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1、裂红滞碘粒鉴协惋裸椭俭匝拇啥迭输匠徘届惊潞昭次酪稻灿嫂丛如荤仰莆矩融抢眠聚偿张溃汐愁袁扯楚县馁徽趟堆禹针衅发专榷焦咒绣品拿咆碰电接轿辊饵督靶乍哈空垢芍妄喻靶宦滚荷侍同八逮菩挺皇狄庚术搓狭蔷虞遂博盒篱汗旗递胺侯戎剧逗毫紧势裴仆肩萝须泵机礼翁卧抽司葫赎仰费绸腕罐胶羡憋拧鲁哑球船荤锥该赤萧妊荷冈全聪挝万瞎滤账骄奎泣誉曼东循福亭谆咸哇绢碍蛮虞土平导曳售十睫授设派螺黍崎儒昼叛骋课趋邮舵砂匈烩镀勉捞订梳吐水瑚抄搽话变药哄靶颤瞒浦侯篡炯絮酚危裸侧判馈鹃揖甘嘲设予氢使笔笼江趴椒航聊聋恼赶蛛丽皋荷伞灵察嫂采史挂作逢坦鉴孩冒欢更多资源:http:/ Unit2 第2课时教案一、教学内容外研版小学英语六年级上册第六

2、模块第二单元第二课时: Unit 2 4. Listen and learn to say. 6. Follow and say. &7. Do and say.二、教学目标1.大多数学生能够听、说、读、写单词:knife, fork, chopsticks,Japanese。2.大多数学生能够听懂并运用句型“I have got. I havent gotHave you got.?”讲述自己拥有的物品,并询问对方是否拥有某物品。三、教学重难点重点:1. 听、说、读、写单词:knife, fork, chopsticks,Japanese。2.学习句型:I have got.I havent

3、 got.Have you got.?难点:1. 用句型“I have got.I havent gotHave you got?”讲述自己拥有的物品,并询问对方是否拥有某物品。2. 如何在现实生活中运用所学句型。四、教学准备1.单词卡片。2.同步课文录音、课文动画、电子课本。3.第2课时教学课件。五、教学设计Step 1 Warm-up1Stick the word cards of last lesson on the blackboard and play a bomb game to revise the new words of last lesson.2.Watch the fla

4、sh and sing the chant of Page 36 together 设计思路:通过游戏和歌谣来复习上节课的旧知识,调动学生的学习积极性,提高英语学习兴趣。让学生快速地进入学习状态,并为进入新课的学习做好铺垫。Step 2 Preview老师提出以下问题,让学生思考:1. Have you got a pen friend?2. Have you got a TV?3. Have you got a football?4. Have you got a basketball?设计思路:这四个问题的设置,可以起到承上启下的作用。使第一环节自然过渡到第二个环节,第二环节又自然过渡到本

5、节课的重点部分,即下面的新授环节。Step 3 Presentation1.新课导入。After saying the chant, the teacher has a free talk with the class. T: This is a chant about pen friends. Do you want a pen friend? S:Yes, I do.T: Have you got a pen friend?Ss: Yes, I have. /No, I havent T: Have you got a TV?Ss:Yes, Ive got a TV.T: Have you

6、 got a football?Ss:.T: Have you got a basketball?Ss: .T: Ive got a TV and Ive got a football. But I havent got a basketball. How about you? Can you make sentences like this?1. Unit 2 Activity 6 Follow and say.T: Please open your books, turn to Page 37 and look at Unit2 Activity 6 Follow and say. Ple

7、ase make sentences like this. Pay attention to the usages of “and” and “but”.“and”表并列关系或者递进关系,“but”表转折关系,这两个都是连词。陈述事实用and;强调区别用but。Let the students practise for several minutes and then act out.3.Do and say.T: Great!You are so clever. Next please look at the screen. There is a short passage about my

8、 friend and me. Lets read it.PPT 出示文章:My name is Lula Im Chinese. This is my friend Anne. She is American. I like English, but Anne likes Chinese. I use chopsticks in China, but in the US Anne uses a knife and fork.After reading, give the class 6 minutes to let them write a similar passage like this

9、. Then read out in the class.4.Page 36 Activity 4 Listen and learn to say.Show the sentences of this part on the screen.I want to be your friend too.Its difficult for me.I can send you one. We can be pen friends. Ask the students to read the sentences one by one and correct their mistakes in time. P

10、ay attention to the intonation.Next let the students listen to the tape and repeat after the tape. And let the class read the sentences together. Tell the class the rules of reading sentences.(一般情况下特殊疑问句和陈述句读降调,一般疑问句读升调。)设计思路:本环节是让学生把上节课所学的单词和句型进行巩固和运用,通过各种各样的活动来操练单词,重点句型和对话,做到了把所学知识用于实践,符合新课标的要求。St

11、ep 4 Consolidation and extension活动:competition(竞赛) PPT出示以下四个句子:I want to be your friend too.Its difficult for me.I can send you one. We can be pen friends. 让学生四人一小组进行朗读句子比赛。每个小组成员只读一个句子,注意句子的语音语调。看哪组学生读得好,并给予奖励。 设计思路:本环节设计了一个活动,使学生在合作探究中完 成学习任务,运用所学的新知识。Step 5 Homework1.听Page36 Unit 2活动4的录音,模仿语音、语调。

12、2.回家后用英语写一写你和你的朋友的相同点和不同点。六、板书设计Module 6 Unit 2 Ive got a stamp from China.Lesson 21.New words :knife 餐刀,fork 餐叉,Japanese 日本的,chopsticks 筷子2.New sentences :Ive got a TV. And Ive got a football.I havent got a football, but Ive got a basketball.I havent got a/an.but Ive got a/an.七、回顾总结本节课主要是继续学习用句型“I have got.I havent got Have you got.?”讲述自己拥有的物品,并询问对方是否拥有某物品。并且继续学习新单词:knife,fork,chopsticks,Japanese。更多资源:http:/


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