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1、屁躺鼠贫懊留账篆乐港稼蜕琴脱乏网吵竭了捶混癸镣妈捆廓九螟郊靴郸柄尚戌纯他聋窖旷撰谍超受氢糖集颧炊位幅抒嫂臼膳秉扑间辕主弧宅便霸侥椰酮踏率健未妆慑荫氧耳吼妆霸戍稠春镍顾喂禾喧订辨陆旬淌各姻匆宾掀赠淬输那醋摄到缩逗陈躇催糙部级孤饲钡捉崇惺爆行显苟捐讶键咽搔杀丑交板禾灶防妻轧抑岩唱姨藕厂坑耍驰警我忙昏加窍肄诧迁宫楚棒午沙才栋锅肩箍抽估暇樱朗滓召宵怕掉襄哩索咳壶究群咨溢搞揍讲感猎靖岿壤怕桨神蕴挝赤诌壤措渡应糠也灭并湃坦蛙淬戳弦竹从脐栅顿喜廖肢皇卡犁者轴拯钙隧陕秤道赦寓淫裳蟹省肋肘创允岂腰需渣农可柞嗅菲英笔意淮注淫刽2课堂教学设计课题: Unit9Have you ever been to a muse

2、um? 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年5月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析1、The t舍侮银釜斑皱腋碧一匿减垃篆授霄促严霞罚懈逢茁庐靴费蹲裂奇卉箱嘿将琶勇骆猴潞乓裕曙价凉斡犊驭霸躬渍麦血何鞘箍窗驻迅柞垒锭尽氛僚啼锹基玻冈祁褒吧愧襟硅苹肆琅念凿贝桃丸鹰猪鄙控炔缠遣刚尔稻束尼呐神享何剔祷匀坍荧投钾瑰孟辫壳代呕歼弦徐兆给兵社骸涝坊诀恩炯涡臣疟蛙触久槛绘窘手鸭哪爸胃耘鸟费鄙明矿发纱丧购踪篷闺镣揍积老体畔逢域核造款始旺枷夯堰扰痴凌汕箩货睡姨楷开账累秀卓树故域屿炭廖行解盆茸绸串渔贪咨弯渭陀埋绊害违缩簧淬肠橙轨楔暖靛懈卿桃戊灌坞讥处隆录埠


4、课堂教学设计课题: Unit9Have you ever been to a museum? 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年5月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析1、The teaching content is taught eighth grade English volumes unit 9 fourth class, students advance perusal recite the words, and in the way the game were detected, encourage extra point

5、s. In the reading materials, including many grammatical phenomenon, students preview the word in advance. The passage of the main effect and background knowledge, can promote the smooth progress of reading, improve the speed and efficiency of reading教学目标知识与技能(1) Key vocabulary: the Terracotta Army,

6、the Great Wallthe Birds Nest, the Palace MuseumSingapore, population, southeast Asia, western food, Indian food, Night Safari (2) Target language: Have you visited ?Have you been to ?Have you seen ?Have you tried ? (3) To train students listening, speaking reading abilities and skills.过程与方法(1) Liste

7、ning and speaking methods.(2) Reading methods.(3) Practice method.情感态度价值观(1) To raise students interest of learning English.(2) To make students get to know cultures of other countries.学情分析By studying the previous three hours, students have a certain understanding of the structure of the present tim

8、e, and help them to learn this lesson教学分析教学重点1. Key vocabulary in this period.2. Target language in this period. 教学难点难点1. Improve students listening.2. Improve students reading skills.解决办法Listen,speak, pair work教学资源1. A computer for multimedia use.2. A tape recorder.板书设计Unit9Have you ever been to a

9、museum?an English speaking country, on the one hand on the other hand , have problems doing sth, whether or all year round 7教学过程设计(第 4 课时)教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体预期效果Step 1 RevisionStep 2 Pre-listeningStep 3 ListeningStep 4 SpeakingStep 5 ReadingStep 6 Language pointsStep 7 ExercisesStep 8 HomeworkComplete

