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1、Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?,Section A(1a-1c),Enjoy a video,观看视频并记住里面出现了哪些动物?,Lets go to the zoo!,What animals can you see in a zoo?Can you say them in English?,Discussion,四人一组,说说有关动物的英语单词,It is good at climing trees(爬树).It likes eating bananas.,monkey,smart 聪明的,Guessing Game,What is it? Do you li

2、ke ? Why?,It lives in China.It is black and white.It likes bamboos (竹子).,panda,cute 可爱的,Guessing Game,What is it? Do you like ? Why?,It has a very long nose.It is the biggest animal on land(陆地上).,big and strong (强壮的),elephant,elifnt,Guessing Game,What is it? Do you like ? Why?,It looks like a cat.It

3、 eats meat.It is the king of the forest.,scary,tiger,taig,Guessing Game,What is it? Do you like ? Why?,skeri 吓人的,Guessing Game,lion,It eats meat. It has long hair. It is from South Africa(南非).,lain,What is it? Do you like ? Why?,scary,It has very long legs.It has a very long neck.,giraffe,tall and b

4、eautiful (美丽的),dra:f,Guessing Game,What is it? Do you like ? Why?,It eats leaves. It likes sleeping and often sleeps in the day.It lives in Australia.,koala,lazy(懒惰的),Guessing Game,What is it? Do you like ? Why?,ku:l,Guessing Game,It lives in the sea. It swims fast. It likes eating fish.,dolphin,Wha

5、t is it? Do you like ? Why?,penguin,It likes cold weather.It lives in the South Pole (南极).,pegwin,tigerelephant panda giraffe koala lion monkey,老虎大象熊猫长颈鹿考拉熊狮子猴子,Read aloud,一分钟记忆!,cutelazysmartbeautifulscarytallstrong,可爱的懒惰的聪明的美丽的吓人的高大的强壮的,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,Memory challenge,请记住他们的顺序!,1,3,4,5,7,6,2,tiger

6、_elephant _koala _panda _lion _giraffe _,e,1a,c,f,a,d,b,Match the words with the animals in the picture.,tiger _elephant _koala _panda _lion _giraffe _,1b,Listen and check the () the animals you hear in 1a.,Why?,Lets see the pandas first. Theyre my favorite animals.,Because theyre very cute.,了解动物. G

7、et to know about the animals.,Why do you want to see them?,Lets see the _ first.,Because theyre very _.,beautiful,giraffes,cute interesting fun smart lazy beautiful,Why do you want to see them?,Lets see the _ first.,Because theyre very _.,Pairwork,cute interesting fun smart lazy beautiful,have a mee

8、ting 开会 Why?,They want to be an animal mascot(吉祥物)for 俄罗斯世界杯 in 2018.If you are the judge(评委),choose me!,调查组员对各种动物的喜好 finish and report in English,Do you like s? Yes, I do.Why do you like s? Because they are,My name is I like, theyre My classmate likes , because theyre .My classmate We all like anim

9、als, because theyre our good friends.,Retell,Lets choose!开始选题吧!,1,请在10秒钟内说出7种动物,Ready? Go!,Time is up!,请猜出下文所描述的动物,It has two small eyes and two big ears. Its from Australia. It eats leaves in the tree. It is cute but lazy.,你喜欢熊猫吗?为什么? 请现场编一组对话,Ready? Go!,请说出两种你不喜欢的动物及其原因。,Ready? Go!,请说出5个喜欢狗的理由,Ready? Go!,请说出两种你喜欢的动物及其原因。,Ready? Go!,请问英语中的dog和cat谁是褒义词?,中英文化差异动物1.同一动物词在英语中褒义, 汉语中却贬, 如狗 (dog)、猫头鹰 (owl)、熊 (bear)2.同一动物词在英语中贬义, 汉语中却含有褒义色彩, 如,中国龙(dragon) , 蝙蝠(bat),猫(cat),孔雀 (peacock),Love animals, love ourselves!,Thanks for listening!Goodbye!,


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