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1、(全国新课标卷_吉林、黑龙江、宁夏)2010年高考全国卷I理综化学部分试题及答案target (management) decomposition responsibility (reference) Ann 2-5-1 to seriously implement implementation security first, and prevention of approach, according to building construction security checks standard and Chengdu city building construction site sup

2、ervision management provides of requirements, in combined this project manager production of reality, will and company signed set of safety integrated target management responsibility in the of target responsibility by about management personnel of security accountability for target decomposition, I

3、n order to maximize the control and reduction of all kinds of accidents in the construction of the project to ensure production safety. First, objectives: the project governed by the (Department) directly responsible for the production. Management team from project commencement to completion during

4、by no casualties injured in accident, injury accident rate of no more than% (year), mechanical damage, fire accidents and may not happen. Second, implement safety measures, according to partial security technology to give the low-down the project team in a timely manner, and accumulation of security

5、 team members-organizational learning-related operations. Third, on the part of the management of project risk site, mechanical, electrical and other effective protection should be taken, not in violation of education workers not to break the operation to stop illegal operations. Four, regular safet

6、y checks to clear risks, supervision and inspection of owning the job correct use of protective . Personal economy, and the exercise of a veto. This responsibility shall come into force from the date of signature. Project Manager (signature): Project Manager (signature): date of project management (

7、management) security objectives appraisal form (reference) 2-5-2 project name: manager name: Title: class dates (months) items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 to implement technical measures (10 points) as part of construction organization design of techniques and measures to implement the technology to

8、give the low-down (20 points) are governed by the team in time for technology to give the low-down the safe operation (20 points) whether organizations shift workers learn safety procedures Full protection (10 points) whether on by tube points part items engineering dangerous parts take has effectiv

9、e protection security checks (20 points) whether often for security checks, timely elimination hidden anti-three against (5 points) not illegal command, education workers not illegal operation stop illegal job protection supplies (5 points) supervision check belongs team personnel right using person

10、al protection supplies civilization construction (20 points) by jurisdiction team job site whether reached civilization construction Total project assessment overall assessment security assessment of the leading group in2010年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 理科综合能力测试化学试题及答案 (全国新课标卷 吉林、黑龙江、宁夏) 可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 N 14

11、 O 16 Na 23 Mg 24 S 32 Cl 35.5 K 39 Ca 40 Ni 59 Cu 64 Ba 137 La 139 一、选择题:每小题6分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 7(下列各项表达中正确的是( ) A(NaO的电子式为 22B(106g的乙醇和丙醇混合液完全燃烧生成的CO为112L(标准状况) 2C(在氮原子中,质子数为7而中子数不一定为7 -D(Cl的结构示意图为 8(分子式为CHCl的同分异构体共有(不考虑立体异构)( ) 362A(3种 B(4种 C(5种 D(6种 9(下列各组中的反应,属于同一反应类型的是( ) A(由溴丙烷水解制丙醇

12、;由丙烯与水反应制丙醇 B(由甲苯硝化制对硝基甲苯;由甲苯氧化制苯甲酸 C(由氯代环己烷消去制环己烯;由丙烯加溴制1,2二溴丙烷 D(由乙酸和乙醇制乙酸乙酯;由苯甲酸乙酯水解制苯甲酸和乙醇 10(把500mL含有BaCl和KCl的混合溶液分成5等分,取一份加入含amol硫酸钠的溶液,2恰好使钡离子完全沉淀;另取一份加入含bmol硝酸银的溶液,恰好使氯离子完全沉淀。则该混合溶液中钾离子浓度为( ) A( 0.1(b,2a)mol/ L B( 10(2a,b)mol/LC( 10(b,a)mol/ LD( 10(b,2a)mol/L,11(已知:HCN(aq)与NaOH(aq)反应的H = -12

13、.1kJ /mol;HCl(aq)与NaOH(aq)反应的H ,= -55.6kJ/ mol。则HCN在水溶液中电离的H等于( ) A(-67.7 kJ /mol B(-43.5kJ /molC(+43.5 kJ/ molD(+67.7 kJ/ mol12(根据右图可判断下列离子方程式中错误的是( ) 2+A(2Ag(s)+Cd(aq)=2Ag(aq)+Cd(s) 2+2+B(Co(aq)+Cd(s)=Co(s)+Cd(aq) +2+C(2Ag(aq)+Cd(s)=2Ag(s)+Cd(aq) +2+D(2Ag(aq)+Co(s)=2Ag(s)+Co(aq) 13(下表中评价合理的是( ) 选项

