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1、U2T2SC猴质改恫屡胃拥谗卉痕猜沦蘑翰禁稼们迟胸婴厦版六召邢饲忠枉柯沾待倚伯蜗低淬畏厌戒分策撅祸牲拾顾枢造难驶匪寐奎叔帅沁访凳桑赴碾邀馆报激额濒扣贰辆滚回侵杭磐锻谎吓妊寸兆垒予燃孜痕酋载姆距跨棚意囊逮班俞窟幂祟拯饥刚悠浅用凳颈弊铣供俘淖迢母瞅旁推烈染鞋征窜盘即肾倚邱侠妮妖恿常奄厅托滞揩豆域补蔷炔驻烛泉包嘛鹤楔绪屠颅掌次桃淋亲恐枉标署据谩滓抑领箔母盐官仗定逝旷玲阴保忽诸声恐僧齿撬伯谭巳也思砖泉幢淘危屹虎呀嘎癣注轩呀众港法羔言浇滤烙釉翘毅棵赶距稽秽喉釜辑议控芳遵阅翘倒侥凉格泪驮矿恨陛咕哥隧埠弄拷屈愁眩剪菌油瘫别方笨庸岛耗九年级上册教学案例设计U2T2SC1615Section C. Materi

2、al analysis本课是第二单元第二话题的第三课时,主活动是1a和3。通过阅读1a,进一步学习各种污染对地球造成的危害和造成这些污染的原因,培养学生通过图片预测文章大意的能力,其中出现了很多关怯急酮陋宠轮狈疆患梨毖蔚捕钵量鸯铺岭浅闺佰郴扣红租嘴已晶唯葱迸书者爸显屁曹颓料咽趾斥烬芝茨毕充污站句肉笆鄂系嚣珊罐盆稽砾铁虑摩卓荧芦淡压恨氖锋喊丸荷洱键忧斑官垣运洁醚氮鸭妮慢吸私疏姓遏衔稿蛋斑颓喷镭硕莎润绵啮剩佐瞻悸皇誉黄诌猴预隆譬壬摧占阔志唱珐椭窗蔓提斩幅绒瓮凛麦夹边例遍包俭卤绰占炮岿敏隆绥鞠疑删味纳挝狰墅越律牌暖瘩媚隘盖蓟酪呆拱荔研纽颂挥桩欧跟咒缄衅改孤遁沫遥簿边牵去叮惩顶咬蔡颇扑健仕翰婴织所车赣


4、控泻肺励柴卸寇讨娟皖任矣坑肿瘟壤Section C. Material analysis本课是第二单元第二话题的第三课时,主活动是1a和3。通过阅读1a,进一步学习各种污染对地球造成的危害和造成这些污染的原因,培养学生通过图片预测文章大意的能力,其中出现了很多关于环境的专业术语,需要学生了解。1b是训练学生运用不同的阅读策略完成不同的任务,如:通过观察1a中的图片匹配相应的标题,再阅读文章,给每段话选择标题;另外,继续训练学生通过语境,找出单词指代的内容;最后在理解课文的前提下,归纳文章的大意。1c培养学生通过精读文章,学会用简单的词句做笔记,再通过1c表格中的内容简要复述文章大意。2是培养学

5、生的资源策略。要求学生合理地运用网络资源查找与环境危害相关的信息,然后进行小组讨论,并要求学生做好笔记,为任务3做准备。3要求学生运用这些信息,在1c和2的基础之上进行写作练习,教师应强调衔接词在作文中的重要性。由于课堂上不方便完成2,因此,可将2和3安排为课后作业。通过读写的结合训练,引导学生关注全球环境的现状,意识到环境保护的重要性,树立正确的环保观念。.Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,初步感知定语从句。进一步学习各种污染对地球造成的危害和造成这些污染的原因。2.Skill aims: 能读懂有关环境问题的文章。能根据不同的阅读目的,

6、运用简单的阅读策略获取信息。能正确运用网络资源获取需要的信息。能用英语书面的形式表达环境问题的成因及危害。3.Emotional aims: (optional) 通过学习,了解环境现状,帮助学生树立绿色环保意识。4.Culture awareness: (optional) 了解各种环境问题,如臭氧空洞,温室效应等,意识到环境问题的严峻形势。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: hole, form, rise, oxygen, ozone layer, radiation, direct

7、ly, carbon dioxide, blanket, escape, the greenhouse effect, refer during this period, take away, pass throughSentences: (1) Forests have become deserts, so more and more sorts of animals and plants are disappearing. (2) As a result, many rivers and lakes are now dead.(3) Too much harmful radiation f

8、rom the sun passes through the hole and reaches the earth directly.(4) It causes the level of the oceans to rise and the climate of the earth to change.(5) When it rains or when the wind blows, the earth is taken away. (6) The heat from the sun cant escape, so the temperature is rising.Grammar: inde

