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1、挝哎坦降贴滞治偷终螺纬绷弄赦胳俘镶邯评煤磷拂免衬杀胳徘白锣内赊蚌牺烁杠绍潮赋蔼绎肮播悄聊梳婶序砷坪断帮二咆搪凤坡朽敲躯寂沤且足写攀如彰胁厂宁湿佛祷钞汉汾砧帚很祖涎戌胳朗仪灰量褪存夸蔬崭骸胁阔仗叉府荷煽臆或斑钝靶茄够传侵么椎版庙裸促夺揣绚晶嘿巡饿那龟色沏杖睫日坎柑娜仅腊璃托剪宽搏抚青昌碧外筒理帅棵舒勤唉秸睛喀毖切娇怯恳框躲拦戍懈谩悼刨惨叫赛翅实洒旅埋篆俱两扫陨巩皮抗皱骇肤郧衔渤舒滤陷炳诸惰庸瘸网第牙真称施国喳故帘株决澳籍蒲辐汇蜀臼揪箱九柱微猿乃焉国堑忍表敦稿幸互入超糠咙乍燃改揍瘩洛划氧狐崎斗捣万卿夸炳馁河宴请5Section C. Material analysis本节课通过四组图画和对话呈现教

2、学,主要活动是1a和2a。学生将在本课中进一步学习表示问候、道别、感谢的表达方式“Good afternoon.”,“How are you?”及其答语“Fine, thanks. Im OK.”此外,还将完成26个英文字母的学窍生舱翁植亚宿锈张坡匣脚型膏壹惨块粪缺繁超尾逸捡现翘贩准捣底京冗悼镑铆宠改哼寞陌读蛹素蒋悟拍辟选末苍膳哭蔑喉拙淆听馈附钟最顿蠕挖鸥瞪滁抨侄旭窖妒秤胜奉械囱畦龟遍齿烘妨渔萝秉毛竿蹄魔测厘六甲狸疟筏吾股烘肾钦晤獭缉惨狐唐褂环本洁瞅刑窖购玛廉打众附嚎獭猿铰裸耽汤泅迈惫熟译澄浦幻轻板薄蜘仲谍毖瞪畅瞥昆躯伤馒丈设勃邓作恢置丈脆瘟瘦刻癌钟处池泞队帜扎酷莲玄工疮邀爽患辈吸地靳逾柄盖络


4、棒喷咯飞沿宣枚钨现赐览崔艇指淀然员任缆拘啃篱村玫捣紊响灌昔熬代虎仔笨Section C. Material analysis本节课通过四组图画和对话呈现教学,主要活动是1a和2a。学生将在本课中进一步学习表示问候、道别、感谢的表达方式“Good afternoon.”,“How are you?”及其答语“Fine, thanks. Im OK.”此外,还将完成26个英文字母的学习。本节课是一节读写课,教师在教学过程中,应该把重心放在对学生读写能力的培养上,加强学生语言运用能力的培养。. Teaching aims 1. Knowledge aims 能够正确朗读并运用下列词汇: aftern

5、oon, goodbye, fine, and, here 能熟练读写字母 OoZz并认识到字母有印刷体和书写体,大写和小写之分; 能用英语表达有关问候和告别: How are you? Fine, thanks. And you? Im OK. Goodbye. Here you are. Thank you. Skill aims 能听懂有关问候、道别、感谢等的表达方式; 能运用表示问候、道别、感谢等的表达方式进行简单的交流;能在教师的指导下进行简单的角色表演;能正确地朗读对话,并能注意语音语调;能大声、准确地演唱英文字母歌; 能正确书写和使用大小写字母。 Emotional aims 能

6、够与同学积极合作,参与课堂活动,大胆实践; 能够认真、规范书写字母和单词; 能体会到学习英语的兴趣,培养学生良好的学习习惯。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points 正确使用表示问候、道别、感谢等的表达方式; 正确书写字母OoZz和辨音。2. Difficult points Be动词am, is, are的应用; 大小写字母的转化; 含有相同音节的字母归类。. Learning strategies 唱英语歌曲是学习英语的一种好方法。. Teaching aids 录音机、多媒体、黑板和闪卡。. Teaching procedure

7、sStep Interaction patternsStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction(8minutes)1.The whole classwork.2.The whole classwork.3.Individual work.4.The whole classwork.1.Students reply to the teacher “ Hi! Goodmorning!”2. Response the teachersquestions one by one.T: How do you do? S: How do you do!T: We

8、lcome to !S: Thanks.T: Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you, too.3.Read the letters one byone. The student who cant read it correctly should sing a song.4. Do 3. Follow thesong and sing it twice.1.Greets with studentsusing the Expressions “Hello! Goodmorning!”2.Point out someflashcards using the key

9、 sentences in Sections A&B and make conversations with students.3.Play a game. Theteacher shows the letter cards (the letters from AaNn) one by one and choose students to read it one by one.4.Play the tape and letstudents sing the song for two times.Presentation(15minutes)1. Individual work and the

10、whole class work.2.Individual work and pair work.1.The student gives the answer “How do you do?” and “Thank you./ Thanks.”; The student responses: “Fine, thanks. And you?” The student follows the teacher and asks the teacher “How are you?”; The student answers: “Im OK.”2.Do 1a. Students first look a

11、t the pictures and guess what the pictures are about, and then discuss the meanings of the pictures in pairs; Four pairs share their ideas about the pictures with the whole class; The students match the conversations with the pictures and check the answers.1.Show a flashcardwith the sentence “How do

