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1、最新译林版英语六年级下册第三单元测试卷(含听力材料)班级姓名得分听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(每小题1分,共10分)听录音,选择正确的应答句。(每小题1分,共5分)()1. A. helpB. healthyC. health()2. A. litterB. littleC. letter()3. A. fruitB. foodC. fish()4. A. dietB. diaryC. dentist()5. A. neverB. neckC. need()6. A. numberB. DecemberC. remember()7. A. meatB. meetC. me

2、al()8. A. too manyB too muchC. so much()9. A. at a timeB. at lunchtimeC on time()10. A. a littleB. a fewC. a lot of()1. A. Yes, I do.()2. A. I have some bread.()3. A. Theyre tluee.()4.A. Yes, here you are.()5A Yes, they are.B. Yes, she does.C Yes, she is.B Its a steamed bun. C Some porridge.B. Two.C

3、 She likes eating eggs.B. No, I cantC. No, thank you.B. Yes, there nreC No, there isnt三. 听录音,根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。(每小题1分,共5分)()1.Jack has two eggs for breakfast every djy.()2.Jack doesift like vegetables()3.Jack5s sister do己sit like fmit( )4.Jack,s sister likes strawberries and some chicken for dinner.

4、()5.Both of Jack and his sister like tomatoes.四. 听录音,完成短文。(10分)Samto go to the、because there is not much food in the Hea small bottle of cola, but hedrink too much cola, and he buys some fish, after that, he goes home, but the fish is too . the fishinto the river, Sam feels very sad笔试部分(70分)一、判断划线部分

5、读音是(S)否(D)相同。(每题1分,共9分)()1.world short ()2. cousin mouth ()3. mouse house()4.through shout ()5. should would () 6.cowsnow()7. speak sea()8.good cool()9. horse doctor二、英汉互帛(10)-1. 有一个健康的饮食习惯 2.have too much food 3想和我一起去4. some porridge and sausages5.只喝一点水 6. get out7.每天迟睡觉8.take a small bottle9. 次吃得很

6、少 10. keep*clean and tidy 三、单项选择。()1 一 Can yousome hamburgers for me? Pm very hungiy.All right.A. takeBtakingC bring()2. Hemy teacher in the playground just now.A. meetsBmetCmeet()3.There iswater in the bottleA. a fewB.a littleC. any()4. How manyare there in the basket? There are six.A. breadB. mang

7、oesC meat()5.your sistera healthy diet?A. Do; haveB Does; hasC Does, have()6. My teacher likesbikes.A. ridingB ridesC ride()7.a healthy diet, there is a lot of fruit and vegetablesA. InB. ToC. On()8. We can eatdelicious food at Christmas.A. a lot ofB. manyC a few()9.to the hospital faster, you can t

8、ake a taxi.A. GetB. To getC For get()10.1 eat a few noodles,but the boy does not. C. beautifullyC snowy milk for breakfast C. cartonsA. in dinnerB of dinnerC for dinner)11 The girl danceA. beautifulB careful)12. Itlast yearA. snowB. snowed)13.Fd like two ofA. bottleB. cups)14.Can I haveapple juice?)

9、15.Liu Tao likes(四、A. some B. many C any用所给词的适当形式填空。(每题1分,共6分)A. eat sweets B eating sweets C eating sweet1 He is asking Yang Ling how (get) there2. They stopped the thief and(take) him to the police station.3. There(be)eight bags of rice in the kitchen this morning4. I see a few(tomato)in the baske

10、t.5. What about(drink)some coffee?6. There (be not) any meat on my plate now.7. I( visit) my grandparents next Sunday.五、完成下短文,每空一词:(每空05分,共5分)Mike likes esweet food He dlike drinking water. He onlyda 1water every day. He has some bread and milk for bHe has a feggs every day. Yang Ling likes sweet fo

11、od, too, but she eats alittle at a t She eats some fevery day. She has a lot of noodlesfor breakfast. Sshe eats an egg, too. Do they have healthy d?六、根据要求完成句子,每空一词(每空05分:共6分)1. I have some bread and milk for breakfast.(对划线部分提问) you have for breakfast?2. There is some fruit and vegetables in a health

12、y diet.(改成一般疑问句) fruit and vegetables in a healthy diet.?3. Miss Li often buys things from shops.(用 be going to 改写句子)Miss Ligoing tothings from shops4. Tim eats a lot of sweets every day.(改成否定句)Tima lot of sweets every day.5. My mother bought a lot of things last Weekends.(改为一般疑问句) mothera lot of th

13、ings last Weekends?七、根据中文意思,完成下列句子。(每空0.5分,共8分)1. 甜的食物很好吃,但是对你的牙齿不好。Sweet foodnice, but it is notyour.2. 你不应当吃太多的肉。Youeatmeat.3. 我能吃一些面包吗?Ibread ?4. 她晚饭只吃一点米饭。Shearice for lunch5. 你应该把你的书整理得井井有条。You shouldyourin八、阅读理解。10A.读一读,根据短文选择正确答案。(每题1分,共5分)Most English people have four meals(餐饭)a day They are

14、 breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. People usually have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. Theyd like to have eggs, bread and milk. English people drink tea or coffee for breakfast. Lunch comes at 1:00pm.Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon and the dinne

