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1、小故事大道理一、别用恶意去揣测世界的爱心In the days when an ice cream sundae cost much less, a 10 year old boy entered a hotel coffee shop and sat at a table.在冰淇淋圣代还很便宜的年代,一个10岁的小男孩走进一家酒店的 咖啡厅,在一张桌子旁坐了下来。A waitress put a glass of water in front of him.一名服务员在他面前放了一杯水。“How much is an ice cream sundae?“ 50 cents, replied

2、the waitress.一个冰淇淋圣代多少钱?50美分,服务员回答道。The little boy pulled his hand out of his pocket and studied a number of coins in it.小男孩从口袋里拿出手来,仔细地数了一下手里的硬币。“How much is a dish of plain ice cream?” he inquired.一碟原味冰淇淋多少钱? 他问道。Some people were now waiting for a table and the waitress was a bit impatient/这时候有一些人

3、正在候位,服务员有些不耐烦了。35 cents; she said brusquely.35美分她粗鲁地回复道。The little boy again counted the coins.小男孩又数了一遍硬币。T II have the plain ice cream, he said.我要一份原味冰淇淋。他说。The waitress brought the ice cream, put the bill on the table and walked away.服务员拿来冰淇淋,把账单放到桌上后就走开了。The boy finished the ice cream, paid the c

4、ashier and departed. 小男孩吃完冰淇淋,付了钱,然后离开了。When the waitress came back, she began wiping down the table and then swallowed hard at what she saw.当服务员回来的时候,他开始擦桌子,然后她被自己看到的一切哽住了。There, placed neatly beside the empty dish, were 15 cents -her tip.在那里的空碟子下面整齐地放着15美分她的小费。二.诚实,是为了无愧于自己At 12z I believed honest

5、y was always rewarded.十二岁时,我以为诚实总会有回报。One afternoon, I hit a ball through a vacant apartment, s window.一天下午,我不小心将球踢进了一间空公寓的窗户中。The sound of shattering glass was followed by kids running in all directions screaming, Run! No one will tell”一声窗户玻璃碎裂的声音后,小伙伴们四下逃窜,边跑边喊:快跑, 没有人会知道的!I went to the manager; e

6、xpecting praise for being so honest. He laughed, saying, ve never had a kid snitch on themselves. Kind of dumb.”而我找到了大楼的经理,希望他会表扬我的诚实。他笑了,说:我 还从来没见过像你这样主动告密的蠢孩子呢。I didn t understand until my mother said, “How did you feel when you told the truth? Remember that instead of what he said. Pride in yours

7、elf will always be your reward. 我对此很是不解,这时,妈妲告诉我:忘记他所说的,只需记住你 讲真话时的感受。诚实所带来的骄傲是永恒的回报。三、懂得感激生活的人,才能快乐Someone asked Whats your ,secret, to a happy life? What makes your days blissful?11 on a forum.有人在论坛上问:你保持生活愉悦的秘诀是什么?是什么让你的生活美滋滋的?Im not annoying.Think Ive got a higher level of life satisfaction than

8、 a lot of my friends. There are four things that I can put my finger on that I think I do a little differently than them (and a lot of people). Hope they bring you some joy!我无意哗众取宠,但我真心觉得自己的生活满意度比周围许多朋友都 要高。我确定在4件事情上的做法与他们不同,并希望这些不同的做 法也能给你带来快乐!1. Im constantly and conscientiously focusing on being

9、grateful for all the amazing and miraculous shit in my life. 我总是对生活中发生的一切美好神奇的事情心存感激。My wife is a good human, I work with good people, Fm not sick right nowz etcLooking at the basic, mundane stuff around me and appreciating it really helps me feel like Im a lucky person.我的太太很善良,我的同事都是好人,目前我也没有疾病缠身。看

10、我 周围这些稀松平常的事情,让我内心感动、觉得自己常幸运。2. Im always trying to find compassion for people - *especially* those that are pissing me off in one way or another.我会找到他人身上的可怜之处,尤其是那些惹怒我的人。If you dont have compassion, you stop trying to find the truth behind peoples actions and usually just chalk up their negative on

11、es to that person being an asshole.如果你没有恻隐之心,你就会停止深究人们行为背后的含义,只记下 可恶之人的讨厌之处。3. Tell people you love them, be generous with your friends. 时常表达爱意小康厩待友人。I dont think people realize until theyve lost something or made a truly irrevocable mistakejust how much loss hurts, and how much theyd give to just e

12、xpress their love for whatever it was that is now gone.我觉得人们往往只有在失去了某样东西之后,或犯了不可挽回的错误 之后,才会体会到失去的痛苦,才会意识到自己多么想对那些已逝之 人表达爱意。4. Always ask yourself if you could be wrong, and really be open to it.绝不要忘了问自己有没有做错,并用开放的心胸接纳真柜。Give yourself a break, and dont hold yourself to unreasonable standards on this count: as long as youre looking around your world with an open heart and an open mind, the pure intentions behind anything youre wrong about will shine through.给自己一个喘息,不要以不近人情的标准来苛责自己,尽可能地多看 看这个世界,敞开心扉,解放思想,不去想自己对错与否,以初心照 亮身心。5


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