14、 化学反应及其离子方程式 评价 +3+正确 A FeO与稀硝酸反应:2FeO+18H=6Fe+H+8HO ,343422+2-错误,碳酸镁不应写成离子形式 B 向碳酸镁中加入稀盐酸:CO+2H=CO+HO ,322向硫酸铵溶液中加入氢氧化钡溶液:正确 C target (management) decomposition responsibility (reference) Ann 2-5-1 to seriously implement implementation security first, and prevention of approach, according to buildi

15、ng construction security checks standard and Chengdu city building construction site supervision management provides of requirements, in combined this project manager production of reality, will and company signed set of safety integrated target management responsibility in the of target responsibil

16、ity by about management personnel of security accountability for target decomposition, In order to maximize the control and reduction of all kinds of accidents in the construction of the project to ensure production safety. First, objectives: the project governed by the (Department) directly respons

17、ible for the production. Management team from project commencement to completion during by no casualties injured in accident, injury accident rate of no more than% (year), mechanical damage, fire accidents and may not happen. Second, implement safety measures, according to partial security technolog

18、y to give the low-down the project team in a timely manner, and accumulation of security team members-organizational learning-related operations. Third, on the part of the management of project risk site, mechanical, electrical and other effective protection should be taken, not in violation of educ

19、ation workers not to break the operation to stop illegal operations. Four, regular safety checks to clear risks, supervision and inspection of owning the job correct use of protective . Personal economy, and the exercise of a veto. This responsibility shall come into force from the date of signature

20、. Project Manager (signature): Project Manager (signature): date of project management (management) security objectives appraisal form (reference) 2-5-2 project name: manager name: Title: class dates (months) items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 to implement technical measures (10 points) as part of con

21、struction organization design of techniques and measures to implement the technology to give the low-down (20 points) are governed by the team in time for technology to give the low-down the safe operation (20 points) whether organizations shift workers learn safety procedures Full protection (10 po

22、ints) whether on by tube points part items engineering dangerous parts take has effective protection security checks (20 points) whether often for security checks, timely elimination hidden anti-three against (5 points) not illegal command, education workers not illegal operation stop illegal job pr

23、otection supplies (5 points) supervision check belongs team personnel right using personal protection supplies civilization construction (20 points) by jurisdiction team job site whether reached civilization construction Total project assessment overall assessment security assessment of the leading

24、group intarget (management) decomposition responsibility (reference) Ann 2-5-1 to seriously implement implementation security first, and prevention of approach, according to building construction security checks standard and Chengdu city building construction site supervision management provides of

25、requirements, in combined this project manager production of reality, will and company signed set of safety integrated target management responsibility in the of target responsibility by about management personnel of security accountability for target decomposition, In order to maximize the control

26、and reduction of all kinds of accidents in the construction of the project to ensure production safety. First, objectives: the project governed by the (Department) directly responsible for the production. Management team from project commencement to completion during by no casualties injured in acci

27、dent, injury accident rate of no more than% (year), mechanical damage, fire accidents and may not happen. Second, implement safety measures, according to partial security technology to give the low-down the project team in a timely manner, and accumulation of security team members-organizational lea

28、rning-related operations. Third, on the part of the management of project risk site, mechanical, electrical and other effective protection should be taken, not in violation of education workers not to break the operation to stop illegal operations. Four, regular safety checks to clear risks, supervi

29、sion and inspection of owning the job correct use of protective . Personal economy, and the exercise of a veto. This responsibility shall come into force from the date of signature. Project Manager (signature): Project Manager (signature): date of project management (management) security objectives

30、appraisal form (reference) 2-5-2 project name: manager name: Title: class dates (months) items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 to implement technical measures (10 points) as part of construction organization design of techniques and measures to implement the technology to give the low-down (20 points) ar

31、e governed by the team in time for technology to give the low-down the safe operation (20 points) whether organizations shift workers learn safety procedures Full protection (10 points) whether on by tube points part items engineering dangerous parts take has effective protection security checks (20

32、 points) whether often for security checks, timely elimination hidden anti-three against (5 points) not illegal command, education workers not illegal operation stop illegal job protection supplies (5 points) supervision check belongs team personnel right using personal protection supplies civilizat

33、ion construction (20 points) by jurisdiction team job site whether reached civilization construction Total project assessment overall assessment security assessment of the leading group in2+2-Ba+SO=BaSO44 ,2+溶液与等物质的量的Cl反应: 与Br的化学计量数之比FeBr错误,Fe22D 2+3+应为1:2 2Fe+2Br+2Cl=2Fe+4Cl+Br 2226(14分)物质AG有下图所示转化

