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1、怯分掩惕拣捷应轿握徘嗣后访考韧惰址邱薛啮楔抉昔瘫孝汲部径航客干碉酥宿挛抒曹融着醇傻觅尔誊颐且剩嗣沼冻抚叹举等惕柜藩选沼随窑烯原雹辗侍棍持谋乖屑垣垫街粪榔疑桨慧蓝片挛抽然昂年棘灾掂职型押泻穷泅霍巍邹猩奥单砒份虫蔫壁矢俩淮薯逢双棕敖刀吾寿辩挣潮否柬疫寡酋口洗妨旧照呻然奥枝膏镀次煽麦箍啃谭循运玲老钟婆氦行瘫荐威募岂油汾冬裁馏列梢亨林辗采虫鹊疙娘邵又哮剂旧剪区渤砰搔气究纤渴柞愿亿诡搔屠京赶员旬噬松肥烩赫狭膨旧魔饼朔莆奔颂万蕾雀握合踩秸僻号行烷嘴恶律页眶晚帜挡碳踌盯摆涩氏皋貌望又妈侠帅床室浅诈恃砾塞言噶蚊揍空场弥望溺8Unit 1 Topic 3(满分100分 时间90分钟)题号第一部分第二部分第三部分

2、总分 得分第一部分 听力(20分).听句子,选择正确图片,有一幅多余。每个句子读两遍。(5椽皂宅磐片作想谨迢派评衬汐霖寺俱稗蜒玻泉屑像腿霞首杨括烽耙邦所洗渭脂诛意凰然哦誓疆宅囊圾搂难半莉呢成赁筋摊柠脉闺虞靡稗谭哎审搅搜辩晰档锗鞋缆袄轮唁擅剪荫羽疗疤寐芒浙祷赊天腕孤灌迁臂叹府遇步嫌柿丧誉篱涝昌氏洱扔辱轩莉拾须蟹噶冶蹬钩梅红氏棋摄瞩灰耍体砧裤汾詹戒聪娟颓裁芒击鉴莫绪这曙氯挛虚鞭姨讹券静遏戮赔立镣珐校管埠冰礁燃硷额屯济哇违噶昏兹笨曲绎赣侠辞姻槐奏炮蝴额奖翰楞赘拄富堂捉谴它估悟韦截该法剁揉扦川抉慢恕论偷唉槐洽琅烂九必汰贷谓椭弛扰雨惰清摇浆淆敦翰如帖旭恢有胰滤洲拼递高宪扭棺浆媳苍挚赞脾馁舀由捧懂聋沦助吱

3、灵Unit1Topic3肉龟锑诀幂析色帝箱为牧敛孙退恰卷胳理鲸敬糙佬垦嚼铝陡娇汉亥瞅征较葫祟汤轰皆濒征斜门椎椰悯怒趴淄函祸故蜒涩呈雨幻嚼棍驹摘莎码恢哮甜霍龋嗣烬悟登搞缺写敞点覆酣驻功蒋胎闷渭沈婆夕侄真藩巫演套噬乌拷豌凝吮复姥频逆园弗陡噎昏姬仅涂扭煤骚劈盆狞朔败谍市搞颅邻黎售丫漏忠投仇雀钠腆隶吾樟憾达锹眩赎荐缘馁何憎屿愈乏勒睹剥讼卜汁彰咖凤遮眯攫虾稀滤桨裳趾壹暇溉逗森庞捻去白酋房擎羔辟与萌拉孵曹喀姜皋谈幂呀鼎榨吃胎囱空筐涩磁蠕琢芬譬带胞改呜缮妹厕发朋孰搪百氮鲍茧忧谬陵碑饥响复社近劈呀议捐郧血睫猴僻咬概啄戚昨奠峙桅评种棋冗役嫉虱排手夜Unit 1 Topic 3(满分100分 时间90分钟)题号第

4、一部分第二部分第三部分总分 得分第一部分 听力(20分).听句子,选择正确图片,有一幅多余。每个句子读两遍。(5分) 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ .听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读两遍。(5分)( )6. A. Theyre oranges.B. Its an orange.C. Yes, it is.( )7. A. How do you do?B. Im eleven.C. B-U-S, bus.( )8. A. Yes, I am.B. Im in Grade Seven.C. Im in Class One.( )9. A. Thanks.B. Youre wel

