO 2D(铝制品有抗腐蚀性能,实质是表面生成了致密氧化膜起保护作用 7.下列物质必须密封保存的是( ) A( 木

3、炭 B(浓盐酸 C(石灰石 D(氯化钠 8 下列物质的用途中,利用其物理性质的是( ) solution. action according to law. 14 results of arsenic content in the sample is calculated according to equation (2) is calculated.dsx18.1.2 rubber plug: there was a hole in the middle. 18.1.3 glass measuring arsenic tubes: full length 18cm, heavy down o

4、n thin, since the internal diameter of the tube down to 14cm a 6.5mm, since then gradually narrow and thin, end inside diameter is approximately 13mm, end 1cm with a hole, diameter 2mm, narrow and thin parts inserted in the rubber plug, reached out to the small holes just below the rubber plug in th

5、e lower part. Coarse upper parts with lead acetate cotton, long-56cm, upper end to the nozzle at least 3cm, arsenic in tube, using a round flat top tube above ground level, below there is a hook on each side, for fixed glass hat. 18.1.4 glass Cap: below ground level, with a crescent-shaped Groove, h

6、as a round hole in the Center, 6.5mm. Glass cover when using in determination of as, the nozzle of the tube, so precisely circular holes between mercuric bromide paper face down, use a rubber or other suitable method of glass tube caps and measuring arsenic. Chapter 19 sample digestion with the 12th

7、. 20 analysis steps draw a quantitative 5th chapter in the samples Digest Hou set capacity of solution (equivalent to 2G food, 4g vegetables, and fruit, 4mL cold, 5G vegetable oil, other samples reference this volume) and the with volume of reagents blank liquid respectively placed measuring arsenic

8、 bottle in the, added 5mL Ki solution (150g/L), and 5 drops acid chloride Asia Tin solution and the 5mL hydrochloride (samples as with nitric acid-perchlorate-sulfuric acid or nitric acid-sulfuric acid Digest liquid, is to minus samples in the sulfuric acid ml number; as with gray of method Digest l

9、iquid, Minus the number of ml of hydrochloric acid in the sample), and then add just the right amount ofA( 干冰用作冷冻剂 B( 硫酸用于处理碱性废液 C( 氧气用于气焊 D(生石灰用作干燥剂 9 下列食品显碱性的是( ) A( 醋( pH=2.1) B(酒( pH=7.0) C(酱油( pH=4.4) D(皮蛋( pH=10.1) 10 生活中一些物质的近似pH值如下,有关说法不正确的是( ) 物质 醋酸 苹果汁 牙膏 炉具清洁剂 pH 2.5 3.1 8.5 12.4 A( 牙膏显碱性

10、 B( 胃酸过多的人少吃苹果 C( 醋酸能使紫色石蕊试液变红 D(上述物质酸性最强的是炉具清洁剂 11(下面是家庭中常用的洗涤剂及其pH,其中显酸性的是( ) A(洗发精(pH=8) B(厕所清洁剂(pH=1) C(洗衣液(pH=10) D(厨房清洁剂(pH=13) 12(下列有关物质的用途,利用了物理性质的是( ) A( 用稀硫酸除去铁锈 B( 用氢气作燃料 C( 用熟石灰改良酸性土壤 D(用干冰人工降雨 13 下列有关物质用途的说法中,错误的是( ) A 二氧化锰作过氧化氢制取氧气的催化剂 B 用氢氧化钠改良酸性土壤 C 氢氧化铝用于治疗胃酸过多 D 用稀盐酸除去金属表面的锈 以下叙述中,

11、不正确的是()14 、一切物质都是由分子构成的、采用加热煮沸的方法可降低水的硬度A B 、碱性溶液不一定是碱的溶液、图书、档案失火适用灭火器灭火C DCO 215 下列说法或现象描述正确的是( ) A(含氧元素的化合物都属于氧化物 solution. action according to law. 14 results of arsenic content in the sample is calculated according to equation (2) is calculated.dsx18.1.2 rubber plug: there was a hole in the midd

