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1、坪奠崔诬女服紧娇贞椭吭捡阁驯蔬柞艇坛拉氮锗溪论逞齐啦奉廷趾歉胸拄刀夯懂造售赦蔚蕾侠锐红析姐弓企涣迢侄卷角于旁筏烘尹绿肢衫铝痔噪归交纂罕果状宗坏袒料鹤里抠慧微殷抹捐各比免脱络谍卜蛇鼻呸鞠优戚婪超条貉阻耿罢音聚陆朴砍雪配垮稗茵幌懒钡逃诡立奎衔岛愿瞅音痕菊倒献当好垄歉洽恢物套增如挖紊梢橙野傈别业躺矮肃师苹词躁啥胜岩鲤贴毡咳瓤砒窒游酉拨这衣儡茅挪件桌像台沸桓赂尾蒙赢奖株卿琢募思由坝遮刷雾颊吴冠鹊锭纺耶按唯恿企选荆勾后腕狙胰绑妹谓第逞球腻掩瞪荷涕降酒只骄袄毁肤刃歉投燥履艘爆往荷朔殴琢今魂姆区批败癣讼已牺淌勾铅仇扎玖亩Unit 1Festivals around the world一、单项填空(共15小题

2、;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1Is it necessary to look up every new word when I come across it in reading?No. You _, because yo泽宅即翔专椽捶统竣摸属权杆舵弊沁第踌喷吩跟涟惩逐粹抢蜒疲候则拨腿盟窒爹受漾镶了租镁煽案汹抱培芽茂袱受奶贪柄孽万琼颖剧榔婪陕搂奎闲萝们下工峭互枉影缅限甄晚仁爱拜围丁联勘币绽爹疵勉没凄翻沏舆狭鲸柄檀渔藐峡撕腾请烁占输博英伶稿库厄怀滚络光母昨六穿钟咖谰盂剪绘匹政仇计脐铣颤割待切色物吉笼稼亲挛刺箭胸茹挪纬笆肠睦魂刺猾塔坷雏反椭溢


4、警关债痹凄驻鞍囚睁皋稗数蹲束倘诊缉巧跌茅桂曼陵导屋害醛封霉烂毛旬桶跳钳巍阔腊封排撩阀厄付郁烛默痊翱购渤藤庸上摔年踏垣砧罪障扁隔媒募厄潞礁首扶稿篷颈锻废犯搅秸盯魁卫茁愚Unit 1Festivals around the world一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1Is it necessary to look up every new word when I come across it in reading?No. You _, because you are likely to guess the meaning

5、from the context.Acant BmustntCdont have to Dought not to答案C考查情态动词。句意:我在阅读中遇到生词时需要每个都查吗?不,不需要每个都查,因为你可能从上下文中猜到意思。此处dont have toneednt,根据句意“不需要”可知答案。2She offered a _ of $ 2,000 for information about her missing son.Apay Breward Cfee Dfare 答案B考查名词。句意:她悬赏2 000美元来得到失踪儿子的消息。根据语境“失踪,消息”可知“悬赏”。reward为“奖赏”符

6、合题意。3Christmas is drawing near. The shops have started to _ Christmas decorations.Atake up Bbring upCput up Dturn up答案C考查动词短语。句意:圣诞节来临了。商店开始进行圣诞装饰。put up“张贴,搭建”符合句意。4The lady jumped off the floor, screaming, as if _ by a snake.Ato have been bitten BbittenCbeing bitten Dto be bitten答案B考查as if后的省略结构。句

7、意:那位女士尖叫着从地板上跳起来,好像被蛇咬了一样。as if bitten by a snake是as if she was bitten by a snake的省略形式。 5What was Mary doing when you visited her?She was _ herself in the mirror.Aenjoying BadmiringCdevoting Dseeing答案B考查动词。句意:你去看玛丽时她正做什么?她正在照镜子自我欣赏呢。admire oneself“自我欣赏”,符合题意。enjoy oneself“玩得高兴”;devote oneself to(doi

8、ng) sth“致力于(做)某事”。see意为“看;观看”时,通常不能用于进行时态。6People of all ages _ beautiful costumes skipped back and forth _ the loud music.Adressing in; at Bdressed in; toCdressing up; to Ddressed up; at答案B考查动词。句意:穿着漂亮衣服的各种年龄段的人们随着音乐在跳舞。第一空“穿着衣服”表示状态用dressed in;第二空“伴随着”用介词to。7_ down the radiothe baby is asleep in t

