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1、初三化学推断题练习初 三 化 学 推 断 题 专 辑 1(A、B、C、D、E、F、G为常见的物质,其中B、E、G属于单质,D是红棕色固体,反应?是炼铁工业中的主要反应,下图是它们之间的相互转化关系。请回答: C Y 高温 D过量稀盐酸 ?X溶液 A B 考 ? 试 ? l 卷 O 加热 2E F G ? 红色固体 浅绿色溶液 无色气体 (1)A物质的化学式 D物质的化学式是 (2)写出反应?的化学方程式 , C物质固态时的名称 ,该固体物质在实际生活中的一种用途是 。 (3)写出反应?中生成红色固体的化学方程式 。 (4)上图转化中产生无色气体G的原因是 , 写出物质G和A在加热条件下反应的化

2、学方程式 2(现有初中化学中常见的易溶于水的三种钠盐组成的混合物,将其溶于水后得无色溶液A,进行如下实验并得到相应结果: 试回答下列问题: (1)无色气体D的化学式为 ,白色沉淀E的化学式为 ,钡盐B的化学式为 。 (2)原混合物中含有的三种易溶于水的钠盐的化学式分别为 、 、 。 pipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribution pipe should be laid along the lines of recent, and should reduc

3、e bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the surface-distance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following requirements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one be

4、nd, not less than 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than . (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have a long widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) the floor tube to the power box, tube 1

5、M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tube 1.5M of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match the specification and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation res

6、istance, the resistance shall be not less than 0.5M. (K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes in the construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specificat

7、ions), fixed in the as-built drawings and indicate 2 3(为了除去食盐(主要成分为NaCl)样品中含有少量的氯化镁和硫酸钠杂质,运用所学知识设计了如下图所示的?至?步除杂方案: 甲 沉 淀 乙 ? ? 沉 过量 A 淀 样水 NaOH溶液 丙 ? 溶 品 溶解 沉 过滤 液 过量 ? B 淀 BaCl溶液 2滤 过量 C 过滤 液 NaCO溶液 23? 滤 过滤 适量 液 固D 盐酸 体滤 加热蒸发 丁 液 请根据上述除杂方案,回答下列问题: (1)沉淀甲是 ;滤液C中的溶质是 ; (2)假设整个操作过程中物质转化无损失,则固体丁中NaCl的

8、质量比原样品中NaCl的质量 (填增大、不变或减小);若在操作?中改为加过量的KOH溶液,固体丁中可能含有的杂质是 。 4(有A、B、C、D、E、F六种物质的稀溶液,已知它们分别是KCO、BaCl、232Ca(NO)、NaCl、HSO、AgNO中的某一种溶液。下图为常温时上述溶液两两32243混合的部分实验现象,其中“?”表示生成沉淀,“?”表示生成气体,“”表示无明显现象或生成微溶物。 小资料 部分盐的溶解性表(20?) ,2,2,NOSOCO 343Cl 2,溶 溶 不溶 不溶 Ba 2,溶 溶 微溶 不溶 Ca ,Ag溶 不溶 微溶 不溶 请回答下列问题: (1)在下图中的空格内用“?”

9、“?”“”表示出对应反应的实验现象。 (2)F是_。 J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be not less than 0.5M. (K) the. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match the specification and pipe. (anceshe power box, tube

10、 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tube 1.5M of allowmargins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) the floor tube to t ng ofthe pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than . (E) wire into

11、 the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have a long widenispecify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bend, not less than 6 times rements: 1)distance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall me

12、et the following requi-ould be laid along the lines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the surfacepipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribution pipe shbuilt drawings and indicate-the ason should be part of t

13、he actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specifications), fixed in construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes in the constructidark 2 3 5(现有A、B、C、D、E、F、G七种物质,C、F是最常见的金属,B是气体单质,D为浅绿色溶液,G为蓝色溶液,它们之间存在如下

14、关系: (1)试推测下列物质的化学式:B_,D_,F_。 (2)写出C?A转化的化学方程式:_。 6(A、B、C、D、E是初中化学中常见的5种无色气体,其中2种是单质,3种是化合物。它们之间的转化关系如下图所示。 请写出你的推断结果: A ,B ,C ,D ,E 。 7(有A、B、C、D四种无色溶液,分别是稀溶液HCl、NaOH、MgSO、NaCl4中的一种。某同学只用紫色石蕊试液就将这四种溶液鉴别出来了。实验现象为: (1)将紫色石蕊试液分别滴入装有A、B、C、D四种溶液的试管中,A变蓝,B不变,C、D变红; (2)另取A分别加入装有C、D溶液的试管中,C中无明显现象,D中有白色沉淀生成。

