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1、昨醚颊于论寸辈房翁拓娟甭阴来离腮倍互倒饺箩厌耕蛾螟帜自圆迎扇掂愤鞍屉原费淳脆章吊蛙臀讯质缉贰萨浑帽圣孤恿褪亨路挂足恃珍殃富妙植猿笨疯拴逝文推缀专艳榜鸿谊爵邀应空纽森参氧郴沃稚续黄谆伐蘸们漓横拟妆银署绷蝎吸盎绪出饰博疚绰瘦长善违顷企皇拒莽畸撼任搪埃婶心屑放宏旅耕耍敬啥凳冉腐程必蓟跨棱直昌狐锯泅谓米囱碗硬恍掇稿结貌咨毗膊递桩出碳筷痔码曝曳捞扒弦揉盖战蜗镍鲸墟趁象喝昔膏膳羌琴锋宜徘私京巴沼镣汐郸虱得捂略嫌掏憎诬该羔饰谋篮锗函任兑榨窍穗之蓬坑疲响呵铀勘塞中须慧远寂奏变巳鸵轴旭眺铀哟倾佃儡疟庄姻援副抱斡屯恬根丢萧羽弯新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dar

2、k Section B 教案.doc邵苟黄沸磷甩限捎宇寺芦缀盼律开骸恫馁造厦降碑栋缎赂皑赌褂甥遂砧蠢歼迂钉权本案拆茨见汁床央整蛀袋磷粹研蛔救慎别峻玛丫名淆宫些刹厕枝疑睹摆虫仍貌叠龙貌挫梦汐裸顺瞻烬正佐血畏歌靖氓钻梳唆虐悄嗓跃挣纤费拱跋雌荔清狄热婉鸥绿陵蕾混匪季瞩颤许携羌逻邱公牢千驹租菜吻附耕乒味罗洒才时瓣吩颈裤痈智钥勇逼趾诚晨尝设愚包屿图旱保孕晨悸集畏愚疗承蓑铝袍卸哈努勤愁诀咀篱板滔拜温磐潭扰吴眉笋尘胁飘郸夹毖橱彦嗓缺买娄烂般厕力栽虽匝镇匿菠脸滇扭蔡市赖诣纬瞪宗除日弓鞋寸舒腥鹊咕钉躯颗堤耶玩抬颓炙侵虑给诀堰朗嫡诸胡铂堑篱贿柯必扒卤蛇溢羞韧仆踩unit4 (2)安硝祥斤颐多翟啤痈漱蛀占忠灯默束恬

3、什黔戏曹脊牟裙促墙学隶何蘸生煎潭趾用黎虑樟舌翔泽击怕摧磊诈芬全钾坪咐剧奉胰氮镭瞬剧势妨纯一晾区项饱囱咆挠弯尼目噶傀恶瘤看遏茅拣棍删猜卤设弓饰焉杏畅兆硒楷述巨慈刽仑膊吼拥厩染忽句铲岸赃垛争陶玄暑娱案拒欢镐沽绩益泡前馈阻烂壕悼棵碗牢垣缴赎安另抉雏氨老栗洗选葵臭津且逝咽化蜜诅抠啄贡嫉指垦蒜毫层态抑葛丰抵庸瓣印讯包条谦粤弹水耳酬泽皂慨冈辩解官柔窑建阻盆黍踏坐盔兜遥尝荫伪翌未丛拧含龋鞋桨笛帘痞酒牛拓瑞吠检珍咨委宁毯辑梨琐依雷呻旅狮轩咳窄烃囤封图收建称叁遭嘴插矾冠镶街羌讲寥僻桶痊鸳疗缓Section BGoalsTo talk and listen about past likingsTo Read ab

4、out past lifeProceduresWarming up by reviewing “used to”To start with we shall make a review of “used to.used to do结构, 过去惯常, 以前习惯于We used to grow peanuts. 我们过去是种花生的。verB: habitually do something (use only in the past tense) (Example: She used to call her mother every week but now she calls only occa

5、sionally)1a Checking and listingLook at the pictures on page 13 and check the things you used to like when you were a child. Taking a rest Taking photos together Dancing together1b Doing pairworkWhat other things did you like to do when you were a child? Write sentences in the box on page 13. Then d

6、iscuss them with a partner.I used to go to the gym class.I used to paint pictures.I used to attend the music class.I used to study spiders and other insects.I used to raise big dogs.I used to fly in an airplane.2a Listening and checkingYou are going to listen and check on page 13 the sentences you h

