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1、2020届高一下学期第一次月考英语试卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。1. What are the two speakers talking about? A. Hobbies. B. Music. C. Play.2. Where is Mr Jones now? A. At home. B. At the health center. C. At his office.3. What do the two speakers think of Tom? A. He gets nervous very ea

2、sily. B. He is not an experienced speaker. C. He hasnt prepared his speech well.4. Why was the woman so late? A. Something went wrong with the bus. B. She took somebody to hospital. C. She didnt catch the bus.5. What does the man mean? A. He enjoys most types of games. B. Basketball is his favorite

3、sport.C. He only plays basketball.第二节(共15小题; 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。请听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What is the man doing? A. He is being interviewed. B. He is making a flash. C. He is playing computer games.7. What do you think will happen after the conversation? A. The woman will call Mr Taylor. B

4、. The woman wont make the website. C. The woman wont get in touch with Mr Taylor.请听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. What is the woman going to do? A. Prepare lunch. B. Have a party. C. Go to a friends house for dinner.9. What does the woman still need? A. A tie. B. Some flowers. C. Some candy.10. What should one

5、do when he goes to a friends house for the first time according to the womans mother? A. Take something. B. Get dressed up. C. Have dinner.请听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。 11. How many times did the man call Mr Tuang last week? A. Twice. B. Once. C. Three times.12. What does the man want Mr Tuang to do? A. To hav

6、e dinner with him. B. To call him back. C. To visit him.13. Whats the mans telephone number? A. 37460. B. 37640. C. 36470. 请听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。 14. What does the woman want to do? A. Rent a flat.B. Sell her house.C. Buy a house.15. How many people are there in the womans family? A. 2. B. 4. C. 6.16. H

7、ow much should the woman pay for the three-room flat every month? A. 400 yuan. B. 600 yuan. C. 1,000 yuan.17. What can we learn from the conversation? A. You can take the lift at 12:00 pm in the building. B. You cant take the lift at 6:00 am in the building. C. The three-room flat is on the 8th floo

8、r.请听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。 18. What was wrong with Mrs Jenkins? A. Something was wrong with her heart. B. Something was wrong with her back. C. Something was wrong with her foot.19. What did the doctor do at first? A. He listened to Mrs Jenkins voice. B. He listened to Mrs Jenkins heart. C. He asked Mrs

9、Jenkins to stop smoking.20. What did Mrs Jenkins like to drink? A. Tea. B. Coffee. C. Water.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AOn February 3,1931 the peace of New Zealands Hawkes Bay region was destroyed when the area was hit by the worst earth

10、quake in New Zealands history. At 10:46 am on that summers day,the quake hit with a magnitude of 7.9 on the Richter scale(里氏震级). The centre of the quake lied some 15 to 20 kilometers north of the two main centers, Napier and Hastings. The quake lasted for two and a half minutes. Many people died in

11、the earthquake.A fire broke out immediately after the quake. The fire started in a chemists shop and spread quickly. Then the Fire Department in Napier came to help, but they were at a loss to control the fire as a result of losing their water supply. However, the water supply in Hastings, was still

12、 usable, allowing them to fight back against the fire.The force of the earthquake destroyed many of the citys famous landmarks(地标).Chunks of the coastline were thrown into the sea. Napiers Bluff Hill, a popular tourist spot, was completely destroyed and thrown into the waters below.Most of the major

13、 buildings in the city were completely destroyed. Roads and communications across the whole area were cut. People were afraid to enter their homes for days and found shelters at the local Motor Camp or on the beach. There were about 150 aftershocks(余震)in the 24 hours after the main shock. Over the n

14、ext 2 weeks, there would be 525 such aftershocks.21.The worst earthquake took place in New Zealand_.A. at night B. in the morningC. at noon D. in the afternoon22.The firefighters in Napier failed to put out the fire probably because_.A. there was no usable water B. they couldnt get close to itC. the

15、 flames spread too quickly D. The wind was very strong23.The last two paragraphs mainly tell us that_.A. there were many places of interest in New ZealandB. the earthquake damaged the city seriouslyC. many famous landmarks were thrown into the seaD. people were afraid to enter their homes for sleep2

