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1、8A Unit 6知识点解析与练习1. birdwatching n.观鸟watch the birds 动词短语 观鸟去观鸟 go birdwatching = go to watch the birds2. market C市场 在市场 at/in the market去市场上观鸟 go to the market to watch the birds = go birdwatching at the market3. society 社会U才办会C There are many (协会)in my school.加入观鸟协会 join the Birdwatching Society s

2、ocial 社会的 adj.4. wetland 湿地C在湿地 the wetlands5. feather 羽毛C fur 皮毛U the bird with brown and grey(羽毛)6. 天鹅 麻雀 鹤 鹰 丹顶鹤一只鹰7. wing 翅膀C one of its broad brown (翅膀)8. 你最喜欢什么鸟? What s your favourite bird? = What bird do you like best?9. 鹤长什么样? What do cranes look like? = How do cranes look? = What are crane

3、s like?11. rare 稀有的;perfect 完美的;favourite最爱 的;top顶尖的; excellent极好的以上形10. types of cranes 鹤的彳巾类 How many types of cranes are there in the world?(稀有的)birds in the world, natural 自然的,天然的 adj. reserve 保护区 n. C many nature reserves 自然界 :the world容词无最高级和比较级Red-crowned cranes is one of the12. nature 自然 n.a

4、 nature reserve13. north 北 south 南 east 东 west 西 东南 south-east 西北 north-west在中国东北 in North-east China = in the north-east of China 在中国东部 in East China=in the east of China in在范围内部to在范围外部Japan is the west of China and Taiwan is14. one of +限定词+形容词最高级+复数the south-east of China,one of the world s most i

5、mportant wetlands = 15. 为某人提供某物 provide sth. for sb. = provide sb. with sth. offer sth to sb. = offer sb. sth.provide a lot of wildlife with food and cover = provide 16. cover n.庇护所U;封面C food and cover食物和庇护所v.覆盖;包括 cover an area of 100 square meters 占地面积 100 平方米17. 的地方:a place for sth; a place to do

6、sth;的家园:be home to 问题的答案:the answer to the question; the key to the question; 一些珍稀鸟类的完美之地a perfect place一个观鸟的完美之地丹顶鹤的第二大家园 18. all year round 常年=19. stayred-crowned cranes(去那里做短暂停留)_(去那里做短暂n.停留,逗留 go therev.停留,暂住 stay there 20. while n. 一会儿,一段时间 run only for a short while conj.然而 I like English whil

7、e my brother likes Maths.21. act V.动作,行动 actor男演员(n.) actress女演员(n.) action行动actiVe 活跃的 (adj.) inactive 不活跃的 (adj.) actMty 活动 (n.)更活 跃的还剩下(固定句式)22. 在白天 the daytime在夜晚 at night23. leave v 离开;乘ij下 过去式 There be-left / Sb. have(leave)._(leave) in the world.Hurry up! The trainThere are not many cranes 24

8、. per cent = precent 百分之五十1) . per cent of 后加名词 时,名词前要加 限定词 40 percent of them; 50 percent of the water2) . per cent of后加可数名词复数作主语时,谓语动词用复数 后加不可数名词或单数名词时,谓语动词用单数In this village, 90 percent of the water (be) polluted(被5亏染)but only 1 percent ofthe childre n(be) ill last year.3)对百分比提问要用what40 percent o

9、f the cranes live in Zhal ong. What percent of the cranes live in Zhal ong?25. space U have/make space for 为腾出空间为农场和建筑物腾出更多空间越来越少的空间过去式It led to领导者,首领(fail) in the game.However, 但是=but As a result,结果 =so ,they asked the p olice for help. , they still could n26. lead v.领导,带领lead to (doing) &匕夕卜=What,

10、s more, 导致做窠事.否则0.or;27. Moreover, t give up Ho rag for the girL_Otherwise, gjVe up look ing for the girl. They didn 4 findThey did n 28. kee p (on) doing sth. = not stop doing sth.He didn t stop practicing English. = He English.Keep sb. doing sth.让某人直做某事Sorry for keeping you(wait).29. prevent sb. (

11、from) doing sth. = stop sb. (from) doing sth. = keep sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事一他不让我等你。He kee ps me from wait ing for you. = He prevents me wait ing for you.30. study n.学习、研究U for further study;书房C two studies v.学习,研究 study differe nt types of cranes31. record their types and changes in their number

12、s 记录他们的类型和数量上的变化1) . record v.记录 n.记录 break a record 打破纪录2) . change vi.变化 The weather changes.天气变了。vt.改变 It changed me.它改变了我。 n. C cha nges in the nu mbers.3) . in 在某方面in area / in size / in height / in weight32. tour n.旅行tourist 旅行者Cthe descri pti on(s) of n.n.重要性33. count and describe the birds 数

13、鸟并才苗述鸟 describe vt. f 苗述 n.C descri ption34. understand vt.理解,明白 过去式35. im porta nt adj.重要的 不重要的_be imo orta nt = be of imo orta nee重要白勺This message is of great importance. = This message is对重要=野生动物保护区的重要性36. 世界上的其他地方 parts of the world37. To-infinitives (动词不定式小结)1 .构成:不定式的基本形式:to +动词原形,有时可以省略to。这里的

14、to是不定式符号,本 身无词义。动词不定式的否定形式是“ not (+to)+动词原形”。2 .用法:1) .作主语:不定式作主语时,常用it作形式主语,而将真正的主语放在句末,其结构为It + be + adj.什 for sb.) + 动词不定式。It 1 s important for us (protect) cranes.2) .作表语:当主语是dream/work/duty/job/purpose等词时,常用to do作表语。My dream is(be) a social worker.My work is(record) the cha nges in their nu mbe

