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1、超市常用英语情景对话(英汉对照)发布人:圣才学习网顾客: We need to buy some beer too. Where is the beer?我们想要购买一些啤酒,哪里有啤酒?顾客: Excuse me. Do you sell vegetables here?请问你们卖蔬菜吗?店员: Yes , we do. Theyre right in front of you.有的,就在你前面。顾客: We need to buy some soy sauce. Which aisle is the soy sauce in?我们想买一些酱油,酱油在哪一个走道?soy英音:s?i美音:s?

2、酱油 大豆aisle英音:ail美音:a?通道,走道店员:That would be in aisle 7(或者直接说 That would be there.然后用手指出位置), with the condiments. Itis right next to the ketchup.在第七走道,和调味品一起,就在蕃茄酱的旁边。ketchup英音:ket ?p调味番茄酱店员: Good evening , can I help you ?晚上好,您需要点儿什么?顾客: Yes , Id like to buy some skin care lotion.嗯,我想给我妈买点儿护肤品。skin英音

3、:skin皮肤lotion英音:l?u?n化妆水,涂剂How much is it ?多少钱?店员:Final price 660 yuan.一共66元。There is a promotion going on for 10% off.这个商品现在打9折。promotion 英音:pr ?m ?u ?n美音:pr ?mo ?n提升,晋级购物英语:收银收车艮员: Do you want plastic bags ? It s about 1 yuan.您需要塑胶袋么?大约需要 1元钱。plastic英音:pl? stik 可塑的,塑性的顾客:Yes we do.是的,我们需要。收车艮员:It

4、should be about ninety yuan all together.这些共需要90元 cash or card ?现金还是刷卡?Please swipe the card.请刷卡。swipe 英音:swaipJust enter the password.请输入密码。sign here please.请在这里签字。sign英音:sain购物英语:退货店员:May I help you ?我能为你效劳吗?顾客: Yes, I would like to return these slacks.是的,我想退回这些长裤。店员:Alright. Do you have your rece

5、ipt ? slacks 英首:sl? ks宽松的长裤;便裤好的,你有收据吗?顾客: Yes. Here it is. I bought them last week.有的,在这儿。上星期才买的。店员: And why are you returning them ?为什么要退呢?顾客:I bought them to go with a blouse of mine. But they dont really match.我本想买来配一件衬衫的,但是它们配起来不好看。店员:Im sorry , but we usually dont do it. It is our policy.对不起,我

6、们通常不接受的,这是规定。顾客: Can you make an exception this time?这次可以例外吗?店员: Well. Let me talk to the manager for a moment.那么,让我和经理说说看。Please show me your receipt again.再让我看一看你的收据好吗?We appreciate your business , Maam.谢谢惠顾,太太。购物英语:其他顾客: Excuse me. where can I find the information desk?打扰一下,那可以找到咨询台?店员:Just aroun

7、d the corner.就在那个拐角处。(最女f直接指出方向!) corner英音:k ?:n ?角;街角顾客:Where is the men s/lady room ? ( Toilet/restroom都是洗手间的意思)店员: Go down here , then turn right/left at the first turning. Then you will see the men s room/lady s room.一直往前走,在拐角处右/左转,你会看到男洗手间/女洗手间英语词汇-超市食品(2006-08-02 21:25:31)Long rice长米,较硬,煮前先泡一个

8、小时Pudding rice or short rice 短米,较软Brown rice 糙米THAI Fragrant rice 泰国香米Glutinous rice 糯米Strong flour高筋面粉Plainflour中筋面粉Self-raising flour 低筋面粉Whole meal flour 小麦面粉Brown sugar 砂糖(泡奶茶、咖啡适用)dark Brown Sugar红糖(感冒时可煮姜汤时用)Custer sugar白砂糖(适用于做糕点)Icing Sugar 糖粉Rock Sugar 冰糖Noodles 面条Instant noodles 方便面Soy sau

9、ce酱油,分生抽浅色及老抽深色两种Vinger 醋Cornstarch 太白粉Maltose 麦芽糖Sesame Seeds 芝麻Sesame oil 麻油Oyster sauce 蛭油Pepper 胡椒Red chilli powder 辣椒粉Sesame paste 芝麻酱Beancurd sheet 腐皮Tofu 豆腐Sago西贾米Creamed Coconut 椰油Monosidum glutanate 味精Chinese red pepper 花椒Salt black bean 豆鼓Dried fish 鱼干Sea vegetable or Sea weed 海带Green bean