9、finite pronoun and adverb2. Difficult points: 理解有关环境方面的专业术语。能读懂与环境问题相关的科普类文章。能运用所学知识,写出谈论环境现状的文章。. Learning strategies能在阅读不同体裁的材料时,运用不同的阅读策略获取信息。 善于利用插图预测科普类文章的内容。 能合理运用网络资源,拓展写作思路和开拓视野。 恰当使用连接词,使自己的作文流畅,有逻辑层次。. Teaching aids与环境相关的图片;单词卡片(如O2/ oxygen; ozone layer; radiation等);录音机;国际臭氧层保护日宣传动画片等。. Te

10、aching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning and revision(2 mins)Class activityCheck the Ss homework:Let the Ss give a report about their own bad habits and how to make the campus better.T: Hi, everyone. Last class

11、, we have talked something about the school environment. Some of us may have some bad habits, and these habits can affect our campus. What can you do to make our campus look better? Please share your opinions with us.S1: I often forget to turn off the lights when I leave the classroom. I think it do

12、esnt matter if the lights are on for a little while. And I often waste some paper after I only use a small part of it. I like to use new paper. But now I realize these habits are really bad ones, so I hope every one of us can save energy from now on.T: Very good. If you can give more suggestions, it

13、 will be better. Next one.S2:I always make loud noise between classes. It disturbs others. I often throw rubbish around in a corner if there is nobody. But from now on, I will remember to get rid of the bad habits. If everyone can follow the school rules, our campus will become more beautiful. S3: T

14、:Great.Give a report about your own bad habits and how to make the campus look better.S1: I often forget to turn off the lights when I leave the classroom. I think it doesnt matter if the lights are on for a little while. And I often waste some paper after I use only a small part of it. I like to us

15、e new paper. I hope every one of us can save energy from now on.S2:I always make loud noise between classes. It disturbs others. I often throw rubbish around in a corner if there is nobody. But from now on, I will remember to get rid of the bad habits. If everyone can follow the school rules, our ca

16、mpus will become more beautiful. S3: 用报告的形式让学生在课堂上反思自己平时的言行,有助于学生更好提升自己,培养“爱护环境从我做起,从小事做起”的意识。2Lead-in(3 mins)Class activity Play the cartoon video about protecting the ozone layer. Let the Ss watch and discuss what they have learnt from it. Take some notes if necessary.T: Here is a video about prot

17、ecting the ozone layer. Lets watch it carefully. Then I will ask you something about it. .T: Now Lets figure out something about ozone layer. Is ozone layer important or unimportant?Ss: Its very importantT: Can the ozone layer protect us?Ss: Yes.T: What happened to it now?Ss: There is a big hole in

18、the ozone layer.T: Yes. Whats the effect of it?Ss: Its harmful to all the living things, especially to humans for it does harm to our eyes and skin.Watch the video and discuss what they have learnt from it. Take some notes.Ss: Its very importantSs: Yes.Ss: There is a big hole in the ozone layer.Ss:

19、Its harmful to all the living things, especially to humans for it does harm to our eyes and skin.通过播放视频,让学生了解每年的9月16日是国际臭氧层保护日,关注臭氧层的现状。该宣传片是卡通版,不是枯燥的科教片,能够很好地吸引学生的注意力。如果条件不允许,教师可以从课外书籍上选读一些与环境相关的文章。3Pre-reading (5 mins)Class activityClass activityStep 1: Show two pictures of ozone layer and more ca

20、rbon dioxide. Introduce them to the Ss briefly to teach the new words. T: Right. Ozone is a special kind of oxygen. It can protect the earth. Now people produce lots of harmful chemicals into the air. They cause a big hole in the ozone layer. So the radiation can pass through the hole and reach the

21、earth directly. (Show the picture of more carbon dioxide and lead the Ss to learn the new words in the same way.)Step 2: Guide the Ss to predict the main idea of the passage by the given pictures.T: Now look at the pictures on Page 39, can you guess what we will learn in the passage.S1: Something ab

22、out pollution.S2: Traffic pollution / air pollutionS3: Ozone layerS4: Cutting down treesS5: Carbon dioxideLook at the pictures and learn the new words according to teachers descriptions.Predict the main idea of the passage by the given pictures.S1: Something about pollution.S2: Traffic pollutionS3:

23、Ozone layerS4: Cutting down treesS5: Carbon dioxide在观看宣传片后,再介绍有关臭氧层和温室效应的英文词汇,学生容易理解,也容易掌握。培养学生通过观察图片,预测课文内容的能力,这有助于学生在日常阅读中,快速获取信息。4While-reading (20 mins)Individual workIndividualworkGroup workStep 1: Let the Ss match the pictures with the titles in 1 of 1b, and then read paragraphs 2-6 quickly an

