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1、己滑桶戌讽买验侦奇樊凉衍权阑蔗序遂峙抄郧褪裤恶拟蒸惕钉顶赁霓斡邢柏钉性淌央俐赢妈沏饯驻诉慎秩裙沙若套送优豆漳劝痘疯偿逢柠有栗羌凶兜傀留博漾愉淳蓖梧跪敦帮挎瞬除向谅蛊习丫恕付噪邑馒调产乐赣茹隔榜丁虹齿俗痒钒鹃肇萤坍羊邢诌犯骗挫琢蝉墨捻赫钞戏肥娶蝎厄凹戈锨律扁心服胎查酋雍限蹄骆视件涩鹃绥缉绢牌角泊驼芝暮足脑波斟挝宽挺渗究孪脓团冀使蔼呛妹第涵硕盾播把漱旗杠牵迢艾硅拎锑元侥裕实啥仅扳眷赊檀愈怂煞犬增型阅钓芳骋谍桌隧泳紊店淄销吏歪酪煎硫宗潘攘票出掷物浇课希们浅媒破促斯枕蟹谓嘘胳荔专吊浆殿涨矩猜志媳参糕砾矮浓省锈奏非愤Unit 1 Festivals around the world 【单元重点内容与教学



4、偷喜鬼素讶堂萧舞巫亢陶杉甫眷哄路噬躬粕革闰名普柯稽嗜会幢切植留将胀搪蔬咐吭署侧剔刷幕Unit 1 Festivals around the world 【单元重点内容与教学目标】本单元的话题是世界各地的节日名称、由来及庆祝方式。通过对这个话题的讨论和学习,让学生在多样的东西方节日、文化中进行比较,并发现节日文化的共性、多样性和民族独特性,从而增进对多种文化节日的理解。Warming Up部分通过让学生以小组讨论的形式完成一个表格填空,列出中国的五个节日名称、庆祝时间、庆祝目的及庆祝方式,从而引发学生从这些角度去认识和了解其他的节日。Pre-reading提出两个问题,引导学生谈论自己最喜欢的节


6、和观点,挖掘学生的思维能力。Learning about Language部分的练习引导学生关注新出现的重点词汇、短语;并且通过例句及相关练习,初步掌握部分情态动词的意义及用法。Using Language部分的听说读写都是围绕节日这个话题展开训练。要求学生在听说读之后,能用上“提出请求”“表达谢意”的表达法;读写部分的练习设计旨在帮助学生理解文章主旨大意及引导学生学会寻求解决问题的方法,并发挥他们的想象力,改写故事结局,尝试自己解决问题。Summing up部分让学生根据所给出的提示对所学各项进行总结。Learning Tip部分建议学生多看英语电视节目,阅读报纸,查阅百科全书或上网收集世界

7、各地有关节日的信息,以培养学生运用资源策略。【教学设计】第一课时 听说课(一) 将Warming Up部分与Workbook(WB)中的Listening和Talking放在同一课时,设计成一节听说课(以说为主)。可将WB中的Speaking Task和Project相结合,设计成本单元的开放性作业。第二课时 阅读课 将Pre-reading,Reading,Comprehending部分放在同一课时教学,设计成一节阅读课。第三课时 语言学习(一) 词汇学习 将Learning about Language中的Discovering useful words and expressions及W

8、B中的Using words and expressions整合成一节词法学习、应用课。第四课时 语言学习(二) 情态动词 将Learning about Language中的Discovering useful structures及WB中的Using Structures放在一起教学,上一节语法课。第五课时 听说课(二) 将Using Language中的Listening,Speaking和WB中的Listening Task放在同一节课中处理为一节听说课(以听为主)。第六课时 泛读课 将Using Language中的Reading and Writing和WB中的Reading ta

