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1、20XX毕业生个人简历范文20XX毕业生个人简历范文是一篇好的范文,好的范文应该跟大家分享, 重新整理了一下发到这里。20XX毕业生个人简历范文个人简历的英译很多, 女如 personnel vita ”、” autobiographical statement”、” personalstateme nt ”、” autobiogra phy ”、” resume”,20XX 毕业生个人简历范文。 其中” resume”写法稍有不同。个人简历一般应简要写明本人所受教育、专业兴趣、工作经历、所取得的成绩及家庭背景。有关个人简历写作的注意要点。综合各校的要求,特做如下分析:1.个人简历的结构可分为

2、三或四个段落。第一段落简单交待自己的个人情况, 如姓名、出生时间及地点、家庭背景等。良好的家庭教育对你的成才当然有利。 但美国对此不很重视,一般可以不写。第二段可以围绕你的求学经过来展开, 但 不要用流水帐式的写法使叙述过于生硬刻板。 第三段以你的大学生活为主,你为 何选此学科,可以与前面的叙述相呼应。第四段要说明你个人的能力、性格。2.内容要着重在你留学的动机,目前所取得的成绩,你终生的目标。3.个人简历避免过多的形容词,例如,想象力十分丰富、范文内容地图创造力 超群等,宜举小小的例子来说明。4.个人简历约200-300字为可,不宜写得太长。范例计算机系毕业生个人简历i have the h

3、onor to p rese nt a brief in troducti on of myself to you in comp lia nee with the requireme nts of your graduate admissi on.i was born in no vember 7th,1966,at the tow n of cha ngping, parents are doing bus in ess andhave one elder sister,o ne youn ger sister,a nd twoyoun ger family is in a well-to

4、-do country with harm oni zed atmos phere.after my eleme ntary and junior high school educati on at my hometow n,i went on my senior high school education at a public vocational technical high school at the n eighbori ng countyi have take n there in cludemechanical structureppliedmechanical dynamics

5、,materialstrength,heattreatme nt an alysis,a nd electricalalso had p ractice courses on lathework,be nch work,cast in g,e ngin eeri ng draw in g,a nd electro nic televisi on rep airgraduati on from this tech ni cal school,i found a job at theevergree n traffici had worked one year in mecha ni cal de

6、sig n and heattreatme nt an alysis,i was admitted to the compu ter scie nee dep artme nt of beiji ng in stitute ofscie nee educati on was an exte nsion of my pu rsuitin electro nic kno wledge,it had led me into the world of app liedi hadtake n are calculus,co mpu ter p rogram ming (fortra n,cobol,as

7、sembly,a nd basic),co mpu ter architecture,algorithm,mai ntenan ce,systeman alysis,a ndsome related courses in acco untin g,statistics, op erat ing research,digital value at the sec ond year of college,i p artic ip ated in a work study p rogram and was assig ned to the compu ter cen ter of far east

8、textileni ght-shift compu ter op erator,the compu ters i dealt with werecdc 3300 msos and ibm 370-115 dosvs major work i had done was the system tran sfere nee of cdc 3300 msos to ibm 370-115 dosvs.in 1989,i was empio yed by chi na automobilea compu ter p rogrammer,a ndwas in formed to work on the f

9、irst of the first six mon ths of myservice,i was in charge of the ibm 4331;dos vse system operation,and later on dealt with personnel p ayroll and financing system p rogram mingthe sec ondanyear,i was p romoted to be a system an alyst for personnel p ayrollatte mpt to up grade the efficie ncy of com

10、pu ter data p rocess and to simp lify users op erat ing p rocedures,i redesig ned the whole work ing system and i successfully tran sferred a batch op eratio n from orie nted system to on-I ine the third year,i spent five mon ths in the devel oping of subsystem of sooner had i finished that system t

11、han i was reassigned as a subsystem p rogrammer in charge of dos vse,cics,a ndthat p ositi on i have fullrespon sibility for affairs of tech ni cal tran siti on, system devel opmen t,recruit trai nin g,a nd n etworkthe ela pse of time and theaccumulati on of exp erie nces,i am now familiar with all

12、of the popu larcompu ter Ian guages fortra n, cobol,assembly,a ndtha n these Ian guages,ihave also lear ned and p racticed in plannin g,desig nin g,a nd an alyz ing of the followi ng compu ter app licati ons dl 1,data base, on-I ine(cics,bms),data com muni cati on n etwork (acf vtam nep ),vm,dos vse

13、op erat ing system personnel p ayroll,acco un ti ng app licati on system and etc.for these achievements i owea great deal to china informationassociationsince i have take n almost every training course they havetheever- in creas ing level of my work,i am feeli ng stro ngly that the theoretical study

14、 and actual practice are equally important and dependent on each i person ally p ossess many years of exp erie nces in actual p ractices,there is always n eed for me to exte nd my existi ng theoretical basis for future research.my love for compu ter scie nces and my inq uisitive ness had p ushed me

15、to apply for your graduate school admissi on,and i havei be acce pted byyou,i will concentrate on the field of net-work-data-communication,then make a breakthrough on my curre nt ways of thi nki ng in compu ter related research and devel opment.finally,i expect that i,myself,as one member of today s

16、 world ofcompu ter doma in,i should strive to offer my best笆二;二三先汪三三机师结卩以师的教案n改:一考业关首 -霊量平的切价环轻学积注教泛玄上远冒课课沃周疔::二我S续:二致:勤主沟”二5A-, +_”. .出色-各项任校Rib组织全组教师进一步;习熟* 材的体系和特索新教材教学模*.组好新教材的研究*全0师师提供“ 学习的平台和“。m:住指*.认;习贯彻”改”神,以贯彻*基础教程改革*核心,以研 9学重*促进教* G根本,以教*二三团iHyir文三二Fi三“”及时工作及析二.项学指标:主主活动.冬G师的示” “ B合,慧”.组I围

17、绕探索效”课”高照文史综合72加史对,科真学学科体知和思三习合感析态度=m:x = sS=i = 5SN N2S5问於.学习 比较积极主动.后 也很自觉当然与家 长监 督分不开部-:学:然数:整:数则二才三法根减数法正乘法:法含间::系-找方法有的方)还相当 的简捷。有的 学生只能接受老师教* 法.稍7 变动的问I就处理不了。,别学生老师 怎”也不会着銮冬I言昶裁癸良4 口情USav-山初级二;发与;g “:奥与会积堂比m沪111=in-.,.議形课课例展示交流En-hssPSZ-sss”五月教曲参教区教?组组;盘代动、教r;,动做指效戈训提作我轻-专 .获得i研活* 的H组好 教师学习交 2展*的教师对听-内容1”心、的|点.*评稿.两周一IO* IK*中进*流.探讨。与年不同的是.在*互动评开展同


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