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1、 1 A Yev IWM H 31 wwo t C So. I Z l )2 A IW 4iuMr (hcj woe, B. Became they mwe verrmadt C. BCCJBUM Uiry Wo zifk exwy穴 o Il A bool B boor GZe D bcnite ( (2 A恤叫 H Erw*y C Kteme 0 u.A.rwMm R rtMd C nusy D wink *4. A. check R Iwl CUM D hear )S.入 muftAiuu B bored C nahM D diflkab UA. BkC金农中t出你1航厠於畫歯旬子的住答

2、谄 ).A. 1 do oi) )huaicuctk C. I sch IV B I late out the owh 4 A Al nine tn Ute FOT* f Bm 从B c m审4出与你常衔片的的卯或絶血)旬子. 勺41注衣的悟号 )1 dCnlhdpyou? B. You m ul help me C I *10*叭、 t A LM) ) SUM h*i tuo dittdrrn B LMQ h*i two ctaldrca C UIQ tun only one dwMcv ( ( AKY stuJem hi d M. C Chirbe hies macing vtxy muh

3、 ( )1 A Pfeetc come k jwt R C n h oe q nt party、 C Don t (uq( (ecroe tom*pvt) ) i )S. A- Ken ikicMit like bouli g H Km llko bcmlifig Zrr Ma Idtfe oami啤 oort than bmhng LSJ -HL文.上.-空-询. These 3、m n xteooii lune a big problem. 一 hippem ill da tag h can be Mpped if M do MNMRI. Ktptag *e teol ctam - - 一

4、 一 io hr cwytmc) )job all ibe tone wv ibould aiws bt _ EBMvt nUi 1W fdKMl fbooM 一 . nvwt ira*ho w the tchmil poundk !f Jtwkrtf piece uf aper. sone tvokm pvtxtb on lhe ground, die _ Uung a pick dim up rtircw* tbm into che mMbcwH Wr GI aim pa _ ORV ihr tre&bcm Wessnlr Dwih _ Wen tlrwing. cor *tudc 一 一

5、 一-一 hii advice If more ttudcntf do Aai. Aw Kbod win be _ . A land R. pta) tw gwui C. wiarr the pbnh D. ILM fed, I |g t Mr wmu F. btm n G wiA wvtti oMhrv H wu 许人 二. EBtt出止 K(!分 I 如吸 T _(mkl. J Afw _ 血your gz kwu- 3 Vc _ (wel murv Chctr Ust Sund4 4 No 一 (toochX 1 4 QM SheM%ev _ wMTViUcwsg 6 J4 rM o(T

6、te btke in the mvc nd hr I _ 寸 _ lZ) 1 Sikh n tbc (e*xtfin|K fbMbalL tetetMl or voUttmll:1 9 1am WJB, _ ooe) and he 0iih. I _ (rfen 问心 一 _ - _ - 一 一 to gg Be 魯* ple*sr 2 灯建&含4俾创止也 YBU . 4 Incy X 町必a梅网Q: _ bnuihM*? 5 a必族4.&有 Ibewt 粳血 oMdicf al ow KhocL _ B/awfh _ _ J 6 层cZT二龙卩尺見*. - _ M _ liMhMI M It

7、rKtop ?. * Ted f u . r cfew Ted woA oat t die gjm? 三、LA10H) zrq LZ B 所tJWQ -!(共 2 分、 Hoa 8 4 riu 如 _ 7 Luc)ta%3mc sn ts UuitMf, sod M is _ _ ;t人上住的谭.AflAH*! Mr* 冲 i、w - , - p ZonHShndw ii tea好u企芒您c? CaHJoia、如 Vcuan who yxxi jrt a iHtte _ _. 五、qrsa (An分: 从儿B4GC-个 “*出点次入空白处的性金瑞 ii gMiM3. We CM tee . W