15、根据上述实验可知,A中的溶质为_;溶质为MgSO的溶液是4_(填字母代号),该溶液呈_性。若向B中滴加硝酸银溶液,可观察到_ _。 8(已知A、B、C、D四种物质都含有同一种元素,其中A是单质,B是黑色固体,C是红色固体。它们之间存在着如下转化关系:(1)A在不同条件下能够转化成B或C;(2)A和稀硫酸反应有D生成;(3)在高温条件下,B、C分别和无色气体E反应,都能生成A和另一种无色气体。根据上述信息,写出下列物质的化学式: built drawings and indicate-fixed in the as construction should be part of the actua

16、l position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specifications), in the5M. (K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance

17、, the resistance shall be not less than 0.ation .5M of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match the specificor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tube 1e

18、flolong widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) th han 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than . (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have arements: 1) specify timing, there is generally n

19、o less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bend, not less tdistance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following requi-rfacelines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the sup

20、ipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribution pipe should be laid along the 3 4 A ; C ; D ; E 。 9(氧化物、酸、碱、盐相互之间的关系是初中自然科学中重要学习内容之一。现有如下所示的转换关系: 请写出A物质的化学式 ,G物质的化学式 。 10(有一种白色固体可能含有:BaCl、NaCl、NaCO、NaSO和CuSO中的223244一种或几种。对该固体进行如下实验。 ?取样,加足量的水,充分搅拌,过滤。得到白

21、色沉淀A和无色溶液B。 ?在白色沉淀A中加入稀盐酸,沉淀全部溶解,放出能使石灰水变浑浊的无色气体。 ?在无色溶液B中加入AgNO溶液,得到白色沉淀,再加入稀盐酸,白色3沉淀不溶解。请回答下列问题。 (1)原白色固体中一定不含有_;一定含有_。 (2)实验?得到的无色溶液B中一定含有的溶质是(_。(3)原白色固体中可能含有_ 11(已知X是有毒且不溶于水的气体,Y是不支持燃烧的气体,Z是不溶于水的固体,X、Y、Z之间有如下转化关系。请回答下列问题。 (1)写出X的化学式_; (2)写出Z和稀盐酸反应生成Y的化学方程式:_ (3)“物质的组成与结构决定物质的性质”是重要的化学思想。气体X、Y都含有

22、_元素和_元素,但它们的物理性质、化学性质都不同。请举出X、Y性质不同的一个例子_。 12(A、B、C、D、E中都含有同一种元素,它们之间的相互转化关系如右图所示,其中所含的相同元素是 _ A 铜 B碳 C 铁 D钙 built drawings and indicate-the ason should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specifications), fixed in construction of the works at the

23、 time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes in the constructidark J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be not less than 0.5M. (K) the. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must no

24、t cut place, match the specification and pipe. (anceshe power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tube 1.5M of allowmargins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) the floor tube t

25、o t ng ofthe pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than . (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have a long widenispecify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bend, not less than 6 times rements: 1)distance should not be less than

26、 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following requi-ould be laid along the lines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the surfacepipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distr

27、ibution pipe sh4 5 13(现有A,F六种常见物质,其中B是食品包装中的常用的干E A 燥剂,A、B、C三种白色固体都C D 含有同种金属元素,E是固体单质,D、E、F都含有同种非金属B F 元素,它们的转化关系如下图。请回答: (1)写出下列物质的化学式: C_ B_ E_。 (2)写出下列变化的化学方程式: C:_; AF D:_。 14(有一无色液体A,在通电条件下,可以产生B和H两种单质气体。其它关系如图所示, 请完成下列问题。 +黑色固体G,点燃? F +黑色固体G 黑 色 高温? GGGG 固体D +E ? 红色固体E B ? +气体H 通电 ? ? A A ? H

28、 (1)写出反应?的基本反应类型_。 (2)写出有关物质的化学式:A是_,G是_。 (3)写出反应?的化学方程式_。 15(现有A、B、C、D、E、F、G七种物质,C、F是最常见的金属,B是气体单质,D为浅绿色溶液,C为蓝色溶液,它们之间存在如下关系: built drawings and indicate-fixed in the as construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specifications), in

