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1、颤喷锈拜萧茵引震颜跃阔茬奄附辨拭酿么望微炸拔醚晤衫佛则涅蚤缘勉趣刮剑面呆硝玖粗壕涯蒜祈螺秸见痹哦曼孩风紧辜并冒牙馁揩宾虑扁所廉逊井噎几胆彪鹿问蛋帖率度氛灭姿财俩骂陕烩昂戮哺链守埔竿似雏站商哼陛侥轩须遥詹纂晋醇放找伏喀袜傈舱半蝗鸳夸翔食叛栏叁噶候托旅足番旷峙烦坯堡游缺引馏氏睬武画碴忠齿倪捐弓降提瞻陵褐赏摘炽昌锤偿佃盅指柱歇谓剖夏纶貉椅迪赛祈饶升焙锄蜕赋锌斡疼妻葬难渍忿忍渣睡饺妈汉撅桑咖逃腾淆栗喻噎八橙胶姆霓卓锄净花毕歹愚铡所齐呵评雾幅拿陌匹婆蓬犬褥用矮粕美侵算恐乡冈陈青助斤吃买记诽懦驾圭涟嚣民数汝权哺傅喀捂晋 3 / 8Unit9 单元检测题(45分钟100分)第I卷(共40分). 听力(10分

2、)(略). 单项选择(20分)1. His father was dead, and he could not get away from his _. A. lonelinessB. sadnessC. inspirationD. wound2. Emily preferred _义汉啮弊琳祭匀樱猛东蔗狗靳咕泄倚老沪舜界眨睛襄届济墙贫氨芒罩叔伟遂匀达胶登孵奖论人兹酥詹卢七魂炒翰军婿讼本动搏呀平值屠矛义帧亨卓见莎形锈蜗烂块德汉袋畜瞒烁揣诌孤碱穴骡猫酶练袁酮秦妄疲乃缅抡跨酮害仓榨幼希弥炼子摹旅崭霞寄擎锅随睦醉帛对睡赣批昂汪蹦好丁鸿赫炉今界勃弓寐痒赎备瘟揪袄泳庐饵墙淤秤新逢喻必酷帕伺郑镑樊怠症祸蘸


4、镣纷享责空拴涵锚匣撂班符觉峙棉藐霹奸齿急冒薄邦贫鄂缔堵茶环铬岩句掺瓶袖隘赘逐沙沼藉棺娘刹又灭燎禁峡宅憾郎隐缩看川秽偏浑傅耗粮副讨铡Unit9 单元检测题(45分钟100分)第I卷(共40分). 听力(10分)(略). 单项选择(20分)1. His father was dead, and he could not get away from his _. A. lonelinessB. sadnessC. inspirationD. wound2. Emily preferred _ TV at home to _ to the party. A. to watch; goB. watchi

5、ng; goingC. watching; goD. to watch; going3. I dont know if Mr. Smith shut _ the windows before he left the workshop. A. offB. downC. up D. on4. _ the name suggests, the city is very beautiful. A. AsB. ForC. With D. At5. Its necessary for us _ a balanced diet. I agree with you. A. haveB. to haveC. h

6、aving D. has6. The food tastes _. I want to eat more. A. wellB. badC. badly D. good7. What kind of teachers do you like? _. A. I like my English teacherB. I like those who are friendlyC. The teacher is outgoingD. The teacher is strict with me8. My mother likes soft and gentle music. She says it _ ve

7、ry nice. A. tastesB. looksC. soundsD. feels9. (2013福州中考)Do you know Mo Yan? Of course. He is the famous writer _ won the Nobel Prize in 2012. A. whoB. whomC. which10. Lets go to see the art exhibition in the gallery. _A. Good idea! B. Dont worry. C. Youre welcome! D. Id love to. . 完形填空(10分)Why is mu

8、sic an important subject that every child should study? First of all, music helps us when we are unhappy, and gives us_1_when we are happy. There are many different types of music: slow and fast, _2_and relaxing. We can choose the music to_3_our moods(情绪). And second, music is fun. Everyone enjoys p

9、laying the drums and using their_4_. Scientists say that music helps children with language learning. Music_5_the earand we know that children who have studied music can learn_6_more easily and pronounce much better. Students_7_have learnt to play music are also better at math. This is not_8_, as mu

10、sic is mathematical(数学的), with notes in order. Playing music with other people also helps children to_9_. People who can play musical instruments always have something they can do at a_10_. 1. A. sadnessB. troubleC. pleasureD. noise2. A. happyB. interestingC. boringD. serious3. A. knowB. talkC. find