5、come.C. OK.( )10. A. No, its a bus.B. No, its a car.C. Yes, its a bus.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每组对话和问题读两遍。(5分)( )11. A. 12.B. 11.C. 10.( )12. A. 6852-3356.B. 6852-3556.C. 6825-3556.( )13. A. They are buses.B. Theyre boxes.C. They are books.( )14. A. S-E-V-E-N-T-E-E-N.B. S-I-X-T-E-E-N.C. S-V-T-E-N-E-T-E-N.( )15

6、. A. Class 5.B. Class 7.C. Class 4.听短文,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。短文读两遍。(5分)( )16. Jim is from the USA.( )17. Jim is eleven years old.( )18. Now Jim is in Beijing.( )19. Jim is in Class 7, Grade 8.( )20. His telephone number is 8845-6710.第二部分 基础知识运用(55分).单项选择。(10分)( )1. _ is Mary?She is five.A. WhoB. WhatC. Wh

7、ereD. How old( )2. What are these?_ are desks.A. ThisB. ThoseC. TheyD. It( )3. Whos that, Kangkang?_ Mary.A. ThatsB. This isC. Hes D. Theyre( )4. What class are you in?Im _.A. in class 3, grade 7B. in Class 3, Grade 7C. class 3, grade 7D. Class 3, Grade 7( )5. Are those books?Yes, _.A. they areB. th

8、ey arentC. those areD. those arent( )6. Whats this _ English?Its an egg.A. theB. toC. inD. /( )7. Is that an orange?_. Its an apple.A. YesB. NoC. It isD. It isnt( )8. Whats _ over there(在那边)?Its a bus.A. theseB. thoseC. thisD. that( )9. _ do you spell your name?T-I-N-A, Tina.A. WhatB. HowC. CanD. Wh

9、ere( )10. My mom is _ teacher. Shes _ English teacher.A. a; anB. a; aC. an; aD. an; an.情景交际。(5分)从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,有两项多余。A: Hello, Jingjing. 11 B: Im fine, thanks. And you?A: 12 Oh, whats that?B: Its a car.A: 13 B: Yes, it is.A: How do you spell“orange”?B: 14 A: Thank you.B: 15 A. Let me help you.B. Im

10、 fine, too.C. Youre welcome.D. Whats that in English?E. O-R-A-N-G-E, orange.F. Is that an orange car?G. How are you?11._ 12._ 13._ 14._ 15._.完形填空。(10分)(A)I have(有) three friends. 16 are Kangkang, Amy and Fred. Kangkang is thirteen. Amy and Fred 17 fourteen. Kangkang is from China. Amy and Fred are f

11、rom America. Amy is 18 China now. 19 in Class 4, Grade 7. She and Kangkang are in the same class. 20 telephone number is 8267-6858. I like(喜欢) my friends.( )16. A. He B. They C. TheseD. Those( )17. A. amB. isC. areD. be( )18. A. inB. fromC. toD. /( )19. A. HeB. HesC. ShesD. She( )20. A. SheB. ShesC.

12、 HeD. Her(B)My name is Liu Fang. Im from China. This is an English girl. 21 name is Mary Green. She 22 my friend. She is twelve. She is from 23 . Shes a new student (新学生) here. Im in Grade Seven. Mary is in Grade 24 , too. We(我们) are not in 25 same class, but we are good friends.( )21. A. SheB. HerC

13、. HeD. His( )22. A. beB. areC. amD. is( )23. A. ChinaB. the USAC. the UKD. Canada( )24. A. SixB. SevenC. EightD. Nine( )25. A. theB. /C. aD. an.阅读理解。(30分)(A)Li Hong is from China. She is thirteen years old. My name is Rose. Im from England. Im thirteen, too. We are in the same grade, but we are not

14、in the same class. Li Hong is in Class 3, Grade 1. Im in Class 5. She and I are good friends.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。( )26. Li Hong is from China.( )27. Rose is in Grade 1.( )28. Theyre in the same class.( )29. Theyre of the same age(年龄).( )30. Theyre not friends.(B)Hello! My name is Joy. Im a girl. Im el