8、tmd (be weet. A wwneBMw H MHWecie C MBmcBranci J. OnakMUyaamuH wnr B A HfcacMt B. aibch C hdmrt 14 dm i _ _ 皿门 o AatuiV AIUUI.1 think. A hcmiti&i B tnore beeuU1;J C the oxiu hemdftfkil -Uferfi _ )()(Mjhcm, T * - _ My4u IW. A werrOn B B -Ymdidn l ter Uwlr 3an did 槽7 _ lmch mmhrtoffia. B Na. I dMtet C

9、 No.I10. _ ami loibe Witer ,ncV B buior b tail A hm B Whgt C 3 11. Awnc i propk cat _ UH. beamw ihe Unnk tWy t guod far them A. Mcim B Mi C puuiioo )12 I bmr *、 ry f0o4 movk _ A SMtdivfM So4S1 B ?waba4ol C. Ye*, ii、ver ausung duh* 11. YIMI must A loot 几S 4 X 2. Wta tmivt ou do before bike nee* -七,Ht

10、Mii (MS分) 在空白1C入一个通野SRiW ”请內究正 Msuim CJB 1 hrip you? Tin Ok yd Vm 1 far a gift for mother ! know yoo Ime lott of j _ far硏触 AssiWur | m we I cal help vW chnnc U* t . pft fw her Tin I hope tao Aoisart WhM i the ocanioa (W )? b it a ipccid brtlMta). Tin: Ycx has Mr bMi. LZ think about whM the IM hU U *

11、dd *c like k tr wnmcihrng nc* TVn; Ye*, she :tU* a wtotlM She z very d _ *X like mothers her mk. It will 1 wn Ibstwcociibv Msiort UIUK Mm UI Wlwltrfw doing 4 Wlwr pvobkMB A* S a (A A 21 泌 IM mil li*o love them Hl A. ( (M5) R文内 A waA9BstAaxa. tA 10 the doctor.- uud htoi wift. T tai footiohim.tv %. he

12、 &M4. TH *1 uMil tfw dwiin cctno to J oore anr none. Ttn Il X hm AIMImy fix* l/l vniouv him. I wiM . 4 艸 TW txM day tbc doctcr cwne Io _ _ wwvw bwi* Tbc bookwHc told the doctor abput hn fowvd fool Tlir dnetor kx4cd it Md then tool inn a f*c of papa d wnrtc 6 H( (wr vou o io bcd.Mhew*d XJo r Mid U do

13、aoL 1 * pe HMI any J 篡如 Wk/厂Ked the bauUeM I Me J“g yxHtf !x hotrnc. I Mk Awm to pai oce dollar for aun thiny liU that io when I go iu dr bouiCK I uM h aik 仙 Ooilm.儿 J sne herr j. didnt I? Bcbe! ( )1 A ha B fool C. m DX ( 2 A. five B biy C Z D UL? ( 1 A hi r C.our D 2 ( 4 A bUki B nwm mu” C. WMtll 1

14、) )ZB 1 A bu AM C givhack D wnti ( A %rr) )tfeg n wtiwK C.、dMg D.tMtM 畔 7.A-Hv*Cr B Him KKMI C. D. iow tmiUi )& A. am ( ( ( B. wuuiiln*! hkv C. hcni to D. mmt B *(b CM D. I0.A And B.SP C, Hui PQr _ 九,1 1理1? (M 10 円人一 Hwr? a hoUclkT (* W). He M rx likf to HIM* you/ end the bnoUdlcr mrw. ir. twrv arr

15、war books H 7 T IMUJ the ductm m JUOMI *人; I n其字9增 入 蔚績豊序 HUM much paper 4p ytw w mep icw SUyhc you CM 1 MSMCT chi qiotai gUy h gl thr uwtd i w of pa( (wr * ( (ram for each ptnon aNow Mtfmt awmnM g BKMII 60 kiloffMnt M far ocfti perm in A or. Bui cratnn KiU Afncnca. Lnglsd and . ccnniah Mt owe pupcr

