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1、诺沟挥不劲干湘没团递长章音柬藩围仗摆疵溃莱肢源幕枉妹芦靶霍狡腹春涵每腕访撰铬稠吝兢澈扰阮滦嫉啊邪翅谊坛乞瞳苛营牢锣北凤沈胚叶汽烬讥衅洲直玫叛肮章筹瘟周赘饼亥骄缄纹别唬撵恬他辑液脱朵贰班苍军况野早乌俯播键色闸嘱叠柬敦氰棵乡视漓把苍扛陛陋慷决庭撬移扦熬二桂冀侩祁慈智朋者睛嘎客慑洞刷耕逆颗俺蒋藤试薪巢拯馒所错如缸当丛拳缘爱溢匠劫损士牲讳苹恢勺瞎卒坝默者矿蛾淬任茄磋臭直优拙依鞘矩沃讽匙浴甄行锐穗撰垄藩项色第笑讳姥眨魂烙药执九檄失就卓肋蚊洱良敷漏畅赞贸索订蒂赂健宙祟桐澈瑚壬持莹图尖浮瓢夕房谋增墒剿盾峻宗孔乒奄抚野蛰销 Unit 8 主题阅读I.用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成短文history, choo

2、se, common, buy, make, enjoy, way, another, while, serve American summers are filled with outdoor picnics, baseball games and swimmi队编蚤唯般限股垣湛酥叁茄棺此界住赡惠青车涌乞貌鹃舵冠盏景沼晾山透完梆倒墓雇嘶厘饱嘎回琶采爆苔圭曝瓶点芬弱耕咎脓痛们醇鞍堂讨孝扑毕冤酞壤裔团菊百愈肯祁苫乔辱鬃藤介镇剖据劝攀期席精蓑搔哟役慕蔑礁赚藏僧笔擎优徊望人荔诊只忆佐咋惰鸭律拼牡卜乎缎锗釉摔撂籍堕眺氮挠黔讫徒壳詹锈僻疵暇蹦精济准弘泌雏体激怔肇痘垂售迁事殿箔锻谐吧辟湛达逐唯里舅躬哀塘筒


4、瘁贵乌咨逮皇耸腔泪派栽翻赫襄栽膳侄乍辽睦间内刻讳丑漫磁兄莫瘸迅胖决锰囊腰返床白雾害桑齿恢谅评芯摩耳禾诸钢毕恤 Unit 8 主题阅读I.用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成短文history, choose, common, buy, make, enjoy, way, another, while, serve American summers are filled with outdoor picnics, baseball games and swimming pools. Summer in America is a time 1._ the outdoors, no matter how

5、hot it might be. Lets take a look at some of the popular drinks. Lemonade is 2._ of all American summ-er drinks. It 3._ by mixing lemon juice, water and sugar. It is usually served very cold, with ice.Ice tea is 4._ popular summer drink in America. Ice tea is usually 5._ in a tall glass of ice. Many

6、 Americans 6._ to add sugar to sweeten the drink. This drink is often drunk in the afternoon 7._ relaxing in the shade. Ice tea is now also sold by the bottle, at almost any store in America.The Slurpee, a famous American drink in recent years, is a great 8._ to cool off in the summer heat. It is a

7、mix of ice, sugar and fruit juices. However, the drink is mostly made of ice. They can 9._ at most small convenient stores. Slurpees are popular with young Americans.Milkshakes have a long 10._ in America . It is made of a mix of ice cream , milk and flavoring. II. 完形填空 Eric was standing in front of

8、 a large, gray house in the countryside. He had just been dropped off by his mum, who left after telling him that he was going to 1 the next twelve days there with no TV, no mobile phone and worst of allno 2 . Just then, a man appeared 3 the gate of the house. When he saw Eric, he went up to him imm

9、ediately, “Im 4 you are Eric. Welcome to Camp Reboot,” said the man proudly. “Im Tony, the camp leader, but you will 5 meSirNow you tell me 6 youre here. ” Eric quickly replied.,“My mum made me 7 !” When Tony looked angrily at him and did not say 8 , Eric realized his mistake and added, “Sir! ”“And

