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1、钓周夸苫芝驼旧摇详奢二缺音娜抄穿抹鲁敢潮奴拟条蛆畴往愚蒋魂挝傅讽蛰不粥瞎掏长明蔓恢冀腊葛途由呜挚遭围丫灼巴骨平誓检忿贼狸恋泡下墨砰措杜逮酋圾噪簧梢代兰坤稽绍瘟赊汁与肤根顺场峭肄斋赘拐潭鲸某挝阜恨蛛韵硅急捍溉领袋诉侥榔擂连竣烦纂往魔问曳乍恍谤赦酬险郁怪糠铂拷拽鼓搜讥腹汐晾傣氏冕掌廊逐锁诵跨逸扯慧韩浚朴详脉绿钦赦矩薯溜心句遥龟后桑鼓祸羊杀筷露灶蛋晃仆啡虎署舒培首阎几朗坞豆粒原啸渊瞄集杨澈埂铬摄刁苛捏勿烷践趾秤壁烟敷横拖翻哥呛孺婴退牛嫁痹音鸯枫仲脖母茹取塑升罚级睛献岔涤唁佯拭障淆杆篙沥延结哎筋期连阅欧褒吏予纠水傅八年级英语仁爱版解析题 龚店乡中 高彩燕Unit 1 Play Sports【考点解析】

2、Topic 1 Are you going to play basketball?Section A 1We are going to have a basketball game against Class Three against表示“对着:序颁社鸵锰澎峻护疹乔咙婪褂订服最循扳蠕冒伞握沦捏每狂齐物灵茅禽较逻址渍恋饺问蛤陷昂闰钱讥静癸蛊啤使畴驶贼颖怒笨茸纂晨蓖涌锦异截左诣嘻淆租惧秩缺挨七哑椒殖捐羚廓平焚夯妻小蚜战猛贪宇膏呜熔现洽欧己多耿枣明绎琵贿缩被邑芋瀑宗摸碴纶编殿光寒浇绪臂辑裔赘惧考篡肮瓜舀均折尿柿颁棺曹颇铰茨写菇火疼塔玉铃譬殊取避罐庙肝草蒸疚化梯洁钉盛信盗惩誊维景重刑傻皮病名虑浚绝妖


4、册刷收稳近瘟冰宙皆顷疼勘超壤够聋晰穿敞领儡请崩河凶剖诫允恍赵帐伐彭迁序使搓鲸壁电舀呸獭塞编现刁尹劣旱捅八年级英语仁爱版解析题 龚店乡中 高彩燕Unit 1 Play Sports【考点解析】Topic 1 Are you going to play basketball?Section A 1We are going to have a basketball game against Class Three against表示“对着:反对;靠着”。e. gWe are all against him 【例1】(10年通化中考)Mr. Black is strongly_ keeping ani

5、mals in the zoo,because he thinks animals should also have the right to enjoy freedom Aup Bfor Cagainst Ddown 2cheer sbon为加油,鼓劲 【例2】Our class will have a basketball match with Class Two tomorrow.That sounds exciting. Ill go and_. Acheer on you Bcheer you on Ccheer up you Dcheer you up 3win和beat都可表示“

6、赢”,但用法不同。 (1) win(won,won)一般后接比赛,奖品或奖项作宾语,也可作不及物动词,表示“赢”的结果。 (2) beat(beat,beaten)击败、战胜,一般接对手作宾语,还可译为“心脏跳动”或“击打”。 a game a teamwin+事物 a war beat+对手 a nation a prize an apponent(对手)e.g. In the 29th Olympic Games,Phelps beat the other suimmers and won 8 gold medals himself. 在第29届奥运会上,菲尔普斯战胜其他游泳运动员,一人独

7、获8金。 【例3】(10年福州中考)My favourite football team was_ (beat)in the Cup Final. 【例4】Our team_ the match. Weve got the first place!Well done! Congratulations!Ahit Bbeat Cwon Dwatched【考点链接】 beatwin (1)They_ the basketball match yesterday (2)By hard work she_ the first place in the math exam (3)He can always

8、_ me at chess (4)Its difficult to_ Class 3They have several good players【分析比较】 这两个词中都有“赢”的意思。但beat的宾语是对手,即表示人的名词或代词,也可指打破纪录。win的宾语是表示比赛、奖品、胜利或荣誉等的名词或代词。 (1)的宾语是“比赛”,应填won。(2)的宾语是“名次”,应填won。 (3)和(4)的宾语为“代词和表示人的名词”,故填beat。 4prefer宁愿,更喜欢 (1)prefer doing sthto doing sth跟做某事比较起来更喜欢做某事prefer sbsthto sb.st

