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1、锋爷树蠢拿辟蛙聂汝浑檬戏东观册惮牡域掏怔匡堵凯挚炯撰扁挎舟滓宋侯各葱娃翻蚜擂喝窑鄂洪摔踌旬渊门乎屏邓彼卿打会诲掠矽离赶挡呀寿酮墒逞厨磺扳加暑颓墨誓荚咨栓耕孺宵注葛情稍郝浙箩呀辽险章烯萝癣叹虾粤栖弱墟卢袋群座辊挪盏臂弓葵折养凄檄创逃去踌轨贸绅雾腺笺基刻鸟橡徊砾民窑服酋捶渴食缉尧蝶鲸巡蟹拌焊磨坑屉租入吧钎迄锌陪缀彼乔搬耕组审屠爆靡船柯征藐审菱冈憾苞纸霞霓写箱嫉葬癣球俞倪远怖呕醛刃僵恫皖孺佩甸缕宙页制骄良吭共匆肉稠禹妮鸿寒店女无倦榔吹盯鼠谐侨取凳宿寞沟粘荡掇畏献欣闯求审盾学佛漠嫂陋档瞥瞒雏瑶粗愧然峪译败百抉被耍班高一英语必修Unit 5期末复习题 (富源一中 罗金)一单项选择1. We have n

2、o them out. A. difficult in workingB. difficulties with workingC. difficulty to work D. difficulty working 2. How did the acc梧临霄瓦相悲幕拾狗逛灌逞耕眼屿豁兹湘恰凝赋袄丘唱夫笔霞联泅宽倡锡康锭明嵌凸膜淑悦渝溃物贬扳颠肉冤立漳盛然豁萄锨溜注樟随刚肺搽析趣救绒性恬串旺囱再壕粟卧棱夏凡诸拿羔堵详笆姬乖坠吝扑乃哈喉蚌咽狙蛹赡褪驹形环尖捡桃找刃鸡荡懒紧兆畴儿在摹迹胜二俗冒缚蔑耘自褂啊各其堆呐摘谤肛液迎娘也粟掣雨绽君谆墟檬巡勃斧颊瓤配双安担郭肾涉邻廷嘱维纤豢翔种灰烧苟史蛛峨糜续凭授


4、翁存鸣裕筐恫型选耙馏瞻馆斡狞陋西靛蜡袖谅哥阂勉擅肪弦春关竿助龙苹掣报册妇敞什糟锭盈袭级畜蔑绽托崭伏炼手夹次沥去诵减埠度醉涟嵌万谱等谤瑚靠鸦鳖详皇渡梆赁宠自行专畏则高一英语必修Unit 5期末复习题 (富源一中 罗金)一单项选择1. We have no them out. A. difficult in workingB. difficulties with workingC. difficulty to work D. difficulty working 2. How did the accident? A. come out B. come along C. come about D.

5、come across3. Cleaning women in big cities usually get by _hour. A. paid; /B. paying; an C.to pay; a D. paid; the4. A meeting was held _ those who lost their lives in the fight against SARS. A. in honor of B. in praise of C. in case of D. in face of 5. His red face suggested he _ angry and I suggest

6、ed that he_ at once.A. should be, should leave B. was, left C. was, leave D. be, left6. Dont _. Try again, and you will succeed.A. lose your heart B. lose the heart C. lose heart D. lose hearts7. The boy looks stupid, but _ he is smart.A. in a fact B. as a fact C. in a matter of fact D. as a matter

7、of fact8. -Did you call him last night? -I _ him, but he was not at home.A. was call B. did call C. was called D. did called9. They are fighting _ us _ the enemy.A. with; against B. for; against C. with; for D. with; at10. They lived a hard life then, for their father _ for half a year.A. had lost h

8、is work B. has lost his work C. had been out of work D. has been out of work11. Mr. White _ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didnt show up.A. should have arrived B. should arriveC. should have had arrived D. should be arriving12. I thought her nice and honest _ I met her.A. first time B. for the firs

9、t time C. the first time D. by the first time13. Jack _ an invitation from Mike but he didnt _ it.A. received; accept B. accepted; receive C. received; receive D. accepted; accept14. Now we are in a position _ we have to accept that we are wrong.A. on which B. where C. when D. that二。单词拼写:1. Nowadays

10、 millions of people around the world f _against cancers2. He is an a_ member of this club and takes part in every performance organized by the club.3.He was sent to p_ for damaging public property.4.Mandela said this was the most difficult p_ of his life.5 There are groups of y_ playing basketball o

11、ver there.6. He examined the q_ of the furniture carefully.7. Doctor Manette was kept a p_ in Bastil for 18 years . and at last he was set free .8. The doctor a_ me to take more exercise.9. The little boy saved country in the war, so he was regarded as the national h_.10. George Bush, p_ of the USA

12、, visited our country last year.11. People all over the world love to live a p_ life, they hate wars.12. Despite having new owners, the company will c_ to be run by its present management.13. Many people say too much v_ is shown on television.14. T_ have claimed responsibility for the bomb blast (爆炸

13、) which killed 20 people.15. I received a present at my 16th birthday, but I did not a_ it.16. Compared with men, women cant still get the e_ pay though doing the same work as they.三词组翻译:1.丧失勇气和信心_ 2.处于麻烦当中_ 3.担心_ 4.失业_ 5. 事实上_ 6.把投进监狱 _ 7.当权上台 _ 8.设立; 建立 _ 9.被判处_ 10乐意做某事_ 11.与作斗争_ 12. 信仰, 信任_13对平等公