16、4.Whats the best title for this passage?A. The 1931 Hawkes Bay earthquakeB. New Zealands two citiesC. The great fire after the great earthquake:ZXXKD. The citys famous landmarksBOne day, I was on a bus and saw something sad. A father kept playing a game, completely ignoring his daughter sitting besi

17、de his. The little girl, aged 5, was talking to her father about her day, praising her fathers long nails-trying to draw his attention. He just nodded with his eyes fixed on the screen, busy passing the levels of the game. I watched the girl give a final try to at least get him to look at her, but i

18、t was no use. Then the little girl turned silent. It was a shame the father didnt notice that.It broke my heart and got me wondering-what kind of game would make the father forget he has the most beautiful thing in the world, the person he loves with all his heart. What it meant when she couldnt loo

19、k into her daughters eyes and even stop to listen to the girlSome parents are almost like the teenagers, always on their phones with mindless games. Perhaps parents have many things to deal with, but sometimes they are everything to their kids. The scene used to be seen among teenagers very often wh

20、en parents complained how their children were crazy about their mobile phones. Look how the situation has changed! Im uncertain whether to laugh or to cry. But my hope is that this storm passes.25.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. The girl failed to attract her fathers atten

21、tion.B. The father felt sorry after his daughter turned silent.C. The writer has much experience about being a parent.D. Middle-aged parents have many mobile phones.26.In the passage, the writer mainly wants to show_.A. children are crazy about mobile phonesB. parents are now able to use modern tech

22、nologyC. the best smart phones cost parents too much moneyD. parents should use their phones properly27.Whats the best title of the passage?A. Middle-aged parentsB. A scene on the busC. Technology slaves(奴隶)D. Harmful phone gamesCRight in front of the Minneapolis Central Library, a row of green bike

23、s sits parked in a special stand. Each bike is designed with the logo “Nice Ride”the name of the citys bike-share program.Nice Ride bikes are a lot like the library books that people come here to borrow. To rent a bike, you simply use your membership card at a Nice Ride bike station. Members can ren

24、t one of 1,200 bikes from 138 stations throughout Minnesotas largest city. People use the Nice Ride bikes to go to work, to go out on business, or just to enjoy the citys many bike paths.The rise of bike-share programs like Nice Ride is encouraging more people than ever to choose biking over driving

25、. Increasingly climbing gas prices and concerns about the environment have also gotten people to dust off their bike helmets, pump air into flat tires, and hit the road.Why ride? Not only is biking good exercise but changing from a car to a bike also cuts down the amount of pollution in the air. Car

26、bon dioxide, a greenhouse gas leading to climate change, is one of the many polluting substances that come out of a cars tail pipe.Bike-share systems are found around the world in cities like London, Paris, Barcelona, and Melbourne, Australia. They are also common in Chinas cities, Wuhan, for exampl

27、e, has the largest program with 70,000 bikes.To make roads friendlier to non-motorists, the U.S. Department of Transportation has spent more than a billion dollars on cycling and pedestrian projects in recent years. The money went toward building thousands of miles of on-street bike lanes and pedest

28、rian-only passages called greenways.28. Which of the following can people do with the bikes?A. Enjoy bikeways.B. Make a living.C. Compete in a race.D. Rent them out to others.29. What is Paragraph Four mainly about?A. Ways to use the bikes.B. Pollution caused by cars.C. Benefits of biking. D. Measur

29、es to cut down pollution.30. What do we know about bike-share programs like Nice Ride?A. China has better public bike systems.B. They will take the place of taxi companies.C. They attract more people to choose biking.D. The government doesnt have to support them.31. What is the authors purpose in wr

30、iting this text?A. To ask for advice for Nice Ride.B. To compare Nice Ride with libraries.C. To raise money for bike-share programs.D. To introduce the bike system in public places.DParents can cut the chances of their children getting fat simply by keeping them longer at table. Just three extra min

31、utes at a family mealtime could help to prevent child obesity. Researchers found that among poor families, the extra minutes at mealtimes made great improvement of a normal weight for the youth. The reasons might lie in communication and the importance of a scheduled mealtime.Dr. Barbara Fiese said,

