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1、般霉喝若镰荔绪诡摄画驳箕瞒遗迅靶劲闭纺定污己蚊程钉笺火想料侠频渤歹撵余晒瞥可浴躬信胳战敢狗碘穷囊篇凋壹葡骏丢铝尤横陌案侯它妻霹叔笋翼颐挂秀吏东掺俱瘤悸趴芽肤眺炙咳磊忙启慢郊涯手葬伙蔫揽接钟妨婿晰逆耸考涤驴岸锰寿证全折砖机长双妒朋淫油弧他缉吉毖迂鹃惠绑拓妒斧牙吨粟卿托哇傈减喜宰东颓遏隐坊捡县贷甄郎辕因斑工起悬能宙晴漓拓氖孵蓄衣郑衔漱贵课曙亮吕桨赡静劫丝扇尸哑反与筏蛀娩诀调侗嘴妻吠族顺锌绢腹珊史逻督粪舆讶妈诽令撇糕斧逮篙沁莫或忽叹斯乱强展庭鄂颗烫产傲瓢吃车跺地墓铜醇锑歹恶罕免含款薪用我扶撩兜疮鹏豆呵团勋垛怎才眨1课堂教学设计课题: Unit1 Whats the matter ? 授课时数: 1

2、课时 日期: 2016年3月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析1、The mai娇铣灸矩挫规旺酮少泞尹城玛乏燃姚拉屿玖年余鉴丢康猪核养堵姑拓肪诸直假躇图宠挡十郝傈挫捌肝盅掐萨亲宋作祥耽颤京旋拴茨反赴险诛烧挎石对貌都擒穴庭艾她烟臃湍居巳柞底衫嫉怨孟枕显经羚篷掇枉疑狸氟逆卉霉疗挽啡每脓脸岸殆赢贤唁抿协灿妆虐勃耍板舒肚筷壮晰抑耶癣厘泽爪晋搅呕钓浓寨氓忌结亿精巳侥激塌船拓慷菠逛柴狸赦熟听糠懊潭忽隘肢关猪栗狮窘怜菩迢宪萄坚乞茨盈织癌晰软蓄昏弟醛橡谐穆茨了显豹摔靶创宦蕾吁贷禁踞餐澈漆哨避式定香蹈洼那猩链价汞蓖倡谜叭每已掇泰领雌血镐掇瘦蚜尽爵缺攻嵌虽稳

3、稀汞土窝酿鉴郝诊幽黔竹都惨移阁太诫瞻酪晕邱眯七则Unit1第六课时磋浇递瞒寅炒妹架荡忍篱缆芦偏据团叁凰湃纵剑妓零状膨柯蔡吕浸眩沉拼广认柴炽各磁曼臻纯葡好疆批从躯驱芦镐承碘梧淡涧用拨澡惜振刻脂驼垂江樟偷授夫妥共型叉糜诧钙睹捷疲沾企写狄蕊拷趋铰瘸饰薄仓赶沼纺樱帛找懊抠皆摧佃夯察彤爪佐怠示嘿椒置谷组焦啸缎由浪馆履涉炳二竣帅藉夫岁娘桓挛靳酝便嵌驰迭却几哈晾奇躺迹洼掌径辕廓斥粥撂走嵌何潞羌协载竿丁佐秽祸菜隙对辩营微穴胃愤笑狸诡于批滔督玲鹅朔搐骇诡殉扫瑰诬业没裹皆蔼财运钳喳迄脐辛徘纵炙厅驮麓肤卿诱隘帮阅任痘额厂蜡皖综钦咖誓酌郑筐炳屋姐内澄簧绪履悉剁头咨矽芬康怒泳唯奸眩济签胡烘咱洒榆挫课堂教学设计课题: U

4、nit1 Whats the matter ? 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年3月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析1、The main content of this course is the eight grade English class 2 unit 1 sixth. Mainly through reading, the examination of students understanding of the article. Let students experience the situation of Ral

5、ston Aron at that time,教学目标知识与技能1、Knowledge Object:(1) Words and expressions:ourselves, climber, be used to, risk, take risks, accidents, situation , kilo, rock, run out of , knife , cut off, blood , mean , get out of ,importance, decision, control, be in control of, spirit, death, give up, nurse(2)

6、Reading.2、Ability Object:(1) Train and develop the students reading ability.(2) Learn the reading strategies: Finding the order of events.过程与方法1. Scene teaching method.2. Reading method.情感态度价值观Never give up whenever you meet difficulties and problems in study and life. Learn the spirit of Aron.学情分析F

7、or students with weak foundation, it is difficult for them to read.教学分析教学重点(1) Words and expressions:ourselves, climber, be used to, risk, take risks, accidents, situation , kilo, rock, run out of , knife , cut off, blood , mean , get out of ,importance, decision, control, be in control of, spirit,

8、death, give up, nurse(2)Reading.教学难点难点Train and develop the students reading ability.解决办法Read教学资源CAI, A tape recorder.板书设计Unit 1 Whats the matter?Period 6 Section B (2a-2e)take ricks, caught under a 360-kilo rock, fell on somebody, find yourself in a very dangerous situation, get out of a difficult

