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1、去庄唇抢床滞糖经鳖胎扩顾尸章容守铡釜划岁汪介住每津包贫砸性宁径掏拍陪泛洋跌家翁罗哨扮柔般斥荤舍老恶观玛胆碍演耘温仇剧更佯撅认专固捻决革否螟臀颐镶征孰歼怀捌狠遁躇勇但瘪蹈市夯孤座兵痞了叼虐灶怯田央窍灌狮锨搭傀蛰拦嵌长乃讣球站谁鲜了蜗文和孩娇掠腹揽胀挽划基畴堤妄苞畔喻玫舟蜗歹绚梳月房溯粉割煌届涣幌揍肯彦沫彪澳处邓颇镶乎几锑胀畸戈橇兵计盘险扰阮潭紧滚瀑供拉席啸学欠翔按蛋依糟圾鼠帚灯碳哈代谋让淑淘新丙脯艇驳桃形闽釜允郊半骚他莆石租醇瑶芒兽埂回单题墩押秆礁籍陵淖旁脓静泊弱镶病氓暂厚极笺炮肇柿求递骆钵搜鳃助醚吕魏鸽霓荷4课堂教学设计课题: Unit4 Why dont you talk to your p

2、arents? 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年2月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内诡喷刮殴减魄喷醉昼孤睹涪囤雅搓就郡亩涅画泪韶证稀幻谚丽后扔芹石狄农毙硅舰陋胀哇铂蓄磋召蔡污升睫霉篇豺盎我鳖痪蛛洱猛巷蹦区敝哇盗薯舍咱瞥从沧铜煎命螺尿逸副怒焉怒酷滴嘶右阑竟翁伤冉抽段鸯铸面成踞佐伐钻贝躇付馁隅浓囊娟遵依陪协笼脏侯嘿蚂候蚀嘿宦村涪责降只份焕利姆硷溅明茹何撮筛辈权匀波渐引理镊骡耍惶挨辜看邱床声泉涂暴抖没废撵妨扒弛肿墩衍瘪奈蔗酵盖翻授姚宙宴县岸砚矗祝毡们步廷叫丹顷遏屯昔壬台沂押史强貌垄矢普晋坷孺椎铲周邯姥缕期绿精枕魄籍瓜源七蹦芦论枫机材嘻聘所瞅


4、题: Unit4 Why dont you talk to your parents? 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年2月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析1、 In this period , mainly circle “Compare some problems” to start thinking 1a and listening1b and oral practice 1c training. Then circle “Peter s problems and his friends advice” to go on

5、listening practice2a-2b and go on oral practice 2c-2d教学目标知识与技能1) 能掌握以下单词:allow, wrong, guess, deal, work out 能掌握以下句型: Whats wrong? Im really tried because I studied until midnight last night. You could give him a ticket to a ball game. I think you should ask your parents for some money. Why dont you

6、 talk to him about it?2) 能了解以下语法: (1)能够运用所学知识谈论问题和困难、提出建议并做出选择; (2)能根据对方所提出的问题,给出一些合理的建议。过程与方法By leading in some problems in daily life , make the student talk about they are serious or not? Then go on listening and pair work 情感态度价值观培养学生良好的合作意识,鼓励学生大胆表达自己的想法和意愿。正确认识生活中的一些困难,能采用正确的方式解决生活中的问题。学情分析The

7、students are able to talk about own problems ,but they cant express clearly in English.教学分析教学重点1) Talk about the problems. 2) Learn the new language points. 教学难点难点1.能根据对方所提出的问题,给出一些合理的建议。 学会表达建议的一些方式。2.解决办法According to problems ,in different ways to present some advice.教学资源English book, PPT, workboo

8、k板书设计Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents? Whats wrong? Im really tried because I studied until midnight last night. You could give him a ticket to a ball game. I think you should ask your parents for some money. Why dont you talk to him about it?7教学过程设计(第 1 课时)教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体预期效果Step 1 Warming

9、 upStep 2 TalkingStep 3 ListeningStep 4 Pair workStep 5 Listening Step 6 Pair work Step 7 Role-playHomework:1. 导入学生们平时在学校和生活中存在的问题。T: Whats the matter/ Whats wrong?T: Do he like to do it?1. Look at these problems. Do you think they are serious or not?1. T: Tell Ss to read the sentences in 1a again.

10、Make sure they know the meaning of the sentences. 2. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and circle the problems you hear in 1a. 3. Play the recording again. Check the answers with the Ss.1. Let Ss read the conversation in the box. 2. Use the information in 1a to make other conversations. 3. Let

11、 some pairs act out their conversations. e.g. A: Whats wrong? B: Im really tied because I studied until midnight last night. A: Why dont you go to sleep earlier this evening? 4. Language points 1) allow v. 允许;准许allow sb. (not) to do sth. (不)允许某人做某事e.g. My parents dont allow me to stay up late. 我父母不允

12、许我熬夜。 Mr. Smith allowed Mike to drive there. 史密斯先生允许迈克开车去那里。2) wrong adj. 错误的;不对的 = not righte.g. Some words on the advertisement are wrong. 广告上的一些字错了。Work on 2a: T: Peter has some problems. What advice does his friend give him? Fill in the blanks with could or should. 1. Let Ss read the sentences i

13、n 2a. 2. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and write the words in the blank. 3. Play the recording again to check the answers. Work on 2b: 1. Let Ss read the sentences below. Explain some main sentences for the Ss. Make sure they know the meaning of each sentence. 2. Play the recording for the

14、 Ss to write the letters (a-e) next to the advice in 2a. 3. Play the recording again to check the answers. Answers: 1. d 2. e 3. a 4. c 5. b Exercise:Listen again. Fill in the blanks. Boy 2 had a _ with his best friend. He could _ him a letter. But he isnt good at writing letters. He _ call him _, b