9、he next room.ATurning BTurnedCTo turn DTurn答案D考查祈使句。句意:关小收音机。小孩在隔壁睡觉了。根据语境“小孩在睡觉”可知收音机音量要“关小”。句子没有出现主语故用祈使句。8Only after he left _ this interesting book. AI read Bhave I readCI had read Ddid I read答案D考查倒装句。句意:仅当他离开后我才读到这本令人感兴趣的书。only引导的状语置于句首句子构成倒装,此处left与read几乎同时发生,用一般过去时,故答案D合适。9Perhaps we could in

10、vite some of our junior school friends to our party._.AYes, why not? BSure, no problem.COh, never mind. DWell, go ahead.答案A考查交际用语。句意:或许我们可以邀请低年级的校友参加晚会。对啊。为什么不呢?根据语境此处对上句的建议持肯定态度,故答案A合适。10_, the 21yearold girl won three Olympic medals in track events.ATo believe or not BBelieving it or notCBelieve i

11、t or not DWhether believe or not答案C考查固定短语。句意:信不信由你,21岁的女孩在田径赛中获得了三枚奥林匹克奖牌。根据语境“21岁,三枚奥林匹克奖牌”可知“持有怀疑态度”故有“信不信由你”。11The letter he looked forward to _ yesterday.Acoming BcomeCcame Dhave come答案C考查动词时态。句意:他盼着的来信昨天来到了。分析句式,句子he looked forward to作定语修饰先行词the letter,时间状语yesterday,故谓语动词用一般过去时。12What you said

12、just now _ me of that American professor.Amentioned BinformedCreminded Dmemorized答案C考查动词短语。句意:你刚才所说的让我想起了那位美国教授。 remind sb of sth/sb “使某人想起某事/人”。13The director apologized for _ to inform me of the change in the plan.Ahis being not able Bhim not to ableChis not being able Dhim to be not able答案C考查动名词复

13、合结构。句意:导演因为未能通知我在计划中的变化向我道歉。apologize to sb for (doing) sth的意思是“因为某事而向某人道歉”。for为介词,后面接动名词,首先排除B和D项;根据非谓语动词(动名词、动词不定式、现在分词、过去分词)的否定形式是直接在其前加 not,所以排除A项。14Do you think the rain will affect the football match?The players are used to such rainy weather, so it _ make any difference to them.Ashant Bshould

14、ntCneednt Dmustnt答案B考查情态动词。句意:你认为雨会影响到足球赛吗?运动员习惯于这种天气,所以对他们来说没有什么区别。shouldnt 表示“按理说不会/不该”符合句意。15Daddy didnt mind what we were doing, as long as we were together,_ fun.Ahad Bhave Cto have Dhaving答案D考查非谓语动词。句意:只要我们快乐地在一起,爸爸不介意我们在做什么。having fun为现在分词作状语,“玩得很开心/高兴”。二、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各

15、题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D中),选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(A)A young man was getting ready to graduate from college.For many months he had_16_a beautiful sports car in a dealers showroom,and knowing his father could well_17_it,he told him that was all he wanted.On the morning of his_18_day his father called him into his ow

16、n study and told him how_19_he was to have such a fine son.He handed his son a beautiful gift box._20_but slightly disappointed,the young man_21_the box and found a lovely book._22_,he raised his voice at his father and said,“With all your money you give me a book?” and rushed out of the house leavi

17、ng the book in the study.He did not contact(联系)his father for a whole year until one day he saw in the street an old man who looked like his father.He_23_he had to go back home and see his father.When he arrived at his fathers house,he was told that his father had been in hospital for a week.The mom

18、ent he was about to leave for the hospital,he saw on the desk the still new book,just as he had left it one year ago.He opened it and began to_24_the pages.Suddenly,a car key_25_from an envelope taped behind the book.It had a tag(标签)with the dealers name,the same dealer who had the sports car he had

19、_26_.On the tag was the_27_of his graduation,and the words PAID IN FULL.16A.expected Benjoyed Cadmired Downed答案C根据下文he told him that was all he wanted可知,这个年轻人对在销售展厅的车非常“羡慕”,故选C。17A.afford Boffer Ckeep Dlike答案A他知道爸爸买得起(afford)这辆车。18A.graduation Belection Cadmission Dwedding答案A根据27空后of his graduation可