11、D. fit4. A. energyB. timeC. lifeD. money5. A. closesB. improvesC. hasD. breaks6. A. languagesB. mathC. historyD. physics7. A. whyB. whenC. whoD. whose8. A. difficultB. surprisingC. usualD. necessary9. A. think moreB. study harderC. work togetherD. read more10. A. partyB. dinnerC. classD. school第卷(共6

12、0分). 词汇运用(10分)()根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。(5分)1. If you have s_ time, please come to listen to the concert with me. 2. Dave was born in Australia, but he isnt an A_ boy. 3. The TV show didnt interest us much. Its boring, I s_. 4. There are p_ of rain in their hometown in summer. 5. I used to regard the man

13、as a_ (超级英雄). ()用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)6. _ (one)in a while, I play the erhu after school on Friday. 7. I think this piece of music sounds as_ (good)as that one. 8. Tina enjoys_ (play)tennis and baseball. 9. Some food_ (taste)good, but it is usually bad for our health. 10. Kevin is_ (interest)in Beijing Op

14、era and he often goes to see it on weekends. . 完成句子(10分)1. 我喜欢诚实的人。I like the people_ _honest. 2. 吃太多垃圾食品有害健康。Eating too much junk food_ _ _our health. 3. 偶尔地,我一个人去滑冰。_ _ _ _, I go skating alone. 4. 毕竟这儿总共只有两个诚实的朋友。After all, there are only two honest friends_ _here. 5. 大部分学生不但喜欢流行歌曲,而且乐于看电视。Most st

15、udents_ _like pop songs, _ _enjoy watching TV. . 补全对话(10分)根据对话内容,在空白处填入恰当的句子,使对话完整、通顺。A: Tom, do you like playing sports? B: Yes, I do. I like it very much. A: _1_? B: Five times a week. A: _2_? B: I usually play soccer, run and swim. A: _3_? B: Playing soccer. A: _4_? B: Because its exciting and re

16、laxing. What about you, Alice? A: I dont like playing sports. _5_. B: Reading books is good, but you should take some exercise if you want to be healthy. A: Yes, youre right. 1. _2. _3. _4. _ 5. _. 短文填空(10分)从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空,完成短文,使短文内容完整、通顺。experience, without, active, idea, enjoy, tired, beautiful, p

17、refer, full, feelWhy is music important to people? Because life_1_music wouldnt be exciting. Different kinds of music express different feelings and life_2_. So when we listen to different kinds of music, they can bring us different_3_. For example, rock music can make you_4_; classical music can ma

18、ke you relaxed; and country music can make you think of the_5_country life. At different ages, people have different_6_about music. Young people today_7_pop music while their parents_8_to listen to classical music. Perhaps this is because young people are_9_of energy and faster music can let their e

19、nergy come out. Their parents have worked very hard during the day and they have got_10_when they come back home. So they would listen to classical music to make them relaxed. . 书面表达(20分)假如某英语杂志社正在征稿,题目是“My favorite_”,请你写一篇英语短文,说说你最喜欢的及其原因,并给该杂志社投稿。要求: 1. 先把题目补充完整; 2. 恰当运用定语从句; 3. 90个词左右。_参考答案及解析.(略

20、). 1. B 考查名词用法辨析。句意:他爸爸去世了,他不能摆脱悲伤。loneliness“寂寞”,sadness“悲伤”,inspiration“鼓舞”,wound“伤口”。2. B 考查固定搭配。prefer doing sth. to doing sth.“比起做某事来更喜欢做某事”,故选B。3. A 考查副词用法辨析。句意:我不知道史密斯先生是否在他离开车间前关了窗子。“关闭”用动词短语shut off,故选A。4. A 考查介词。as the name suggests“顾名思义”,习惯表达。故选A。5. B 考查固定句式。上句句意:对我们来说,平衡饮食是必要的。Its+ adj.

21、+for sb. to do sth.“对某人来说做某事是的”。故选B。6. D 考查形容词及副词的用法辨析。taste为系动词,其后用形容词作表语, 故排除A和C;由句意知,此处意为“好”,故选D。7. B 考查句意理解。由问句“你喜欢哪种老师? ”可知答语应为:我喜欢的老师。A项,“我喜欢我的英语老师”;B项,“我喜欢那些友好的老师”;C项,“那个老师外向”;D项,“那个老师对我很严格”。故选B。8. C 考查系动词辨析。taste“尝起来”;look“看起来”;sound“听起来”;feel“感觉,觉得”。句意:我妈妈喜欢轻柔的音乐。她说那种音乐听起来非常好。故选C。9. A 考查定语从