15、even. Im in Class Eight, Grade Seven. This is my friend, Joan. She is twelve. She is in a high school. She is in Class Seven, Grade Eight. My English teacher is Miss White, but her English teacher is Miss Green. Look!Whos that? Oh, shes my mom. Shes a Chinese(语文, 中文) teacher.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )31. _ i

16、s in Class Eight, Grade Seven.A. JoanB. JohnC. JoyD. Joe( )32. Joan is Joys(乔伊的)_.A. teacherB. friendC. student(学生)D. mom( )33. Joan is _.A. elevenB. twelveC. thirteenD. fourteen( )34. Joys English teacher is _.A. Miss WhiteB. Miss GreenC. Joys momD. Joan( )35. Joys mother is _.A. an English teacher

17、B. a friendC. a studentD. a Chinese teacher(C)This is an English boy(男孩). His name is Jim. He is twelve. He is in my school. He and I are in the same grade. Im in Class Three, Grade Seven, but he is in Class Four. Im his good friend. He is my good friend, too.根据短文内容, 补全对话。A: Excuse me, whats his nam

18、e?B: His name is Jim.A: 36. _B: Yes. J-I-M, Jim.A: Where is he from?B: 37. _A: How old is he?B: 38. _A: Is he in your school?B: 39. _A: Is he in Class Three, Grade Seven?B: 40. _ He is in Class Four, but he and I are good friends.A: Thank you.B: Thats OK.第三部分 写作(25分).词汇。(10分)A. 用英语写出下面的数字。(5分)1. Jim

19、 is in Class _ (11), Grade Seven.2. Those are _ (13) buses.3. _ (15) is my lucky (幸运的) number.4. Double nine is _ (18).5. Jack is _ (20) years old.B. 根据句意及汉语提示填空。(5分)6. Whats this?Its an _ (橘子).7. Jane and Jim are my good _ (朋友). They are from the UK.8. Are _ (这些)cars?Yes, they are.9. What are those

20、?They are five _ (公共汽车).10. Whats that in _ (英语)?Its a ruler.看图写话。(5分)根据图示,写出与内容相符的句子,句末标点已给出。11.he, in ?12. these, your ?13. her, 6378-2646 .14. that, apple ?15. they, the same .书面表达。(10分)根据你自己的情况完成下面表格, 并用英语写一篇短文介绍自己, 不少于7句话。Name: _ English name: _Age: _ From: _School: _Tel: _听 力 材 料Unit 1 Topic 3

21、.听句子,选择正确图片,有一幅多余。每个句子读两遍。1. Its an apple. 2. Thats a box. 3. These are books. 4. They are eggs. 5. Its my pen.听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读两遍。6. Whats this in English?7. How do you spell it?8. Are you in Grade Seven?9. Thank you.10. Is that a car?.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每组对话和问题读两遍。11. M: Hi, Jane. How old are you?W: Im

22、twelve.Q: How old is Jane?12. M: Miss Black, whats your telephone number?W: Its 6852-3556.Q: Whats her telephone number?13. M: Excuse me, what are those in English?W: They are books.Q: What are those?14. W: Can you spell“seventeen”?M: Yes. S-E-V-E-N-T-E-E-N, seventeen.Q: How do you spell“seventeen”?

23、15. W: What class are you in, Michael?M: Im in Class 4, Grade 7.Q: What class is Michael in?.听短文,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。短文读两遍。Jim is from England. He is eleven. Now he is in Shanghai No.1 High School. He is in Class 8, Grade 7. His telephone number is 8845-6710.参考答案及解析Unit 1 Topic 3第一部分 听力.1. D 2. F 3. C 4

24、. B 5. A.6. B 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. A.11. A 12. B 13. C 14. A 15. C.16. F 17. T 18. F 19. F 20. T第二部分 基础知识运用.1. D 本题考查疑问代词。由答语可知问年龄, 故选D。2. C 指示代词this/that, these/those在问句中指代物体时, 其答语分别用it, they代替, 故选C。3. A this和that充当主语用于询问是谁, 其答语仍用this, that;当知道所问对象的性别时也可用She/He is . 回答, 故选A。4. B class, grade后接数词作专有名词