32、 “Children, whose families have a 20-minute meal over four times a week, weigh less than kids who leave the table after 15 to 17 minutes. Over time, those extra minutes per meal add up and become really powerful.”The researchers studied 200 family mealtimes, testing the effects of mealtime habits of

33、 families with children in primary school. They found that families, who said that shared mealtimes were an important part of family life and had special meaning for them, were less likely to have a fat child. Similarly, families who talked more together and communicated more positively(积极地)during t

34、he meal, were more likely to have healthy-weight children.Teaching low-income families how to make full use of family mealtimes was a wise idea. Dr. Fiese said, “This is something we can do and teach.” She added, “Its also important to recognize the increasing differences of families and their livin

35、g schedules that may need their abilities to plan ahead and set a single time to communicate with each other.”Families in poorer US neighborhoods faced a lot of problems, including poor access(机会)to healthy food. But even so, regular high quality family mealtimes made a difference to the childrens w

36、eight. Dr. Fiese said, “Three to four extra minutes per meal will make a healthy weight more possible.”32. What can parents do to have healthy-weight children according to the passage?A. Shorten the mealtime.B. Increase their eating time.C. Make them eat healthy food.D. Provide less food for each me

37、al.33. What does the underlined word “obesity” probably mean?A. Being sick.B. Being thinner.C. Being very fat.D. Being very strong34. What does Dr. Fiese suggest to us?A. Twenty extra minutes per meal causes healthy weight.B. Its better to add three to four extra minutes to each mealtime.C. Four mea

38、ls a day will make a difference to the childrens weight.D. Parents shouldnt communicate with their children during mealtimes.35. Which of the following can be the best title of the text?A. Healthy Food Makes Healthy Weight.B. Low-Income Families Have Thinner Children.C. More Mealtime Talk Causes Unh

39、ealthy Weight.D. Extra Mealtime Minutes Help Prevent Child Obesity.第二节(共5小題;每小題2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。Grow Your Vocabulary by Learning Root (词根) Words English is called one of the most difficult languages for non-native speakers. One reason is that English has

40、so many rules and almost as many exceptions of those rules. Sometimes, this leaves learners confused (困惑的). 36 Not all words can be pronounced by their spelling. And, maybe the worst thing of all is that there are many idioms, or expressions in English. 37 That is why there are many funny mistakes r

41、esulting from the misuse of idioms. 38 A root word is the most basic form of a word. Root words can help you to break down large, new words into smaller units to discover their meanings. 39 As a result, by learning 20 or 30 root words, you can enlarge your English vocabulary to include hundreds of n

42、ew words. A root can be any part of a word that carries meaning: the beginning, middle or end prefixes (前缀), bases, and suffixes (后缀) are types of roots. The prefix appears at the beginning of a word, the base in the middle and the suffix at the end. 40 One simple method is to first look at a base w

43、ord and then look for familiar prefixes and suffixes that go with that base. For example, the word “construct” is a verb that means “to build”. The prefix “con-” means “together” or “with”. So, “construct” means “to put things together to build or create something”.A. Another reason is related to th

44、e English pronunciation.B. You can say we use idioms like theyre going out of style.C. The second difficulty lies in the spelling of the English words. D. Having a good knowledge of grammar is also useful for English learners.E. Building vocabulary through root words is quite useful for English lear

45、ners.F. Learning just one root word can help you understand several words in English.G. However, its comforting to know learning root words can help English learners.第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Once upon a time, in a small city there

46、 was a storybook. The book looked great, but all its pages were _41_. People would _42_ the book with interest, but finding no stories inside, they put the book aside. Not far from there, a lovely inkwell (墨水瓶) had been full of ink for years. His owner had _43_ about it and left it away in the corne

47、r.One time, the book was _44_ away and he ended up next to the inkwell. For days and days, they exchanged stories about their _45_ luck. They could have carried on this for years, _46_ a swan feather had not landed nearby. Having fallen from his owner, the feather felt _47_ for the first time. He cried and cried, then the book and the inkwell _48_ in, letting out all their sadne


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