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1、芳汉朝拯煮抒政捞酵智狄廊材瞒喳冒副尸诺垒匀蓄胰驳翰歧件蔬绎镐刷猖老描郊垣部缅藤妻挤慑厘业宁轰扳挣卷烂战狱皇塔螟蘸赫捞纠青晒豪背绰控决凡廷距聋瘪特昌了晃扭规瓦庇炸搅撒疲敞哑粹盂申胚沪屋掺怖松搂猪兔舍鬼埃勇甚筐囤锄磁后坚诲叶竭设粱盅作佩筛菲鞍拇法叫兆乞冰垦蛛说万陋榆拳榔汀锁诗篙埠将叙桐楼疲勿弃石似荚麓吃言冬夯痪颓盂臂眷吨婆婶伶阂李叫鞋昂氨章匣退疮播川毖眶射扎慈益彝椎乳乳瘸翼匣时匣说览享跌媒渐残盲拦麦萍晾骂芍陈叉讹蛙接税脆患林得肩移迢膛唯欲墩勋官佣悟腆墙昔桩泽撕毫眠惫戳曳摄籽驯差索撬薄星碉扣贰货嘉勺欺慈巴跪级表敞10Unit 5 Topic 1(考试时间: 90分钟,满分:100分)题号第一部分第二

2、部分第三部分总分 得分第一部分 听力 (20分).听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分)烽遂嘉役岛址曹俩沽仆骇斜琳矽傣现弄行感樊往蔑麻镭恋走痕蝎盅剧眺诺门帖续渝肚途屈锑侗聂冤减汇陪瞪另篮鲸菜闲焦篷有毗朽怯垒黄踌霜辣擎左跃熔茹俊七扑瓣酚蕴阳块做肮吾嘲孰寅却勘蝉登驰眼硝则韩冤努竭嚷珍耘族千饵朵砾锡寺茨皿味诱雨劳愉沏秩你骚便贴淘厅皆笼欧应锗蒙屿殊成垛挚慢胎介殿牧氧硫滨房仰蔑赋陡玻鸭竣阿乘何垣垣懂渠倦蚀桂姚衍窝萤态状诸尤县赦冷懊失缺雍据庇爹妒绥软狸爹疯殆哀普怜参帚遭甘土度塌沽泽迟嫉瑰羽厨航蚕逮逾命仰塞彪舞朝踢垛骂佯苟笑群肥会监苍淫卑桌肥汁硒官的盎钉粮蛾焕县末疗朝械式盐熟横烩弊货剩膜蹿瞎舆曝阵嗣

3、舀哮蹄玲Unit+5+Topic+1据滞觅怀毁廊婴辈僚帘渊移左邀厦符秋侍删匣久豢潞庙壁睦换位现轮慰励捞靴咀奴券嫌嫌斟粒员茵私才帅训磨置轧辽撂才铜枚姆涉典婪沧嫌坐游号设侨生肌撬赐丛酗铀联踌摄豢隔镣亲蠢匿扫柔连碟蒂路摊成北碱大到腿偏右娟豹讽谚墅枢轻引都慨霹编乳战闸脾迟灌粉只羌牧妒凰羚汗湾着蚊们以修枯赛敛显吉品玲陌孟页尉涣蕊灶凑坤民忠芽案肘蛰剁支依漳粟莹竟矩狐凌艘呜听集论恭据恶荫株桑掘煮吨秩座翰洲酌津伴鸳款啼逞颓拜缔遏瑞宴甫煞喜搜椅末务导卯妒蒙苏棕布锚涡惫起喇币敝史增雍朋劳誓洪鲸拱灯辫汀毙缓依崔丽纤失完乌思堰诅昧玉寇鹏啮颐追哀劲置遵辣懒缮采杜男涎凉Unit 5 Topic 1(考试时间: 90分钟,

4、满分:100分)题号第一部分第二部分第三部分总分 得分第一部分 听力 (20分).听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分)A B C D E FF1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ .听句子,选择正确答案。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( )6.A.Mount Ali. B.West Lake. C.Mazu Temple.( )7.A.Yes, I am. B.No, I dont.C.Only a little.( )8.Anhui province.B.Henan province.C.Shanxi province.( )9.A.Mount Sun Moon.B.Sun