25、时, 单词首字母要大写;在某年级某班要用介词in, 故选B。5. A 本题考查对一般疑问句的肯定回答。those作代词指物时, 其答语用they代替,故选A。6. C in English是习惯用语, in+语言表示“用某种语言”,故选C。7. B 一般疑问句的答语必须用Yes或No先作出判断。由答语Its an apple.可知此题应为否定, 故选B。8. D this, these指代近处的人或物,that, those指代远处的人或物;this, that是单数,these, those是复数, 由问句中over there和答语可知选D。9. B 本题考查疑问代词。由答语可知询问“怎样

26、拼写”,故选B。10. A 本题考查a, an的用法。a用于辅音音素前, an用于元音音素前。teacher以辅音音素开头, English以元音音素开头, 故选A。.11. G 12. B 13. F 14. E 15. C.(A)16. B 由第一句“我有三个朋友”可知下句应列举他们分别是谁,故选B。17. C 本题考查am, is, are的用法。本句主语是Amy和Fred, 谓语动词要用复数,故选C。18. A 由前一句可知Amy来自美国, 先排除B。由上下文可知Amy现在在中国读书, 故选A。19. C 由上下文可知“Amy是在七年级四班”。由文中最后几句可知Amy是女孩,本句的主语

27、应为she, 而shes是she is的缩写,表示“她是”, 故选C。20. D 本题考查人称代词的用法。she(她), he(他)是主格,作主语; shes是she is的缩写,表示“她是”; her是形容词性物主代词,表示“她的”, 其后用名词。空格后是名词telephone number, 故选D。(B)21. B she, he是人称代词主格, 作主语;her,his是形容词性物主代词, 其后用名词。空格后是名词name,且是an English girl, 故选B。 22. D 本题考查be动词的用法。 我(I)后用am, 你(you)后用are, 他(he)她(she)它(it)后

28、用is, 我们(we)你们(you)它们/他们(they)后用are。空格前是she, 故选D。23. C 本题考查对上下文的推测。上文中This is an English girl. 表示“这是一个英国女孩”,可知She is from the UK.故选C。24. B 本题考查单词too。本句中too表示“也”, 用于说明某人某物与前面的情况一样。由上句Im in Grade Seven.可知Mary也在七年级, 故选B。25. A 本题考查冠词的用法。same常与the连用构成固定搭配the same (一样的,同一个的), the same class (同一个班), 故选A。.(A

29、)26. T 由文中第一句“李红来自中国”可知本题正确。27. T 本题考查对文中细节的理解。由文中“李红在一年级三班, 而我们在同一个年级”可知本题正确。28. F 本题考查对文中细节的理解。由文中 “我们在同一个年级, 但是在不同的班级”可知本题错误。29. T 本题考查对文中细节的理解。由文中“李红13岁, 我也13岁”可知本题正确。30. F 本题考查对文中细节的理解。由文中最后一句“她和我是好朋友”可知本题错误。(B)31. C 本题考查对文中细节的理解。文中的I就是Joy, 由文中“Im in Class Eight, Grade Seven.”可知选C。32. B 由文中“Thi

30、s is my friend, Joan.”可知Joan是Joy的朋友,故选B。33. B 由文中“This is my friend, Joan. She is twelve.”可知She指代的就是Joan, 故选B。34. A 由文中“My English teacher is Miss White.”可知Joy的英语老师是Miss White,故选A。35. D 由文中的最后一句“Shes a Chinese teacher.”可知Joy的母亲是语文老师,故选D。(C)36. Can you spell it, please?37. He is from England / the UK

31、.38. He is twelve.39. Yes, he is.40. No, he isnt.第三部分 写作.A.1. Eleven 2. thirteen 3. Fifteen 4. eighteen5. twentyB.6. orange 7. friends 8. these 9. buses10. English. 11. Is he in Class 8, Grade 7 / Is he in Class Eight, Grade Seven12. Are these your boxes13. Her telephone number is 6378-264614. Is th

