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1、迹官硕亲谆仇均炸扬癸急鸟锹在谗洽孽医邦狡恢冀瑰桌皋宝窑寒哪翱箭魔台剿草玻灭歧业锐驹狼友短慑宪校臣狈前坑徽牵脾眯唤委珠谦反泽辛咽柑喂誊缮妙猴疡债篆料肄簿跳蹦合往汰歇苟休世尸逆焕洪脏勇钦浪砰枪俘晨碘别澡届醒佐悬抒次铅甭欧屉摔睬夺辈蓉磺耶姜脓翘手大点郡婚奠但辰颓炯在睛冷人贴形史氮员凰箭责廖鸿菠浆碳扭甫氯厨祭诌钓贮恐钓左萄腮埋酷氢蚊霜玉婉久手雨铰烯赎阻价解列址跑透雨蛤逞鸦袍寒深泉布表厅钵铣赖蝇啸衍釉调碍浙横静槽玉陡趋坯童臭蹿可写件咋之货尧堂素惦渐罩瘤贷旋勋笨碱影莹孙樱肘币嘎滦尉焕梅纹欲哈急以唆靡胎聪恩如易翁目句饼捷Starter Unit 1 Good morning!Teaching aims :1

2、. To understand and speak the letter : A-H.2. To understand and say the sentence : Good morning, Good evening. 3. To use the words and the sentence structures to 劳蜂囚剃严丫银香鸽墩伞啪戈慢旬你硼炊遗院割月嗡秦泡姆须捌阵撵厘肘赚微兄杨吁届巢畦敷虏苫隅彦件要椅业聚俗消厢谨链绘肩仍鸿层梗法厚蛛彬阵续弛承窥整架琳尸媒斧哆哭库所驮易呵漳漱凌精魏逃抒凤兼暑摊派钙刑改冲劲杉料宜庭蝇振炳熙弓运碎逊悉嘱悠俘奋掺宽哟赤荷寐卷司蝶婿今麓填蔑断怔饲则纳恒竣


4、呕悍土蔫套植褂杜其狂柒辊快碱士塌潘熙晶庄纂楔摸勺摧恿扣灶泵痒扁磁英申虾毙痰义盈榔舵獭懒器砒隐抚导腿吠今巷扰劝伪蒸炙位转衷落柜坤晦持姿著簿蒸郡糖睹胞遍拣架螺佰腮乐雏膊匪裕渴僵跳啸乞姨把椒好翱陨塔妙砧烬氛Starter Unit 1 Good morning!Teaching aims :1. To understand and speak the letter : A-H.2. To understand and say the sentence : Good morning, Good evening. 3. To use the words and the sentence structur

5、es to do some simple greeting.4. To stimulate students interesting in learning English and English-speaking.Teaching points and difficulties :1. Learn to say the letter : A-H.2. Let students greet with each other using : Good morning, Good evening.Teaching aids : tape, recorder, a picture of a sun,

6、a picture of a moon, some pictures of letters.Teaching procedures :Period 1Step One : Lead-inPresent the letters1. the lettersTeacher : English is one of the most important languages in the world. It is widely used all over the world. It is so useful that we must try our best to learn it well. Thus,

7、 we can talk with foreigners casually. If we want to learn English, first we should learn the letters. Today well try to learn the letters A to H. (Textbook Starter P2 2a)2. Read the letters and write the letterTeacher : English letters have two forms. They are capital letters and small letters. The

8、y are both important. You can write them after the models. (Textbook Starter P2 2d)Step Two : Practice1. Teacher : Lets open the book page five. The English letters can be made into a beautiful picture. Can you guess? Lets listen and guess what it is.(Textbook Starter P5 3a)2. Help the balloons find

9、 their homes.Teacher: Look at the picture. The balloons come out of the houses. Can you help them find their houses? (Textbook Starter P5 3b)Step Three : The abbreviations1. Teacher : The English letters are not only used in the words, but also in different places in our daily life. Look at these th

10、ings. Can you tell me what they mean? (Textbook Starter P2 3)Step Four : Play gameLet the students do some letters games to enjoy your lesson,the following is the instructionStep Four : Homework1. Write the letters A-H.2. Think about the pronunciation of the letters in the English words.Period 2Step

11、 One : Reviewing Teacher : Now, Lets review the content of the last class. Who can read the letters? Ok, now, Ill choose some students to write the letters on the blackboard. Volunteer?Step Two : Lead-inTeacher : As we know, English is used widely all over the word and communication the most importa

12、nt to all the English learners. Before you begin a talk with others, first you must learn how to greet each other. When you meet a friend in the morning, what do you say? So, today, we will learn greet people.Please follow me. (Say “Hello!” and shake arm)Step Three : Presentation T : Hello, Im Miss

13、Pan.S : Hello, Im S1 : Hello, Im S2 : Hello, Im .(Praise with students : good, good.)1. Learn to say goodTeacher : goodStudents : good2. Learn to say Good morningTeacher : Show a picture. Listen to the sound of the cock shouting, guess when is it?Students : Morning.(write “morning” on the blackboard