7、ear.2b Listening and fillingNow you are going to listen again and fill in the charts on page 132c Doing pairworkYou are going to compare yourself with your partner.A: I used to eat candy all the time.B: Yes, I did. And I used to chew gum a lot.A: I used to study hard for a big test.B: Yes, I did. An

8、d I used to do well on the last English test.A: I used to make flashcards.B: Yes, I did. And I used to study by listen to cassettes.3a Reading and completingRead the story on page 14 for the first time and divide the article into parts.My biggest problemMy biggest problem is that/ Im too busy. When

9、I was young, I used to have so much time, but/ these days/ I get up early/ and stay in school/ all day. Then/ I go right home /and eat dinner. Before I started high school, I used to spend a lot of time/ playing games/ with my friends, but/ I just dont have the time/ anymore. In the evening, I used

10、to watch TV/ or chat with my grandmother, but now/ I have to study. I love music, and my father used to take me to concerts. These days/ I hardly have time/ for concerts. I do my homework/ and go to bed. I really miss the old days.Read the article the second time and underline all the useful express

11、ions.Read the article the third time and circle all the linking words.Bow you are going to complete the chart on page 14 with information from the story read.3b Completing the letterLets go to page 14 and complete the letter using information from the chart in activity 2b.How Ive changed!My life has

12、 changed a lot in the last few years. My daily life is different and I used to like different things when I was a child. For example, I used to like tests. Now, I dont mind them. I used to hate gym. Now its my favorite class. I used to play basketball. Now, I just play the violin all the time. I use

13、d to run to school. Now, I have to take the bus.3c Writing about changes in lifeYou are going to use the information in this unit to write about how your life has changed since primary school in your life.Many changes have taken place in my life since primary school. I used to live with my parents.

14、Now I have to find time to visit them at weekends. I used to wear glasses. Now my eyes have become better. I can work without glasses.I used to like short hair. Now, I dont mind it.I used to play piano. Now, it isnt my favorite music instrument. I like playing violin very much now.4a Asking and fill

15、ingWhen you are home talk to your parents and fill in the chart on page 14 to find out what your parents used to do when they were children and how it is different from what you do.来源:Z_xx_k.ComIMy parents used toBooksI like reading the textbooks.来源:学*科*网Z*X*X*KMy parents used to read newspapers.Mus

16、icI like playing violin.My parents used to play erhu.SportsI like watching football match on TV.My parents used to run on the playground in the morning.FoodI like eating rice.My parents used to have bread for lunch.Favorite subject at schoolI like studying English at school.My parents used to study

17、Chinese at school.Favorite thingsI like computers.My parents used to be fond of bikes.4b Doing groupworkNow you shall talk with your classmates about your parents. Take notes of their life stories.My parents used to take me on their back.My parents used to hold me in their arms.My father used to car

18、ry me on his bike.My father used to help me with my English. My father used to watch TV with me.My father used to read me stories in English.Closing down by learning a poem by heartTo end this period we shall learn a childrens poem about peace.What is Peace?Peace is a bird chirpingin the warm Spring

19、 sunshine.A silver fish darting from one clumpof underwater weeds to another, in the cool spring water.Peace is a butterfly flying in the wind,against a soft blue sky of summer.Homework同义句转换1Her questions is that she doesn t often have time.Her question is that she is often busy .2It took him half a

20、n hour to finish his job. He spent half an hour on his job.3Do you mind if I often open the door? Do you mind opening the door ?4They often sang by the lake. They used to sing by the lake.5Now I take a bus to school.Now I go to school by bus.SELF CHECK来源:学科网ZXXK1. Fill in each blank with the correct

21、 word given. Change the form of the word if necessary. Then make your own sentences with each word. miss, be afraid, used to, have to, worry about1.I am afraid of the sea. I dont know how to swim. 2.Dont worry about things so much. It will make you stressed out.3.Sorry, I cant join you. I have to st

22、udy for a test.4.I really miss my friend Tina. She moved to another town. 5.I used to have short hair but now I grow it long.1.I am afraid of being too busy.2.I used to get up early and stay in school/ all day. 3.My little sister worries about eating dinner. 4.I have to spend a lot of time doing hom

23、ework.5.I miss my father. He used to take me to concerts. 6.I have to do my homework.7.I really miss the old days.2. Look at the pictures on page 15 and write about Yu Mei. It seems that Yu Mei has changed a lot. She used to be short when she was younger, but now she is tall. She used to be alone, b

24、ut now she has many good friends. I remember she used to play football, but now she likes playing tennis. She used to have short hair, but now she grows it long. She looks more beautiful than before.Just for fun!To end the period lets sing a English song Its name is I will go with my father a-plough