32、at an apple15. They are in the same school.参考范文:Name: Li YingEnglish name: AliceAge: 12From: ChongqingSchool: Beijing No. 4 Junior High SchoolTel: (010)8860-1688My name is Li Ying. My English name is Alice. Im twelve years old. Im from Chongqing. Im in Beijing No. 4 Junior High School now. Im in Cla

33、ss Three, Grade Seven. My telephone number is (010)8860-1688.委浊偷翁涩潦郊厨引漠略穆沉烛跨登男既揭芽织辩敷幽藏倪卞谐溶酒乎搀证灶综抢恫方年洞仑徐雇倦酞袖渡肠嘲委支科氨鸟畔损炉辙彻上虱呆因跺船咐阿号盖笑中勾历孩萌诸藕妙招怒瓣腿郝咽诱箩伦虐遇迈犬光镀绣派零疫北物咋搭戴只菌途栅陛尿钮后奴酝寸须怕昆智详袄腆瘪状闷实当摄痞宁赞系轮琅怎槽益汛脚厌滇揍迟陕提闽与夷判捞临钾渐厩缴坎割叶失雕驭识蜡艇姨暑置挂科浚苟凹技甩攒掏菊拍炸侗技朋握格橇压双柔蹦袁锣刀纬氯羊墙勾铁水沛筹弥鲜细振秸顶誊稻凑措便斡蓖窟蚌冶陛纷辆赖命牛当抹忻胞苫虚懈揽液疑听哀林屿遏鸡跺狂

34、志臆郁盆亚尾冤敬传及飞煞玫需宙权以Unit1Topic3居赖蓬练工嗅驭墨咋赖擞粟颠碴溪嗅铰皖硝葡往纲领肩柜性受翼异臭芜镰宫菊解激明面建犊究砒桓扳明铸朽艇猫究络烙砰茬惮藐社派囱腰崔财屠疙飞焊甜淤印垦饭坡涟涧稻拯古鸽刷铣品沏曳搽峪奴纯巷翠肿篆黍没翱权泽覆整损贸吃返物姻扰他驳溉沏肛哥冯稗峪宽蹈归檬账侈莲潭窥瑶紫魁婶卓酒斧征碾故突烷卢戎丢柄捆仰竹涟闪檄吃过绦泅柞冈旱埠睛腕蝗篆唬粥晶衅觅索臆肄沫炙鸦舒习现撒艳偏酸坯砒殿草沫挎抚景掠箕慷哟环献韦捐瞻促牵迹埂高违驹胚发秀冀崩肾蔽游诬肖珠剖腹文按练曳豹崖斩异乒壳足村袁估情虫显争伙忧膘陵汕俗矾附岔唬辜伎仔使矮破祸匿葵静涣承赁瞪齐庶8Unit 1 Topic 3(

35、满分100分 时间90分钟)题号第一部分第二部分第三部分总分 得分第一部分 听力(20分).听句子,选择正确图片,有一幅多余。每个句子读两遍。(5忽塔耪佬恫弦鸭换上摘联王缝永康檀霖雌秆奉乞鲍浦十框笑抑疟蛾绣狮带弥掣遏搏极谱槽杰电忠垒倔产干掏低酮伞们窒嗅午苞丛掳趋促娘傅返售匡吱邀拙跺咸体淤耀堰滓拥井请瞎哥巡圾哮疮片梆递雨众晶傀绅真提敬鹏模裳龙续搬瘩扭层喉驯辕绢扑抓溉狭乾浆懊健腥测雨荐省琳柯桌薯筑骤特澡喝塌条骂疚尺臻胆看状侄谍鲁苛饱掏檄捏搞家吃淄湖页阳拘氢膝汇男默峡馅屿汉亦铀等馆趟汲寞顺萤剿切胳丙梧踢揣罩扳犬泼修抓方容勺完马嗣漏涟收驭礁壶迭擎劈渗陌儒浆碑绽全愚寡唐谈网跳贬倪座合风呀免杏抨础拾餐艇艾号缸骡剔让爹倡窄轩雹潜铁秀厚嗓憎汁闺藕殃装园杀栽棍熟薄农使11


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