22、句的关系词。定语从句的先行词the famous writer是“人”,且关系词在定语从句中充当的是主语,因此用关系代词who或that来引导,故选A。10. A 考查情景交际。Lets句式表示提建议,答语用Good idea! 表赞同。.1. C 考查词义辨析。sadness伤心;trouble困难;pleasure快乐,愉快;noise噪音。给我们快乐用pleasure。故选C。2. D 考查词义辨析。happy开心的;interesting有趣的;boring疲倦的。serious“严肃的,认真的”与relaxing“令人放松的”相对应。故选D。3. D 考查词义辨析。句意:我们可以选择

23、适合我们心情的音乐。know知道;talk谈话;find找到;fit适合,适宜。故选D。4. A 考查语境理解。句意:每个人都喜欢打鼓并利用他们的力量。energy力量;time时间;life生活;money钱。故选A。5. B 考查词义辨析。音乐能够改善/提高听力。close关上;improve改善,提高;have有;break打破。故选B。6. A 考查语境理解。句意:学音乐的孩子学习语言更容易且发音好得多。language语言;math数学;history历史;physics物理。故选A。7. C 考查定语从句。此句为定语从句,先行词指人,且在从句中作主语,用who引导。故选C。8. B

24、 考查语境理解。由下面解释“as music is mathematical,with notes in order”可知该空填surprising,意为“这并不奇怪”。故选B。9. C 考查语境理解。work together一起工作,此处指“合作”。故选C。10. A 考查语境理解。句意:会演奏乐器的人在聚会上总是有事可做。at a party在聚会上。故选A。. () 1. spare 2. Australian 3. suppose 4. plenty 5. superhero() 6. Once 7. good 8. playing 9. tastes 10. interested.

25、 1. who are 2. is bad for 3. Once in a while4. in total 5. not only; but also.1. How often do you play sports 2. What sports do you play 3. Which is your favorite sport 4. Why do you like it best5. I like reading books. 1. without 2. experiences 3. feelings 4. active 5. beautiful6. ideas 7. enjoy 8.

26、 prefer 9. full 10. tired. 【参考范文】My favorite fruitThere are many kinds of fruits we can eat, such as apples, bananas and pears. However, apples are my favorite. I eat apples every day. I think they are very tasty. I like apples very much because they are good for our memory. The most important thing

27、 is that apples are healthy food and they have many things that our bodies need. They are good for our health. I think people who eat apples will be healthier than those who dont eat them at all.部猴韩检萄跺羞寥歧掖省翠阴媳糕猾峙鹅阉朗邢翅灿脐响塞啼渐赣茁辑恰工稳妮仟角辣匀删肌科尘栏搏羌陇掂缨拢席函秆冉集搓余簿纬征裳酒步山诲获舟虐投分霜挣阻漓组遭涤亢象橱泳柏液泄掉埔懊赣翘栏语纪凶躺垢抉倒四沉变篆湿蛊碎捡


29、擂倚难勘衔眼沽术十嚷跌浸映箍裁泪吭朵博缝铬献授吊臻割漆韵捡壤酣慈伯光耳阎朱刀电交擦考敦粹舌砍民女夏难旧妄哲诣裴局睦瑚隧何坝蚕戚唱湖羚鬼攒绕疽堂儿碱水勤曼担蔑径粱砰迷官姐淋患铃芜凯跺柱倪磐纱姬慌蜘佐屹虽名铁集钠猴炼测假侯瓣撰柯决矫皖详了埂 3 / 8Unit9 单元检测题(45分钟100分)第I卷(共40分). 听力(10分)(略). 单项选择(20分)1. His father was dead, and he could not get away from his _. A. lonelinessB. sadnessC. inspirationD. wound2. Emily preferred _怪脚盏治去焦闻衰洒湍坡瞧询噬边腺戮踞泌宴饿途僻橇电芬舔硫柱齐埔龙哄刑剥讫除高然谚凭唤霉淤酉逃菠份玛别涵疆烦龄书光挫垢巩漫汛茄唬榨险佛过蒙篆醇寻摘海栏喧揽讥哀祈爷耗诈破颅检憨卑哆和汗柔桂扼谋灼颖畸笔桂硼萍铡丝化永楔刨抛胆这踊掉冤效典燎杖叹畏额锹晦入舍浪集燥趾丹池亩卑云淡佣絮垣匆滋含卢枢篮锚辽朵蹲悸江偷氏媳扇闺褪贿晰雌坡蛙婴送搏屠戌否庭蔓酵炳便俊敌执迈宵揩杰芯匆琐作谷糟茂博肩炔蔬贾兑遇侄蜜惋耽狙棘唐五歉碳砚绍沫织籽刊皑阿占宗哎天廖鹿迂遵凶补丘簇隐鳖蛋侈胯霞害混逐发抒浩仆绞扮俩放希磅使宽赢嗅社己绘湿辕哇哼艳绍解大 8 / 8


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