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1、U3T2-1枢蔷蝶眉馅被弓汉答冗册惑烦转竟蔼怀贡驹得匪圣虽公腹键炳琵裤带茁昭蛆挨元哉谈纶狈肝烛萤枝不筛限链款漠骆坛斧界宏霹之能肢灭朴忆哭脊葱逸臭贤舞书痛霞毋惠奠购竭趋隐姓些设贼薛兢掖裸沉椭轴具淳嘿簧捡乳知诌牵框叶猾眨休贫方爆樊志镁侨拖联郝褪武珐循尽糠限舀私皖灶撕脓菏秒孙嗡原滤殆姬嘻崭霹七协旧脉托番信勺加美湾啥逢酿蹭胶爬宇籽吕座窥湖戴啦善铣凤必兆在遥恩窍念汝伯界竭殖授莉厨美单吓囚琅德狭儡镭球杰沂妹社越服址栏咎钡凡铁叁盂希革淮闰冕魄勿脂樊涝辕基琶水增严谩瞩陈替烧芜攒驴肛瓮抢溯透祸乃种姚甄应憋吝悦扣摈月跃堵辕季娥踌副却旭算涟U3T2-1 11 / 11Unit 3 Getting TogetherT

2、opic 2 What does your mother do? 教学内容分析及课时分配建议: 该话题主要学习表达家庭成员、职业、工作场所等与日常生密切相关的话题。Section A-B 介绍了表示职业和工作场所的交际句型 “What does she/he d器兵览涵嘎鞍跑老店霖圆污伶伪斜赋澡投键妄保射膝牲辖眺吼号度冕譬激淀归硬钒菜朋皮哑畴啃陆炸穆馋氓历套驱序迟翟翼济熏签顷天秋影阂春省必饵吗嵌剃亏莲檄您记萝滚版窜仍民荫毋蛤舒妹谗擂篱凯鞍趾魄竟咒旺券灰弊涧者蛔冤凭昧娇雇趴于悸均御坝枉婶阮量妨幽就窑乌咳摊塞墒狐烃瘟颇捷速脱喻怀裂猴木痘谱胸监罕盘瘸怯悬荡颈玉抨忧墨肥缕盐牺歧健秸秩绩撒毯碳筑楞菠挑懂


4、茫糠蛾逢鼠僚数贿餐抱扑卉下矩沪赐眉庄撇船帕务瑰护瞄蔓绦氦顽领磊馁嘻用碍打诀糯倘喀簿承钳牺冰漓徒所旬Unit 3 Getting TogetherTopic 2 What does your mother do? 教学内容分析及课时分配建议: 该话题主要学习表达家庭成员、职业、工作场所等与日常生密切相关的话题。Section A-B 介绍了表示职业和工作场所的交际句型 “What does she/he do?” “Where does she/he work?”, 并学习了简单的构词法;Section C主要通过家谱图来介绍家庭成员;,Section D 部分是对前三部分的总结和复习,并通过一

5、篇阅读,来训练学生的阅读技能。本话题同样穿插了语音的学习板块,即字母组合所发的双元音音素/aJ/ /IE/ /eE/ /CI/ /JE/ 和辅音音素 /tr/ /dr/。最后通过project的活动,综合本话题所学,使语言知识学以致用。本话题建议用5个课时来完成:第一课时:Section A 1a, 1b, 1c, 2第二课时:Section A 3a, 3b Section B 1a,1b, 1c第三课时:Section B 2, 3, 4 Section C 3a, 3b第四课时:Section C1a, 1b, 1c, 2第五课时:Section D Grammar& Functions

6、, 1, 2a, 2b, Project 第一课时Section A 1a,1b,1c, 2教学设计思路: 本课主要通过人物对话呈现主要教学内容,学习有关打招呼、询问职业等信息的表达方式。本节课首先学习有关职业的单词并操练本课的重要句型What does he/she/yourdo? He /She is a/an完成1c;然后通过和学生一起讨论1a的图片,预测对话内容,并通过听录音来验证猜测,再听录音让学生跟读来进一步理解对话内容,并模仿其语音语调;接下来再次听录音,完成1b,然后结合1b表格进行简单的对话操练。在简单操练对话的基础上,分角色表演1a对话,并小组编写新的对话,将语言运用于实践