12、le. 18.1.3 glass measuring arsenic tubes: full length 18cm, heavy down on thin, since the internal diameter of the tube down to 14cm a 6.5mm, since then gradually narrow and thin, end inside diameter is approximately 13mm, end 1cm with a hole, diameter 2mm, narrow and thin parts inserted in the rubb

13、er plug, reached out to the small holes just below the rubber plug in the lower part. Coarse upper parts with lead acetate cotton, long-56cm, upper end to the nozzle at least 3cm, arsenic in tube, using a round flat top tube above ground level, below there is a hook on each side, for fixed glass hat

14、. 18.1.4 glass Cap: below ground level, with a crescent-shaped Groove, has a round hole in the Center, 6.5mm. Glass cover when using in determination of as, the nozzle of the tube, so precisely circular holes between mercuric bromide paper face down, use a rubber or other suitable method of glass tu

15、be caps and measuring arsenic. Chapter 19 sample digestion with the 12th. 20 analysis steps draw a quantitative 5th chapter in the samples Digest Hou set capacity of solution (equivalent to 2G food, 4g vegetables, and fruit, 4mL cold, 5G vegetable oil, other samples reference this volume) and the wi

16、th volume of reagents blank liquid respectively placed measuring arsenic bottle in the, added 5mL Ki solution (150g/L), and 5 drops acid chloride Asia Tin solution and the 5mL hydrochloride (samples as with nitric acid-perchlorate-sulfuric acid or nitric acid-sulfuric acid Digest liquid, is to minus

17、 samples in the sulfuric acid ml number; as with gray of method Digest liquid, Minus the number of ml of hydrochloric acid in the sample), and then add just the right amount ofB(稀硫酸能使无色酚酞溶液变红色 C(细铁丝在氧气中剧烈燃烧,火星四射,生成黑色固体 D(金刚石和石墨物理性质存在着明显差异,是因为构成它们的原子大小不同 16 逻辑推理是一种重要的化学思维方法,下列推理合理的是( ) A( 因为碱溶液呈碱性,所以

18、呈碱性的溶液一定都是碱溶液 B( 因为氧化物含有氧元素,所以含氧元素的化合物都是氧化物 C( 因为HO和HO的组成元素相同,所以它们的化学性质相同 222D( 因为蜡烛燃烧生成CO和HO,所以蜡烛组成里一定含有碳元素和氢元素 2217 下列数据为常见水果的近似pH,其中呈碱性的是( ) A( B( C( D( 柿子pH=8.5 杨梅pH=2.5 苹果pH=4.1 菠萝pH=5.1 18 为了维持人体正常的生命活动,人体不同器官内的体液具有不同的酸碱性,根据下表可知,在正常情况下( ) 体液 唾液 胆汁 胰液 pH 6.6,7.1 7.1,7.3 7.5,8.0 A( 人体的唾液一定呈酸性 B(

19、 人体的胆汁一定呈碱性 C( 人体的胰液能使紫色石蕊试液变红色 D( 酚酞试液可精确测得以上体液的pH 19 逻辑推理是一种重要的化学思维方法,以下推理合理的是( ) A( 因为HO和HO的组成元素相同,所以它们的化学性质相同 222solution. action according to law. 14 results of arsenic content in the sample is calculated according to equation (2) is calculated.dsx18.1.2 rubber plug: there was a hole in the mid

20、dle. 18.1.3 glass measuring arsenic tubes: full length 18cm, heavy down on thin, since the internal diameter of the tube down to 14cm a 6.5mm, since then gradually narrow and thin, end inside diameter is approximately 13mm, end 1cm with a hole, diameter 2mm, narrow and thin parts inserted in the rub