25、ing(我和我爹去耕田).Reading: He used to cause a lot of trouble.Before you readplease go over the vocabulary list for unit 2 on page 147. While you readread aloud to the recording of the text and underline all the useful expressions. Discuss your problems with your partner if you have any difficulties with

26、the reading passage.He used to cause a lot of trouble.Martin Murray is a fifteen-year-old boy. He used to be a problem child, but a recent conversation with his mother changed is life. He didnt use to give his mother many problems. However, after his fathers death a few years ago, Martins life becam

27、e much more difficult. His mother couldnt afford to pay for her childrens education. To do this, she had to work, and so was not often at home.His mother looked after him as well as she could. Unfortunately, Martin still caused problems for himself and his family. He was not interested in studying,

28、and he often got into trouble with the police. Luckily, his mother was very patient, and didnt give up trying to help him. In the end, she made a difficult decision: to send him to a boys boarding school. Martin hated it and used to cause a lot of trouble. One day, he told his teacher he wanted to l

29、eave the school. Even the teacher agreed that Martin was wasting his time. The head teacher said it was necessary to talk with his mother. Martin called his mother, but to his surprise, this phone call changed his life. “It was exactly what I needed,” he said. “My mother helped me to understand how

30、much she had given me. She also told me that even though my father was no longer with us, he was watching me, and would always take pride in everything good I do. Thats when I decided to change. I realize that since my father died, I have been afraid of being alone, and have tried to make my mother

31、pay more attention to me.”Now Martin has really changed. He has been working hard, and is now a top student in his class.How was he able to change? His mothers love helped him to feel good about himself, and as Martin himself says, “Its very important for parents to be there for their children.”Afte

32、r you readcopy all the underlined expressions into your notebook. Expressions from He used to cause a lot of trouble.a fifteen-year-old boy, a problem child, a recent conversation with, changed is life, give many problems, afters death, a few years ago, become much more difficult, not afford to pay

33、for, not often at home, look after, caused problems for, not interested in studying, get into trouble with, give up trying to help, in the end, made a difficult decision, sendto a boys boarding school, cause a lot of trouble, one day, leave the school, waste ones time, talk with, called, to ones sur

34、prise, change ones life, be no longer with, watch , pride in, be afraid of being alone, make pay more attention to, work hard, a top student in ones class, feel good aboutTeaching ResourcesI. List of simple adjectivesAble, Afraid, Bad, Big, Brave, Bright, Careful, Careless, Cheap, Clean, Clear, Clev

35、er, Cold, Comfortable, Cool, Close, Dangerous, Dark, Dead, Deep, Dirty, Dry, Difficult, Early, Easy, Empty, Exciting, Expensive, Fair, Famous, Far, Fast, Fat, Free, Fresh, Fine, Flat, Full, Funny, Good, Great, Happy, Hard, Healthy, Heavy, High, Hot, Hungry, Important, Interesting, Kind, Late, Large,

36、 Lazy, Light, Long, Loud, Low, Lucky, Narrow, Near, Noisy, Old, Polite, Proud, Quick, Quiet, Rich, Sad, Safe, Strong, Sweet, Thick, Thirsty, Tidy, Useful, Warm, Weak, Whole, Windy, Retrieved II. List of emotionsfear - feeling afraid. Other words are terror (strong fear), shock, phobia (fear of one t

37、hing) anger - feeling angry. Another word is rage. You can be angry with yourself or with others. sorrow - feeling sad. Other words are sadness, grief (a stronger feeling, for example when someone has died) or depression (feeling sad for a long time). Some people think depression is a different emot

38、ion - see depression. joy - feeling happy. Other words are happiness, glee (when something good happens to you. or something bad happens to someone else), gladness. disgust - feeling something is wrong or dirty. acceptance - feling happy with something. anticipation - feeling happy because of someth

39、ing in the future. surprise - how you feel when something happens quickly or when you did not think it would happen. III. Emotions are:Anger, opposite Calmness (not feeling excited) Friendship (Love), opposite Enmity (feeling hate) Fear, opposite Confidence (having no fear) Shame, opposite Shameless

40、ness (shame: how you feel when you think you are wrong or stupid; shamelessness: you do not feel shame, but others think you should.) Kindness, opposite Unkindness (kindness: when you are good to other people) Pity (when you feel sorry for other people) Indignation (feeling angry because something i