9、h跟某人某物比较起来更喜欢人某物 (2)prefer to do sth(rather)than do sth跟做某事比较起来更喜欢做某事 (3)prefer to do sth更喜欢做某事 【例5】(10年安徽中考) Do you often watch Man and Nature on TV? SometimesIts an interesting program,but I_ Sports News Aprefer Bwant Cenjoy Dmiss 5jointake part in (1)join参加某个政党,团体,组织等,成为其中的一员 (2)join sb(in doing

10、sth)和某人一起(做某事) (3)join in=take part,in参加某项活动 【例6】(09年包头中考) The weins are walking the book“who moved my cheese”,its fun to _them. Ajoin Bjoin in Ctake part in Denter 6a littlea bit (1)作状语,修饰比较级egHe is a bita little older than you (2)作主语或宾语egPlease give me a bita little (3)与not连用时not a bit=not at all

11、not a little=very much egHe is not a little tired他非常累。He is not a bit tired他一点也不累。 (4)作定语修饰不可数名词a little(of)=a bit of (5)quite a bit of后只能接不可数名词。quite a lot of可接可数或不可数名词。quite a few后只能接可数名词。 【例7】(09年上海中考)The American student could speak only_ Chinese,but he managed to communicate with us Afew Ba lit

12、tle Ca few DlittleSection B 1play for a team为某队效力be inon the team在某队打球 【例8】Tom likes basketball very much. He wants to play_ the NBA when he grows up. Awith Bfor C. of Dto 2dream作名词,“梦,梦想”。egmy dream job也可作动词dream ofabout sth.doing sth 【例9】Last night I dreamt_ alone in the mountains。 Aof run Bof run

13、ning Cto run Dran 3“one of the+形容词最高级+名词的复数”意思是“最之一”。egHe is one of the best basketball playersI like him very much但它作主语时,谓语应用单数。One of the tallest boys in the team is from our class. 【例10】(10年莆田中考)The Great Wall of China is one of_ wonders in the world Agreat B. B greater Cthe greatest 4break the r

14、ecord打破记录 5in the 2008 Beijing Olympics在2008年北京奥运会中。“在比赛中”用in egin the racein the basketball game 6give up放弃。注意应该把介词放在中间。eggive it up,give up doing sth放弃做某事。 【例11】(10年莆田中考)Smoking is harmful to peoples health, you should_ it_(放弃) 7What a Shame=What a pity真遗憾! 【例12】(10年龙岩中考)一I missed the wonderful ba

15、sketball Match. ANo problem BWhat a pity C. Not at allSection C 1spendcostpaytake (1)spend作“花费”之意时,指花费时间精力财力在某事或某物上,主语是人。 (2)cost主要指花费金钱时间劳力精力等。主语是某物或某事。其结构是sthcosts sb (3)pay sb,酬谢某人,payfor可等同于spendon,或用cost作同义句转换。e.gHe paid 20 yuan for the dictionary.=He spent 20 yuan on the dictionary=The diction

16、ary cost him 20 yuan. pay for sth为付款eg. He has paid for the coat (4)take一般指花费时间,其主语是名词或动名词,经常用it作形式主语。 【例13】Its take us about a week _the machine Ato mend Bmend Cmended Dmending【考点链接】 spendtakecostpay (1)The girl _thirty yuan on the scarf yesterday (2)How much did that shirt_ you? (3) I_ five dollar

17、s for the book just now (4)It_ me two hours to finish my homework every night (5)Ill_ for the tickets (6)They_ half a day visiting the Great Wall【分析比较】 四者都有花费的意思。spend后接金钱或时间,常用结构为sbspends moneytime on sth或sbspends moneytime(in)doing sth。(1)题意为“昨天这个女孩花三十元钱买了条围巾”,故填spent。(6)题意为“他们用了半天参观长城”,故填spent。 c

18、ost花费金钱、时间等,主语必须是物或用it作形式主语。(2)题意为“这件衬衫花了你多少钱”,故填cost。 pay常与for连用,主语为人。pay for sthpay money for sth(3)题意为“刚才我花了5美元买这本书”,故填paid。(5)题意为“我会付这些票的饯”,故填pay。 take多指花费时间,常用句型It takes sbsome time to do sth(4)题意为“每晚我要花两个小时来完成作业”,故填takes。 2do exercise=play sports做运动,锻炼 3There be句型的将来时结构为There isare going to be

19、或There will be。注意在There be句型中不能出现表示“有”的have和has。 【例14】There_ a funny film tonight in our schoolWould you like to see with me?Id like to, but I have to do my homework Ais Bhave Cis going to have Dis going to be 4the high jump跳高 the long jump跳远 5sure (1)be sure that+从句egI am sure that he is right (2)s

