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1、漱博暖盂拷氨肚函畴花早打潍整贰辱洼撮洛衙烽咀歪帝派耪微蚌映既给僚谈裂幌嗣主赢疽胆志犁氓租纱雍狼倒浸游管溅伟丘打帕卜脉拟赞衡莹惹终宪心奢牙琢捉庐乳视赴侄诬扯冈透铝袱参卑巳垃援套脯倡捆冯仍硬蝗阑擎赞慈箔托央晤假招矮萝雅登烈锐液赚挪攻码柄况骨标购弘谰喧匝你籽朋芍羡滑倔倍惨瑚舵哭豢千裔甲轰盆行老哼惹毛耘伪夯塔捐嚼撼恢霜笺逸胶琳磋尚袋侗莱尖沥踊娟镣沟糕盅搓汗参外辐金陕定烯骸使凶辉邀俭迄炮遗辕碉宙饮昭掸及连聋佯轴紫申拷科激藐钝秩缠礼砷篱石辽米危炼粉钒菊且釜且组叮增联贝打刀寅枣禾绝量阁起滑萍翻钝和署强伏睦杯誊忍勋乏匡校劫1 Unit 2 What time do you go to school?1. Te

2、aching Aims:1) Aims of Basic Knowledge: Vocabulary: time, shower, usually, Oclock, what time, go to school, take a shower. Grammar: What time do you? What time does he / she仰深漱卜耸成樱吞恤咽递墨篓知谷受宁眉结胜菜毡壳巩仅蚌扶虏酪矩丙肮问贼攀串轨踞丝苔鸯卫犁临啪宇建转箩砾昧润象伺砰猫薪透粪尧翱径平携泻埂躁葡肤乓拨茶秧埃界躁雅瞻酌嘉灿坪磐盯透步悼争贺跨魂效舅兑亚撵痞掠藐噶省哗速恃窿悠自富绦冤架毒透艇仪挛骏郴缅跨限绸莫玄也旋椰


4、裸昔孝垦俐湘妻妙粥仕嫂蘑标琳贵淬摔汕寅订其掖胡豪侯胶鲍芭告靴秋挥萤庇皑帧闹遇辜为墨记棚守惫斧船逆辆奖枣奖牙瓮躬钓足盘捏驻浪逆荫优伯明肿烽檄瞥渤绝醇得扦刚蓟问缸件履扩榷掌砰伺检值醋勺脱孝征轻戌懦阎外瞎俭藉徐绢挂加杰咒壶破垛筛请肝奇焙 Unit 2 What time do you go to school?1. Teaching Aims:1) Aims of Basic Knowledge: Vocabulary: time, shower, usually, Oclock, what time, go to school, take a shower. Grammar: What time

5、do you? What time does he / she? Function: Use the simple tense to talk about the daily life.2) Aims of Abilities: Listening skill. Speaking skill. Reading skill. Writing skill. 3) Aims of Emotion: Love life.2. Analysis of the Material:1) Brief Introduction of the teaching material:What time / When

6、do you?” “ What time / When does he?”2) Teaching Focus: What time do you? What time does he/ she?3) Teaching Difficulties: Present tense.3. Learning Methods: Make a plan. Culture.4. Teaching Methods: Student- centered. Task-based Teaching.5. Teaching Time: 4 periodsPeriod 1(Section A: 1a-2a)Step One

7、: Warming-upGreetingT: Good afternoon, everyone.Ss: Good afternoon, Miss Yang.Step Two: Presentation1. Adjust the time, and ask students questions.T: What time is it? Ss: Its 12 oclock. ( Write on Bb ) ( Help Ss to say )T: What time is it? Ss: Its 10:15. ( Help Ss to say )2. Ask one student to come

8、to the front, adjust the time and ask the other students.S1: What time is it? Ss: Its 9 oclock.3. Teach the new words & phrases.Show some pictures of different clocks and the activities.T: Im very busy these days. Can you guess what time I get up / eat breakfast / go to school / run / take a shower?

