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1、,1,I can read.,fish,egg,bread,grapes,green beans,hamburger,apple juice,chicken,carrot,cake,beef,strawberry,tea,tomato,watermelon,onions,noodles,ice-cream,orange,potato,rice,vegetable,sanwich,soup,water,milk,apple,banana,Unit 3 What would you like? B Read and write By Miss Chen,rice, ice cream,fish,

2、beef,tea , water,tomatoes, green beans,grapes, apples,Talk with your partners,My favourite _ (food/drink/vegetable/fruit),is _.Its _.,are_.Theyre_.,I can listen,watch and choose,1. Qiqis favourite food is _ . Its _ .,A. chicken, yummy,B. beef, yummy,C. chicken, healthy,2. Qiqi likes _ but not_ .,A .

3、 apple , Coke,B. apple juice, Coke,C. Coke , apple juice,note:,笔记便笺/留言条,bed,I will cook today.,I dont like food, I am a robot. Today Grandpa is out, he and Yifan left(留下) 2 notes.SoI will cook today.,leg,ten,pen,I can listen and choose,2.Wu Yifans favourite vegetable are_ .A . onions B. green beans

4、C. carrots,Wu Yifans favourite food is _ . It is _ .A. ice cream , delicious B . ice cream, sweet C. cake , sweet,I can read and tick or cross(仔细阅读便笺,划出关键句并判断正误),( )1、Wu Yifans favourite food is ice cream . It is delicious. ( ) 2、Wu Yifan doesnt like fish but chicken is OK. ( ) 3、Wu Yifan likes sala

5、d very much.,sweet,beef,I dont like_ but_,I can look and say:,tomatoes,carrots,beef,chicken,I can say with my partner(我会跟同桌说一说),I dont like _ but _is /are OK.,is,are,OK.,Tips: beef, chicken, milk等不可数名词和tomato, carrot, apple等可数名词单数后面用is; tomatoes, carrots, apples 等可数名词复数后面用are.,I dont like_ but_,OK.,

6、I can read and fill in the blanks(仔细阅读便笺,划出关键句并填空),1. Grandpas favourite food is _ . It is _ .2. He likes _ but not _.,chicken,delicious,vegetables,carrots,I like _but not _ .,vegetables,carrots,I can look and say:,milk,tea,I can say with my partner(我会跟同桌说一说),I like _ but not _ .,I like _but not _ .

7、,I can read and tick(快速阅读便笺,选出答案),两者都,?,Here you are!Chicken ice-cream!,Oh, no!,I can imitate我会跟读,(4人小组选择一篇自己感兴趣的读),Pay attention to these places注意这些地方,称呼,正文,感谢语,署名,have lunch at 11:10,Look at the menu.,Oh, yeah. I love fish and tomatoes.Theyre delicious. Whats your favourite food?,Fish. Its yummy.

8、I like vegetables but not green beans. Do you like egg soup?,No, I dont like egg soup but tomato soup is OK.,Well, lets write a note to Cook.,Dear Cook,My favourite food is _. It is _ . I like _ but not _.,Thank you!,Zong Yuan,Dear _ ,I love _and _.Theyre _. I dont like _but _ is OK.Thanks._,I can help(帮助Zong Yuan 和 Yang Jiakai 各写一张便笺给学校里的厨师),Love cooking,enjoy the delicious food and happy everyday. (爱上烹饪,享受美食,快乐每一天。),Homework,1.Follow the tape and repeat the notes.2.Finish the note in your book P29.,


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