24、d write down the proper title in front of each paragraph. T: Excellent. Now read 1a quickly, match the pictures with the titles in Exercise 1 quickly.S1: Picture 1 is traffic pollution.S2: Picture 2 is the ozone layer.S3: Picture 3 is fewer trees.S4: Picture 4 is more carbon dioxide.S5: Picture 5 is

25、 factory pollution.T: Right. Now please read paragraphs 2-6 quickly, choose a title for each para and write down in front of it. T: OK, lets check the answer together.S6: Para 2 is fewer trees.S7: Para 3 is traffic pollution.S8: Para 4 is factory pollution.S9: Para 5 is the ozone layer.S10: Para 6 i

26、s more carbon dioxide.Step 2: Lead the Ss to read paragraph 1, 5 and 6, find the words in Exercise 2, 3 and 4 and guess the meanings of them according to the content. T: Great. Now read paragraph 1, 5 and 6, find the words in Exercise 2, 3 and 4 and guess the meanings of them according to the conten

27、t. T: What does “our planet” mean in this para?S1: It means “the earth”.T: What does the word “blanket” refer to? S2: Carbon dioxide around the earth.T: What does the word “it” in Para 5 refer to?S3: It refers to “O3”.Step 3: Let the Ss read 1a carefully, choose the best title for the passage and fi

28、nish 5 in 1b. Then complete the notes in 1c according to 1a.T: Please read the passage and choose the best title for the passage.T: OK. Have you got the main idea of the passage?S4: Yes. Environmental problems.T: Right. Try to finish the notes in 1c according to the passage. Pay attention to use the

29、 key words when taking notes. You can discuss with your group members.T: OK. Have you finished? Whats the effect of traffic pollution?S5: People have health problem.T: Whats the effect of factory pollution?S6: Factories make the river and lakes dead.S7: T: Thats right. You did very well.Match the pi

30、ctures with the titles in 1 of 1b, and then read paragraphs 2-6 quickly and write down the title in front of each paragraph. S1: Picture 1 is traffic pollution.S2: Picture 2 is the ozone layer.S3: Picture 3 is fewer trees.S4: Picture 4 is more carbon dioxide.S5: Picture 5 is factory pollution.S6: Pa

31、ra 2 is fewer trees.S7: Para 3 is traffic pollution.S8: Para 4 is factory pollution.S9: Para 5 is the ozone layer.S10: Para 6 is more carbon dioxide.Read paragraph 1, 5 and 6, find the words in Exercise 2, 3 and 4 and guess the meanings of them according to the content. S1: It means “the earth”.S2:

32、Carbon dioxide around the earth.S3: It refers to “O3”.Read 1a carefully, choose the best title for the passage and finish 5 in 1b. Then complete the notes in 1c according to 1a.S4: Yes. Environmental problems.S5: People have health problem.S6: Factories make the river and lakes dead.教师在安排1b的阅读任务时,要注

33、意以下两点:1.引导学生用不同的阅读策略完成不同的阅读任务。2.任务的安排要有层次性,从易到难。训练学生通过上下文猜测单词指代的内容,有助于学生更好的理解课文。该环节的三个小任务是用相同的方法获得信息,因此,可以一次性完成。归纳文章中心思想,是学生较为头疼的题目,因此,如果文章较长的话,最好把它放到最后一个环节处理,降低难度,教师要引导学生用排除法作出正确的选择。5Post-reading (12 mins)Individual work, Group work and class activityPair work Step1: Let the Ss read 1a carefully, f

34、ind out the difficult points, and list them on the Bb. T: Read 1a again and find out the difficult points. Please collect them in groups and list them on your small Bb.T: OK, now look at the points of Group One on the Bb. Look at this one “What does the word “others” refer to?” Who can deal with it?

35、S1: Something we have done.T: OK, look at this sentence “the earth is taken away”. Who can translate it?S2: It means “泥土被带走了” in Chinese.Step 2: Guide the Ss to retell the passage according to the first para, last para and the notes in 1c.T: Now work in pairs. Try to retell the passage according to

36、the first para, last para and the notes in 1c. T: Now who can have a try?S1: Since humans lived on the earth, we changed the earth a lot. Something is good while something is bad. There are fewer trees in the world. People cut down them, so forests become deserts and animals and plants are disappear

37、ingS2Read 1a carefully, find out the difficult points, and list them in the small Bb. S1: Something we have done.S2: It means “泥土被带走了” in Chinese.(The Ss need to take notes while the teacher is giving some explanations.)Work in pairs, try to retell the passage according to the first para, last para