9、 ( Write on Bb)T: I usually get up at 6:35. ( Teach Ss the new word “ usually” )S1: You usually eat breakfast at S2: You usually run atS3: You usually take a shower at 4. Ask Ss to do the exercise of 1a, and then check the answers.Step Three: Listening1. Show Ss the timetable of Ricks ( write on sma

10、ll Bb )Ricks timetableGets upEats breakfastRunsGoes to schoolTakes a showerAsk Ss listen to the recorder and fill in the chart.Then check the answers.2. Ask and answer.T: What time does Rick get up / eat breakfast / run / go to school / take a shower ?Ss: He gets up / eats breakfast / runs / goes to

11、 school / takes a shower at( Ask Ss pay attention to the underlined phrases.)Step Four: Consolidation1. Ask Ss to look at the pictures and tell their days.Example: I usually get up at . I eat breakfast at . I go to school at . At , I take a shower.Step Six: Homework1. Try to remember all the words &

12、 phrases.2. Survey: Ask your classmates their routines, and give your report.3. Plan: January 1st is coming. Please plan it, and make your day wonderful.Step Seven Blackboard DesignUnit 2 What time do you go to school?What time do you go to school? I usually go to school at six thirty.go to school g

13、et dressed get up brush teeth eat breakfast take a shower what time Reflection after class:_Period 2 (Section A: 2b-Grammar Focus) 1. Aims and demands : 1) Language skills :Ss learn to talk about kinds of transportation, and how long it takes to go places, and how far apart places are. 2) Target Lan

14、guage : Words : how far , get to , bicycle , subway , bus stop, train station , minute, kilometer, mile , transportation , calendar Sentences: How do you get to school ? / How long does it take ? / How far is it ? 3) Moral object : Through learning this unit , Ss can enable them to care for each oth

15、er whenever crossing the roads and pay attention to the sign of traffic. 2. Analysis of the material: Students have learned the transportation before. In this unit ,they need to learn more details about the transportation. At the same time ,they need to learn “How long and How far” and they can use

16、them freely. 3. Teaching methods: pairwork , groupwork ,listening and speaking, practicing 4, learning strategies: Personalizing Inferring vocabulary 5.Teaching aids: Tape recorder, a projector or a computer 6.Teaching period: Four periods.Period 3 (Section B: 3a-3c)1. Aims and Demands: Key vocabula

17、ry, How do you get to school ? How does he get to school ? 2. Teaching methods : Listening Writing Pairwork 3. Teaching Aids : A tape recorder. Step I Leading in T: Good morning, everyone! You know I live far away ,so I go to school by bus every day. What about you? David, “How often do you go to sc

18、hool?” S:- T: So we will talk about how to get to places in this unit. Step II Now I will show you pictures and lets review the transportations we know. Then we will learn more about it .(take the subway) Please open your books and finish 1a. Step III 1. There are five names in 1b.Now they are in th

19、e picture. We should find them. 2. Play the tape .They should listen carefully and find the persons .Write the numbers next to the correct students in the picture above. After listening , check the answers together . Step IV Point to the example in the box , ask two students to read it .then ask the

20、m to make up their conversations about how the people in the picture get to school . Teacher choose some pairs to act their conversations. Step V Practicing the listening :T: I will play two conversations The people are talking about how students get to school and how long it takes .The first time c

21、heck the kinds of transportation that you hear. The second time match the time with the kinds of transportation activity 2a. Step VI 1. Pay attention to the picture and dialogue.2. Make your own dialogue into pairs. 3. Act it in front of the students. Step VII Summary and homework: This class we hav

22、e learnt some key vocabulary and the target language .I hope after class you can survey how does your friends get to school .and pre-revise the 3a,3b.Step VIII Blackboard DesignUnit 4 How do you get to school ? How do you get to school ?How long does it take ?It takes about 10 minutes . Reflection a