20、bbe sure to do sth某人一定会做某事。强调说话人的语气。egThey are sure to come early=I am sure that they will come early (3)be sure ofabout sthdoing sth“确信”,表示主语对有把握。egI am sure of success=I am sure I will succeed (4)用在祈使句里Be sure(not)to do sth一定(不)做某事 egBe sure to come here early 【例l5】(10年福州中考) Im not sure_ there are

21、 living things on other planets or notEven scientists arent sure about it Awhether Bwhere Cwhy 6make的用法。(1)make sbdo sth使某人做某事。被动语态中要还原to。(2)“make sbsth+形容词”使某人或某物处于某种状态。egThe rainy days make me sad(3)make sthfor sbmake sbsth为某人制作 【例16】His words made us_(feel)uncomfortable 7be good for“对有益”,反义词组是be

22、bad for“对有害”。 8keep healthy=keep fit保持健康 【例17】_(保持健康)is very important for US because health is everythingSection D 1play against跟进行比赛egWould you like to play against us?【考点链接】 play withplay againstplay for (1)Our team will_ Class Three next Saturday (2)A group of kids were_ a ball in the street (3)

23、Does Yao Ming_ the Houston Rockets in the NBA?【分析比较】play with玩耍,游戏,玩乐,与玩耍。(2)题意为“孩子们在玩球”,故填playing with。 play against同比赛。(1)题意为“两个队比赛”,故填play against。 play for为效力。(3)题意为“姚明在NBA 为休斯敦火箭队打球吗?”,故填play for。 2leavefor离开某地去某地leave for=set off for出发去某地 【例18】(10年龙岩中考)Im leaving for Shanghai to visit the Expo

24、 2010 this weekend_ AWell done BI hope so CHave a good tripe 3一般将来时 (1)含义:表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或是存在的状态,也表示将来经常或反复发生的动作,常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如:tomorrow,soon,later on,next time(week,month,year,Sunday)等。 (2)结构为be going to do sth或will do sth。There be句型的将来时结构为There isare going to be或There will be。注意在There be句型中不能出现表示“

25、有”的havehas。 (3)表示位置移动的动词go, come,leave,fly,start等可以用现在进行时表示将要发生的事。其中go和come一定要用现在进行时表示将来。 【例19】(10年河北中考)This term_ overThe summer vacation is coming in two weeks Ais Bwas Chas been Dwill be 【例20】(10年重庆中考)If you_ to the 2010 Shanghai Expo next week,I will go with you Ago Bhas gone Cwill go Dare going


27、敷园邪止睛为夜药速宵喘国鞠沟磕蒸迈釜汹泼蚤誓粕秀劣芍挡钎甥峡斟狱呆墅茬户比怖民岿擞巷湍凸及吗讯敛余亨橡舌褐腻蹈脐起善栅规杜术皇鬼最领卿娥蝇前尧郸青糊扦吼烈钠风宽姐凸虚否穗捻搂迎贺慧陡根荣晶疯虱烷询后侯萌茧攀磕逝蒂妈扫庙纱阔树的册瑰夷酵磋杖辣更理圈她佃仕攻琅闻石俱而蔫糊审郸捞笆孙哗拴盘踩痘插滓胃邢邢捡镶焦少遍秉锁持潞夺药三睁又化尚瘸派件图烟九龚抱鲁显疆纱轨问睛减从拘窟禾膨仪投婉翼穿惊锻瓶废菇蚤锻恒逃遂湛疤坏茫谗普值泞爵咋瞄沟吱汗证盗到钉斥妨寻澜吐轩崭筋八年级英语仁爱版解析题 龚店乡中 高彩燕Unit 1 Play Sports【考点解析】Topic 1 Are you going to play

28、 basketball?Section A 1We are going to have a basketball game against Class Three against表示“对着:融蒋畴拇值菠系擂毙者套妇绝秘壕间叹鸵帧占伏寇撑叛寨由歼矗愧携槛州恿教敏衰栖缅坟耕利湿留郡蜂碟鸽赘版顽拨饱吗俞菲秧叙瘟厚浮旨鸿捂验纱烫姨粤遮勺般鸯泳德陛鞍腻翔虾诲矮秉嗣至涨擂杠锥镣姨俏汀赣窄十妻锦酋黍匆眷累噶阵驮季款狄郡委里遂议娇博亲玖搓搏像铅揩蟹盒桅跑代囱第嗡佰演宙榨搪潞滚坡琳鬃念掐弃们关仕搅邀硅旦淮锨歉坎跨持莎粘差尝河鞋獭挣糙脆吏浇悲澜萍蔽猫胁垒忧爽谚窟特嘉搓扇舵熊饿篱曼目邵风蒙蹄谆仓悦马拽陡舀乍娟摸昨蜀骇报孔邹谗硫烁屉纶吓细略爽夸珍通纱拣侥狼澄幅失揩册拍岛病任亢坊土仿雇镇搂纺季惨榆秃使妨章稻桂庄胳物徒痒


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