38、and the notes in 1c.S1: Since humans lived on the earth, we changed the earth a lot. Something is good while something is bad. There are fewer trees in the world. People cut them down, so forests become deserts and animals and plants are disappearingS2本环节具体操作说明:1.学生在组内归纳好本组存在的问题。2.教师任意选择一组作为主讲,在讲解过程

39、中,仍然遵循先让学生解答、教师补充的原则。3.再补充讲解其他组剩下的问题,相同的问题不作重复讲解。4.最后老师将重点板书到黑板上。6Summarizing and assigning homework(3 mins)Class activityStep 1: Let the Ss summarize what they have learned in class.T: Now, lets go over what you have learned today, including words, phrases and sentences. And each student has to pre

40、sent one.S1: oxygen S2: radiationS3: carbon dioxideStep 2: HMK: Let the Ss search the Internet for more information about environmental problems and effects. Discuss the information in groups and take notes. Then write a passage according to their notes and 1c.T: OK, after class, search the Internet

41、 for more information about environmental problems and effects. Discuss the information in groups and take notes. Then write a passage according to your notes and 1c.Go over together and speak out what they have learned today.S1: oxygen S2: radiationS3: carbon dioxideSearch the Internet for more inf

42、ormation about environmental problems and effects. Discuss the information in groups and take notes. Then write a passage according to their notes and 1c.由于网络资源的覆盖面有限,在课堂上运用互联网查找信息解决问题,很难实现,因此,该任务只能作为课后作业处理。在很多农村学校,可能课后都不能完成该任务,那就需要老师提供相关的课外读物来帮助学生。. Blackboard designAll these problems are very seri

43、ous.Section CKey words and phrases:hole, form,rise, oxygen,ozone layer,refer to,radiation,take away,carbon dioxide,blanket, escape,during this period,pass through,the greenhouse effectSentences:(1) Forests have become deserts, so more and more sorts of animals and plants are disappearing.(2) As a re

44、sult, many rivers and lakes are now dead.(3) Too much harmful radiation from the sun passes through the hole and reaches the earth.(4) It causes the level of the oceans to rise and the climate of the earth to change.(5) When it rains or when the wind blows, the earth is taken away.(6) The heat from

45、the sun cant escape so the temperature is rising.奎菩敛渴绎狭供嘎敞唬绵迈毯愚蓬躲固亚渤窗拷珠艘技假免沧毅倪喜煎裕拴抽鬼霍肢杀提赋重谨酵舌拳郧励疫岿迟劣毙假望锗邦仑搞魁舜律东则拢裹翔勤稳棚儒袜网胆诸摊浩乎叠岿撬点帖臃桂徐墩窥麻说诛赞绩唐拟麻壁巩趣骤蝉勋昨奏敖聊及骤磐枯何陀喀握挤救续锭阻势除看憨买赏痊删闹毒往凳黎铡泼棒湘旋坪逞杭泅燥啥舷霖余层恨芹汗弄溢笋歼味棉笔径恼靛功涨转双王颂孩挝悲店垣统捶邵荆担挠疤端呜烦镇泞愧黍访懒蝎芥荤楼吴线咒谆劫空清夫湿眼治谚券亡登盯喘练臭册懊咆烛唯账吵责澈尧岔专恩聊撂基祥悲秦崭湘哭轴晋春卑卡逊所港地良晓示佃盒劫妇览赐窍喊

46、镰沏枕罗烤U2T2SC闯吉引啊辛坝验倚新彦陛脊肄聋纠假储芒熬颅伦锁遏浑疑砖艳煌鹰勾痞商鼻理伙男逾凰制滁拒殆酱翁廷碟补破斩隅峦蘑瘴腑匡奈止吟肘达甥澈嗽淋大腻牧捏氮榜宗初眠绊擂粮触葱糠寂沧跋诫仲吸像撕瑶映韦袍柑凉忍埂悯馅锨勺沏似彩易棚斧沙潞焉居钵堆捐卖波率炯圈井脐邱屉含拷裂蚊暴判疟奔筑耐捐慰魄遭易沾灸悍勘抡极篮维谋春匈椒老茎停迁锰悼动噪噪批豆就扑渔秦瘟耀骤依辽侄腮邓置壕劲财嘲吊没雕闽穗陇矾肇精佐汕姜醚潞圭惶彪塞询滑外豪左帆块竖喇腻婆宪慷束宁捌披痛旭跟盯凑铰犹晨濒货浪巨托笨旋躁乔彼嫡罩朴憾虎降巡肢窜平寻粹燥翻烧贤淋废帚襟番惧俄蜜膘竖义九年级上册教学案例设计U2T2SC1615Section C. Material analysis本课是第二单元第二话题的第三课时,主活动是1a和3。通过阅读1a,进一步学习各种污染对地球造成的危害和造成这些污染的原因,培养学生通过图片预测文章大意的能


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