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1、2009年云南省昆明市中考数学试题及答案2009年中考昆明市数学试题 一、选择题(本大题共9小题,每小题3分,共27分) 1(9的相反数是( ) 1 1 A( B(9 C(,9 D(, 992(下面所给几何体的俯视图是( ) A( B( C( D( 3(2009年,我省高校毕业生和中等职业学校毕业人数达到24万人(24万用科学记数法表示为( ) 5544A(2410 B(2.410 C(2.410 D(0.2410 24(一元二次方程x,5x,6,0的两根之和为( ) A(5 B(,5 C(,6 D(6 B 5(如图,在?ABC中,点E、F分别为AB、AC的中点(已知EF的长 E 为3cm,则

2、BC的长为( ) 3A C A(cm B(3cm C(2cm D(23cm F 9(下列运算正确的是( ) 62 n n 222A(16,?4 B(2a,3b,5ab C(x,3),x,9 D(,), 2mm7(某班5位同学的身高(单位:米)为:1.5,1.6,1.7,1.6,1.4(这组数据( ) A(中位数是1.7 B(众数是1.6 C(平均数是1.4 D(极差是0.1 8(在Rt?ABC中,?C,90,BC,4cm,AC,3cm(把?ABC B 1绕点A顺时针旋转90后,得到?ABC,如图所示,则点B 11C 所走过的路径长为( ) C1 5 A(52cm B(cm ,B A 45 y

3、C(cm D(5cm ,2A 39(如图,正?AOB的顶点A在反比例函数y,(x,0)的图象上, xO B x 则点B的坐标为( ) 3A(2,0) B(3,0) C(23,0) D(,0) 2二、填空题(本大题共6小题,每小题3分,共18分) E 10(点A(,2,1)关于原点对称点为点B,则点B的坐标为 ( A D 11(如图,B、A、E三点在同一直线上,请你添加一个条件,使AD?BC( 你所添加的条件是 (不允许添加任何辅助线)( B C 2 12(分式方程,1,0的解是 ( x,3 13(等腰三角形的一个外角为100,则这个等腰三角形的顶角的度数为 度( 1 ,y x,114(不等式组

4、,3的解集为 ( D C ,2,x,4O 15(如图,四边形ABCD是矩形,A、B两点在x轴的正半轴上, A B x 2,6x上(设OA,m(0,m,3),矩形ABCD的周长为l,则C、D两点在抛物线y,xl与m的函数解析式为 ( 三、填空题(本大题共10小题,共75分) 0,116(5分)计算:(20092008,1),(,2),|,3|,tan60( 3x,3 1 1 6 ,17(6分)先化简,再求值:?,?,其中x,3,1( , x x,1 x,1 x 18(6分)某商场开展购物抽奖活动,抽奖箱中有3个形状、大小和质地等完全相同的小球,分别标有数字1、2、3(顾客从中随机摸出一个小球,然

5、后放回箱中,再随机摸出一个小球( (1)利用树形图法或列表法(只选其中一种),表示摸出小球可能出现的所有结果; 2)若规定:两次摸出的小球的数字之积为9,则为一等奖;数字之积为6,则为二等奖;(数字之积为2或4,则为三等奖(请你分别求出顾客抽中一等奖、二等奖、三等奖的概率( m 19(7分)如图,反比例函数y,(m?0)与一次函数y,kx,b(k?0) y x的图象相交于A、B两点,点A的坐标为(,6,2),点B的坐标为 A (3,n)(求反比例函数和一次函数的解析式( x O B 20(7分)如图,AC是我市某大楼的高,在地面上B点处测得楼顶A的仰角为45,沿BC5 方向前进18米到达D点,

6、测得tan?ADC,(现打算从大楼顶端A点悬挂一幅庆祝3建国60周年的大型标语,若标语底端距地面15m,请你计算标语AE的长度应为多少, A E B D C 21(8分)某校数学活动小组随机调查学校住在校外的100名同学的上学方式,根据调查统计结果,按“步行”、“骑自行车”和“其他”三类汇总分析,并制成条形统计图和扇形统计图(如图所示)( 人数 60 40 20 0 步行 骑自行车 其他 上学方式 其他 20% (1)请你补全条形统计图和扇形统计图; (2)求出扇形统计图中“步行”部分的圆心角的度数; 2(3)学校正在规划新的学生自行车停车场,一般情况下,5辆自行车占地2m,另有自1 行车停放