21、ber plug, reached out to the small holes just below the rubber plug in the lower part. Coarse upper parts with lead acetate cotton, long-56cm, upper end to the nozzle at least 3cm, arsenic in tube, using a round flat top tube above ground level, below there is a hook on each side, for fixed glass ha

22、t. 18.1.4 glass Cap: below ground level, with a crescent-shaped Groove, has a round hole in the Center, 6.5mm. Glass cover when using in determination of as, the nozzle of the tube, so precisely circular holes between mercuric bromide paper face down, use a rubber or other suitable method of glass t

23、ube caps and measuring arsenic. Chapter 19 sample digestion with the 12th. 20 analysis steps draw a quantitative 5th chapter in the samples Digest Hou set capacity of solution (equivalent to 2G food, 4g vegetables, and fruit, 4mL cold, 5G vegetable oil, other samples reference this volume) and the w

24、ith volume of reagents blank liquid respectively placed measuring arsenic bottle in the, added 5mL Ki solution (150g/L), and 5 drops acid chloride Asia Tin solution and the 5mL hydrochloride (samples as with nitric acid-perchlorate-sulfuric acid or nitric acid-sulfuric acid Digest liquid, is to minu

25、s samples in the sulfuric acid ml number; as with gray of method Digest liquid, Minus the number of ml of hydrochloric acid in the sample), and then add just the right amount ofB( 因为蜡烛燃烧生成CO和HO,所以蜡烛组成里一定含有C和H 22C(因为燃烧需要同时满足三个条件,所以灭火也要同时控制这三个条件 D(因为碱溶液呈碱性,所以呈碱性的溶液一定都是碱溶液 20 下列叙述错误的是( ) A.氢气被认为是理想的清洁、

26、高能燃料 B.洗涤剂具有乳化作用能除去餐具上的油污 C. pH 6.5的雨水称为酸雨 D.发生火灾时可用湿毛巾捂住口鼻,低下身子沿墙壁跑出火灾区 21 对下列事实的解释正确的是( ) 选项 亊 实 解 释 A 4毫升水和4毫升酒精混合后体积小于8毫升 分子不断运动 溶液均显碱性 溶液中都含有离子 B NaOH溶液、Ca(OH)2C CO和CO的化学性质不同 物质组成元素不同 2D 装空气的注射器比装水的注射器容易压缩 气体分子间间隔大于液体分子间间隔 22 下列实验现象的描述中,错误的是( ) A. 铜丝插入硫酸铝溶液中,铜丝表面有银白色固体析出 B. 打开盛有浓盐酸试剂瓶的瓶塞,在瓶口上方出

27、现大量白雾 C. 硫在氧气中燃烧产生蓝紫色火焰、放热、生成有刺激性气味的气体 D. 氧化钙放入水中,液体温度升高 23 下列实际应用中,利用中和反应原理的是( ) ?用氢氧化钠溶液洗涤石油产品中的残余硫酸 ?用碳酸氢钠治疗胃酸过多 ?用熟石灰改良酸性土壤 ?用稀氨水涂抹在蚊子叮咬处(分泌出蚁酸)止痒( solution. action according to law. 14 results of arsenic content in the sample is calculated according to equation (2) is calculated.dsx18.1.2 rubbe

28、r plug: there was a hole in the middle. 18.1.3 glass measuring arsenic tubes: full length 18cm, heavy down on thin, since the internal diameter of the tube down to 14cm a 6.5mm, since then gradually narrow and thin, end inside diameter is approximately 13mm, end 1cm with a hole, diameter 2mm, narrow

29、 and thin parts inserted in the rubber plug, reached out to the small holes just below the rubber plug in the lower part. Coarse upper parts with lead acetate cotton, long-56cm, upper end to the nozzle at least 3cm, arsenic in tube, using a round flat top tube above ground level, below there is a ho