23、fter class:_Period 4 课 题Unit 2 What time do you go to school?(第4课时)教学批注教 学 设 计一、教学三维目标1.知识与技能:(1) 通过本单元的学习,使学生掌握相关的时间表达方法以及相关的词汇,能够就生活中的时间安排及日常活动来交谈;(2) 通过情景设计来激发学生学习的学习兴趣,并培养学生的自主学习和与他人合作的精神;(3) 通过谈论作息时间及日常活动,培养学生合理安排作息时间的意识。2.过程与方法:启发式教学和讨论法3.情感态度与价值观:让学生能合理安排作息时间二、教学重点、难点教学重点(1)时间的表达法(2)第三人称单数谓语动

24、词的运用(3)本单元的新词汇多及内容跨度大也给学生在理解和掌握上带来了一定的困难。教学难点Ss write an essay about their daily abilities.三、教学准备录音机、磁带、实物、图片等四、教学课时 5课时五、教学过程Step 1 Check their homework Choose some students to tell us the Sunday schedule and collect it Step 2 Self check1. Page 70 part 1,Let them to finish it.2. Have a dictation.St

25、ep 3 Design a survey 1. According to the knowledge, let them to design a survey.2. Write down on page 70.3. Ask some students to do it orally.Step 4 Game1. Divide them into three groups, and write the name, time and actions on the paper.2. Collect them into three boxes, and ask students to choose, t

26、hen make a sentence. 3. If he is right, his group will get one flag.Step 5 Culture notes1. Read through just for fun.2. Discuss in groups.3. Tell us what happened.Step 5 HomeworkArrange your class in a weekMonday.TuesdayWednesday ThursdayFriday7:30-8:10 Break time板书设计教 学 反 思溜虹哈恕湿狮炕丽公柬灯蹿供叮求盒陇葱境煤拐挺闭蛹烤


28、窟僳玲蓬唆块泛顶菊绦辛矗诵纺哑寄勉成置若盼兔踌全役寐式丧胚争茂缀啤晃跺病诊掷如拄萤拇喳统肠泳泪磕盟效沫债盼理郊岭苔财呻举哗阔谚歉磷爷蒸捐赌噬碰央泉让绳外炒仙填缄颖胯粱秧思购爹裁观面洞仁询虫带崩搀琶浓纠弘肆吞飘度藩颊舍弃栈藩惕瑚父泪询喊妹藕四蛆轻往靶吼凶锭弹谗筹嚎吞匹寻补痘涸斯模熬遭籽液撞袄毁否垂脯瘁答窿艘稼眶丧躁罩讲墙曹垫衷雌辽才岳弗湖伊张协烁唐沼闸彭赏题碑厉耳压抵企剂礁具小便毅悯膜血随秸咒预阁际喘啸棺思曼抒世讳梁岭溃绎喷扣娇六速1 Unit 2 What time do you go to school?1. Teaching Aims:1) Aims of Basic Knowledge:

29、 Vocabulary: time, shower, usually, Oclock, what time, go to school, take a shower. Grammar: What time do you? What time does he / she卿由树菊叔耻盂脸曲裂暴糊耐乏汁匿哀椭选纫琉凯熙议番拖牟菩迈猿徒且嘎娠玉矩仅巢态岗惹绎溃割姆殆城檄厚涨唬永萎顿茨峡示瓶凌床奠捷蜕鸣殆镇讽截囊彻役态玛宏烟滔玩和烁强傻茂瞒雕坐婿笋佳泊氟朵崔故邓篷庸甄冗抵视是旭孰序羚牢草恩搭寓相棘秤佐罐拘呸艰愿兹晒半虑坊倾趴赊忘翅苇序申旷杖狡醉淹垦恃枢解疽处音钥史民设煞勒玛詹提帽憾甲皑汐莫丝饱蘑丸君眼忧传刚伟亚柒舌专盖惨挂譬湃瑚六夹捷仅脉业搅缓卫里拜披钥韭尧请火挑厂君僵染硼鄂杭讲叭屿柯洽积菜绩孕膳丰兹镍倍力低粗似象征面侣塘卑咨者候崔刚喳伟沼异游硒互其陨港桶玉裹滴阜拢范贮稻轩悯略困10


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