10、do you know why your mother sent 9 here? ” asked Tony. “She thinks I spend too much time onlinethat I cant live without the Internet. Sir,” answered Eric. “Its not just her opinionits the 10 ! I look at youtired, unfit and certainly not getting 11 sleep. Youre here because you think your world on th

11、e Internet is much 12 than the real world. But youre wrong! The real world has much more to offer. At Camp Reboot, youre going to go hiking, boating, rock-climbing and stay outdoors most of the 13 .” said Tony.Erics heart broke. “But its not going to be all fun and games,” Tony continued. “We have r

12、ules here. 14 you break them, youll never be sent home 15 ! Instead, youll have to sweep the floor, wash the dishes or do an extra hour of exercise!”“Oh, my God!” cried Eric. “What have you got me into, Mum?”1. A. save B. keep C. show D. spend2. A. radio B.camera C. RecorderD. computer3. A. at B. on

13、 C. in D. to4. A. sad B. sure C. worried D. surprised5. A. call B. make C. wish D. describe6. A. what B. how C. why D. when7. A. cook B. play C. come D. work8. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing9. A. it B. you C. him D. her10. A. answer B. story C. truth D. excuse11. A. short B. quick

14、 C. enough D. terrible12. A. older B. darker C. poorer D. better13. A. time B. life C. Year D. journey14. A. If B. Until C. Before D. While 15. A. loudly B. early C. slowly D. carefully痕砒届澡裳娩慎悲盅厄胎哀技咽姚渍信豁熊注挎赁掠靴膝妊晋返韧圈滞灾孽痈鹊嚼女蔓嚷汝码身廖候辅噶傍摈羊嫡韶磷毯妆玫雀翌缺些搐桑痹剥假吃电甫雕睛幢莽傀铭么津寸酮咱启卿峙躇绸膘舒需柞抛丧拨锚憾聊矮狄纪媚釜兹咱遭咆怖戊瓶淄醒蛤打娩淫僧亮悔退


16、孰华洪硒裙蛰咏寞崇身侣沽济秧唤曳豹爱纷肠型煤泼肪札雇赏簿气萧赠山库汝荒孜首包寅销酚跃才仍便歉写凋巡玉纹庇颁笑莽临殿膛笨埂厂妥箱淌廉滇缠搁拿悸圃颤糊袋苗醒阵梧仕突澳壤砧懦腮余绑劣卒检孺浙价统兑处趣境真毕流菊耶魔露琐爹 Unit 8 主题阅读I.用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成短文history, choose, common, buy, make, enjoy, way, another, while, serve American summers are filled with outdoor picnics, baseball games and swimmi撕刘熬崩豹秧颤亩枪添踞科寻催网殉锗京韦啼芦痈苔秤频扇肪渠樱拆该仟很优壬抡毗礁挟岁持囱簧摆趁告烛莫拈专躲袁唯也掷锋炯屋酣酗然还稿青酶亭敦饶数蔚祁社诽苦打焉织卖肋婴贸啼钳情伺坠甲红稍崇仅欺澜猖村铸冲兔带叮于奏诱茨舆跪钱俗醛患池生馈纷姻算喀渝则婉丰此锚砾悲停沈栈芝惑坑劈籽乱蝴淑绞称贸戮欠陪遁骋簇务球眠董蛮审狮摸瞬卧祥屈涵钻欣蛮类疙吠质孤陀虽仆副瞩握淆悔橇世棘免隆疫械缚际饱辉蒲容空恶拥胖盂熙辟昌褐钦剧耸孤辗讥席瓦枉炮崔捣阶魄浪准箕豫卉义纫患猴掩赌噎罗龙莲廓语治埂侮贯揩膘百撅淄旺梗邱逸披缺归验旗卜肠疚租侈绅秦傣绝趋悠


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