34、关系(部分反应物、生成物没有列出)。其中A为某金属矿的主要成分,经过一系列反应可得到B和C。单质C可与E的浓溶液发生反应,G为砖红色沉淀。 请回答下列问题: (1)写出下列物质的化学式:B 、E 、G ; (2)利用电解可提纯C物质,在该电解反应中阳极物质是 ,阴极物质是 ,电解质溶液是 ; (3)反应?的化学方程式是 ; (4)将0.23molB和0.11mol氧气放入容积为1L的密闭容器中,发生反应?,在一定温度下,反应达到平衡,得到0.12molD,则反应的平衡常数K= 。若温度不变,再加入0.50mol氧气后重新达到平衡,则B的平衡浓度 (填“增大”、“不变”或“减小”),氧气的转化率

35、 (填“升高”、“不变”或“降低”),D的体积分数 (填“增大”、“不变”或“减小”) 27(15分)某化学兴趣小组为探究SO的性质,按下图所示装置进行实验。 2请回答下列问题: (1)装置A中盛放亚硫酸钠的仪器名称是 ,其中发生反应的化学方程式为 ; (2)实验过程中,装置B、C中发生的现象分别是 、 ,这些现象分别说明SO具有的性质是 和 ;装置B中发生反应的离2子方程式为 ; (3)装置D的目的是探究SO与品红作用的可逆性,请写出实验操作及现象 ; 2(4)尾气可采用 溶液吸收。 28(14分) 某同学在用稀硫酸与锌制取氢气的实验中,发现加入少量硫酸铜溶液可加快氢气的生成速率。请回答下列

36、问题: (1)上述实验中发生反应的化学方程式有 ; (2)硫酸铜溶液可以加快氢气生成速率的原因是 ; (3)实验室中现有NaSO、MgSO、AgSO、KSO等4种溶液,可与上述实验中CuSO溶24424244k degree, factors, for security planning, developed practical of security technology measures: ass safety of guarantee, prepared Shi should according to project of scale, and Structure, and enviro

37、nment and construction risof, i ion (demolition) construction programme note: construction organization design is safety guarantee system of program file oneplate engineering construction programme lifting lifting construction programme material upgrade machine, and crane installatme temction organi

38、zation design (programme) scaffolding engineering construction programme pit support nursing construction programlogy management system (Enterprise developed) this engineering construction organization design temporary electricity construroject Department construction organization design directory a

39、nd the made description project security techno3 in order to seriously implement the safety first, prevention first approach . Ann 3 Mangrove Bay a period engineering p-5-ility (reference) 2ponsibt half, second half of the first half of the second half of the Mangrove Bay phase I safety goals (team)

40、 decomposition of resassessment of the leading group in the second half in the first half of the year have been signed signed examined in the firsTotal project assessment overall assessment security n team job site whether reached civilization construction dictioervision check belongs team personnel

41、 right using personal protection supplies civilization construction (20 points) by juris (5 points) not illegal command, education workers not illegal operation stop illegal job protection supplies (5 points) supthree against-effective protection security checks (20 points) whether often for securit

42、y checks, timely elimination hidden anti procedures Full protection (10 points) whether on by tube points part items engineering dangerous parts take has down the safe operation (20 points) whether organizations shift workers learn safety-down (20 points) are governed by the team in time for technol

43、ogy to give the low-organization design of techniques and measures to implement the technology to give the low10 points) as part of construction 2 project name: manager name: Title: class dates (months) items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 to implement technical measures (-5-re): date of project managem

44、ent (management) security objectives appraisal form (reference) 2gnaturesponsibility shall come into force from the date of signature. Project Manager (signature): Project Manager (si seriously implement the safety first, prevention first approach . Personal economy, and the exercise of a veto. This

45、3 in order to -5-f of the second half of the Mangrove Bay phase I safety goals (team) decomposition of responsibility (reference) 2he second half in the first half of the year have been signed signed examined in the first half, second half of the first halt 2 target (management) decomposition respon

46、sibility (reference) Ann 2-5-1 to seriously implement implementation security first, and prevention of approach, according to building construction security checks standard and Chengdu city building construction site supervision management provides of requirements, in combined this project manager p

47、roduction of reality, will and company signed set of safety integrated target management responsibility in the of target responsibility by about management personnel of security accountability for target decomposition, In order to maximize the control and reduction of all kinds of accidents in the c

48、onstruction of the project to ensure production safety. First, objectives: the project governed by the (Department) directly responsible for the production. Management team from project commencement to completion during by no casualties injured in accident, injury accident rate of no more than% (yea

49、r), mechanical damage, fire accidents and may not happen. Second, implement safety measures, according to partial security technology to give the low-down the project team in a timely manner, and accumulation of security team members-organizational learning-related operations. Third, on the part of the management of project risk site, mechanical, electrical and other effective protection should be taken, not in violation of education work


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