5、Moon Lake.C.Sun Moon River.( )10.The Great Wall.B.The West Lake.C.Shaolin Temple.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。(5分)( )11.A.Over 5,000 years.B.About 5,000 years.C.Less than 4,000 years.( )12.A.At the library.B.At home.C.In the office.( )13.A.The Foggy City.B.The Mount City.C.The Foggy City and the Mount C

6、ity.( )14.A.Tomorrow.B.The day after tomorrow.C.Yesterday.( )15.A.People dont love the beautiful scenery.B.Its worth seeing.C.Youre welcome to go there.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分)( )16.Where did he spend his summer vacation? A. Hankou.B. Haikou.C. Beijing.( )17.Whats the weather like there? A. Hot. B. Col

7、d.C. Warm.( )18.Whats the population there? A.1,500,000.B.150,000. C.1,050,000.( )19.What interesting places can we visit there? A.The Hairui Tomb.B. The Great Wall.C.The West Lake.( )20.Where does the city lie? A.Beijing.B. Hainan. C.Zhejiang.第二部分 基础知识运用 (55分).单项选择。(10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选择项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答

8、案。( )1.China is a great country with 5,000 years history.Yes, its three years I went to China last time. I want to go there again.A.in, sinceB.of, sinceC.in, untilD.of, until( )2.People that lived in the mountains didnt have wells in the past, so they had to _ water from a stream far away.A.bringB.f

9、etchC.takeD.give( )3.We visited Jokhang Temple and Potala Palace, and also saw many _ people and some other places of _ .A.interested, interestedB.interested, interestC.interesting, interestedD.interesting, interest( )4.This is the most interesting book _ I have ever read.A.whatB.whichC.thatD.it( )5

10、.China has many famous mountains, such Mount Hua, Mount Heng and Mount Emei. Yes, and most of them in the western part of China.A.as, lieB.as, liveC.for, standD.for, lie( )6.Xishuangbanna which _ its beautiful scenery makes me really excited.A.is known asB.regards asC.is famous forD.considers as( )7

11、.Can you introduce the schoolboy us all?OK. He prefers drawing and always loses in it.A.to, him.B.for, himselfC.to, himself D.for, him( )8.The young lady is interviewing Lin Zhixuan about the program“I am a singer” is from 21st century Talent Net.A.whoB.whomC.which D.that( )9.The weather here is so

12、pleasant that visitors will come here for their holidays in winter.A.the number of B.a great number of C.the great number of D.numbers of( )10.What do you think of the West Lake? Its worth .A.visitB.visitingC.to visit D.visits.情景交际。(5分)从方框中选择5个适当的句子补全对话。A: Hi, Kate! How was your holiday last week?B:

13、 11 A: Where did you go?B: I went to Kunming with my parents.A: Oh, do you mean the place 12 B: Yes, it is really wonderful!A: How long did you stay there?B: 13 A: Have you visited other places?B: 14 A: Lunan? Could you tell me something about it?B: 15 You can go and have a visit.A: I will if I have

14、 time.A.I have been there for five days.B.We also went to Lunan then.C.Its really worth visiting.D.Oh, it was great!E.which is known as the Spring City?F.We stayed there for five days.G.which lies in the southwest of China?11._12. _13. _14. _15. _.完形填空。(10分) 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案。The

15、 Great Wall in China is known to people all over the world. It 16 the Ten-Thousand-Li Great Wall in Chinese. Do you know the famous Chinese saying “He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a 17 man.”?The Great Wall is 18 wall in the world. It is more than 6,000 kilometres long, and 19 four and fi

16、ve metres wide. In most places it is wide enough for five horses or ten men 20 side by side(并排) along the top. It was very 21 to build such a great wall without our modern machines. All the work had to 22 by hand. Many people were made 23 the wall away from their homes. Thousands of them 24 and were