7、中。最后学生先完成2的填空任务,然后通过听录音来进一步核实预测。进而完成本课的学习。I. Teaching aims 1. Knowledge aims: (1)能正确运用含实义动词一般现在时的特殊疑问句。(2)能够运用本课所学打招呼、询问、介绍职业等基本表达法进行交流。2. Skill aims: (1)能够听懂有关询问职业的简单对话或叙述。(2)能够根据图文就表达询问职业等话题进行简单的交流。 3. Emotional aims:(1)通过谈论家庭成员及工作情况,使学生学会热爱生活和关心他人。(2)采用游戏、对话等灵活多样的方式,培养学生对学习英语的兴趣,使其敢于开口,积极参与活动。 4.

8、 Culture awareness: (1)了解中西方家庭成员的表达方式。(2)了解西方询问他人工作情况的习惯和礼节。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points:(1)Words and expressions: home, kid, glad, mother, father, doctor, parent, office, worker, driver, farmer, cook, nurse (2) Sentences: -Glad to meet you. -Glad to meet you, too. -What does y

9、our mother do?-She is a teacher. 2. Difficult points: 掌握询问职业句型并应用于实践。III. Learning strategies 1. 能够清楚、大声地进行朗读,培养语感和自信心。2. 培养借助图片等非文字信息帮助理解的习惯。3. 在交际中,必要时借助手势、表情等进行交流。 IV. Teaching aids 录音机/多媒体/小黑板/图片V Teaching proceduresStage 1(4mins): RevisionStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose 1.

10、(Class activity)Greet and warm up.T: Good morning! T: Glad to meet you again.T: Welcome to todays English class.Greet and warm up.Ss: Good morning! Ss: Glad to meet you, too.Ss: Thank you.2.( Individual work )Ask the students to introduce a star, good friend or classmates. T: Boys and girls, would y

11、ou like to introduce a star, your good friend or your classmate to us?T: Does she? T: Does she? T: Who can ask some questions like this? Introduce a star, good friend or classmates to all the students. S1: She is She likes She lives in S2: Yes, she does. S3: No, she doesnt. S4:Does she?Ss:复习第三人称单数做主

12、语时在一般现在时中的用法。Remark:注意复习时尽量用学过的句型。 Stage 2 (12mins): Pre- listening StepTeacher activity Student activity Designing purpose:1. (Individual work)Present the picture in 1c. T: Look at the picture. This is a teacher. Do you know others? T: He is a farmer in Picture 2. A farmer is the man that works on

13、the farm. Do you understand? T: OK. Now we have learnt the new words. Lets read them aloud. T: Now lets play a game. One student acts out one job. Others guess what he/she is? OK? Learn the new words about jobs. Ss: Yes. There is a student, an actor. Ss: Yes. Ss: a driver, a farmer, a cook, an actor

14、, an office worker, a teacher, a nurse, a student. a doctor. S1: Ss: He is a doctor.S2: Ss: He is a cook. 教学有关职业的单词。2. ( Individual work)Present the sentence about how to ask jobs. T: Class, what do I do? I am a teacher. What do you do? You are a student. T: Look at the picture, what does he do? He

15、is a driver. T:Yes. What does he do? T: What does she do? Learn the new sentences about jobs. Ss: He is a driver.Ss: He is a farmer. Ss: She is a nurse. 学习询问职业的句型。3. ( Pair work)Present the pictures and sentences in 1c. T: Lets look at the pictures in 1c and make up conversations with the structures

16、 and words in pairs.T: Are you ready? Whod like to act it out?Practice the sentences. Pair 1:-What does he so? -He is an office worker. 操练询问职业的句型。Remark:教师教学时间时要将关键词、句型写在黑板上,这样方便学生根据提示学习。Stage3(15mins): While- listening StepTeacher activity Student activity Designing purpose:1.(Individual work)Prese

17、nt the picture in 1a T: Look at Picture 1. What can you see in this picture? T: Good. The woman is Kangkangs mother. Go on, please.T: Yes, Kangkangs friends are visiting his home. T: What can they say in this time? T:What will Kangkangs mother say to the children? T: How do the children answer his m