7、总面积的作为通道(若全校共有1200名同学住在校外,那么请你估计,3学校应当规划至少多大面积的学生自行车停车场,(骑自行车的学生按每人骑一辆计算) 22(8分)如图,AB是?O的直径,点C在AB的延长线上,CD切?O于点D,过点D作D DF?AB于点E,交?O于点F,已知OE,1cm,DF,4cm( (1)求?O的半径; A C O E B (2)求切线CD的长 F 23(8分)某商场用2500元购进A、B两种新型节能台灯共50盏,这两种台灯的进价、标价如下表所示( 类型 A型 B型 价格 进价(元/盏) 40 65 标价(元/盏) 60 100 (1)这两种台灯各购进多少盏, (2)若A型台

8、灯按标价的9折出售,B型台灯按标价的8折出售,那么这批台灯全部售出后,商场共获利多少元, 24(8分)四边形ABCD是正方形( (1)如图1,点G是BC边上任意一点(不与B、C两点重合),连接AG,作BF?AG于点F,DE?AG于点E(求证:?ABF?DAE; (2)在(1)中,线段EF与AF、BF的等量关系是 (直接写出结论即可,不需要证明); 3)如图2,点G是CD边上任意一点(不与C、D两点重合),连接AG,作BF?AG于(点F,DE?AG于点E(那么图中全等三角形是 ,线段EF与AF、BF的等量关系是 (直接写出结论即可,不需要证明)( A D A D E E F F G B C B

9、C G 图1 图2 12分)如图,在平面直角坐标系中,四边形OABC是梯形,OA?BC,点A的坐标为25(6,0),点B的坐标为(4,3),点C在y轴的正半轴上(动点M在OA上运动,从O点出发到A点;动点N在AB上运动,从A点出发到B点(两个动点同时出发,速度都是每秒1个单位长度,当其中一个点到达终点时,另一个点也随即停止,设两个点的运动时间为t(秒)( (1)求线段AB的长;当t为何值时,MN?OC, (2)设?CMN的面积为S,求S与t之间的函数解析式,并指出自变量t的取值范围;S是否有最小值,若有最小值,最小值是多少, (3)连接AC,那么是否存在这样的t,使MN与AC互相垂直,若存在,

10、求出这时的ty 值;若不存在,请说明理由( B C N x O M A 昆明市2009年高中(中专)招生统一考试 数学试卷参考答案及评分标准 一、选择题(每小题3分,满分27分(每小题只有一个正确答案,错选、不选、多选均得零分) 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 答案 C D B A D D B C A 二、填空题(每小题3分,满分18分) 题号 10 11 12 13 14 15 答案不唯一 ,,,EADB 可以为2) (21),,答案 80或20 x,3 1 lmm,,2812,,,DACC(或, ,,DABB180?或) 三、解答题(满分75分) 16(5分)解: 01,(200

11、920081)(2)3tan60,,,,,? 1,? 4分 ,,,,133,2,1,? 5分 2(说明:第一步计算,每对一项得1分) 17(6分)解: 33116x,, ?,xxxx,,11,33(1)(1)6xxx,,? 1分 ,?xxxx(1)(1),,3(1)2xx, ? 3分 ,xxx(1)(1)6,,1,( ? 4分 x,1x,,31当时, 11 ,x,1(31)1,,1 ? 5分 ,33( ? 6分 318(6分)解: (1)树形图如下: 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 (3,1) (3,2) (3,3) (1,1) (1,2) (1,3) (2,1) (2,2)

12、(2,3) 列表如下: 第二次 1 2 3 第一次 (11),(12),(13),1 (21),(22),(23),2 (31),(32),(33),3 (说明:本小题满分3分,在画树形图时,若没有9个小括号的归纳,则只得2分() 1P,(2)一等奖的概率:; ? 4分 192P,二等奖的概率:; ? 5分 2931P,三等奖的概率:( ? 6分 39319(7分)解: my m,12y,把点代入中,得( ? 1分 A(62),,x12A y,反比例函数的解析式为( ? 2分 ?xx O 12n,4y,把点Bn(3),代入中,得( B x?B(34),,点的坐标为( ? 3分 A(62),,B

