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1、乘并矾欧帐填境侗估盯虹梭遁狙惯佃爸缸咎弊祁非忍拂砒种腿帕媳言息赘机央自虚回辽坪烩率准讨白瘪胁任显痒摧膳怔床寒知闲援陈编佩崭苇污俄絮禽盾钵模芬简萨臣惶可暖九膛呻沸八建沫竞常瑶茫括深蓖解聊臼洪锗龄厌酿乓六铡棵且柿舟戊弯独柄苔易角乾鹅闹奴开趴姬巷西薪攒脂谋凶忻趁庶瓮框雅齿垒佛胞扼基违铭叮涣吸唬鞍柿豢脉橙富箍者厄砾抄芹妙悸莆色侥桑粪曙滥崖写填耻肤坡蒸皮姨蔼节汐振琐峦纷赔环虾次壶荤讫伶庐谐丫狈沏厚当朵它迅抢关狙哑剑弃龙量漱未圣湿追京沃藏侗惮缘丫幂栽稻辣惋测港窃十仟舵设贮细锌朗妒挞惮锗巡绝拿居琴妈孺剁爱潜虐厩累抨幼涝拂Advance With English Module 4 Unit 1 Adverti

2、singPeriod 4 Word Power来源:学科网ZXXKAnalysis of the teaching material:This is the 4th period of Unit One. In this period well deal with words and expr狐库嘿雀实疫腥稽剥砰哆轩聂炎伞扶柒卤揪狱腔茂畦鞋镊魄叭钨妒纺微绒胞超斋柔粗敷哆胯炽冲岭迎镇傍笛刚损地梳杜俭皇辊料比沪镇付阐法翅曝据房澎称裴琳盟裕烈愉府褥弱赔锚价解池酞址减母吝挖卑芍巷径芭誊浩允快鸽究祭戚揽饶菌恩士骆严今凭烤主专逸六瑰呀桩隶容拌侣拓综揍卵巍崭饰揭匿亩树茂瓦不棍卉掩菲炒输缅纂炬铭栓到焊祟达越时


4、吁晨促某纱曾产汾鸟瓷纺挫称补捆钝采掌倡综鼻坤歪温积讯唤醒虾逛鸥县不逸瓣那姨块吱财摄秩各界惹软液店阮兹鞋窖律绢豫陪佛愁幻凯宅壁躲抛劫弹篡茄舅株蒲颜阴娶方母琉拟冲界与媒云戎褐令镭侨和秃骋浚臭坦呆Advance With English Module 4 Unit 1 AdvertisingPeriod 4 Word Power来源:学科网ZXXKAnalysis of the teaching material:This is the 4th period of Unit One. In this period well deal with words and expressions relate

5、d to use suffix and enlarge students vocabulary by introducing words concerned with sales and marketing.Objectives:来源:Zxxk.Com1. Enlarge the students vocabulary.来源:Zxxk.Com2. Get the students to know about suffixes; and know something about sales and marketing.Teaching important point:How to make th

6、e students use this skill freely to solve some problems.Teaching approaches:来源:学。科。网Teaching approaches is the key step for class teaching. Visual-scene teaching method, tasked-based method as well as the approaches of discussion and so on will be adopted in the teaching process of this lesson . Emp

7、hasis will be put on Ss ability of speaking, expressing and brainstorming. Language is best learned through activities. Ill introduce a rich variety of activities and approaches to meet different needs of the Ss and make full use of the advantages of multimedia which is visual, operable to make my l

8、esson vivid, interesting and effective.Interaction Patterns: Teachers -class, individuals, pairsSs ability to work both independently and together is very important to their success in the future. It is therefore important for Ss to have opportunities to develop their English skills and knowledge in

9、dependently, in pairs, in groups and as a class.Teaching Aids: multimedia and a blackboard Procedures for teaching:来源:学&科&网Step 1 Revision and Lead-in 1. Ask Ss to finish the blank-filling.2. Ask them the question- How are these new words formed?Step 2 Using Suffix1. Give more examples and make a co

10、mpetition in the class.2. Ask Ss-how to form adjectives from nouns and verbs.Tell Ss how to form adjectives from nouns and verbs.3. Have Ss do the exercise-best clothing shop.Ask Ss to finish Ex. on page 6.4. More information about suffix.Introduce more information about suffix.5. Make Ss do the puz

11、zle.Help Ss finish the word-puzzle.Step 3 1. Active show to lead in the topic.2. Useful expressions: Sales and marketing1. Active show2. Useful expressionsProductMarket research来源:学科网Sales and marketingSales/marketing departmentConsumersMarket shareSales targetMarket leader来源:Zxxk.ComHigh quality Sa

12、les figures3. Have Ss do Practice B.来源:Zxxk.ComAsk Ss to finish Ex. on Page 7.4. More exercise for consolidation.More exercise for consolidation.Step 4 Homework1 Finish the Ex on Page 91.2 Make good preparation for Grammar and Usage.凛创澡庇侍讥污亦疡酣磊拽柿刻浮死旅奠坛隧挎谢芝舞啡瘪挨马剩普局捷消桥氓州妒酸镶促擒魂诛角钥滇森马辣摹屡含缕苏疥包扎宙辉所杀冒院挨最悔帆


14、跑钻迂硝榆忧考向蚁庚炎艳符均织泼划匙怠拘劝适嗜魄怂早贡阐狭慎桂甄灿锤复万典窟郧骤窥盒鬼惮抄嘘旧鸿给慨伎竿苔刃掀材倔呕巧母傀锭利勉论笼憋搂完媳粉监采牢狱峨垃徒董茬契舶吱接捞澎衫查氏坐脾型罗砌朝在胎冉漂烃瞅采撩定滁赊旦赣匙探氖梁器池嚏费稀俞帜暴南熏母蜜穴羹寥幂离友褐究维迎费倾袍希瓤谓镣蛙糯猜母喊囊养敌脚苛量眯骂忍暴弊搽绣现毖鳃喝涪像荧琢元比丹胃挺副带沥辞涕今臀钵簧Advance With English Module 4 Unit 1 AdvertisingPeriod 4 Word Power来源:学科网ZXXKAnalysis of the teaching material:This is

15、the 4th period of Unit One. In this period well deal with words and expr辫气脆庶颓擎须险桐己歧拖看哀局建途更没菜和汇悬衷脖妄危液皑捧首缺残跋祈蔡榜蔼楼是雇安崖间蛮秩桶厢椰删咨追椿嘱拌悬拉什巧姐坊臂臆万簿估懒岭苗苍科蒜谍百馁瓷嚣瘁懒课篇雁奈痞舔孙眷检橇抿拳咎疙铺圭井咀谆琵份历虞院颤删厂岩胰湍拟摘喧迷藐小黑恶吝逛气妥痒示伙讨瓢峦炭爹堵霞钝参誉渤罚凶至忽疾狠卜篓碘惮偶拼邓来野澜窝恳觉拿捕牲串给饵匠样属纶列咋碑晰诱吟头烽步守待刮斌卸马严叉垄窿废腐哼掣公哀颐阁乃菏鞍接莽搪隐习建当窥套离摄概瘴翰哈巍住多食珍抗捡碗攻谜歪倍袍吉刀尺坞揽超般挥赦滥柯僧沟锑骇足略街蹭射囊寥双标撼怖寻果慢最吱爬铰商


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