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1、精选范本Module 6 Unit 1 I went there last year一、教学目标:1.学习谈论过去的事情:I went there last year.2.学习如何描述某地方位:Its in the east/west/south/north.语言技能目标:1.能听懂描述旅游见闻的句子:When did you go to Xinjiang? We went there last year.2.描述某地方位的句子:Its in the east/west/south/north.3.能够借助过去旅游的照片,运用本课句型描述一次旅游活动:Last year, I went to

2、Qingdao and visited my friend.二、教学重难点:1.重点掌握一般过去时态的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句:Did you go with?When did you go to?2.谈论旅游见闻。三、教具准备:多媒体课件、图片、单词卡片四、教学过程: (一) 热身导入: 1、师:Boys and girls! Lets play a game, listen and do the actions.教师发出指令:Sand up please! Point to the west, point to the east, point to the south, point to t

3、he north.(复习表示方位的词,可以采用分组、男女等各种方式让学生复习。)2、师:Look!This is a map of China. Where is Xingjiang? Where is Beijing? Where is Shanghai? Where is Hainan? (引导学生用“Its in the of China.”来说句子。)(二)呈现新知: 1、Please talk about your travel.师:Do you like travelling? Where did you go? What did you do?(学习新词:travel,并板书完整

4、课题,揭示课题。) (三)课文学习:Lingling went to Xinjiang last year. Now lets learn more about Linglings travel.1. Listen and underline the new words.2. Listen and answer .When did Lingling go to Xinjiang? Did Lingling go with her mother and father?学生回答并板书答案。3. Listen and repeat.要求学生听录音并模仿语音语调。4. Read in groups t

5、hen act it out.5. Lets chant.Photos, photos.Lingling has got some photos.China, China.Xingjiang is in the west of China.July, July.She went to Xingjiang in July.Stayed, stayed.They stayed there for a week.(四)巩固练习:1. Lingling some photos.( have got )2. Xinjiang is of China. ( west )3. She there last year. ( go )五、拓展活动。Make a survey .NameQuestionsWhere did you go?Where is it?When did you go there?Did you go with your mother?What did you do?六、板书设计:七、课后反思:.


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