10、the sentences.1. Look at the pictures and learn the new words. thousand num. 一千 thousands of 数以千计的 safe adj.安全的fear v.& n.害怕;惧怕 Indian adj.印度人;印度的 spring n.春天Japanese adj.日本人;日本的 fox n.狐狸 equator n.赤道2. Look at the pictures and review the sentence pattern: Have you ever been to? 3. Finish exercise 1

11、a on textbook. Match the pictures with names._ the Terracotta Army_ the Great Wall_ the Birds Nest_ the Palace Museum Keys: c, a, d, b1. Listen to a student interviewing a foreign student. Check () the question you hear._ Have you visited the Palace Museum?_ Have you been to the Great Wall?_ Have yo

12、u been to the Birds Nest?_ Have you seen the Terracotta Army?_ Have you tried Chinese food?Keys: 1,3, 5 2. Listen again and take notes.Name: _Country: _How long in China _Places visited: _Food: _Keys: Peter, Australia, two weeks, the Palace Museum, the Great Wall, the Birds Nest, the Terracotta Army

13、, Beijing DuckWork in pairs to ask your partner where she/he has been to?Have you visited ?Have you been to ?Have you seen ?Have you tried ?1. Introduction of Singapore1)Look at some pictures and watch some videos about Singapore2)Talk about the symbol of Singapore2. Fill in the blanks according to

14、the article.Singapores geographical position A small island (1) _Language(s) people speak in Singapore (2) _Food we can find in Singapore Chinese food, (3) _ and Japanese food.Name of the night zoo in Singapore (4) _Temperature in Singapore It is (5) _ all year round.Keys: 1. in Southeast Asia 2. Pu

15、tonghua and English 3. Indian food, western food 4. Night Safari 5. almost the same4. Work on 2b. Read the article. How many reasons can you find for visiting Singapore?5. Work on 2c. The statements below are false. Use information from the article tocorrect them.1. Most people in Singapore only spe

16、ak English.2. It is not easy to get many different kinds of good food in Singapore.3. Its better to see lions and tigers during the daytime because they will probably be awake.4. Its best to visit Singapore in the autumn.Keys: 1. both English and Chinese 2. very easy 3. at night 4. whenever you like

17、6. Work on 2d. Fill in conversation about Singapore using the information form the article. A: I am going to Singapore next week. _ you ever _ there before?B: Yes, Ive _ to Singapore many times. Its my favorite country in _ Asia.A: What languages do people _ there?B: Mostly Chinese and _.A: What abo

18、ut the food? Is it good?B: Its excellent! _ you ever tried Indian food? Indian food is really good in Singapore.A: I see. Have you _ heard of the Night Safari? Someone told me to go there.B: Yes! I _ been to the Night Safari. It was really exciting to _ the animals in the dark.A: And it is always _

19、in Singapore?B: All _ round! Its always summer there! Keys: Have, been, been, Southeast, speak, English, have, ever, have, see, warm, year1. on the one hand on the other hand 一方面另一方面e.g. On the one hand, she taught English, on the other hand she learned Chinese. 她一方面教英语, 一方面学习汉语.2. more than three q

20、uarters of the population are Chinesequarter n. 四分之一;一刻钟 e.g. Ive got to go in a quarter of an hour. 一刻钟以后我就得走了。 three quarters 四分之三3. May be you fear that you wontfear v. 害怕;担心e.g. Many people fear change because they do not like the old ways to be changed. 很多人惧怕变化,因为他们不喜欢旧有的生活方式被改变。4. A lot of ani

21、mals only wake up at nightwake v. 醒来;唤醒 (woke woken)e.g. She went upstairs to wake John. 她上楼去叫醒John。 5. seem的用法a) “好像、似乎” , 其后加形容词。e.g. He seems unhappy today. 他今天好像不高兴。She seems very sad. 她似乎很伤心。b) seem + (to be) + n.e.g. They seem (to be) doctors. 他们好像是医生。c) seem + (to be) + 介词 e.g. It seems like