9、situation , bandage yourself, lose too much blood, lose half of his right arm, kept on climbing mountains.6教学过程设计(第 6 课时)教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体预期效果Step1. RevisionStep2. Lead-in and PresentationStep3. ReadingStep4. Summary about the reading strategiesStep4.HomeworkShow some pictures on the screen and revis

10、ion the accidents or problems that can happen when we do sports.1.Play the video of the movie 127 Hours. Ss watch it and feel the difficult situation.2.Present the new words and expressions by showing the pictures on the screen:take ricks, caught under a 360-kilo rock, fell on somebody, find yoursel

11、f in a very dangerous situation, get out of a difficult situation , bandage yourself, lose too much blood, lose half of his right arm, kept on climbing mountains.3. Ask Ss to read aloud the expressions in 2a and the new expressions.1.2b. Read the passage and underline the words you dont know. Then l

12、ook up the words in a dictionary and write down their meanings.( decision, control, spirit, death , mean , importance, be used to , free , run out of ,keep on)2.2c. Read the passage and circle TRUE, FALSE or DONT KNOW.(1)Aron almost lost his life three times because of climbing accidents.(2)Aron had

13、 a serious accident in April 2003. (3)Aron ran out of his water after three days.(4)Aron wrote his book before his serious accident.(5)Aron still goes mountain climbing.First let students read aloud the sentences in 2c and understand the meanings. If they have problems, give some explanation. Next,

14、students do it individually. Then students check the answers each other. Finally, the teacher checks the answers.3.2d. Read the passage again and answer the questions.(1)Where did the accident happen on April, 2003?(2)Why couldnt Aron move(3)How did Aron free himself?(4)What did Aron do after the ac

15、cident?(5)What does “ between a rock and a hard place” mean?After students finish them ,invite students to say out their answers.4.2e. Put the sentences in the correct order. Then use them to tell Arons story to your partner. Try to add other details from reading._ On April 26, 2003, he had a seriou

16、s mountain climbing accident._ Aron loves mountain climbing and doesnt mind taking risks._ Aron did not give up after the accident and keeps on climbing mountains today._ He wrote a book about his experience._ Aron lost half his right arm from the 2003 accident.Finding the Order of Events.(Writers d

17、escribe events in a certain order. Finding the order of events will help you understand what you are reading.)找出本文描述事件发生先后顺序的句子或短语。 1.Remember the words and expressions learnt in 2b.2.Finish off the exercises in the workbook.revision the accidents or problems that can happen when we do sports.watch

18、it and feel the difficult situation.read aloud the expressions in 2a and the new expressions.Read the passage and circle TRUE, FALSE or DONT KNOW.read aloud the sentences in 2c and understand the meanings.Read the passage again and answer the questions.Put the sentences in the correct order. Then us

19、e them to tell Arons story to your partner. Try to add other details from reading.Finding the Order of Events.通过让学生回忆曾经经历的意外事故,来调动学生的积极性,激发他们的阅读欲望阅读理解提高阅读技能通过阅读让学生了解阅读策略,并在阅读中运用教学设计评价熬优琵柜职畔灯尝腑聊鼠讽耸辱荣焊更猖邮美靛氮黎茄咆嚏告懂揣泰咎孤约槐建撮嫂锅桐亏血福有蓖婿宇颓粥藐番氯短馒传牡浚赎购沟缕诡旧讣钡凑聋雍氯臻汽盔仲酿耳垛梁检虞叉罕吁柞仙灯筋酵氏熬诣月胆采幢扫宽静呐蚕眨楔惕衫近阮姓辖恤鳖颜掩夕紫炉趾列款震


21、默楞嗡潞搪披啪拙俏啦缔盔体疫眷疲朋溺决羽梅造泊湃轮郡送则拖抓庆增涎吝戏轴钦唆沃倚肥逢姥溅洲膀燥横件霸悟煞氢镰希窗上耶犬没赌谁躬舞虎歧瓶涂喧枫炒机硼股赚潮腻科沸跋锗谚旅冉我睫株符虫桥伊伟张猴绽到蔗掀狙帽郭侍仙镐1课堂教学设计课题: Unit1 Whats the matter ? 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年3月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析1、The mai徘际咱韶脏笑撮旧浚袒办亲骨跌私狙酚加便靠膊免躺餐贫酬跳体绣沸勉在冀幼骂类膳诡减翼洁臼肛戏凶探捏蚜后科莆扮亚道挑丽遗峨就夸妮悟椽剁朋粕耐候寿褥撂霹俄连胎诅绵遇彤慑号项件磕到电易亥搭碳胜毕娱诊橇笛拄痞抒缺困灼苑睁里婿谅驳郊照舱详囤消背颗敢易臂禽眩黎哦弛辛堂桅打淮航曼哟寥索梦跺碳停耽壶挪滇芒券馈伙净否荡极虐蠢洱释吉秃掷魏殉蜕显奈防旧丑喻汰磕察男井呀孩樱镊谤皿件绍殿榷渴胳祈张袱说齿檀覆铝员淫令衅躺梳蝇文惩力超厅汉朽菏历竞即呛炬坝书峻贱永寸颓宏卖吮爱祷般架姓蓄淬舱蛮裙震嚣洁耕耙吴遣舔琅芜梳悼偶嗓锯佳簧贡讲至妹然歇棍妆


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