16、 rhw( (Mhri coumnci F. in hnipc hcan mcar 1100. la 1300. A Gcnom wmxl jKiiMfftr kiund 1 om txraM oukr ttir hesi paper horn Ahcr Um the wr countrin of Canada. SMnicn. Amcnca iml FmM beewrw the mnvl mporUR one* tn paper nwOung Whm w thmK of pcr. wki Jfid v Tihfe( (xr But Gere arc m iy oAcr x Onh hair

17、the paper b uwd for booAa d :nafauncs. , 和 H v food for U pa、g winn Hows tn often irmiAbMod C with paper Y tee some Ucvp 00 a l vc rmnibcr Q( ncwipvpcn. TWy rc Znxhc friwii the cold The (mm m Finlaad w r paper hoow m Mkr* coirfd be wanne?, T、0 iww Mid more UMI ire nude of paper UVM CMI UCW CMPCT I.

18、paper dm* and wper mnuxiiU WWn have uwd (hen end buy new will tmr ) Hww uuh P( (nmu )1 _ ut e) meve pIM other cxuninei A Sw kn D. AmerkM U F l 人 Hidl ) ).Whm wfti ppcf fir medc in Europe? A Abort 2000 vein fto. B VKve duifl 900 vcm ago C. IS00ym u ( )4 U do hrmcn inmh* MW peg bocu h( (*c mo.9 A Uwya

19、nr m paormd At) GMB 冷心y juper B tlwrr wv no hrr kindi uf butHs that C fwc tfr booti ft wwrmtr than n) )MUny cite that D JMPCTMJUMC vfn and匸,dun dmaay mU: LmkUbouo ( )i 1W urilw Ihinkt dui _ . A pr ii KM W) eponM H Ng H widely (rx*J 7 rm for making iaw or can Mxneth%- C F irnponw Mrfrtanbc uol IMMI D

20、 paper a mxlwig fk woc mny iMm jnd nun of ihm ww fuam- newm Toc 如厂c thll Trad by man) people all o*t ihr *xM Y (A 1 KJ 皿叫 he dto kUd buMn and very much to one r be went a Wine ( foe bolitiiy nd spem thr * er pkuiit WCAJI l the MMXMH there When k 齡 Uc h lioow. he Amw to the inm staka uithhis g He int

21、o the wcufte tsmo d MI E UI one o( thr tou ihm B* MM . empri ubn he in. 2 *wc nuiwwi tatvn OMR X d MI down. tAciag to him MMI TWMH JUJ m the nwa and Mhouyfii 4、moa 7 、 fho4l Hog* it would be io 押 aenhuM began to ttik Fin ulUd ont te wvattwr wid ttai thrs LilM4utMttrc Ttemimd. *H dw bydful in、SM ach

22、MednW 侃4 that n o pgc pfte eooomtMMS pmd now time or I pim 沖 Ivs wMhific Hih*Rg fi MMOK Am MM. tail WfM aho m himdnd Uh. o bwfri fhh oor ofinp g ihu mm. I 皿 io fiib. to I |M mmt iabch 1 aU wl t. T 7 en m le&d Met Zm far wmc iccvwte tim wwrrcO. 1 m pkrnMi. My job b Mi catch pref* hunt d ftrti mr 0g w

23、r. I m rhe tmi hw 0“ fneWt tf*rt C 3 A,hh 9cu ou D W MM fiM) )moei ( )tothecaBActtltatwm he wMdmknow lwtKnwM ( )4 Whcii 诚 g Mlauing b trw_ A VUft TvaiR the btfvrx h I乂 人 AOi wiah him l. Mark l*i g* b ftsht S. Thcwnwwtocc tbevtoo to A. mukt rc te hmtb W mule R imraliMX Mwi T mn s hubbici 12 C them thal Marl WHu * #ad fhhiaf D. 4w M mdlur Ud about Wri Twain ( (A a ft)


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