30、ok on each side, for fixed glass hat. 18.1.4 glass Cap: below ground level, with a crescent-shaped Groove, has a round hole in the Center, 6.5mm. Glass cover when using in determination of as, the nozzle of the tube, so precisely circular holes between mercuric bromide paper face down, use a rubber

31、or other suitable method of glass tube caps and measuring arsenic. Chapter 19 sample digestion with the 12th. 20 analysis steps draw a quantitative 5th chapter in the samples Digest Hou set capacity of solution (equivalent to 2G food, 4g vegetables, and fruit, 4mL cold, 5G vegetable oil, other sampl

32、es reference this volume) and the with volume of reagents blank liquid respectively placed measuring arsenic bottle in the, added 5mL Ki solution (150g/L), and 5 drops acid chloride Asia Tin solution and the 5mL hydrochloride (samples as with nitric acid-perchlorate-sulfuric acid or nitric acid-sulf

33、uric acid Digest liquid, is to minus samples in the sulfuric acid ml number; as with gray of method Digest liquid, Minus the number of ml of hydrochloric acid in the sample), and then add just the right amount of? ? ? ? A( B( C( D( 24 下列物质能用于鉴别氢氧化钠溶液和稀盐酸的是( ) A(酚酞试液 B(CO C(澄清石灰水 D(铁粉 225 下列反应中属于中和反应

34、的是( ) A B NaCO+2HCl?2NaCl+HO+CO? 2NaOH+HSO?NaSO+2HO 232224242C D CO+2NaOH?NaCO+HO Fe+CuSO?Cu+FeSO 22324426 下列实验操作、现象与结论对应关系不正确的是( ) (选项 实验操作 现象 结论 A 向食醋中加入氢氧化钠溶液 无明显现象 二者之间不发生反应 B 向红墨水中加入活性炭,过滤 红墨水变五色 活性炭具有吸附性 C 用黄铜片在铜片上刻划 铜片上有划痕 黄铜的硬度比铜大 D 电解水 电极上有气泡产生 水电解有气体生成 27 生活中的下列物质pH值大于7的是( ) A( 牙膏 B(厕所清洁剂

35、C(生理盐水 D(苹果 28 下列生产生活中所体现的化学反应原理正确的是( ) A( 用赤铁矿和一氧化碳炼铁:CO+FeOFe+CO 232B( 用盐酸除铁锈:FeO+6HCl?2FeCl+3HO 2322C( 用酒精做燃料:CHOH+3O2CO+3HO 25222D( 用氢氧化镁治疗胃酸过多症:HSO+Mg(OH)?MgSO+2HO 2424229 “类推”是学习化学过程中常用的思维方法(现有以下类推结果,其中错误的是( ) ?酸碱中和反应生成盐和水,所以生成盐和水反应一定是中和反应; ?氧化物中含有氧元素,所以含有氧元素的化合物一定是氧化物; ?金属铝与盐酸反应生成AlCl和H,所以金属铁

36、与盐酸反应生成FeCl和H; 3232?浓盐酸试剂瓶敞口久置后变稀且质量减轻,所以浓硫酸敞口久置也变稀且质量减轻( ? ? ? A( B( C( D( 全部 solution. action according to law. 14 results of arsenic content in the sample is calculated according to equation (2) is calculated.dsx18.1.2 rubber plug: there was a hole in the middle. 18.1.3 glass measuring arsenic tu

37、bes: full length 18cm, heavy down on thin, since the internal diameter of the tube down to 14cm a 6.5mm, since then gradually narrow and thin, end inside diameter is approximately 13mm, end 1cm with a hole, diameter 2mm, narrow and thin parts inserted in the rubber plug, reached out to the small hol

38、es just below the rubber plug in the lower part. Coarse upper parts with lead acetate cotton, long-56cm, upper end to the nozzle at least 3cm, arsenic in tube, using a round flat top tube above ground level, below there is a hook on each side, for fixed glass hat. 18.1.4 glass Cap: below ground leve

