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1、山东省临沂市兰山区2017-2018学年七年级英语上学期期中试题2017 2018学年度上学期期中阶段质量检测试题七年级英语 皿.注意事项:】一本试卷分第卷选择题I、4页)和第II卷(非选择诞 .8页)两部分珏8度 满分wo分,考试时间90分钟。答卷前,考生务必用0.5亳米黑的字笔聘自己藐名, 准考证号、座号填写在答题卡规定的位义考试结束后第本试卷和答察牌乐工答题注意事项见答题卡,答在本试卷上不得分。第1卷(选择题共50分)一、单项填空(共20小题,计20分)选择最佳答案,1 . This is English book and that isChinese book.A, an; aB.a;

2、anC. the ; anD, an; the2.下面与go含有相同音素的是.A. madierB. sofaC. doD. clock*讪 Ttwiy andphnncj number is 47896.Ar HeT hisU_ Her1 herC. She, her立鹏hi?4. The daughter 0f my aunl is rny,A. sisterB- brotherC. uncleD. cousin5- Thismy friend and thosemysisters.A- are, isB. is + areC. is, isD. are, are6. are they?!

3、They are my grandparents-A, WhalB. Uli.ereC. HowD- Wlio7, Thanksthe photoyour family.A. cf; atB- cf; forC.for; of0- for; far8. 一k that Grace Gren?No, She is Kate Miller. Hername isMillerA. oneB. first0. las!D. given9. 一What- 9 that?A. It1 3 BBJtsaB匚 This is BD. Hint i5HB七年级英语试题第页(共E页)1210 . Bill is

4、tidy, A. and11 .The,his brother is not.B. bulare on ihose.TheyA. vatehcs dictionarjesC. watches; dictionary】2.k this your notebook? Ask Mr. BrownA. al ; onB. lo; in13. The computer game is . It1 notA. John; yotinj B. Bobs; hers14. Is Jane your sister7C* soare not oti ihr hooks.B* watch ; dictionarie

5、sD- watch ; dicttonaryii or call him C. ftjr; a!C. Mary s; myD. or6678.D ,叫 forD. Lucy ; mineA. Yest he is, B, No, he isn 匕 15. Arc these your baseballs?+ Mine are in rny bag.A, Yes, ihcse areC. Yest they are,16,?一 .二*一She is line t thanks.A. How 4ire youC, Who are they17,7 -h a black.A. Whem is you

6、r liatC. What a this in English18. ?一N仆、they are in the desk.A- Is the eraser on tiie deskC. Where are the erasers19.一 . Is ihis your pencil box?一Yes. Hiank you.A. Whal s this B. How are you ?0. Bob f have a gootl day C Yest she is.C. No, she isB. No. they arert11D. No, these aren 1B. Huw is your gr

7、andfatherD. How is your motherB. How is itD. Whal tiolor is die penB. Are iht erasers in the schoolbagD_ Arc iht- erasers in the deskC. I m sorryD. Excuse meA. Yes, 1 am.B. You rc welcome.二、阅读理解(共25小题,2 -40小题每题分,41 5小题每题2分,计30分) R)根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误.正确的用“A”表示,不正确的用“b”表示,Hn! My name i$ Jim Brown. This i

8、s a Eg% h is red. You cm 配e a pencil ir 11 机眼力 it?北g blue. Three Is, two pens and an eraser are in 氏 The blue pencil box is nice. Some books and a dictionary are in the schoolbag, too. Here i& a photo of a 眄 1 hi Ihe dirtionaiy. It is not my schoolbag. I found it in the school 1面呼 L it 沙M My 明由w num

9、ber is 6兜-4728. P1皿 me. You gn e-mai me 班司国g 163皿 too.2L Ihig is Jim Browns schoolbag,22. Three pencilsT nvo pens and an era&er arc in the pencil box.23. Only () some books and a dictionEiry are in the schoolbag24. Here is a photo of a girl in the pencil box.25、ou can e-mail Jim Brown at ;7mgJ8 163.