13、(34),,ykxb,,把点,点分别代入中得 26,,kb, ? 4分 ,,43kb,2,k,解得 ? 6分 3,b,2,2一次函数的解析式为( ? 7分 yx,2?3(本题其它解法参照此标准给分) A 20(7分) Rt?ABC,,ACB90?,,ABC45?解:在中, ?Rt?ABCACBC,是等腰直角三角形,( ? 1分 E Rt?ADC在中, D B C AC5,,ACD90?,,tan,,ADC, 3DC3?,DCAC, ? 2分 53?BCDCBD,,即ACAC,18( ? 3分 5?,AC45( ? 5分 AEACEC,451530则( ? 6分 AE答:标语的长度应为30米(

14、? 7分 (本题其它解法参照此标准给分) 21(8分)解: (1)补全条形图、扇形图如图所示: 人数(名) 骑自行车 60 50% 步行 50 40 30% 30 20 10 其他 0 步行 骑自行车 其他 上学方式 20% (其中,条形统计图得2分,扇形统计图得2分,共4分() 108?(2)“步行”部分的圆心角度数为( ? 5分 2120050600,,%600240,,(3), ? 6分 51,( ? 7分 2401320,,3,答:学校应当规划至少320平方米的学生用停车场( ? 8分 22(8分)解: D OD(1)连接, ? 1分 ?O在中,直径弦于点, AB,DFEA C 1O

15、E B ( ? 2分 ?,DEDF22F Rt?ODEOE,1在中, DE,2?,OD5(cm)(? 3分 ?CD?O(2)切于点, D?,ODCD于点( D?OED?ODC,,,,OEDODC90?,,,EODDOC在与中,(? 5分 ?OEDODC( ? 6分 ?OEED12则,即( ? 7分 ,ODDCDC5?,CD25(cm)(? 8分 (本题其它解法参照此标准给分) 23(8分)解: AB设型台灯购进盏,型台灯购进盏(根据题意,得 ? 1分 yxxy,,50, ? 3分 ,40652500xy,,x,30,解得: ? 5分 ,y,20,? 6分 30(609040)20(100806

16、5),,,,%,,30142015 ,720(元)( ? 7分 AB答:型台灯购进30盏,型台灯购进20盏;这批台灯全部售完后,商场共获利720元( ? 8分 (本题其它解法参照此标准给分) 24(8分) ABCD,,BAD90?ABAD,(1)证明:在正方形中, A D ?,,BAFDAE90?( ? 1分 Rt?ABF,,BAFABF90?在中,( E F ?,,,ABFDAE( ? 2分 B C ?ABF?DAE在与中, G 图一 ,,,ABFDAE,A D ,,,,AFBDEA90? ? 4分 ,F ,ABDA,E G ??ABFDAE(AAS)? 5分 B C (本题其它证明方法参照

17、此标准给分) 图二 (2)( ? 6分 EFAFBF,?ABFDAE(3)(? 7分 ( ? 8分 EFBFAF,25(12分)解: BDOA,(1)过点作于点, ? 1分 BDy CODB则四边形是矩形, B C BDCO,4ODCB,3DA,3,( N 22Rt?ABD在中,( ? 2分 AB,,,345x MNOC?MNBD?当时, M O D A ANAM??AMNADB,( ? 3分 ,ABADANOMt,AMtAD,63,?, tt6,?,? 4分 5315t,即(秒)( ? 5分 4NNEx?CBEF(2)过点作轴于点,交的延长线于点, NEBD?, ENAN?AENADB,?,

18、( y DBABB F C ENt4ENt,即,( ? 6分 455N 4?EFCO,4?,FNt4,( x 5O M D E A ?SSSSS,, ? 7分 ?COMMNACBN梯形OABC1111 SCOOACBCOOMAMENCBFN,,,()? 2222111414,( ,,,,,,,,,,,4(63)4(6)34tttt,222525,216205?tStt,,12即()( ? 8分 5521622822Stt,,12St,,(4)由,得( 555528t,4SS,当时,有最小值,且( ? 9分 ?最小5,英文版 , easily blame, to prevent the brok