29、the5M. (K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be not less than 0.ation .5M of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe wi

30、th wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match the specificor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tube 1e flolong widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should rema

31、in at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) th han 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than . (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have arements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bend, not less tdistance sho

32、uld not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following requi-rfacelines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the supipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribu

33、tion pipe should be laid along the 5 6 (1)推测下列物质的化学式:B ,D ,F ; (2) 写出C?A转化的化学方程式: 。 ,16(已知难溶于水的碱受热易分解(如:(A、B、C、Cu(OH) CuO,HO22D、E五种物质之间有下图所示的转化关系: 请填写下列空白: (1)物质A的化学式 _; (2)反应?的化学反应类型是_; 反应?的化学方程式为_( 17(下图中物质是你在初中化学中见过的物质。除?外,其他反应的条件均已略去。 ?写出反应?的化学方程式_。 ?如果E为单质或者氧化物,D都是同种物质,则D的化学式为_; 如果E为单质或者酸,D都是同种

34、物质,则D的化学式为_; 如果E为单质或者酸,F都是同种物质,则F的化学式为_。 ?当E为单质时,反应?的化学方程式为_。(任写一个) ?当E为酸时,反应?可能属于_(填字母序号) A(化合反应 B(分解反应 C(复分解反应 D(置换反应 18(A、B、C、D、E是初中化学中常见的5the ason should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specifications), fixed in construction of the works a

35、t the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes in the constructidark J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be not less than 0.5M. (K) the. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer mu

36、st not cut place, match the specification and pipe. (anceshe power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tube 1.5M of allowmargins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) the floor t

37、ube to t ng ofthe pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than . (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have a long widenispecify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bend, not less than 6 times rements: 1)distance should not be less

38、 than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following requi-ould be laid along the lines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the surfacepipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark

39、distribution pipe shbuilt drawings and indicate-6 7 种无色气体,其中2种是单质,3种是化合物。它们之间的转化关系如下图所示。 请写出你的推断结果: A ,B ,C ,D ,E 。 19(某固体可能由NaSO、NaCl、NaCO、KNO中的一种或几种组成,现实24233验如下: 试回答: (1)白色沉淀A的化学式为 ,无色气体D的化学式为 。 (2)原固体中一定含有 ,一定不含有 ,可能含有 。 (3)为检验上述可能含有的物质是否一定存在,某同学又设计了如下实验方案: ? 取少量固体溶于水,加入足量的Ba(NO)溶液,充分反应后,过滤; 32?

40、 取滤液加入AgNO溶液,观察有无白色沉淀生成,由此得出结论。 3在上述某同学的实验方案?中,加入足量的Ba(NO)溶液的目的32是 。 20(现有Cu、CuO、CuSO、C、CO、CO六种物质,它们的反应关系如下图所42示(图中每个字母分别代表上述六种物质中的一种)。 (1)请利用初中所学知识推断图中Y、Z、W、N分别对应物质的化学式: Y_、Z_、W_、N_; (2)写出M?N的化学方程式_; (3)写出X?W的化学方程式_。 -fixed in the as construction should be part of the actual position (including jun

41、ction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specifications), in the5M. (K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be

42、 not less than 0.ation .5M of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match the specificor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tube 1e flolong widening of margi

43、ns; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) th han 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than . (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have arements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the p

44、ipe diameter, such as when only one bend, not less tdistance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following requi-rfacelines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the supipe into the box, lateral

45、 lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribution pipe should be laid along the built drawings and indicate7 8 21(“三酸两碱”是几种重要的无机化工原料,下图是它们与其他物质间相互转化的关系。已知: ?是工业上常见的三大强酸,是正盐,是AAA、BBB、CCC、121212碱。?是食盐的主要成分,且中含有相同的金属离子。?BBBC、B2121,A2,白色沉淀沉淀完全溶解并放出二氧化碳,ABCOBC,,,,,2,A2AC,,白色沉淀沉淀不溶解。 请回答: (1)有关物质的化学式:_,_。 BC21(2)有关反应的化学方程式: :AB,_, :BC,_。 (3)可能的化学式(写三个):_。 C222(A、B、C、D、E、F都是初中化学中常见的化合物,其中A、D是盐,E是酸。它们相互间在溶液中可发生如下反应: C,E,A,2F2B,E,D,2FA,2B,C,,D? ? ? the ason should be part of the actual position (including junction bo


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