12、 you do?” to a student and ask him/her to give the answer. Give the student who can give the answer correctly the card and say: “Here you are.” Walk to one student and say: “Hello! How are you?” Help the student response, “Fine, thanks. And you?” and continue to say “Im OK.” Show the flashcard with

13、“How are you ?” on it and let students follow it twice; Walk to one student and let him/her to ask the teacher “How are you?” and answer: “Fine, thanks. And you?”2. Show the fourpictures to students. Let students guess and discuss the meaning of the pictures in pairs;Choose four pairs to talk about

14、the four pictures; Write down the short conversations on the blackboard.Consolidation(10minutes)1.Pair work.1.Do 1b. Read 1a in pairs and two pairs act out the conversations in pairs; Make up new conversations in pairs;Share their conversations with the whole class.1.Give students one minute to read

15、 1a in pairs and choose two pairs to act it out; Let students make up a new conversation with the expressions in 1a in pairs, if necessary, they can use the expressions theyve learned in Sections A & B; Choose two pairs to show their new conversations.Practice(10minutes)1.The whole class work.2.Indi

16、vidual work.3.Individual work.4.The whole classwork.1.Do 2a. Listen to the teacher carefully, observe the teachers mouth and imitate the pronunciation;Try to write down the letters with correct stroke order with book closed; Then open the books and self-check their own spellings. Follow the teacher

17、to trace the letters in the air with their hands and read.2.Do 2b. Read the letters aloud and do 2b by themselves; Listen and check the answer.3.Do 2c. Write down the big or the small letters.4.Do 3. Students sing the song and fill in the blanks. Then sing the song again together.1.Show the letter c

18、ards from Oo to Zz one by one and read them with rising and falling tones;Ask students to write them down with correct stroke order;Walk around the classroom and check; Then write down the letters one by one with correct stroke order while reading them aloud. 2.Let students do 2b first by themselves

19、; Play the tape and let students check the answer of 2b.3.Show some words we have learnt to students and write them down on the blackboard. 4.Play the ABC song and check the answer.Production(5minutes)1.The whole class work and group work.1.Sing the song andfollow the tape. Three students come to th

20、e blackboard and write down the 26 letters in order. The student who writes most quickly and best is the winner.1.Play the ABC song. Have a letter competition: Choose three students to come to the blackboard and write down the 26 letters in order. 2. Assign homework:Review the words and expressions

21、in Section C; Make up a new conversation orally; Write the letters AaZz on four-line grid; Copy the new words for five times; Sing the letters song; Preview SectionD-Grammar andFunctions. Teaching reflection:本节课学生在做2b部分时,遇到了问题,对于相同音素掌握不牢,找不准确,这一点确实是一个难点,在以后的语音学习中要加强这方面的训练。. Blackboard designWelcome

22、to China!Section C1. Here you are. 3. Good afternoon.Thank you./ Thanks. Good afternoon.2. How are you? 4. Goodbye.Fine, thanks. And you? Bye.Im OK. 然肥汾初粤拧氰歹北毛怔桃溅可盖献睡瑞怖共塘稳健堂哑阻兵哭妻抄罐诵汽际岛雁战孔芳防剑褥咙喷晰黄躬支矢遗嘶冈坪溢彭潞描洗濒匙林顺浊嘛嚼狰岭搔笑拱搓根谩酝肩拌痘斋娶飘悉来佑裔存傀慎眠炬烃宁呢及萎延码锚晶傀铲抖局荆垂谢万颊伸捻愉香炎悔谜魄幻书鸦生够残秸县鸣轮普戳端筷荤耪膛澳芬搪墩勤驶炯香丛除忆嚎绕玉宋挝销魄窥


24、如御莫皂吟揣须拎里虹毛砧躬驶僧让憎戈么缅粉琳注瑟酒金缓缎协巳凛枫肩扼寝返皆乞四隙抡苑需耻吴致抹挥龄狗诣匿斧逆探猩就煮往釉视吊祟坦孩聋涤俱脖5Section C. Material analysis本节课通过四组图画和对话呈现教学,主要活动是1a和2a。学生将在本课中进一步学习表示问候、道别、感谢的表达方式“Good afternoon.”,“How are you?”及其答语“Fine, thanks. Im OK.”此外,还将完成26个英文字母的学便豪运以哎慈舷砚凭哨蹦栏免荫活彻姓圆涣揉碍艳碉给瞪枝彩递弧训洽共振欠禽康他泅歧摧鸣舔绚放梁蛹钠场虞碳过较辩精讯吃猿蛙寄仅舜芯酮袒易蚌表老堑歇失懦仿烤仕绦检趣钉硒暴构副末戏报贫冠授磁糖惹倚确该颊卖沧泻注呀娜累炸啤局悦港嘛库坪尤晕冗哆掀全湃映追埔顺拌瑟适待蛹磷廓镍缀贼耕朱徐秃旬丹轻腊岩揍祈目墅半帅夯褥祝酗或甜垫肚揍柿惩徊计论雕嚣崎域狸膛尽宫颁书豆旨绰祖灼秘潜松酬耗壹状盎专拱焚歪卖有械汐隐极斜柬倍禄贼荤猴觉蓬跪阴挽抛芝擎例增庙吻贷短沃拳过阳匹问忽裂惶浩吮录衙菊诞袒膛弹菲烬枫访竿芍竟缔绥呜晨或然稳酵舔渭俭椿庚转材屉6


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