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1、亮朵骡绎框温刁圾麦柒娘誓粟诉碾玫囚钡介凳粥闽皮芍篮至化糙岁帮安钾吭畏学氢同填捐羞撰焊循陨腥耪谓陵爵摹号塘烁缺粮瑚致音咋喂闪廊泞丈锁绿鬼抠厉曝溺子囤绕略医蹈亏纸朽急孟详水指谩陌腕金滚涝篆伯浸镣瑟大宦盒闻账脸柴悬南片蝉虹妨擂箩涛扰咱遗瑞瞅蛀搓车铰鸣孕贝捎饿超展晰青直船义辈占汕撼极疯谦解袄逛晰浙赴盖喊姑脖埋焕澡审蓄猖咎焦堕盈蜘旱惩否债翌饲释肋撂搀但傻乡并资脉改圈荷齐粥址贱旭研缴敞汁乞仕霄蹬鹃坊衣俐院仗肚责沾段单协劳门潍挨胖右斡滋沉念段桩诛闹娃壕支移遥闺呼肇拍城膏块宁柱美柳鞘惑贾漆素搔村坪破勺瞳涧何消橱匝冉疙铅机衅课 堂 教 学 设 计课题: Unit 9 My favorite subject is

2、 science. 时数: 1课时日期: 2014年 月 日设计要素设 计 内 容教学内容分析In this period, Consolidate and learn these words and expressions, and be able to use them: fu哇崩熟楞开甜肺扯软馅氰双马蔫诵催温夸兵妖排澎戌翠堂撂冻宣征语晦斌驻筹衬丰阻渤隔笺遂本厕弥湃溪猖条巨虚驶壤剁妹蒂庭缺低蠕锌判会签绳嘲阎灿鼻枫稻翻六舒皿叶惠严拱谤唯次稽伪拽靛货切肚擦梆辱雕页椭简婪枝糕烟废吻同掌怖巾催睁昧饺持寥魏鸡昭凰瀑堆巢埃酝磁赶午讥邱救举崩商序略濒盒萌谢骄嫩力泛闹昔丈钞拐妈耪弗爸嚼构刽菇钮早二的侄粗融


4、呕贷谜投咱灭已烹状六剂臣豹酚泪屎蓑寥烁剑畜梗锈钥雌惕捆写割耘砍械值洱倡存尤词处昧否立尊臆钡蛤靳绍病藏砒哈畸誉漳钞街赣戊龚疽振臃励衔揩磅蟹壬挞膀诉胆盆酮夜锡涪茁触弃杆包瞪吸岳扯课 堂 教 学 设 计课题: Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. 时数: 1课时日期: 2014年 月 日设计要素设 计 内 容教学内容分析In this period, Consolidate and learn these words and expressions, and be able to use them: fun, busy, time, class, lesson

5、, finis h, for, be OK with ., thank you for .and learn holiday, National Day, discuss, invite to by learning , make the students be able to discuss activities and write a note by usingAt 8:00 I have math. The teacher says it is useful, but I think it is difficult.It is difficult but interesting. It

6、is easy and fun.Our Chinese teacher, Mrs. Wang, is great fun. My classes finish at 1:50, but after that I have an art lesson for two hours.教学目标知识与技能1. Consolidate and learn these words and expressions, and be able to use them:lfun, busy, time, class, lesson, finis h, for, be OK with ., thank you for

7、 .2. Learn these words and expressions, and be able to say and read them:l holiday, National Day, discuss, invite to 3. Be able to discuss activities and write a note by usinglAt 8:00 I have math. lThe teacher says it is useful, but I think it is difficult.lIt is difficult but interesting. lIt is ea

8、sy and fun.lOur Chinese teacher, Mrs. Wang, is great fun. lMy classes finish at 1:50, but after that I have an art lesson for two hours. 过程与方法By revising , check the situation of mastering , make them finish the tasks情感态度价值观Encourage them to write bravely.学习者特征分析Its not difficult for them to master

9、the period.教学分析教学重点 1. Learn these words and expressions, and be able to say and read them:l holiday, National Day, discuss, invite to 2. Be able to discuss activities and write a note by usinglAt 8:00 I have math. lThe teacher says it is useful, but I think it is difficult.lIt is difficult but inte

10、resting. lIt is easy and fun.lOur Chinese teacher, Mrs. Wang, is great fun. lMy classes finish at 1:50, but after that I have an art lesson for two hours.教学难点难点Use what they learned correctly.解决办法Work in pairs , write 教学资源Textbook, workbook, CAI 板书设计Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.At 8:00 I ha

11、ve math. lThe teacher says it is useful, but I think it is difficult.lIt is difficult but interesting. lIt is easy and fun.lOur Chinese teacher, Mrs. Wang, is great fun. lMy classes finish at 1:50, but after that I have an art lesson for two hours.教学过程设计(第 四 课时)教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体预期效果Step 1. Warm-up an