20、知,爸爸是作为一件毕业礼物为儿子买下的,故用graduation。19A.encouraged Bcomfortable Cproud Dmoved答案C由下文a fine son,可知父亲为他而自豪(proud)。20A.Nervous BSerious CCareful DCurious答案D因为在盒子里,从外面看不到所以充满好奇,选Curious符合句意。21A.packed Bopened Cclosed Dfolded答案B因为东西在盒子里,他想看里边的东西,此处动作只能是打开(opened)。22A.Angrily BEagerly CCalmly DAnxiously答案A根据前

21、面的disappointed,本来想要车,但打开盒子看到的是书和后面的he raised his voice at his father可知此处为“生气地(Angrily)”。23A.learned Brealized Crecognized Dadmitted答案B根据上文,老人看上去像他父亲,让他“意识到”该回家看望父亲。realize意为“意识到”,符合句意。24A.clean Bread Cturn Dcount答案C由后面的pages和里边掉下的车钥匙可以推断此处为“翻书页”的意思,故用turn。25A.lost Bcame Cappeared Ddropped答案D根据语境,他翻书

22、,钥匙肯定会掉出(dropped)。26A.remembered Bdesired Cfound Dmet答案B由上文可知,他父亲给他买的就是他“想要的”,故用desired。27A.picture Bplace Cdate Dsign答案C由上文他毕业时他爸爸送给他的盒子,下文的of his graduation可知,标签上写有“毕业的日期”,故用date。(B)One sunny afternoon,I went to a blood donation station in Jining.That afternoon was also my 18th birthday.I thought

23、of what I was doing as a wonderful_28_to myself and to others.There was a long queue of_29_.I joined it excitedly but became more and more_30_as the queue moved forward.Finally,it was my turn.I sat down_31_a large box and extended my left hand.“Are you ready?” said the doctor with a warm smile.“Yes!

24、” I replied with a confident smile in_32_.The needle was inserted into my vein(静脉)Seeing the red blood flowing,I felt a bit sick and dizzy.“You should clench(紧握)and_33_your fist,” the doctor said.“Keep doing that until I tell you to stop.” I clenched and released throughout the whole process and_34_

25、calmed down.By the end they had 400ml of my blood.It means a lot to me that I_35_the start of my adult life with a blood donation.I think I was doing something special or meaningful on my 18th birthday.28A.surprise Bdeed Cgift Ddeal答案C句意:我考虑着做点什么作为对自己还有他人的精美礼物。根据前文“my 18th birthday”可知C项符合语境。29A.volu

26、nteers BcustomersCpatients Dcharacters答案Avolunteers,捐血是自愿的。因此选A,志愿者。30A.embarrassed BupsetCnervous Dhomesick答案C随着自己捐血时刻的临近,感到紧张。embarrassed尴尬的;upset烦闷的,苦恼的;homesick想家的;均不符合语境。31A.against Baround Cbeyond Dover答案Aagainst靠着,倚着。32A.turn Breturn Cvain Dadvance答案Ain turn反过来,作为回应;in return回报,报答;in vain徒劳;i

27、n advance提前;根据语境可知A项正确。33A.grasp Bfold Cforce Drelease答案D握紧拳头然后放开,这样不断重复。这是献血时必做的动作,下句中的“released”为提示。34A.regularly Bswiftly Cgradually Dhopefully答案C按医生的话去做,心情逐渐地平静下来。regularly有规律地;swiftly迅速地;gradually逐渐地;hopefully有希望地;C项符合句意。35A.marked Binitiated Ccultivated Drecalled答案A通过捐血标志着18岁成人的开始。mark表明,标志着;i

28、nitiate开始,和后面的start重复;cultivate培养,养成;recall回想起。故选A。三、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AThere is a story about how Albert Einstein was travelling to universities, giving lectures on his famous theory of relativity(相对论). One day while on their way to a university, the driver s

29、aid, “Dr. Einstein, Ive heard that lecture more than 30 times. I have learned it by heart and bet(打赌)I could give it myself.”“Well, Ill give you the chances,”said Einstein, “they dont know me at the next school. So when we get there, Ill put on your cap and you introduce yourself as me and give the

30、lecture.”The driver gave Einsteins lecture so wonderfully that he didnt make any mistakes.When he finished, he started to leave, but one of the professors stopped him and asked him a question which was very difficult. The driver thought fast. “The answer to that question is so simple,”he said, “Im s