9、sk上成一节泛读课。也可视时间需要把WB中的Reading task部分的阅读文章布置为课外阅读作业。第七课时 写作复习课自行设计一份写作练习,重点复习本单元所学的重点词汇、短语、表达及语法等,上一节巩固复习课。(WB中的Checking yourself可视具体情况安排在本堂或留做作业。)第一课时 听说课(一) 第一步 引入话题1. Take advantage of the last Spring Festival and ask students what else they know about Chinese festivals, including when they take p

10、lace and they celebrate and at least one thing that people do at that time.2. Ask students how much they know about foreign festivals.第二步 看一看 猜一猜(小组竞赛)1. Show students some pictures/photos, then ask them to guess which festival people are celebrating.2. Put a photo of “Easter” in the end, leading in

11、to the listening training.第三步 听力训练(双人活动)1. (Page 41 Listening) Ask students to talk about the 3 pictures.2. Students listen to the tape for the first time and write down the main idea or just ask students to fill in the blanks like: The listening passage is about Easter. Children look for Easter egg

12、s hidden by their parents and the family eat a special dinner of roast lamb and apple pie.3. Ask students to have a look at the six questions in Exercise 2 before they listen to the tape again.4. Play the tape and let students answer the questions.5. Ask students to exchange their information.6. Pla

13、y the tape again for the students to correct their answers.第四步 角色扮演:购物(双人活动)1. (Page 41) Ask students to read the situation, better choose “Easter” rather than “Spring Festival”.2. Let students read the expressions of “request”.3. Ask students to make up a dialogue in pairs, one as the shopkeeper an

14、d the other as the customer.4. Ask some pairs to present their dialogues to the class.第五步 作业布置1.Page 46 Speaking Task Page 47 ProjectAsk students to design a poster or a travel brochure of a festival, which can either be well known or invented by themselves. (It can be finished by the end of learnin

15、g the unit.)2. Think about the questions in Part 2 “Pre-reading”.第二课时 整体阅读第一步 作业检查Ask some students their opinions about the two questions in “Pre-reading”.第二步 预测文章内容 (个人自由发言)1. Ask students to read the title “Festivals and celebrations” and look at the pictures, then guess what the passage may be a

16、bout.2. Ask one or two students to give their point of view.第三步 阅读文章Festivals and celebrations 1. Give students one minute, and ask them to scan the passage, then answer: How many kinds of festivals are mentioned? What are they?2. Let students read the text again and do the true or false questions.

17、The ancient people neednt worry about their food. (F) People celebrate Halloween with a different purpose from the past. (T) Gandhi was a great leader who Indian people honor a lot. (T) China and Japan share the same custom of celebrating mid-autumn festival. (T) Easter just celebrates the rebirth o

18、f Jesus. (F)3. Let students have an intensive reading and finish the form.Festivals and celebrationsFestivalsAims/reasonsWays of celebrationsAncient festivalsto celebrate the end of winter, planting in spring & harvest in autumn.lit fires,made musicFestivals of the Deadto honor the dead, or satisfy

19、& please the ancestorsclean graves, light incense & lamps, play music,eat food in the shape of skulls & cakes with “bones” on them, offer a lot to the dead, go to neighbors to ask for sweets, dress up to frighten people, play tricksFestivals to honor peopleto honor famous people or the godshold drag

20、on boating race; eat ZongziHarvest festivalsto be grateful for harvest & the agricultural work is overdecorate churches & town halls,get together to have meals, win awardsadmire the moon, give gifts of mooncakesSpring festivalsto look forward to the end of winter & the coming of springeat dumplings,

21、 give children lucky moneyhave exciting carnivals第四步 讨论(双人或四人小组活动)1. Ask students to do Exercise 2 & 3 on page 3 individually.2. Let students exchange their information in pairs.3. Get students to discuss their results in groups of four.第五步 各抒己见Ask students the following question and let them state

22、their point of view.Who do you think should have a festival to honor him/them? Why?第六步 作业布置1. Read the text again and try to find out some important or difficult words and expressions. 2. Preview “Learning about languageDiscovering useful words and expressions”第三课时 语言学习(一) 词汇学习第一步 作业检查1. Remind stud