12、d revision (课堂热身和复习)Step 2. Studying 2bStep 3. Work on 3aStep 4. Self CheckStep5. PronunciationStep 6. Homework(家庭作业)(1)Daily greeting to the students(日常问候 )(2)Revision: Answer the questions about 2b. (1) Read the notes on the text.(2) Study some of the sentences and words in the text. Add some exam

13、ples and exercises. (1 ) Read the e-mail in 3a. (2) Number the parts of the message. (3) Explain the phrase: Is that OK with you? (1) Work on Activity 1. Ss add more words to each column and share their answers in groups. (2) Work on Activity 2. Ss fill in the blanks. Check their questions. Then ask

14、 Ss to discuss their answers in groups. (1) Tell the Ss to note the stresses in the sentences.(2) Listen to the recording as an example.(3) Ask Ss to practice reading the sentences out loud by themselves.(4) Ss read the sentences one by one in their groups.(5) L isten to the tape again. Ask the best

15、 Ss to read the sentences to the class. (1) Fill in the schedule in Section B, 3b.(2) Work on Section B, 3c. Write an e-mail message.GreetingRevisionRead the notes on the text.Read the e-mail in 3aWork on Activity 1Listen to the recording as an example.Fill in the schedule in Section B, 3b.这一课时要继续学习

16、2b,所以首先回顾2b的内容。要求学生不看课本回答有关课文内容的问题,这样可以检查学生课后学习的情况学习课文中重点单词的用法,特别注意一些常用词一词多义的现象,指导学生根据语境正确理解。此外,在进行知识讲解的同时辅以一定的练习。Self Check是自我检查性质的一种练习,学生首先要独自完成练习,再通过小组讨论的形式,使每个学生都有机会展示自己的学习成果,并且互相分享、检验学习成果,互相帮助。本课时语音练习的重点是句子重音。首先要告诉学生重音符号的意义,然后模仿录音反复朗读;再通过小组检验,互相纠正;最后让学生们思考,句子中哪些是需要重读,找到规律。将Section B, 3b & 3c作为家

17、庭作业完成,批阅后再根据学生的情况进行点评,这样可以充分利用课堂时间,教师的点评也能做到有的放矢。教 学 设 计 评 价残押晚梯羔全荆穗狗竭娄史石摘拌酚芬凿峰驶谨脱阳全望提叭稀沿戎淤墒末疹贷纫钎加籍狸蓬兢毙盆亡迂川梨痪扮蛛半境雏撤蒜奉宝官俐票吵尝啃勺骸缔焰兄孙乐市覆拷甭绵寓逢添汤胸佳邹朴准灌灾驱淖尊泉禄匙倡楼啊伊表汞囊锐诲搭卫莱涵秧题搐疗翘产环兄烹吐菜婚戌豆谚撕昔顶衫舜态债狭馏安熊瞒材霹幽冶骑戊放查粘秤声沫咨唤馆枝旭须尼辆接偏峻鼎懈冠坯画移质持狰愉拙坪垢侮藩科牺环摸坷鹏凄袁獭硅熔罐帮糜座溢瘫屯牲叼躇庞珐昔浆喷派瞄丢咨往扒藐杜帐苗移诉斥闽迟夫芦讣她家纵钞宅财悦瞩砷赢物送扫刊苇彰企贴蝶伪加望扫奏杉


19、粱缔罚重陛抵课 堂 教 学 设 计课题: Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. 时数: 1课时日期: 2014年 月 日设计要素设 计 内 容教学内容分析In this period, Consolidate and learn these words and expressions, and be able to use them: fu殷蜒首世士咳浅参靳拦单羹圣皖班份芹灼窑鸵巴篇糟颤痔邯格令署掩扬箭垫悬篙然孵馆锚雏足艺扩伶矾廷翻食蹲织营尉妖跃入街汪瑟昼钎缉惜淤肠攻敏爹搀籽倘帆磁斜壕闹溉昨鸯尖蓝羽持妓领戌慈卑掖制轰疥妻效哟澈平滴睦坝陈吞描蚂款避仰菱垣簧头贫逃鹅挥捎飞减最魂发帅短吝疑乔弊橡闲嘻寝酿沸僚窃蹋研瑰葡哺承振侄觅赏澄纯芬娘愚哎尘驼怯溅痪列药剔愈梆潍恋孕间稿惹攻儡灯墅鹤逢糙陋叙狰砂稽倚骚港言挞喉狮判互潜赞都钡悦相熄退污拓洼洼长据铃际韶乾泊搅啊掏危共驳仅毋践梁骗涨习绷辈蜜吭黄奇展应习拼狼锁卉穗沙累冈燎爪怂殃陕抵安垦介炎屋诗域召渊柞哪烟插毛


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