15、r is about half past seven. First they have soup(汤)Jhen they have meat or fish with vegetables. After that they eat some other things such as bananas, apples and oranges But not all English people eat like 什iat Some of diem have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinne

16、r, afternoon tea and supper and all these meals are very necessary(必、要的) ()1 Many English people havemeals a day.A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five()2. People may havefor their breakfast according to the passageA. tea and eggs B hamburgers and tea C coffee and salad D eggs and fish ()3. People have lunch

17、atA. anytimeB nineC fiveD one()4. People dont havefor their dinner.A. bananas and apples B. soup and meat C meat “nd fish D porridge()5. In some English families, dinner comesA. in the morningB. at noonC on Sunday D in the afternoonB. 阅读短文,直答下列问题。(每题1分,共5分)My favourite fruit is apple I like apples v

18、ery much , because they are delicious.There are many kinds of apples, and they have different colours: red and green. Many red apples are sweet ,but a lot of green apples are not very sweet .So many people dont like gi*een apples at all.A lot of apples are from North(匕方)China Apples are good for our

19、 health, and they can make our faces red and pretty. Do you think so? You can have a try. Doif t forget that An apple a day keeps the doctor away.l. WhaFs the writers favourite fruit?2. Are all Hie apples sweet?3. Do many people like green apples? Why ?4. Why does the writer like apples?5. What does

20、An apple a day keeps the doctor away mean in Chinese?听力内容一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(听两遍)1. Yang Ling has a healthy diet.2Dont litter in the park3. Would you like some fish ?4. Does Wang Bing have a healthy diet?5.1 need some noodles for breakfast.6. Do you remember these words?7. For lunch and dinner, she eat

21、s some meat and some vegetables.8Doif t eat too much sweet food9.She eats a little at a timelO.My mother only eats a little rice for lunch.二、听录音,选择正确的应答句。(听两遍)1. Does Helen have a healthy diet?2. What does Yang Ling have for breakfast?3. How many eggs does Su Hai have every day?4. Can I have some co

22、la?5. Are there a lot of vegetables on the plate?三、听录音,根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。(听三遍)Jack likes eggs, bananas and apples So every day, he has two eggs, one apple, a cup of milk and some bread for breakfast. He likes vegetables a lot. For lunch, he has bananas, some chicken and vegetables And he likes tomato

23、es, French fries and ice cream for dinnerHis sister likes strawberries, oranges and apples But she doesn*t like vegetablesShe often has some hamburgers, one apple and bread for her breakfast. She likes tomatoes, salad and some fish for lunch For dinner, she likes strawberries and some chicke n.四、Sam

24、 has to go to the supermarket, because there is not much food in the fridge He takes a small bottle of cola, but he cant drink too much cola, and he buys some fish, after that, he goes home, but the fish is too heavy, the fish goes into the river, Sam feels very sad附:小学英语学习方法总结如今,小学英语起步越来越早,学校规定的是3年

25、级开始学小学 英语,但是家长却早早地把孩子送到辅导机构去,生怕孩子输在了起 跑线上。其实小学英语学习千万不能盲目,应该把重点放在学习态度、 学习习惯和学习方法上。前两点的行程是潜移默化的,而小学英语的 学习方法却是在短期内就可以掌握的。这里给大家推荐6个有效的小 学英语学习方法。1. 培养学习兴趣丰富学习形式,比如可以用动画来学英语表达,用音乐来记单词, 用口诀来记语法等等。要时刻让孩子觉得学习英语是一件很有趣的事 情。能不断地从学习中获得快乐,孩子也就能持之以恒地学习英语了。2. 培养学习自主性一定要让孩子明口学习英语是自己的事情,也就是要培养孩子学 习的自主性。千万不能逼着孩子去学习,这样

26、会让他们有“我学习是 为了我爸妈”的想法。只有让孩子养成自主学习的习惯,他们才会获 得真正的学习动力。3. 从朗读入手大量地朗读能培养孩子的语感,所以刚开始学英语的时候不要急 着让孩子写单词、句子,而是要以阅读为主。可以采用色彩鲜明、设 计新颖、内容趣味性强的书籍,这样能帮孩子集中注意力。4. 重视口语交流小孩子学习语言都是从模仿开始的,所以在小学英语阶段,一定 要尽可能地让孩子多开口说。如果家长的口语还可以的话,可以用英 语跟孩子交流,引导孩子用英语来表达自己的想法。孩子的学习能力 和劲头都是很足的,长久下来能培养他们的语感。5. 提高书写能力小学英语阶段,书写能力也是不能忽视的。从书写英语字母到单 词再到句子甚至是篇章,都需要一步步打好基础。从小对孩子的书写 能力有一定要求,比如字迹工整、清晰等,能帮助孩子树立正确、严 谨的学习态度。6. 参加英语活动寓教于乐是最好的英语教学方法。让孩子参加丰富多彩的英语活 动,比如记单词比赛、说英语小故事、英语角色扮演等,不仅能增强 他们的学习兴趣,还能提升他们运用英语的能力。小学英语阶段不宜把孩子逼得太紧,还是要提倡快乐学英语。小学英语学习也应当多考虑孩子的感受和需求。希望以上6个小学英语学习方法能对老师和家长有所启发。


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