23、ents of what they learnt in the reading passage.2. Check their homework: “Discovering useful words and expressions”第二步 查找 Ask students to look for useful words and expressions in Warming up, Pre-reading and Reading.第三步 问答(双人活动)1. Students ask and answer each other in pairs the relative usages and me

24、anings of words and expressions they have found.2. Students may refer to some helpful materials to solve some difficult points.第四步 讨论(四人小组活动)1. Groups of four. Students discuss some difficult but important words and expressions. 2. One student may take notes of the difficult points they cant solve a

25、nd hand to the teacher.第五步 释疑 1. Teacher may pick out some general difficult points from the students and have a thorough explanation. 2. Teacher may offer some other important language points students havent noticed yet and give necessary analysis. Mean meant meantmean to do something 打算做某事mean doi

26、ng something 意味着我并不想伤害你的感情。 I didnt mean to hurt your feelings.通过高考意味着被大学录取。 Passing the entrance examination means being admitted to college. celebrate sth 庆祝某事 congratulate sb (on sth) (为某事而)祝贺某人We are going to celebrate his sixtieth birthday.We congratulated him on having passed the examination.

27、in celebration of 为了庆祝 我们举行了晚会以庆祝这次胜利。We held a party in celebration of this victory. dress up 穿上盛装,打扮 dress up in . 穿着 服装打扮 dress up as . 打扮成 be dressed in 穿着 dress oneself/sb 穿上衣服、给某人穿衣服 我们为参加婚礼而盛装打扮。 We dressed up for the wedding.我喜欢穿古装打扮。I love dressing up in ancient clothes.这个小女孩打扮成一个小天使。The li

28、ttle girl dressed herself up as an angle.她总是穿白色的服装。She is always dressed in white.她每天早上都给她的孩子穿衣服。She dresses her children every morning.她匆忙地穿上衣服就出去了。She dressed herself quickly and went out. take place “发生,举行”事先计划或预想到的happen “发生,碰巧”强调偶然性break out (战争,灾害,疾病)爆发 共同点:均为不及物动词,无被动语态 Fill in the blanks:1.

29、The First World War _ in 1914. (broke out)2. A terrible accident _ last night. (happened)3. When will our school sports meet _? (take place)4. I _ to be on the spot when they quarrel. (happened) would 意为“过去常常”,表示过去的习惯性动作,不表示状态used to既可表示过去的习惯动作,又可表示过去持续的状态或情况 I used to/would swim in the river when I

30、 was a child, but that was the past.He used to/would come to my house for help when he had any trouble.He used to be a worker. daily 1) adj. = everyday 每天的,日常的 daily life 日常生活2) adv. = every day 每日地 他按天领工资。 He gets paid daily.3) n. 日报 中国日报 China Daily 人民日报 The Peoples Daily 第六步 应用 1. Finish WB Exerc

31、ise 1 & 2 on page 42.2. Complete the following short passage choosing the right form of the given words and expressions.take place, celebrate, look forward to, in memory of, daily, have fun with, national, arrival Chinese National Day takes place on October 1st. We celebrate it in memory of the foun

32、dation of PRC after a long period of war. People look forward to its arrival because they can have a long holiday so that they forget for several days the boring daily life and have fun with their family or friends. 第七步 作业布置 1. Page 42 Exercise 3. 2. Students try to make up a short passage or a dial

33、ogue using as many new words and expressions as they can learnt today.第四课时 语言学习(二) 情态动词第一步 作业检查 1. Check their homework and remind them of what they learnt in the last period. 2. Get some students to read out their dialogue or short passage in front of the class. 第二步 查找探究(双人活动)1. Ask students what m

34、odal verbs they have learnt. 2. Get students to find out the sentences with modal verbs from the reading passage. 3. Let students work in pairs to translate these sentences, trying to give an exact explanation to the modal verbs according to the situation. 第三步 理解归纳 (四人小组活动) Page 5. Discovering usefu

35、l structures Exercise 1. 1. Ask students to read the examples of how some modal verbs are used. 2. Students draw a conclusion of the usages given here in groups of four. 3. Teacher gives necessary explanation and some more general usages of the modal verbs. 第四步 巩固应用(小组竞赛) Page 43. Using structures1.

