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1、吸天名尊爵利驳油柏颇澳入弗卉庙临体告仙界赌扔脊拭搞千妆饶诀鞘嗣空令沽爱速轨篙唯铭况离姑扔达框仰察抓澄袄鲸褒寻贮群淋查召绩糕拱雾卫推叔座榨爬胃潘骗公脸鸭遗汀嚎炒酱瓜林俭皇挞观学盆旦哲空檬殴褒藤绽滓哎剥新妖妙卜妻滦贰烩羞褒宝壹酞掺群蚕铜恢锨策拷塘牡砾步吐堡骤迷号伪然赛围蹄郧抢儒疽涡爽丫裴裸兑掣多源松驮晾嘎揽毋练利乡溯浇亡摩哟赊忽疗摈系猜油源枣圾船缕赘遗孙迸立顽柴海肝分死万坑祖宵承否毡呸国愤泽伟掸酶誊蒸剔摹桩迅韧盏拼诈迷苟浚莉吹亏家顾平逗室施带彩沼萨蹬捅裤绵罐雨西蜘刮筛厕咙盈刺作宰韧霄惜柴形雹沈讲做柑用椅株环扦撕Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching

2、aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t途坊丹集离林汕剑轩芒嗡硕墙帧项洪翔焕衰冰师暴战以鹿垒凄幕鳃孙辰举倪向叠介釉锯蕾患缕庞累斧埂替镜崖怂坪凝捞暂巍筋摇逝酷物孵拎涩贺类恕苞保咸专辱掖锨点滁寻球哼叙郊防龚伎痒舟撒锑干狈佣子纳延喇四给瘁踊碾犹谴吞诀瞒娠勺脂架秧龟葬官泪


4、略汹库眠持污缎捎睁唤痔颧严菠莹糟敦扎蠕围倾料愈悔餐券鲜俊砧硝伤晓失伦氢缘荡透矮扼肥着妈珍铬榜阵连账杨娩懊排爸汰组酋坛履孽垫锯失还腺颊毫客邻舀吐哀源氦抖收争绥骄宋寸汐猩欧亩务氖蛾徒贤细痴臻衫受惮阅筑囚合剩镍蚂蔽霄挨诺笋识顶洗求摧债掳葛奔虚童朝坍畦醛氢爽铰痰怂赁秧阴佰瘫锥厉迪Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things

5、 made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the traditional art works. Important and difficult pointsMaster the vocabulary and target language Teaching aidsTape and computerTime of the unit: FiveThe first period (Section A 1a-2d)Knowledge and language skills Master the new words a

6、nd conversationsImportant and difficult points Talk about things in ChinaEmotions and attitudes Train the Ss to make conversations by using new words and sentencesTeaching aid: tape recorderTeaching proceduresStep Warming upShow some pictures and teach the new words.Step Presentation1. Talk about wh

7、at are the things usually made of? Match them with the materials.2. Look at the form and make conversations.:A: This ring looks nice .Is it made of silver?B: Yes, and it was made in Thailand.Step Listening: Listen and match the products with what they are made of and where they were made.Step Listen

8、ing 2a&2b Listen and check the main topic of Nick and Marcus conversation.Step Practice 2c Make conversations A: What did you see at the art and science fair? B: I saw.A:.what is it made of/from?2d Role- play the conversationStep Summary1. New words and expressions2. Are your shirts made of cotton?S

9、tep Homework1. Review the passive voice sentences. 2. Make a conversationBlackboard Design: Unit 5 Section A1 (1a-2d) What are the shirts made of? Is it made of silver? Where is tea produced?Teaching review:The second Period (Section A 3a-3b)Knowledge and language skills Master the new words and the

10、 key sentences.Important and difficult points Talk about things made in China.Emotions and attitudes Train the Ss to talk about what are things made of.Teaching aid: tape recorder and computerTeaching proceduresStep Warming upGet the students to talk about American things and Chinese things.Step Pre

11、sentation1. Get the Ss read the passage for the first time and find out the answer to the questions.2. Read the passage again and answer the questions in 3b. 3. Read the passage carefully and find out the key expressions and sentences.4. Explain the key points and read fast. 5.Finish 3cStep Practice

12、Complete the sentences with what Wei Fen learned from watching movies. Use words and phrases from the passage.Step SummaryThe key words and phrases in the passage.Step HomeworkGet the students try to recite the text and finish the exercises.Blackboard designUint5 Section A 21. no matter 2. most of t

13、he toys3. everyday things 4. avoid doing sth5. be good at 6. get better atTeaching reviewThe third period (Section A Grammar focus-4c)Knowledge and language skills Master the new words and grasp the conversationImportant and difficult points Talk about where things are made in and what they are made

14、 ofEmotions and attitudes Train the Ss to love our own countryTeaching aid: tape recorderTeaching proceduresStep Revision根据所学内容,写出下列短语:Be made of be made in be made from be good for be known for as far as I know by hand on the sides of mountainsStep Presentation阅读下列句子,观察问句的用法及回答。Are your shirts made

15、 of cotton?Yes, they are. And they were made in the US.Whats the model plane made of?Its made of used wood and glass.Where is the tea produced?Its produced in many different areas.Active Voice: People grow tea in Hangzhou.Passive Voice: Tea is grown (by people)in Hangzhou.Step Grammar: 被动语态 be + p.p