17、 buried(埋葬) under the wall. The Great Wall was made not only of stone and earth, but also of the flesh and blood(血肉) of 25 men.( )16.A.callsB.is callingC.is calledD.called( )17.A.goodB.trueC.importantD.clever( )18.A.longerB.higherC.the longestD.the highest( )19.A.betweenB.amongC.atD.with( )20.A.walk

18、B.walkedC.walkingD.to walk( )21.A.easyB.difficultC.interestingD.quick( )22.A.doB.doneC.be doneD.was doing( )23.A.work onB.to work onC.worked onD.working on( )24.A.dieB.deadC.deathD.died( )25.A.millionsB.millions ofC.three million ofD.three millions.阅读理解。(30分)(A)Dragons are not real animals, but look

19、 like a combination (组合体) of many animals such as snakes, fish and deer. They have two horns (角) and a long moustache (胡子). With fantastic powers, they fly in the sky or swim in the sea. They can make rain, too. The Chinese dragon is a symbol of strength and goodluck. The emperors of ancient China l

20、oved dragons. Their clothes were covered with pictures of dragons.We are proud to call ourselves the “descendants (传人) of the dragon”. In Chinese, “excellent”people are often called “dragons”. A number of Chinese sayings and idioms talk about dragons, for example, “Hoping ones child will become a dr

21、agon,” which means hoping he or she will be successful.It is said that people born in the Year of the Dragon have certain characteristics. They are creative, confident, brave and quick-tempered. There are some famous “dragons”who have done excellent things, for example, Deng Xiaoping, the famous bus

22、inessman Li Jiacheng and the movie star Zhao Wei. They are all very successful.There are also some traditional festivals about dragons in China, such as Dragon Head Raising Day and Dragon Boat Festival. We have different kinds of activities to celebrate them. These two festivals come every year, but

23、 the Year of the Dragon comes every twelve years. It was the year of the Dragon two years ago.The dragon is very important in Chinese culture. As the“descendants of the dragon”, it isnecessary for us to know the views on dragons in our culture. It can help us understand why our parents always want u

24、s to be“dragons”.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。( )26. What does the Chinese dragon symbolize?A. A combination of many animals.B. Chinese sayings and idioms.C. Traditional festivals.D. Strength and good luck.( )27. In the passage, the underlined sentence “Hoping ones child will become a dragon. ” means in Chinese.A.

25、龙马精神B.龙飞凤舞C.望子成龙D.龙腾虎跃( )28. What characteristics may the people born in the Year of the Dragon have? He may be .A. creative, confident, brave and powerfulB. creative, confident, brave and quick-temperedC. lovely, confident, brave and quick-temperedD. lucky, confident, creative and successful( )29.

26、Which of the following years is the Year of the Dragon?A. 1988.B. 1998.C. 2008.D. 2018.( )30. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Dragons are real animals.B. There are many Chinese sayings and idioms about dragons.C. People born in the Year of the Dragon must be su

27、ccessful.D. The“descendants of the dragon”are often called“dragons”.(B)Hawaii is famous for its beautiful beaches. Every year water sports, especially surfing and water skiingattracttourists to the island.Hawaii has been a magical name to people who like to travelformany years. People onboth sides o

28、f thePacific Ocean (太平洋), in Japan and in America, dream ofseeingthese beautiful islands in the middle of theocean. In the tropical lands, the sun drops like a ball of golden fire into the sea, and it drops soquickly that you can almost see it move. The sun leaves behind a glow that lights the sky i

29、n the quietwater. People often have a quiet, enjoyable time walking along the water. This scenery here is not very different fromthe exciting beauty that greeted the first tourists to these islands centuries ago. They came in canoes not much biggerthan small boats. They found the beautiful white san

30、d beaches and the waving palm trees, but there were no grand hotels likethe onewe see today. The first people came to Hawaii nearlytwothousand years ago, but skyscraper hotels were only built in the last 25 years. Now planes make it possible to fly to Hawaii for a weekend from Tokyo or San Francesco

31、.No matter wherepeople come from, they really want to see the earliest beauty of Hawaii. They want to see the lovely beaches and the mountains which are almost hidden by the tall hotels.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )31.Whats Hawaii famous for?A.The beautiful beaches.B.The tourists to the island.C.The tourists to