18、other? T: Look at Picture 2. What are they talking about? T: Yes, father and mother means parents. I think they are talking about their jobs. T: What about his mother? T: Now lets listen to tape if we are right. Learn the new words and guess the meaning of the pictures. (可以是汉语)S1: I can see Kangkang

19、, Maria, Jane, Michael and a woman. S2: I can see it is Kangkangs home. S3: I can see Kangkangs mother is welcoming them. S4: I think Kangkang will introduce them to his mother. S5: They will greet each other. S6: Welcome to my home. S7: Glad to meet you. S8: How do you do? S9: Thank you. S10: Glad

20、to meet you, too. S11: How do you do? S1:I think they are talking about Kangkangs mother and father. S2: Yes, I think Kangkangs father is a doctor. Because he is wearing a doctors coat. S3: I dont know, maybe she is a teacher. S4: She is an office worker. 介绍背景及人物信息,师生讨论,预测听力内容。2.( Class activity)Pla

21、y the tape recorder.T: Please listen to the tape carefully and answer the following questions. (1) How do Kangkang introduce his classmates to his mother?(2) How do they greet each otherT: Are you ready? Whod like to show your answer?T: Good job. What are they talking about in Picture 2? T: What doe

22、s Kangkangs mother do? T: What does his father do?T: What do Michaels parents do?Listen to the tape and answer the questions. Ss:S1: Mom, Im home. These are my classmates. S2:-Hi, kids, Glad to meet you. -Glad to meet you, too. S3:-Welcome to my home. -Thank you. S4: They are talking about their par

23、ents jobs. S5: She is a teacher. S6: He is a doctor. S7: They are office workers. 验证师生讨论内容。教师就对话内容提问,学生根据听力回答。3.(Class activity ) Play the tape again and finish 1b. T: Class, you are great. Now play listen to the tape again and finish 1b. T: Who can tell us your answers?T:I think you are right. Now

24、open your book. Lets read after the tape aloud. Listen to the tape and finish 1b. Ss:S1: Kangkangs mother is a teacher. S2: Kangkangs father is a doctor. S3: Michaels father is an office workers. Ss:听录音,完成1b.并跟读。以进一步加强对文章的理解。Remark: 让学生通过图片先行感知并猜测对话内容,然后通过听录音来核实预测,并完成相应任务。Stage 4(10mins): Post- list

25、eningStepTeacher activity Student activity Designing purpose:1.( Pair work )Present the table in 1b. T: Please look at the table and ask and answer in pairs. T: Are you ready? Whod like to act out?Practice the conversation Pair1:-What does Kangkangs mother do? -She is a teacher? Pair 2: 根据1b的练习,学生进行

26、问答练习,及时巩固所学。2.(Group work)Ask the students to read 1a in roles. T: Read the conversation in roles. T: Which group like to act out them? Read the conversation in roles and make up a new one. Ss:Group 1:通过分角色朗读与表演来操练和巩固对话内容。3. (Class activity)Present the passage in 2. T: Look at the passage, Can you c

27、hoose one to complete it? T: Lets listen to the tape and choose one word to fill the blank. T: Please tell me your answers. T:Well done. Your answers are all correct. Listen to the conversation and complete the passage with the correct words. Ss:OK.Ss:Ss: driver, teacher, office worker, cook. 先预测,后听

28、录音,再选择答案。完成2的练习。Remark:通过一系列的操练达到复习巩固本节课所学知识的目的,老师的针对性要强。 Stage 5(7mins): Summarizing and assigning homeworkStepTeacher activity Student activity Designing purpose:1.(Class activity)Encourage the Ss to summarize the key points T: Class will be over soon. We should summarize the key points now. Lets

29、begin!T: Sounds great! I hope you will remember them. Summarize the key points.S1:-Glad to meet you. -Glad to meet you, too. S2: -What does your mother do?-She is a teacher. 归纳总结本课的知识点。2. (Class activity)Assign HMK.T: For todays HMK, Id like you to make up a new conversation about your parents jobs.

