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1、英语提升: 5 大技巧教你高效阅读1. Use Pre-Reading Tasks to Improve Reading Comprehension1. 完成读前任务,提高理解力Take action before you even crack open a book, article, or other text.If the piece covers a historical event, for example, ask yourself what you already know about this topic. Try to recall as much information a

2、s you can. Think about related issues youve studied in the past. Take a few minutes to jot your thoughts down or share them with others. When youve finished, youll have a head start on processing the information to come.在阅读某部著作、某篇文章或其他文本之前,你需要提前做一些准备。例如, 假定这篇文章涵盖某一历史事件,那么,问问自己对该主题究竟了解多少。此 外,尽可能多地回忆与

3、之有关的信息。思考之前学习过的相关问题。接着,花 几分钟时间把这些内容记录下来或与他人分享这些信息。完成后,便为接下来 阅读做了良好的准备。2. Research the Topic before You Begin2. 阅读前研究标题Background information typically appears on the covers or backs of books as well as on the inner flaps of book jackets. Also, many books include introductory sections and brief biogr

4、aphies of the authors. Book publisher s websites may include background information as well. Dont hesitate to put it to use. As you read the information, ask the following questions:What kind of text is this?What new information did I learn, and what do I expect to learn?Is this text informative or

5、entertaining, fact, or fiction?What interests me about this book?书籍的封页、反面以及护封的内页通常含有背景信息的介绍。此外,许多书都 有引言以及作者简介这两局部。当然,图书出版商的网站也许也会出现相关背 景信息。要积极利用这些信息,不要犹豫。阅读信息时,思考以下问题: 本篇属于何种文本类型?我学到了什么新内容?接下来,我期待学到什么?本篇具有教育性还是娱乐性?真实还是虚构?这本书有哪些地方吸引我?3. Learn New Vocabulary Words3. 学习新词汇As you read, make a list of un

6、familiar vocabulary words. Look up the meanings of the words in the dictionary, and copy down definitions by hand. Dont type the meanings of the words or simply read them. Handwriting the meanings are much more likely to help you retain the definition.阅读时,列出不熟悉的单词。翻阅字典,查找释义,然后抄写这些定义。不要 输入释义,也不要只是看看而

7、已。要想长久记忆,手抄释义作用更大。4. Reflect on the Material and Ask Questions4. 反思材料并提出问题What questions come to mind while reading? Continue with the text to find the answers. You can think about the questions and answers or note them on scrap paper. Research indicates that writing notes by hand can increase the c

8、omprehension and recall of students without writing-related learning disabilities. Students who do have learning disabilities in writing mechanics should pair their handwritten notes with discussions about the material to improve their understanding and recall.在阅读过程中,你会产生哪些问题?带着疑问继续阅读以寻得答案。期间,可 以一边思

9、考一边将疑问及答案写在便条上。研究证明,对于那些在写作方面没 有压力的学生来说,手抄笔记可以增加他们的理解力和记忆力。而那些对学习 写作感到吃力的学生,应该将手抄笔记与讨论材料的方法相结合,以提高理解 力和记忆力。5. Test Yourself to Measure Your Mastery of the Material5. 测试自己对材料的掌握程度After your reading session, quiz yourself on the main points. What was the main idea? Who are the characters in the story?

10、 What information did you learn? Jot down your thoughts in your own words to help you remember them and give you deeper insight into the topic. If expressive writing is difficult for you, jot shorter notes and discuss the reading with a friend or parent.阅读讲习结束后,对要点进行测试。思考材料的主要内容是什么?故事有哪些 角色?自己学到了什么?

11、然后将这些想法用自己的话记录下来。这样,不仅便 于自己记忆,而且有助于深化自己对该话题的理解。假设你对写作感到吃力,可 以略记一些内容,还可以与朋友或同伴就阅读的内容展开讨论。Word是学生和职场人士最常用的一款办公软件之一,99.99% 的人知道它,但其实,这个软件背后,还有一大批隐藏技能你不知道。掌握他们,你将开启新世界的大门。Tab+Enter,在编过号以后,会自动编号段落Ctrl + D 调出字体栏,配合 Tab+Enter 全键盘操作吧Ctrl + L 左对齐,Ctrl + R 右对齐,Ctrl + E 居中Ctrl + F 查找,Ctrl + H 替换。然后关于替换,里面又大有学问!有时候Word文档中有许多多余的空行需要删除,这个时候我们可以完全可以用查找替换来轻松解决。翻开 编辑菜单中的 替换对话框,把光标定位在查找内容输入框中,单击 高级按钮,选择特殊字符中的 段落标记两次,在输入框中会显示“人卩人卩,然后在 替换为输入框中用上面的方法插入一个 段落标记 一个“AP,再按下 全部替换按钮。这样多余的空行就会被删除。Ctrl + Z 是撤销,那复原呢?就是 Ctrl + Y ,撤销上一步撤销!比方我输入abc,按一下F4,就会自动再输入一遍 abc


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