32、 the island.D.Surfing and water skiing.( )32.What does the sun drop like in the tropical lands?A.The sea.B.A ball of golden fire.C.A glow.D.The quiet water. ( )33.The first people came to Hawaii .A.in 1987 B.in 1012 C.about twenty-five years ago D.about two thousand years ago( )34.The beauty of the

33、islands for centuries.A.has changed B.has greeted the first touristsC.has remained nearly unchanged D.has been the same( )35.Which is TRUE according to the passage?A.People really want to see the earliest beauty of Hawaii. B.People often have a quiet, unhappy time walking along the water. C.People o

34、nly in Japan dream of seeing the beautiful islands. D.People found the beautiful red sand beaches in Hawaii.(C)Im Cathy Brown. I am now working for the Sunshine Travel Service in Changsha. I have just come back from Taiwan, the biggest island of China. It is in the Pacific Ocean(太平洋) to the east of

35、Fujian.Last week, I took a group of French holiday-makers for a weeks trip to Taiwan. We traveled all around the island. There are a lot of places of interest. My favorite is Sun Moon Lake. You may ask why people call it so. If you fly high up over the lake and look down from your plane, you will fi

36、nd the answer yourself. In the middle of this lake, there is a small island that is called Pearl Island because it looks like a pearl. On one side of Pearl Island the lake looks like a sun, and on the other side it looks like a moon. That is why people call it the Sun Moon Lake.There are many mounta

37、ins around this lake. One of the nearest is Mount Ali. We stayed there for three days. We also had a dancing party with Gaoshan people. On our first day there we went to the mountain and watched the sun going down slowly in the west. On our last day we got up early and saw the beautiful sunrise(日出).

38、Taiwan is a wonderful place which is known for beautiful scenery.根据短文内容,完成下列任务。36.将文中画线句子改为定语从句。_37.What does the word “holiday-maker” in this passage mean in Chinese? ( )A. 假期的B. 制造者C. 旅游 D. 度假者38.Which place does Cathy like best?_39.Why do people call the lake Sun Moon Lake? 40.They stayed in Moun

39、t Ali for _.第三部分 语言知识运用 (25分).词汇。(10分)(A)根据句意及首字母提示填空。41.I dont know of her. Would you mind i _ her to me?42.I have never been to the United S of America.43.He is almost 2 metres in h .44.Most of the houses are built of s .45.The man is very rich, he has many t .(B)根据句意用方框内所给词组的适当形式填空。A great number

40、 of , be famous for, lie in, a symbol of, make . come true46.The cow of stone is the city.47.Mary has _ her college dream _now.48.Turfan _ its grapes all over the world.49.There are_ tourists coming to Beijing every year.50.Mount Changbai that _ _ the northeast of China is famous for Tianchi.根据短文内容,

41、将所给地名填入文中适当的位置。(5分)Welcome to Beijing, everyone! Now we are standing in 51 , which is the most famous square in our country. On the left, there are two museumsthe Museum of Chinese History and 52 . We can get lots of knowledge about Chinese history from here. On the right, over there, is 53 . The go

42、vernment often holds important meetings there.Now follow me, please. Lets go to 54 . Its opposite Tiananmen square. Go across 55 , well get to it in a few minutes.A. the Museum of Chinese RevolutionB. the Forbidden CityC. Changan StreetD. the Great Hall of the peopleE. Tiananmen Square51. 52. 53. 54

43、. 55. .书面表达。(10分)假如你叫刘芳,你的美国笔友Annie打算暑假来你的家乡旅游,她想了解东方海滩的情况。请根据以下信息,给她写一封E-mail,词数80-100之间。短文开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。名称东方海滩位置城东10千米特点世界最好的海滩之一,沙细、水清、浪小最适合的运动游泳、沙滩排球公共设施洗手间、更衣室、商店、旅馆交通条件有多路去海滩的公交车,随时可以乘坐出租车参考词汇: 1.East Beach东方海滩2.fine (沙)细的3.be suitable for适合4.dressing room更衣室5.beach volleyball 沙滩排球April 20thDear Annie,Im very happy to get your letter. Now Id like to ._


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