10、 绿豆Red Bean 红豆Black bean 黑豆Red kidney bean 大红豆Dried black mushroom 冬菇Pickled mustard-green 酸菜Silk noodles 粉丝Agar-agar 燕菜Rice-noodle 米粉Bamboo shoots 竹笋罐头Star anise 八角Wantun skin 馄饨皮Dried chestuts 干粟子Tiger lily buds 金针Red date 红枣Water chestnuts 季芹罐头Mu-er 木耳Dried shrimps 虾米Cashewnuts 腰果1. I am afraid w

11、e can not accept your Visa card here and you can apply for Yinlian card at all Banks in China.2. Please pay in cash. 3. Here is your change.4. Welcome to (后接商场名字)5. Thanks for coming, and we are looking forward for your next coming.to do some shopping; to go shopping 买东西shopping centre 商业中心、区departm

12、ent store 百货商店childrens goods store 儿童用品商店antique shop 古玩店second-hand store 旧货店counter 柜台stall, stand 售货摊show window 橱窗show case 玻璃柜台shelf货架cash desk, cashiers desk 收窄艮处price tag 标价签prices are fixed, fixed prices 有定价discount打折扣change 零钱to keep the bill 留发票to wrap up 包装free of charge 不收费to deliver 送b

13、e al sold out, out of stock 售空shop assistant, salesman 售货员saleswoman 女售货员glassware counter 玻璃器皿部enamel ware 搪瓷器皿haberdashery男子服饰用品confectionery 糖果糕点cosmetics 化妆用品stationery 文具fabrics合织品dry goods月艮装ready-made clothes, off-the-peg, ready-to-wear 成衣,现成装mens wear 男womens wear 女服underwear 内衣裤sports goods

14、, athletic equipment 体育用品sundries 零星小物toilet articles 盥洗用品towel毛巾handkerchief 手帕toilet soap 香皂shampoo洗发香波soap月巴皂laundry soap 洗衣皂soap powder月巴皂粉soap flakes 皂片medicated soap 药皂detergent 洗衣粉cleanser去污粉tooth paste 牙膏tooth brush 牙刷toilet mirror 梳妆镜hair brush 发刷hair vaseline 发蜡cosmetics 化妆品lipstic 口红,唇膏fa

15、ce powder 粉compact 粉盒powder puff 粉扑cold cream 香月旨vanishing cream 雪花膏perfume, scent 香水perfume spray 香水喷子coat hanger 挂衣架clothes-peg, clothes pin 晒衣夹string bag, net bag 网兜thermos bottle 热水瓶cap, cork 热水瓶瓶盖travellers water bottle, water flask, canteen 旅行水壶lunch box, canteen 饭盒thread 线needle 针button钮扣zipp

16、er拉链key-ring钥匙圈torch, flashlight 手电bulb灯泡battery 电池lock 锁watch, wrist watch 表,手表watch band 表带watch chain 表链clock 钟alarm clock 闹钟electric clock 电钟umbrella 雨伞parasol, sun umbrella 阳伞knapsack 背包handbag女手提包briefcase, portfolio 公事包travelling bag 旅行包suitcase手提箱trunk大衣箱magnifying glass 放大镜binoculares 望远镜ho

17、t-water bottle 热水袋smoking set 烟具lighter打火机jewelry, jewels 首饰,珠宝jewel case 首饰盒antique, curio 古玩ornaments 装饰品ring, finger ring 戒指signet ring ER章戒指necklace 项链brooch胸针pendant 坠子bracelet 镯子chain bracelet 手链ear ring 耳环trinket小饰物safety-pin 别针cuff-link 袖扣diamond 钻石gold jeweleries 金饰silver jeweleries ?艮饰pear

18、l珍珠imitation 仿制品genuine 真的fake假的babys cot, crib 婴儿床cradle摇篮diaper, napkin 尿布feeding bottle, feeder 奶瓶teat, nipple橡皮奶嘴dummy, comforter 假奶嘴perambulator 儿童车go-cart, walker, babywalker儿童学步车rocking-horse 摇马scooter踏板车childs tricycle儿童三轮车razor剃刀safety razor保险剃须刀electric razor 电剃刀razor blade 刀片shaving brush 弟U须刷shaving cream 弟 U 须膏comb梳子hair-brush 发刷hair-net 发网hair pin 发夹hair oil, brilliantine 发油hair lotion 生发水pomade 发膏hair drier吹风机hair-curler 卷发夹electric clippers, electric shears 电推子nail scissors 指甲剪nail clipper 指甲夹nail file指甲锂nail varnish, nail polish 指甲油晶;好逶


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