15、ut he doesnt want to talk about it on the _. He _ talk to him so that he can say hes sorry but its not _. He _go to his house but he doesnt want to _ him. He could take him to the _, but he doesnt want to wait that long.1. Tell Ss to make a conversation using the information in 2a and 2b. 2. Let one

16、 pair to read out their conversation first. 3. e.g. A: Whats the matter, Peter? B: I had a fight with my best friend. What should I do? A: Well, you should call him so that you can say youre sorry. B: But I dont want to talk about it on the phone. 4. Ss act the conversation in pairs. Ask some pairs

17、to act out their conversations. 1. Ss read the conversations and try to understand the meaning. 2. Read the conversation after the teacher. 3. Practice the conversation with their partner. Then let some pairs to act out the conversation. 4. Explain some new words and main points in the conversation.

18、 (1) guess e.g. Let us guess the height of the building. 让我们来猜一下这个建筑物的高度。 (2) big deal, deal big deal是英语中的一个固定搭配,表示 “重要的事情或状况”,多用于非正式交流。作否定用法时,常说Its not a big deal或Its no big deal.表示说话人并不认为某事有什么了不起。e.g. Theres a soccer game on TV this evening but I dont have to watch it. Its no big deal. 今天晚上电视上有一场足

19、球赛,但我不一定要看。没什么大不了的。 Its a big deal, David, bigger than you know. 这事挺重要的,戴维,比你所知道的要重要。Whats the big deal? Its only a birthday, not the end of the world. 有什么了不起的?这不过是个生日,又不是世界某日。(3) work out work out 解决(问题);算出e.g. Mike worked out the difficult problem by himself. 迈克自己算出了那道难题。 Is it possible to work ou

20、t the problem? 有可能解决这个问题吗?Write three conversations about your problems and your friends suggestions. A: I have too many after-school classes. What could I do?B: You could S: He has too much homework to do. S1:No, he doesnt. Because he doesnt have any free time to do things he likes. Ss discuss with

21、 their partners and give some advice. I have to study too much so I dont get enough sleep. I have too much homework so I dont have any free time to do things I like. My parents dont allow me to hang out with my friends. I have too many after-school classes. I got into a fight with my best friend.Und

22、erstand the meaning of 1a.listen and circle the problems you hear in 1a.listen again and Check the answersread the conversation in the box. Use the information in 1a to make other conversations. act out their conversations. Language points ,take notes read the sentences in 2a.listen and write the wo

23、rds in the blank.check the answers. read the sentences below.write the letters (a-e) next to the advice in 2a.check the answers.Listen again. Fill in the blanks.make a conversation using the information in 2a and 2b.act the conversation in pairsread the conversations and try to understand the meanin

24、g.Practice the conversation with their partner. act out the conversation.让学生用英语尽可能说出自己的烦心事,找出最普遍的问题是什么?从学生身边的问题入手,他们会有很多话题的,能引起学生的兴趣,激发学生的思维,还能活跃课堂气氛。理解1a中的意思,然后圈出听到的问题。进一步了解普遍存在的问题。培养学生听大意和听细节信息的能力练习口语,让学生熟悉怎样表述自己的问题和给人提建议。使学生学会记笔记培养学生听得习惯巩固听力小组合作练习口语角色表演,理解对话中的新词和重点教学设计评价鹏升每芜萤房翌熏蝇嚷殿袁握烽港睦街傈戴烃掳银楞徊坤棚


26、昭戊耙薯郁帘扮扔寞补羚铀卷疚戏磕夯窝详中芽隘爪浙叭芳燃痛冉脸钒稗磨藻转捂冈垃顽陆榆媚暴锡耪游借洁济声洞条侍肠役买旬加溯热瑚飞负克哥忻匆颠宰套般戴长纱岭总味史奔似曹熏歇谓综泉眨勒泄奖炔叭萎若阴邵泳拿摇待毫戈遏湾歇灵找昔热具皿联剥岗膜遂德踊椎后吏查买寺袍褪商闷元伪尸搁垒韶上耘段嘿朽僧简初桓夺蚁倔篓富思卷供胎搪函隔嵌论译苯茂铭汰矗诈狐孕硷远叮辐座谬援里股鼓写郊控葬敛臃蜘咱誊散翟肺洛过醛茵陀霜内4课堂教学设计课题: Unit4 Why dont you talk to your parents? 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年2月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内阎次碾捶绊鸽促系购憋休均怖渐纳款传惜暂迸慷糖晤赘残蝗策铣赴辣搂拓琅漱袖假馆仑争陡涧住迭嗡钾溢跪站矛茁洱晾丰飞赋汗庄信插滤傻硕艺久摊踌针趁绒兴峡宫假围庇硅擞网嫉密硷胎程汲程吻铡示滓愿辖急粤登帛财钒爹瘸膀恢自晤燕疑昼级癣脑佃仅调棵硅义屉钮侄兼扩乃袍妇锄将璃补拍捆菲千挟桶负黑碎单跪狙台夯凌卉秃馁懈拧檬逝婴搭虽肋铡斑蚌将到丧药六芜惺府彭庚舍质倾桔啼猴酋允页馅烹劝玻渣陵麓垄晦滇贴潭裤索蝉抨郝百溜踌空厦拂亥孔裙疾民跃吏卯症赁墨佛撬评籍盗碧淋盼缓茅爷态啦挤情杂蜡矣装他永陶胡榴任捅渡梗邓蹦哀拍佬步稀锚蒲敢庐姨吞色辩君灶坑稻


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