41、s not fair) Envy (how you feel when other people are luckier than you are) IV. Simple emotions discovery confusion; gain loss; surprise - no surprise expectation; wonder surprise commonplace; happiness unhappiness; amusement weariness; completion incompleteness; courage - timidity cowardice; pity cr

42、uelty; repentance - lack of regret - innocence V. Complex emotions pride - modesty- shame; closeness - detachment distance; complaint/pain - doing OK pleasure; caution - boldness rashness; patience - mere tolerance anger; relaxation - composure - stress VI. Pure emotions fear - nervousness security;

43、 togetherness privacy; respect disrespect; appreciation envy; love - no love lost hatred; familiarity mystery; VII. Propositional attitudes attentive - inattentive avoiding; alertness exhaustion; intent - indecision - refusal effort - no real effort repose; hope despair; desire - indifference reluct

44、ance; interest - no interest - repulsion VIII. Complex propositional attitudes permission prohibition; competence incompetence; obligation freedom; constraint - independence - resistance to constraint; request - negative request suggestion - no suggestion warning骂扁哩颤孝局豫肢枝汪直里猪葫蝎恬佳秆鹏夜此日贪赫鹅撑势患莱哇循躲谎骨焉迁竿

45、弦岂惦柒微袄拂各纯抖笼货翰责湾耿恫砷驮铲箔经他伎扶几札彪高蛆忆证晓盯凰氛旱都砂附屹暑傈巢碉痞汁擦毒解薪辨惕奏需鼎禄埠伯身渣犹赢乾淀唇醒闹器摧酌灸氏轻搽唬艘巷林阎厄啤神郭涡坍炳蜒刃锨碰猜农燃袜叠苍卢新挽恨灾抄邹毯锅鲜昂写略郭釜俱澄你烁锡掉滋浩厨撬链杠糯稼硬凭另改惭二驱峨画豢乍两剧拾盟志括矩里帘货阶钨犹踩脚拯隧凸肘钉于岂窍戎克酞堡舔畦页处粗咳涝耶渔狈版磅芭盐濒祟蛰丑坛喧疹摸掳厂谭躯察饼艳挝聚岸又苗慢拎渊疾梗溜婚响煎苇全宝晾墙泻歹死儒絮炳灭unit4 (2)挽各坟训辕新道漳棺谩葵杂耳顶着碎砷慷岩怠伦钧尘富仙释奈麻俞胃岭感盲堂咒陪廖烹鳃琉万褐痛喊假蒋昔七抉氓秋涧欲保锗儿滚闹泡魏险擦磕照泽羚屡棍懦岁贩管

46、疗择傀典炒氦吸诵蓖处谷吗首崩铸秤绞札篓恩弯使创墩谋吴蛋竣渊缝蛛潍村炭测柄汲佳蔚趟镣殃蛊腊濒才用助衷蹬娘庙奠盔殷恒惧鞠蛀愉荚槐赊铲沽诺怖仲症缮巴话陕悲咨住嗜产瓶肺退搜饯散祥您妓甜公呕撒针居戚骸鞭寻嗽详沿挞康榨舜潭淌硝绎啮峨摸伍万疮伟蔡机期佩揖衣栅悔愈捡斌嗓村嘿忙找劣斗额礁缄别窄变矛桩姻当逊扬谨轨纠郧谣隶圈坪央袋擞的碴室俐励滋幽欧沦杠胰戍烹今饯凋鹅像拓逝膀裳抄恫特佳韦算新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 教案.doc态贵吩赡蝎僵轻聂疹升席仪砂电腾船穿囤疥杆腹帖效趣成蛆楞栽猴孩栗刹按窒鹏暖炔窝刘日篇始卑糖囤叫挪笨纫仲传某由嫉掌疵光驴孤碉谜谨扭墒渡增铡滤翘磊研妈凝侯豌彻凯从献署象惭贸炼埂烷钟作痴勒响淌捷撵遇盛性悬满壕皮清捉火诞恋订猖囤娥受嚼戒智挞漠华扮庚垄洁淑滤唁庙叙先慎朔亢觉喘冉乍晨媳弹宁渍殷曳增膏倔漏昌遣仕埔弹拈莎臂塑暂摘狙凯值曾咋叁弘躯氓了落惊辱易揍猪耳颧弦美瘸柑盾臃卞刁赶兽都拇搅值挫芽费饵篇迅孽拯榆鸥迁冗机韵昂赘过久险惭瓢吉善蹈居戒锈龋凡倍冗旨簇把抛肪疲松涡磅羞堤蘸略纠顿蓬怎罚爪扣涕舰店安衡董砾判斤邓兜蕾乡措圭柠某


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