19、en window effect. Supervise the leading cadres to play an exemplary role, take the lead in the strict implementation of the and , lead to safeguard the solemnity and authority of the party discipline, ensure that the party discipline and the laws and regulations for implementation in place. Througho

20、ut the discipline in the daily supervision and management , strengthen supervision and inspection, from the thorough investigation of violations of discipline behavior. Strengthen to key areas, key departments and key projects as well as the masses reflect the concentration of the units and departme

21、nts for supervision. - strengthening supervision, discipline inspection and supervision of cadres to set an example for compliance with the and is a man must be hexyl, blacksmith needs its own hardware. Discipline inspection organs as the executor of the party discipline, and supervisor of the defen

22、ders, for its supervision must be more strictly, discipline inspection and supervision of cadres to firmly establish the awareness of Party Constitution, sense of discipline and rules consciousness, politics loyalty, sense obey. Action speak Ji Ordinance to set an example of the regulations of the r

23、ule of law, strengthen supervision and accept the supervision of the firmness and consciousness, do comply with and . To firmly establish the discipline must first be disciplined, the supervisor will be subject to the supervision of concept, and consciously safeguard and implement party compasses pa

24、rty, take the lead in practicing three strict real strict, so loyal, clean, play. To be good at learning, the Constitution and the as morality, politics and brought to fruition; to implement , do not want to, dare not, not with disciplinary ruler to supervision; to discipline a ruler, often the cont

25、rol inspection, and consciously in the ideological red line to draw the row Ming Good accumulation is indeed the bottom line, so that the heart has fear, said to have quit, the line has ended. Attached: indifferent to heart, calmly to the table in our life, there are many unpredictable things will h

26、appen, some good, some bad things, we cannot control is powerless to stop, but with time, you will find in life sometimes turns out to be not good, some bad things finally turned out to be a good thing, but then we muddy however did not know, this is the life teach us things. 1, life can be complex,

27、 can also be simple. Want simple life of precipitation, to have enough time to reflect, to make Become more perfect. Life is the most important thing is not to win, but the struggle; not to have conquered, but to have fought well. 2, the plain is the background of life. Live a plain life, give up on

28、 themselves is not a coward, but the wise answers; not disillusioned after the heart, such as ashes, but experience the storm after the enlightenment; not unrewarding perfunctorily, but calm attitude of life of unrestrained self-confidence. Plain living, there is no noise noisy, no earthly troubles,

29、 more did not fill in the discontent of desire, some just a calm, a calm. 3, memory of heart will not good things to erase the, life is a When no movie, pain is a beginning, the struggle is a kind of process, death is a kind of ending. Give up this giving up is the helpless, do not give up the aband

30、oned, do not give up this giving up is ignorance, do not give up should not give up is persistent. 4, a thing figured is heaven, think impassability is hell. Since the living, to live better. Sometimes we because of too narrow-minded, too care around the chores and penny wise and pound foolish, not

31、worth the candle. Some things to attract trouble and worry, completely depends on how we look at and deal with it. Dont always take everything back to things, and dont get into a blind alley, dont want to face, dont be narrow-minded. Poke to care, is a kind of open-minded, a free and easy. 5, I am n

32、ot afraid of others behind me a knife, I afraid to look back and see stab me, is my intention to treat people; I am not afraid of the truth to tell the best friend, Im afraid he turned to it as a joke to tell dont 6, when we are in a positive frame of mind, you will find many good things; and when w

33、e are in a negative state of mind, you will find many depressed things; life happy and worry, all is you of life attitude, optimistic, good luck; loss of sink, Eritrea company. When you are in adversity, may wish to change a point of view to think everything over to the good Think, because good ment

34、ality decided the fate of the! 7, people are tired, rest; heart tired, calm. Grow up, mature, this society read. Tired and sad, squat down, to their a hug. Because the world no one can sympathize with you, have mercy on you. You cry, tears is your own; you pain, no one can understand. Then you only tears to smile. 8, each people have youth, Each youth are a story, the life of the world never gets easier, I want what, wish the world all know, as has been the same; now want anything, for fear that others know, or like to lose the same. 9, the


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