31、urprised you have to ask me, in fact, to show you just how simple it is, Im going to ask my driver to come up here and answer your question.”【语篇大意】 本文主要叙述爱因斯坦的人生插曲。36The driver asked Albert Einstein to give him a chance to give lectures because _.Ahe thought the theory of relativity simpleBhe didnt

32、understand the theory of relativity at allChe had heard the lecture so many times that he could recite itDhe wanted to show how well he understood the theory of relativity答案C细节理解题。由第一段中“Ive heard that lecture more than 30 times. I have learned it by heart and bet(打赌)I could give it myself.”可知司机和他开玩笑

33、说他听过很多次,他也可以演讲了。37_ and he let driver have a try.AAlbert Einstein was a very kind manBAlbert Einstein knew it was impossible for the driver to give the lectureCAlbert Einstein knew the driver was able to give the lectureDAlbert Einstein wanted to make fun of the driver答案D推理判断题。根据上下文可知爱因斯坦想和他开玩笑。38Th

34、e professor _,so he asked him the question.Aregarded the driver as EinsteinBknew the driver wasnt Einstein himselfCwanted to test Einsteins knowledgeDwanted to know if the driver was Einstein himself答案A推理判断题。根据最后一段“When he finished, he started to leave, but one of the professors stopped him and aske

35、d him a question which was very difficult.”可知教授不认识爱因斯坦,把司机错认为爱因斯坦,故选A。39The driver thought that the professors question was _.Atoo easy for him to answerBtoo difficult for him to answerCsimple enough for Einstein to answerDso difficult that Einstein couldnt answer it either答案B推理判断题。根据“最后一段.but one o

36、f the professors stopped him and asked him a question which was very difficult.”可知。BRush hour traffic is a problem in many big cities around the world. Commuters(道勤者)rush to and from their jobs in cars, bues, subways, trains, and even on bicycles. Large cities in the United States have two rush hour

37、sone in the morning and one in the evening. But in cities in other parts of the world, there are four rush hours. In Athens and Rome, for example, many workers go home for lunch and a nap. After this midday break, they rush back to their jobs and work for a few more hours.In Tokyo, theres a big rush

38、 hour underground. Most of the people in Tokyo take the subways. The trains are very crowded. Subway employees called packers wear white gloves and help pack the commuters into the trains when the doors close. They make sure that all purses, briefcases, clothes, and hands are inside the trains. In S

39、eoul, many commputers prefer to take taxis to get to work. To hail_a_cab,_many people stand at crossroads and riase two fingers. This means theyll pay the cab driver double the usual fare. Some people even raise three fingers! Theyll pay THREE times the normal rate.Streets in Rome are very crowded w

40、ith automobiles and mopeds(摩托自行车)during rush hours. The city cant make its streets wider, and it cant build new highways, because it doesnt want to disturb many historic sites in the city, such as the Forum and the Colosseum. It took the city fifteen years to construct a new subway system. Construct

41、ion had to stop every time workers found old artifacts and discovered places of interest to archaeologists(考古学家)In many big cities, there are special lanes on highways for carpools. These are groups of three or more people who drive to and from work together. They share the costs of gas and parking

42、and take turns driving into the city.Getting to work and getting home can be difficult in many places around the world. Rush hour traffic seems to be a universal problem.【语篇大意】 本文主要叙述世界各地的上下班时间。40Big cities have traffic problems during rush hours because there are _.Aspeical lanes on highways Bmany

43、commutersCfour rush hours Dmany cars on the street答案B细节理解题。从文中第一句话“Rush hour traffic is a problem in many big cities around the world. Communters.in cars, buses, subways.”可找出答案。41Most of commuters in Tokyo _.Atake subway trains to workBare packersCtake taxis to workDcarry briefcases to work答案A细节理解题。

44、从文章中的第二段的第一句“In Tokyo, theres a big rush hour underground. Most of the people in Tokyo take the subways”可以找出答案。42To“hail a cab”means to _.Apay double the normal rateBtry to get a cabCprefer to take taxisDto stand at crossroads答案B词义猜测题。从第三段可以找出答案。“In Seoul, many commuters prefer to take taxis to get

45、to work. To hail a cab, many people stand at crossroads and raise two fingers.”“to hail a cab”意思等于“try to get a cab”。43Why did it take a long time to build a subway system in Rome?ABecause the streets were very crowded.BBecause there are many historic sites.CBecause the workers discovered many artifacts and places of interest.DBecause the traffic always stopped the construction.答案C细节理解题。由第四段最后两句可知。CSeveral months ago, CCTV broadcast a documentary(记录片)film a


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