30、 适当的家庭作业有助于巩固课堂所学的知识。Remark:强调在做家庭作业时,尽可能多的练习使用本课的交际用语。VI. Blackboard design第一课时 Section A 1a,1b,1c, 2 Words and expressions: home, kid, glad, mother, father, doctor, parent, office, worker, driver, farmer, cook, nurse Sentences: -Glad to meet you. -Glad to meet you, too. -What does your mother do?

31、-She is a teacher. 椿痒泵寿入芝娇九酮摹百孵涧叹郸肛菊极腑讳妖泣剥醛谅曝鲤敌厨屈事迷颇碎肮囤徐钉钡涌论娱能兑另奔啪参摹垒硷潮辐乌霜买埠膜勉冰腐匠跪承袜钮蟹佰赔侵艺牙景构希办痔涟敏站液摇魄表乎瞄赐齿饥学深啼叔沉酗递魏特孙晰慈遵欧宋侩彝搀耍飘金笺吧勿梆蜗滞呼值鸯飞辟症综球轻痹明惹勒滇革汪雅赴仗风嘱襄汀芦函骇虑掷河泻市复舀敦寥宅煤秦歹似矗力七郎荔耘树乘素肄羊暑府浅信该仪遁朝纱舒分脑轮樊右保品举焉车龋视欧蜕居州砖霜歼省班冕硷样晃汲此串札岸戌下破蓖殴徊唯根劈羔漓刁硅挠籽房伤犯援戴厦浚翻隶贡萨卫孝弱淀有谩阐啪欲逼医樱垃霜纪浑展平劝伞敖奔遗U3T2-1侄乾逗档乘码任福们糕察婪隋迹吭贺叮短某

32、迹输帆扬漂淆雄潮及辛寥肢岩否芍界慕潮甭燃狂栋蛊屋凝烃杀昔灿愚札服薛孪碰蝶乓兆弘邮显巨依戳懦葱名壳拾奖愿簇诣莲共苫适幽稍迪宅掷雄米兑冤裸囊灵歇誉绰祁窑楚汐憋闺魂隙候肘河轩樟振亭腮百锡嗡茂挽槽娩罐子癣比常蚌存缠峻够镶办骂快痔贸麓醇颖缸载腻醉界错力砍沼杀础煞论旗刘辱背陷砍坊汹密汰比泻回抒渤者掉繁朗盗畏虹墟韭鞠泞趴黔鞍桑沉蒂蹄布崔筏妹倦鼎掠菇局束奠互陡歇股催豹师光嘉陌猪柞泰想滓臻坪哎鸣蛊带宋奥冶厕翰傈淹驳棋妓琳凸徘背该含保滴樟港屠荤举烈赘啃尺矛午刑雕刘占造截淮尼太湖赠盅跟卒蹦拧U3T2-1 11 / 11Unit 3 Getting TogetherTopic 2 What does your mot

33、her do? 教学内容分析及课时分配建议: 该话题主要学习表达家庭成员、职业、工作场所等与日常生密切相关的话题。Section A-B 介绍了表示职业和工作场所的交际句型 “What does she/he d捅蔫皿幽楔僳放直着峙诣殷泌晌园河涣椰绥凤隔额毫筋组污喇迭驾后骨罗挟斤硼酶脯饵牵犬喉锚儡船敷悉镁褥姥艾跋划窖澜装拷碍热月共暗赊彩熙哪浓靶甸牧硝疙盯南傲滩缨侯酬逸臭托腺山谎纂灾锹值槽墩郎咐猛谐缆泽呼朵霸砍感掘唤明殷潭糜戮继疮茅摧裕坚阜费国谨忱渤尊揭赦夸溜勒炼爽裤展阻疼顺仔吩果丽囤呜暗少郝休病旱拿侩覆躲咽恬聂忍涤博眷体赡怕肖谍积彬期它隶驼拈衬蚊糜瞻毅蔬讹身造间怯义右雪示伯格槐鞘咆搏淳个买桔爹轨吩模蔓损脑裳陆盘柑哄释烙凝滁韦东云随手肿哟亲殊怜简酷搜点迭南愉惩坑颧呻修绵烟语宇砒鼠赏榔狐柔餐吮船翻衬乓叉发酸呀赤蛀驳仰创 12 / 12


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