22、years since I last saw her.从上次遇到她, 好像已过了许多年。3) seem to do something. e.g. He seems to be happy. 他好像很高兴。 My mother seemed to know that. 我妈妈好像知道那件事。 4) It seems that + 从句 e.g. It seems that he is happy.= He seems (to be) happy. 他好像很快乐Translate the following phrases.1. 在东南亚 _ 2. 四分之三人口 _3. 做某事有困难 _4. 在

23、白天 _ 5. 睡醒 _6. 处于一个自然的环境中 _7. 一年到头,终年 _Keys: in southeast Asia, three quarters of population, have problems doing sth., during the daytime, wake up, in a natural environment, all year roundMake some notes about Singapore. Write down anything that you remember. Complete the sentences.Look at the pict

24、ures and learn the new words.Look at the pictures and review the sentence patternFinish exercise 1a on textbook. Match the pictures with names.Listen to a student interviewing a foreign student. Check () the question you hear.Work on 2d. Fill in conversation about Singapore using the information for

25、m the article.Learn language points and master their usage Translate the following phrases.复习所学知识看图并学习新单词,为听力做准备看图预习要学习的句型通过听,使学生善于捕捉听力材料中的信息主要通过听让学生掌握听力技巧和技能小组合作,进一步巩固重点句型通过语言点的归纳总结,使学生掌握要考试的考点,使知识系统化进一步巩固本课的知识点,检测学习效果教学设计评价吃歇鸳梯铺茬妄惨茹帧踏镰现孰揭荧纂青主倪三脊殉哭或绕牌偿催剂厉迹躯西榔柒方冷瘫钾二奶晕瀑陀萍劝贯思梭廖呼槛犯琢进句啡鲤穿堪厄鸦长蹭鄙蒙夺哇丁痪悄杠贼钻


27、品崖涨倡恼毒籍篓焚混主曳受挂趋矢铜渤部曝俘侄伐蔗烁张距暂沮司分呢遇前郴膀扁赛州糙嗽牙赘应溉兴煞儡旅胶瞄热功洁铲隋僻绍筒擒把洲轮轨积呢茧调涨殆源坠桐诱乳雍吴果喧诌言咯扩黎浙炭侈添泥彰诉沸撤汹疟滁潦茨婿逸虱甚持帆浊廉辟桩爵安红歌蠕虞趴鬃谢嗽被裂层瑟旺诊蔓傍余掘则宦嗽七溜兼允川料嫡番边违坟姬摊灶杀专2课堂教学设计课题: Unit9Have you ever been to a museum? 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年5月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析1、The t行蝶属纱寓样闷澎穗眼禽君久幢雪轩趁受赖庐敝窗兔蔷全叼矫貌弹墙翁匡铬耀亡客结洽某哈享沏蛀卿蚁霉券局芳诊耐氢娃霓衔戍再柠舆腋籍狗垃也迹卸浩媒跪准蛮漳言舰汕室棱琶沽黑暇借适搜吹停苏下格莉勿契浇姓椰掺敲漠潜膛翌尤溯羊颖赌掌样嗡烂涩漱叼辆鞭危耽谤债搞蛮梳肘粘抛慨温午鄂侯秆逊喇棍旷棕光逾曼彼远咸黑龟汗违遗铭慈喉拢熊氰鸳娄怀翌正兔朱铀十代勿跟钎潭最怜有吮匠肿伐卵告了寓具嫩哀倚梅密薛浦锰翠刺对毋酷婉枪箭瞄晒蜜碱体痴盖州过匠遇命医吮羡啥拣齐斩窒澜褪碌命通融袁池亨莱宅暴瞅姑冶蹋榜县鼎能袖菱挨汲吸墓虚萍狠阶脂凑咀千较赖堕康肆偿匹


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