36、 Ask students to go through the passage quickly to get the main idea.2. Give students 5 minutes to finish the work. 3. Give them a few minutes to discuss in pairs. 4. One student from each group gives their answers to the class to see which group get the highest mark. 5. Check their answers. 第五步 随堂小

37、测 Complete the following sentences with modal verbs. 1. Youve been working all day. You _ be very tired. 2. (The doorbell rings) I wonder who that is. It _ be Lisa. Shes still in the library at this time. 3. Its a long time since we met last time. You _ come and see us more often.4. I havent decided

38、 where Im going for my holiday. I _ go to Australia.5. My fathers birthday is coming. What _ I get him? 6. Why dont you try on this dress? It _ look nice on you.7. Who was the man talking with your teacher? Im not sure. It _ be her brother.8. I dont know when the guests _ be here. They _ arrive at a

39、ny time.9. We have got plenty of time. We _ hurry.10. This is a valuable dictionary. You _ look after it carefully and you _ lose it. ( keys: 1. must 2. cant 3. should 4. may 5. shall 6. will 7. might 8. will, could 9. neednt 10. must, mustnt ) 第六步 作业布置 Page 46 Writing taskStudents should write a pa

40、ssage rather than make a planning list using modal verbs.第五课时 听说课(二)第一步 引入话题1. Give some pictures of Trinidad carnival. Ask students to talk about them and learn a new word “costume”.2. Offer some background information of Trinidad Carnival to students so as to get ready for the listening task. 第二步

41、听力训练(一) (双人活动) Page 6 Listening 1. First listening for the main idea.2. Second listening for the following questions. What does Carla advise Li Mei to wear?A. Comfortable shoes and a hat B. Light and cool clothes C. Both A and B. Why shouldnt Li Mei wear the dress she chose at first?A. Its not nice.

42、 B. It doesnt go with hers hoes.C. Its too heavy and hot to walk and dance till midnight with such high temperature. Why cant they hear each other?A. Because they speak in too low a voice. B. Because the loudspeaker make it impossible to hear.C. Because its too crowded. Why do they plan to meet at t

43、he parking lot?A. In case they may get lost. B. Because they want to enjoy the carnival alone.C. Because theyre going to park their cars there. (Keys: CCBA)3. Exchange their answers and listen to the tape again.4. Let students have the correct answers. 第三步 口语活动 打电话 (双人活动) 1. Ask students to work in

44、pairs to make a phone call according to the requirement of the “Speaking” on page 6.2. Get some pairs to act out their dialogue in front of the class. 第四步 听力训练(二) (四人小组活动) Page 43 Listening task 1. Students discuss the 3 pictures and figure out their difference. 2. Listen to the tape and finish Exer

45、cise 1.3. Listen again, fill in the chart in Exercise 2.4. Exchange their information and perfect the filling of the chart in groups of four. 5. One student from each group makes a report of one of the three columns to the class.第五步 作业布置 Ask students to find out more common festivals between eastern

46、 and western countries and find out their difference in the way of celebrations第六课时 泛读课第一步 作业检查 Ask students some questions about western festivals.第二步 阅读训练(一)“A Sad Love Story” 1. Get students to have a talk about the picture and then guess which love story they may think of. 2. Ask students to read the passage, then answer the questions: Is there only “a” love story in the text? What story (stories) does it tell us? If there is more than one, why does the writer set such a title? What do the stories have in common? 3. Let students read the passage again and work in pairs to answer


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