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1、百度文库-让每个人平等地提升自我新概念一 Lesson 13-14课内语法新课内容:第13课单词:l.colour n.名词.颜色 例句.What colour is your new dress? 你的新连衣裙是什么颜色的?2 .green n./ adj.绿色的例句.It is green它是绿色的3 ev.动词Come upstairs and see it.来; 来临: Come here!来自;出身于: The boy comes from a poor family.这孩子出身于一个贫穷的家庭.4 .upstairs 反downstairs 在楼上 come upstairs go

2、 downstairs 例句.My room is upstairs.我的房间在楼上.5 .smartadj 形容词聪明的:例句.The dolphin is a smart animal.海豚是聪明的动物.Its very smart.潇洒的;时髦的:例句 .This dress is very smart.这件连衣裙真漂亮.6.hat-n.有边的帽子 例句.My hat s new, too.我的帽子也是新的.7.same adj.形容词.相同的 the same同一的 例句It is the same colour.它们是一样的颜色.8.lovelyadj.形容词.可爱的,秀丽的例句Th

3、at is a lovely hat.那是一顶可爱的帽子.9 .case n.箱子 例句a brown case 一个棕色的箱子.10 .carpet n.地毯 例句 a red carpet一个红色的地毯.11 .dog n.狗 例句:a brown and white dog.一只棕白花的小狗.12 .复习颜色二、课文:领读、句子过关、讲解1.What colour 什么颜色/ What time 几点 / What nationality 哪国2.Here it is.就是这件.3.My hats new, too. My hats=My hat is new, too.用于肯定和疑问句

4、中表示也三、重点语法:祈使句1祈使句的主语通常不直接表示出来,其谓语动词用原形.祈使句用来表示请求、建议、命令、叮嘱等.如:Follow me!跟我来Shut the door,please!请关门!Look out ! 留神!2某些祈使句动词可以后跟 and和另一个祈使句动词,而不是后跟人们预料的带to的动词不定式结构:Come and see this goldfish. 不用 come to see 来看这条金鱼Go and buy yourself a new pair of shoes.不用 go to buy 去给自己买双新鞋吧.Wait and see.冲用 wait to se

5、e 等着瞧吧.百度文库-让每个人平等地提升自我课内考核、读出单词并连线hat时髦的,巧妙的case狗same可爱的,秀丽的carpet箱子colour来dog地毯smart绿色come颜色upstairs楼上green帽子lovely相同的、用what, whose或How 完成以下特殊疑问句1.is this white car?2.nationality is he?3.is your name?4.are you?5.colour is your new dress?6.is her job?7.do you do?8.make is her car?9.is Helen?10.tie

6、is that?到楼上来看看吧.你的新连衣裙是什么颜色的 一样的颜色.这件连衣裙真好.三.读出课文并连线.What colours your new dress?Come upstairs and see it.Thats a nice dress.Its the same colour.百度文库-让每个人平等地提升自我新概念一 Lesson1314课前测试一、单词1.颜色2.绿色3.来7.相同8.可爱的9.箱子二、课文译连线4.楼上5.时髦的10.狗11.地毯6.帽子What colours your new dress?Its green.Come upstairs and see it.

7、Thats a nice dress. Its very smart.My hats new, too.What colour is it?Its the same colour.That is a lovely hat!三、用 What, Whose,或How 完成以下句子一样的颜色,也是绿的.真是一顶可爱的帽子.这件连衣裙真好,真漂亮.是绿色的.到楼上来看看吧.是什么颜色的?我的帽子也是新的.你的连衣裙是什么颜色的?1.is this white car?2.nationality is he?3.is your name?4.are you?5.is her job?6.do you d

8、o?7.make is her car?8.is Helen?9.tie is that?10.is your daughters name?四、根据要求,改写句子1.This man is very busy.变为复数2.My dog is brown and white. 对划线局部提问3.Whats your job?用 operator 答复4.That young man is a police man.变为复数 5.Is your coat blue?变为复数五、改错1.the boy is my brother.3.They are in same class.2.He are 15. How old are she?4.My hats green.5 e of see my car.


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