10、 com.B)根据短文内容,选祥最佳答案Tina,A nice black bag is in the school library. Is it yours? Ask Miss Li for it.JackA rai(:cntjnce is RIGHT (正确的)? A, Jenny found a pencil box.C. Tina found a blue bag七年级英语试题笫3页(共g页)COCD C)根据短文内容,从方椎中选出恰当的单词或短语填空?使语意通顺完整“ 供335小题选用,第二个方框供36 yo小题选用。每个选项只能使用一 项剩余第一个方A- brotlicr aunt

11、m C. in school D. grandparentsE. QfLook J Here is a photo my ramily. I have a big family. My 32 are very nav, My giumlfalher is 70 years old and my grandmother 红_ 69 yer 川H, havr uncie. Hes my fathers 34. I have three 35 They * rt my faUicr Msten*.A- isn tB. daughterC. riceD. twoE. dugI ha* 36 cousi

12、ns-a boy and a girl- They are my uncles son and 37 . I have sfgksr, too, but Hie in the photo. Coko is & lovely 39 . He is gmalL We ike 40 very nmch. I love my familyr次,每应灯一.11答案:3L36.根据短文内容,从方框中选出五个句子填人文中空缺处,使短文内容完整正确。My name is Irank Green 41 My laal name is Green. I m

13、 an English boy. My parents work in China, 42 My parents are English teachers. I have a twin sister but I don t have a brother一 My sister and I are in the same (相同的)school in Beijing. 43We have a nice house. My loom is big. But its not tidy. My books and clothes (衣服) are everyuhrre一on the bed t on t

14、he sofa and under rh必 chair. I can * i find my watch now. The yellow one is my sister s, 装 _ Oh, kT s under the dictionary. 45 I always ask m? sistvr and ruy parents.A. But we are not m the same class.B. So wc are in Brijing now.C, Where are rny things?D, My firwt naniv is Frank.E. They are under th

15、e bed.F, Mine is black.七年级英活试题 第4页(共8页)第n卷(非选择题共5。分)注意事项:第口卷共4页,考生须用0.5兆米黑色签字笔答在答题卡规定的区域内,答在本试卷 上不得分口三、词形转换(共8小题,计8分)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,每空格限填一词力,46. Look! Gina is in the (cne) photo.47. The map is in my (parents) room,48. 小邙)nncs ;iru Tom and Bob, They1 k brothers,49. Th廿re are three _ (radio) cn the d

16、esk.50. (that) cats are tidy and nice.51. (he) books are in the bookcase.52. It s a picture of tivo(fitmily).53. 一Are these your keys?No, (it)aren11.四、动词应用(共7小题,计7分) 用括号内所培动词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词小 54. Nice ( meet) you.55. (thank) for your help.一 , YouT re wclconiE:, 56- -Where(he) my pns?In ymjr not

17、ebook.57.I ( net know) her telephone number,5g Ede ( be nol) my cousin. He is niy friend.七年级英语试题第5页(共g页)59. losi my ring. 1 must ( find) it now.60. Where are my keys? My sister always ( ask).答案;54. 55. 56. 57, ,58,59. 60.五、阅读表达(共5小题,计出分)根据短文内容,回答下列问题.My name is Li Xiao. Here arc Iwo photos on the wa

18、ll (崎).This is a photo of my familyFz)uk 1 Yui ean sec my fathei, niy mother f my brother-Li I-ei and nie, My. mother 储 a teacher. My father is 送 worker. His friend is M. BrvAvri. His ffinnly are in China, His sun, Bob k a student. We are good friends, tooh That1 a a photo of my cat= What+ s her nam

19、e? Her name is Beibei. Oh : ili your namet pkase? V* 11tli、thi.ythal ( hi English) ?6K Hom dn sou spell it. please?69. h it youni?V hal - hi if k plintic ruirrilirr1/七、书面表达(计15分) )参考范文Hello! My name ie Jack Smith. My first hhhr k J即此 My Iasi tmm is Smith. I 酬i th诈 gji g h wIM”, numhfr is 666 -748, l

20、Uk is m giH川 hirnd iithI hi、(clcphonc number U666 -5678. Vm lidyt but Dale in nol. In my roomf my books ae in the sdiunlba昌 I a Mock. Il is on tW Uiblt:, My dklhmiiry 庙 under the pnv?il lxx. My lane is on the 卜L ,1-IIh- Jutr iniidrl plnne in in 小品疝山、lw. ( like my iwm.(二)评分说明;本人牌共口分.府按以卜四档标准进行评分第一科:(15分)符合题就要求,表达窕按,条理刑晰,语象潮吼语盲正朝无泻 第二档:(11 -14分)符合18意矍求,表达基木尼将.条理较清晰,出句较通呦,语言基本 无队.第三郎(6 10分逐本符介即感理求承达七本完整.条期较清晰,融I较通题,语静 部分错误T第四梢。一 5分)不符合题意矍求,表达不够恸躯,逻辑关系混乱,语音错误很多.(注,短文中嵇出现任何与考生本人有关的真实人乐校名及其他相关信义否则不予评分L隼级英语试题(参考答案第1UK共页)


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