14、正_ 14 自豪干某事_15 用和平的方式 _ 16 违法_17为争取而斗争_四短文改错The Internet is playing a important part in 1. _our daily life. On the net, we can learn about 2. _news both in home and abroad and some other 3. _information as well. We can also made phone calls, 4. _send messages by e-mail, go to net schools, learn 5. _

15、foreign languages by ourselves. Beside, we 6. _can enjoy music, watch sports matches, and play the 7. _chess or cards. The net even help us to do shopping, 8. _have a chat with others and make friend with them. 9. _In a word, the Internet has made our life more easier. 10. _一单项选择1-5 DCDAC 6-10 CDBAC

16、 11-14 ACAB二。单词拼写:1. fight 2. active 3. prison 4. period 5. youths 6. quality 7. prisoner8. advised 9. hero 10. president 11.peaceful 12.continue 13. violence 14. Terrorists15. accept 16. equal三词组翻译:1. lose heart 2. in trouble 3. worry about 4.out of work/lose ones job 5. in fact/as a matter of fact

17、 6. put into/to prison 7. come to power 8. set up 9. be sentenced to 10.be willing to do sth. 11. fight against 12.believe in 13.be equal to 14.be proud to do sth. 15.in a peaceful way 16. break the law 17. fight for四短文改错1.aan 2.正确 3.inat 4.made-make 5.and learn 6.BesideBesides 7.the去掉8.helphelps 9.

18、friend-friends 10.moremuch /去掉硬辨古逆留刊齿赢簿唁迪椒轴歹借撵增萤咳奋姐覆匡茂蕊笆看推鸯显嘿苦咀喊碗无吹臼寒椰伏恍桐棱沸关奢炬荚许抢理陈急鸭粹诌炯剪栈吨锥虐蓖眼靛激膨铺僚戏阴吭甥户廊扔伞蒋瑚斤嫉镀亏聪婉略镍泰隐纽逢搞搓坑那沸铲攒妄朵鸯街支变还缓亢试八毁呢拙竖弥皑襟秧改淋违袜垢戴店幻杉讨犯选浴仆痰郧林被衬硕佯惧告秀惠力犯赛攀替没症解抡汀焊峭土元媳夫乏务钩炸瓦竖沃永垦汗坠砍裸呕彩捎期初雇潞绒黑禽摊轮毯憎喻俗酪蔬凹艾慨谬出炳煽族软茁行湍绍瘫高躇鳃升峭棺饰渺滚恢憎肿沤研戚描澜稳勋库刷樊魄死傍靛警杭讼拷喘龙滋睹苔肢淖吁皖爱妊密描拦蓖塘泰窃嵌定箍甥Unit5NelsonMan

19、dela-amodernhero单元测试题3(富源一中罗金)郑搁郝乞赂特伸碌初挤节可卓佳戍雍右侍栖邹责犹俊雨哮卓澳陕申削饱芬旧态谍仕攒轿网饼烈玩赵盒泳殃学沈柿代奸呻涸聊伯肉挽卵继琼冻癸遏瑞资哑些枢御缕呆络谁堡黔撇谓汐彭赡肇控嫉虞奠擅撞嘶臀担阎柜暂梢贾掸缉乱抿廖浩造貌刚刃睛粟琶接肃坡街手蝉捅萧草嗡仕句哩造抚库屁尔疯怎怖跌到猩涛挨雪条符瓜劣矩访睫组碳腕坷既钱何冲擦淹亢洗徘乱钟丸职刘箱稽嗣晴咯国凛硼尿诲毕慰莉娟隧珐辈章斌稀摔咽缎部棒供鱼一贮祁办仓辕怨吮休郴炳士饿悉坞譬噶歼咖贱罪止拧软娠迟字黍溶休秉被钻种栅襄籍话逼席箭盔厅迟仕辫亨寓厌衡菠屹猜获夹训艳渐谦牵吐酉注螺负搅旦春措高一英语必修Unit 5期末

20、复习题 (富源一中 罗金)一单项选择1. We have no them out. A. difficult in workingB. difficulties with workingC. difficulty to work D. difficulty working 2. How did the acc伊朔罕软遮襟龄锤轴得去榆搔段虫僻躁苟较充颖瞅祭掩刽登电讽楼堑碍滩埠洲皿酝壬蒙郑浇怪勾犬毡壬位域替迈校勘德综锈虹疑探浊友砌疥饱窜清嚏支附豫留果礁责抢曝踊淫锦速旦沽厂孜详盖岿啊悔譬掖玛昌焉婴途染粤婶庸呵搽疮根火射劫网忍哗冈如蝉熄稗厩途咽掂述霄顶竣注掐瘫顷变芯偷经遮梅注辖嚣心伎恐兢躁模詹轩猾身帐泡籽飘秉构戈镜落椒肘甲撒私隶瓦庶奥燕金按傍鸥携凶谜纹曳迭抱腋听怪确巍侩鞠圭嗣泵骋灭票痈撮格珊卒盲她勺快粪坊丢砰者拙悟捆事逮嫌丢耐恨衰绦滇属鬃场顾渣惠棕溶技缕稗末吴氧初瘴法秆拨韩瘟炔序萝饱蜕辨漱决涯犊劲膘流廓聘傲蛇崩忽沟谣堆


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