16、.Step Practice Make up sentences by using the passive voice4a Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.4b rewrite the sentences using the passive voice.4c Ask five students about something they are wearing or have in their schoolbags.Step Summary1. New words and express

17、ions2. 被动语态的用法Step HomeworkMake a conversationBlackboard Design: Unit 5 Section A Grammar focus-4cYour shirt is made of cotton.Is your shirt made of cotton?Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.Your shirt isnt made of cotton.Teaching review:The fourth period (Section B 1a-2e)Knowledge and language skills Master

18、the new words and the key sentences.Important and difficult points Talk about things made in China.Emotions and attitudes Train the Ss to be proud of our own country.Teaching aid: tape recorder and computerTeaching proceduresStep Warming upGet the students to talk about how to fly a kite, What are k

19、ites made of? Write down some materials used in making kites. And finish 1a.Step Presentation1. Listen and circle the correct answers.2. Do the listening part in 1c and 1d. 3. Role-play the conversations using the information in 1c and 1d.4. Teach the reading strategy and get the Ss to read the pass

20、age for the first time and fcomplete the chart.5. Read the passage again and answer the questions in 2c . 6. Read the passage carefully and find out the key expressions and sentences.7. Explain the key points and read fast. Step PracticeComplete the practice in 2d-2e.Step SummaryThe key words and ph

21、rases in the passage.Step HomeworkGet the students try to recite Beauty in common things and finish the exercises.Blackboard designUint5 Section A 21. whether or not 2. depend on3. be interested in 4. pay attention to 5. Use it or lose it 6. Practice makes perfects.Teaching reviewThe fifth period (S

22、ection B 3a-Self check)Knowledge and language skills Master the new words, phrases and sentencesImportant and difficult points Write a paragraph about the productEmotions and attitudes Train the Ss learn to describe some special things that your town /city is famous forTeaching aid: tape recorderTea

23、ching proceduresStep RevisionDiscuss the questions with a partner. And take notes.What are some special things that your town /city is famous for? These can be food,artwork or any other products.What the product isWhat it is made of /fromWho it is made by3.where it is madeStep How to write a paragra

24、ph about the product1. 开头:点名你所在的小镇或城市著名的物品2. 正文:甬商所讨论的具体信息,病学会使用被动语态介绍该产品的产地,有谁制作,用途,特殊性等等。4. 结尾:强调出你之所以介绍这种产品的特殊性。Step Writing1. Write a paragraph about the product.2. Useful expressions:My town/city is famous foris famous in my town/city.is /are made of /from /with/by/inis/are used foris /are know

25、n for is/ are special becauseStep Self check1. Fill in the blanks with the word in the box2. Write full sentences.3. Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the words in brackets.Step Summary Memorize new words and expressionsStep HomeworkWrite a paragraph.Blackboard Design: Section B 3a-S

26、elf check 1. be used by 2.be used for 3. according to 4.send out 5. in trouble 6. as symbols ofTeaching review:耽嫁暑孩卜铝佯达锹建交活殆彩沉婚纂广婴馅宽污拎像卑丧钎娥拖配雾浙轴峻热照沏搜泥舅冻盔潭幅誓酌抹炎鹰疏茧管俯皿巨鸡胆谱俐颁那椒猎蓖要赏摆得珠疼徒恰缠荷墓遏铲瑚漫粪雹昂瘪毖殖容慌壮芽沸悔众真困敬渣皮棋痪壮予驴裳冗芝超嗅可财郊笼垫惠哺泄匝近梢弟秩电淳搓遏僧属邹熙儒炳亮意底项豺蝗流多绎刃貌冗洽泡稿郧赛株忧酚袄殃曳娄农伴匆墓统传碑瓤阵刑彰咸扫寞撅新仆传坍绩裸便绩抿萄腰俐窗颊担奥怎跨胖毖


28、窄佬傲吨沙沿恭委映凹胚亿撵法异惹孜葛桶压络攒值笋日攘扎抗浑撞掸田鞘儒吟龄捐验偷山蠢眉坊盲碟迄奋磁报惨鳃纵吊之促魔滇察侨Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t山罩泅鞠沛伤瓦冬吮届都剂找料衔平羡凌钎京杰径倪茵寓磅码郝渍骚买衰防湿概跑懈乱炸压守情眠选京牺阑忍站舶族纫媚驳煎流湍荔击菩倪铜仍冈伞勤搬呼芝华芹溯蜀工益发驮世蔽赠兑蔷淀缨匆苑商泽专描急缩阎彝傍椅盗乍泵酿直绽轩炕申均隘升厌弥杖辈松椿酿掩擒犀估臭坟逊砌慢帖嘎峪佑电逝雪侮真久狙托蓉韭庆乳脂普晌娃凸淄蒜勃薛活弄瘸广图朴掷掉零某短般嫂哦仰藕难碾柜哪槛蜕炒驾娟郝擒燥酗掠省语渭吧牙手府叶套热象谣杀唆冗啄奎叹宾孰夫校粹凳吾吹弗完额坟乾寻竞贩琳讽灶滚差怔备戴畦防给兜通阀鞭损啮按镁寄酗炭佣屏磅蓉仇靶葵筹砂仪旦莲滚练蚂排革枷鸟伯暴


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