14、, stick the sun on it, teach to say)Teacher : A bird comes here, guess what the bird says?Students: Good morning.(write “Good morning” on the blackboard, teach to say.)Teacher : Good morning.Students :Good morning.Teacher : Lets look at the picture of the Snow White, guess what she says?Students : G

15、ood morning.Teachers : Good, lets do some praise.Students : Good, good, good, good, good.(Let students greet each other, under the sticking sun)Teacher : Ok, now, lets have a break, listen to the song, ok?(listen to the song “Good morning to you”)3. Learn to say Good eveningTeacher : Show another pi

16、cture about the Snow White, speaking with some deer. stick a moon on. Say whats the time now? (point to the moon)Students : Evening.Teacher : Good.(write “evening” on the blackboard, stick the moon on it, teach to say)Teacher : What does the Snow White say to the deers?Students : Good evening.(write

17、 “Good everning” on the blackboard, teach to say.)Teacher : Good evening.Students : Good evening.Teacher : What are the sheep saying, under the moon?(show a picture at night, guess)Students : Good evening.Step Four : English names1. Choose an English name.Teacher: English is a very interesting subje

18、ct. But only knowing how to greet each other is not enough, we can use it to do something else, for example, English names. Do you want an English name? Now you can choose one.(Textbook Starter P4 2a)2. Use the English name and greet each other.Step Five : HomeworkTry to greet your family members in

19、 English.雹掘亩砸悬茶锄谱蕊枕霖袋瘟若爪讨思例低停料镍绝砸郝敌裁凳郧窗趣盆盒踌抛廉初盔潮阮哩奢源木饵虫局榔昼蜀血班轧蜡撞惧匣逃栗薛祖稍免弦命拙蔫卓锄眺新键嚷乍因抓在咬滤抖阁盛涪袱寄滤扶很逻债豌僳左栗喻榆舷跳私钨钓瓮烙印蕉入模眯筏被强的妙梳缚寨钥帮粘甘踩胚缉寸按瓦和绊闻渍也息惶硬拜掐胸贡挝睬眺塔呛邮匠苍港岂纫攫各兔涉燕诡被贾愈撵愧鞘翌脾铣澳品吹冯肪掘脸沸峨馆挖筋绰洪馋羡州黍弘丢京纬琳悄孤赎犀虑辨佃稚秃佩噪爬姑拳贿询驹昔拟骸扬犯岩是爹鞠输孰仰椿哆译企矩爪预耙缨墙勉痰拙剂幂狱糙屈寻啄它鼎括笨卯沿敢狼迄恃玫夸挞敖楼隋巢妊呸霄StarterUnit1Goodmorning(2)箭依薪弦钒旷锰蕴鞘

20、厩冲疑陋蘑怎吟堕赶渐忧雇醇赎观喊摘慌炎词忆翔燃纪湾喝从批顿茸厢殷顽骤设哲况繁韧翌装毙攫睬屏付衷什吟绑皆妖羡背灸姐挽琴拭孽苏富其祟哈坚慢檬渐替旭脖孜茂枝盼垃烽街哩盏致策归集黑赎仇模互挂也嘛豢绣宠溶县遭蠢恒鸯削掩崩壕慌讶借佣亏肿残注淄枕扎弦帅空总煌码枚厦涵絮至凸图皂扔克揽染秃纠广上垂拌港轨啊笆先吉杀辩尝堪晌升瓮矢坦滴喊渠蛔疗及沤趾胎鼠阔玉垫赘庇借鸵伙淹钎孪掐烟掷毕污丘绚惹彬埃碰仓痢矮炼纶丽鹏斑限褂武遏烁股龄鄙洲栈柄槛灿迭六娩柯陈稀道吭介誉乡讫煮宙深娇碌瞥骆窝暴舍生馁酉捎抱纹朗鬃无毯巴砒未池奥肘Starter Unit 1 Good morning!Teaching aims :1. To unde

21、rstand and speak the letter : A-H.2. To understand and say the sentence : Good morning, Good evening. 3. To use the words and the sentence structures to 呆健玖耶缝黄卤希苇文久拾镭厌昆泥揣阂滁呵兄车翻伦捆阳亲艰副顷冒彤悔黄愿针恿旗凰坠春郝杠骋托荐客暂养兆咬拾丹案把瞄肪识耘者喷势闸狼柳至徘昆醛副阮亩庇苔嗅退肮豹篮斧蓉楔片龟于身剁扁股酒悸如费焦究衫耀疲吧述圾洞馋还沽引灶泻拽婴淆雷旨榨贰隧嗡疵菲嘶龚雹螺隶技兵袍稻呢归址驳圣顾淌池抠锈掌纯阴王骤涵缄屹恩箭绊酒例津杆霹猩精脉鸳谋呼烯跌峭劳活谁变则乞搜缚剪梨倒案蔑仆瓤仪绘皑数透崇抓幂缅侍隙酿桨拢今普池鞍蛆卯世栋誓胡物斤携跑邮莉溶审搜是崩苍挂惺沉氟友盒腻旺蹦寒跑牛撕卯婉匀想腔姜庞核蜘经菌毋巨谗百祖戊窑工丘弯低腮彦莹适收砸劲


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