15、rs.3) .作宾语:(D一些谓语动词后只能用不定式作宾语,常见的这类词表示命令、打算或希望,如:wouldlike, want, wish, hope, decide, plan 等。I hope(be) a member of the Birdwatch ing Society.在find, think后跟不定式作宾语时,常用 it作形式宾语,而将真正的宾语放在后面。I find it meanin gful(build) more reserves.4),作宾语补足语:不定式作宾语补足语时与宾语有逻辑上的主动关系。Lucy asked him not to catch the bird

16、for money.(对划线部分提问) Lucy ask him for mon ey?tell、ask、want、would like、invite、order(命令 卜 wish、allow(允许 卜 encourage(鼓励)、 advise warn(警告)等后常跟动词不定式作宾语补足语。注意:还有一些使役动词和感官动词也用不定式作宾补,此时不定式要省略to。这些动词有:一感(feel) 二听(hear, listen to)、三让(let, make, have)、四看(look at, see, watch, notice)。Mr. Wu makes me(describe) mo

17、re clearly about the swan 4 s feathers.5) .不定式作定语:.动词不定式作定语时,应放在名词之后,与名词有逻辑上的被动关系。Would you like someth ing(drin k)?.如果是不及物动词,且与所修饰的词之间有被动关系,要在不定式后加上适当的介词。没有什么可担心的。There is nothing .这是一个可居住的完美房屋。It 1 s a perfect house .6) ,不定式常和疑问词what, which, when, where, how连用作宾语,相当于一个宾语从句。Miss Zhang told me what

18、to do. (what to do = what I should do)He didn t know wheigo. (where to go= where he should go)注意:不定式和含有介词t。的固定搭配的区别:在含有介词的短语中,有的介词是匕,此时to后面需要接名词、代词或动词的ing形式,注意与to do不定式区分。look forward to期盼,盼望做某事;lead to导致Sometimes, look ing forward to winning too much leads to faili ng in stead.有时太期望赢反而会导致失败。38. to

19、d。表目的时,等于in order to do,均可放于句末,也可放于句首(首字母大写谑号隔开)否定为 in order not to do.In order (not be) late, he gets up much earlier tha n usual.39. take photos of birds 寸白鸟的照片;draw pictures of birds 画鸟的图画 include birds in the poems 将鸟写入诗中;at bird shows 在鸟展上40. have to do sth.不得不做某事(有时态和单复数变化)41. 一双舒适的鞋 一副望远镜42.

20、走很长的路walk a long way43. fly (to the) south for the win ter = fly (to the) south to spend the win ter 飞往南方过冬fly -过去式44. facts about于现状45. 占地面积 cover an area of =have an area of 面积irFOuea/in size平方千米 square kilometres46. the health of peopie all over the world 全世界人们的健康47. take 1).携带take sth. with sb.某

21、人随身携带某物(主语是人)What else should we take with us?我们还要随身携带什么东西?2) .花费 it takes sb. some time to do sth.(主语必须是 it 或 sth.)It takes hours to watch the birds.观鸟通常要花费数小时。Flying to the souththe birds over three hours every year. (spen d/cost/take/pay)类比 make 1).使役动词 make sb. do sth.; make sb. adj. 2).制作 make

22、a pumpkin lantern 3) .发出make sounds发出声音 发出美妙的声音 发出不同的鸟叫声不同的鸟叫声听论来很美妙。The cold weather makes the birds(fly) south.He(make) a paper rose(make) his mother happy the other day. 类比 get 1).系动词 变得 get hungry/tired/thirsty thirsty thirstier 2).实义动词,得到 After getting a new present, he get much happier.得至 U一份新

23、礼物后、他变得更高兴了。 48.clear adj.清晰的比较级;adv.清晰地easy adj.简单的比较级 adv.比较级early;adv.JWW 需 v.比较级adj. & adv.比较级 英语学得越早,记单词就会越简单。 you lear n En glish, you can remember the words.49. else adj.别的,其他的(可置于不定代词或wh-疑问词后)An ythi ng else?还有别的什么吗? what else/who else50. Take a notebook with you to write dow n what you see.

24、随身带个笔记本以便记下你看到的 东西。1 ).to do表目的;2). write it/ them down代词置中2). what you see作write down的宾语从句,所以用陈述句语序PI ease write dow n what she said. = PI ease write dow n .51. -er;-or; ist后缀(在一些词后面加上er; or; ist构成关于人的名词)sp eakplayofficeact/dancereportman agepianosingworkdrivescie neefarmleadwinartpai ntwritevisitt

25、our52. be part of 的一部分(无复数,无冠词)53. application C申请 form C表格一份申请一份表格 一份 申请表 54. date of birth 出生日期55. address C地址一个地址 地址复数56. interest C兴趣adj.有趣的 对感兴趣短语:对感兴趣be interested in (doing) sth.兴趣和爱好I find Miss Zha ng very.I find Miss Zhang very in eat ing sweets.57. free time 空余时间 when sb. be free =58. intr

26、oduce vt.介绍C介绍把a介绍给b 59. learn about 了解 learn more about 对了解更多diff ere nt ki nds of 不同种类的 all kin ds of 各种各样的 动植物 p la nts and ani mals60. be a member of = be in = join61. 参加保护野生动物的活动62. do someth ing to p rotect them=to p rotect them=to P rotect them63. from匕从到何加时间或地点)64. call sb. on +电话号码 给某人打电话email sb. at +邮箱地址给某人发邮件


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