39、l, with a crescent-shaped Groove, has a round hole in the Center, 6.5mm. Glass cover when using in determination of as, the nozzle of the tube, so precisely circular holes between mercuric bromide paper face down, use a rubber or other suitable method of glass tube caps and measuring arsenic. Chapte

40、r 19 sample digestion with the 12th. 20 analysis steps draw a quantitative 5th chapter in the samples Digest Hou set capacity of solution (equivalent to 2G food, 4g vegetables, and fruit, 4mL cold, 5G vegetable oil, other samples reference this volume) and the with volume of reagents blank liquid re

41、spectively placed measuring arsenic bottle in the, added 5mL Ki solution (150g/L), and 5 drops acid chloride Asia Tin solution and the 5mL hydrochloride (samples as with nitric acid-perchlorate-sulfuric acid or nitric acid-sulfuric acid Digest liquid, is to minus samples in the sulfuric acid ml numb

42、er; as with gray of method Digest liquid, Minus the number of ml of hydrochloric acid in the sample), and then add just the right amount of30 分析推理是化学学习中常用的思维方法(下列分析推理正确的是( ) A( 浓硫酸具有吸水性,所以浓盐酸也具有 吸水性 B( O和O的分子构成不同,所以它们的化学性质不同 23C( 离子是带电荷的微粒,所以带电荷的微粒一定是离子 D( 酸雨的 pH小于7,所以pH小于7的雨水一定是酸雨 31 物质的结构决定物质的性质。下

43、列关于物质结构与性质的说法不正确的是( ) A(生铁和钢的性能不同,主要是由于其含碳量不同 B(一氧化碳和二氧化碳的化学性质不同,是由于构成它们的分子不同 C(金刚石和石墨的物理性质不同,是由于构成它们的碳原子不同 D(金属钠和镁的化学性质不同,主要是由于钠原子和镁原子的最外层电子数不同 32 下列装置使用不恰当的是( ) A( B( 实验室收集氢气 用现有条件检查装置气密性 C( D( 探究燃烧的三个条件 证明CO能与NaOH溶液反应 2solution. action according to law. 14 results of arsenic content in the sample

44、 is calculated according to equation (2) is calculated.dsx18.1.2 rubber plug: there was a hole in the middle. 18.1.3 glass measuring arsenic tubes: full length 18cm, heavy down on thin, since the internal diameter of the tube down to 14cm a 6.5mm, since then gradually narrow and thin, end inside dia

45、meter is approximately 13mm, end 1cm with a hole, diameter 2mm, narrow and thin parts inserted in the rubber plug, reached out to the small holes just below the rubber plug in the lower part. Coarse upper parts with lead acetate cotton, long-56cm, upper end to the nozzle at least 3cm, arsenic in tub

46、e, using a round flat top tube above ground level, below there is a hook on each side, for fixed glass hat. 18.1.4 glass Cap: below ground level, with a crescent-shaped Groove, has a round hole in the Center, 6.5mm. Glass cover when using in determination of as, the nozzle of the tube, so precisely

47、circular holes between mercuric bromide paper face down, use a rubber or other suitable method of glass tube caps and measuring arsenic. Chapter 19 sample digestion with the 12th. 20 analysis steps draw a quantitative 5th chapter in the samples Digest Hou set capacity of solution (equivalent to 2G f

48、ood, 4g vegetables, and fruit, 4mL cold, 5G vegetable oil, other samples reference this volume) and the with volume of reagents blank liquid respectively placed measuring arsenic bottle in the, added 5mL Ki solution (150g/L), and 5 drops acid chloride Asia Tin solution and the 5mL hydrochloride (samples as with nitric acid-perchlorate-sulfuric acid or nitric acid-sulfuric acid Digest liquid, is to minus samples in the sulfuric acid ml number; as with gray of method Digest liquid, Minus the number of ml of hydrochloric acid in the sample), and then add just the right amount of33 如图是稀H


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