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1、Delp hi各类型笔试题目1. briefly describe what is bla nking, forming, coining and embossing in sta mping p rocess.2. what is metal cladi ng?3. what is the purp ose of add ing glass fiber to therm op lastic material?4. i n con trast with metal and therm op lastic material,which has a higher coefficie nt of t

2、hermal expansion.5. the most suitable material for a in tegral hinge desig n6. can a bending load makes both p ressive and ten sile stress in a member?7. what is the desig n criteria used in p lastics catch/s nap?8. what is fea?9. why is n atural freque ncy imp orta nt in vibratio n an alysis?10. wh

3、at is the deflecti on equati on of a can tilever beam fixed at one edge?ee笔试试题1. n ame 3 vehicle buses.on-ce30db2. name 2 possible sources of electromagneticinterfereneeelectr onicscircuit asm.3. wavele ngth for 12mhz freque ncy sig nal is4. n ame 2 imp orta nt con siderati ons for car radio p erfor

4、ma n related toaudio sig nal p rocess ing un der mult ip ath con diti on?5. what is the typical fm receiver rf signal strength to achieve s/nfor car radio?6. whe n a radio is tuned to mhz & with a lo of mhz, what is the image freque ncy?7. for a system with a matched imp eda nee, what is the reflect

5、i on coefficient and swr?8. which property of the out put cap acitor is the p rimary cause of low dropout regulator loop in stability?equivale nt series resista neeeffective series in ducta neecap acita nee value dielectric material9. the switch ing regulator is cap able of:higher po wer con versi o

6、n efficie ncypro vid ing an out put voltage that is higher tha n the input gen erati ng an out put boltage opp site in po larity to the input all of the above10. a lin ear regulator op vin = 10v, vout = , iout = 2.5ma, iq = , ta =摄氏度,the regulator is available in 3 pacp ackage has the followi ng the

7、rmal characteristics:p ackage rja rjcso14 125 30d1p8 100 52choose the most suitable p ackage to han dle the po wer diss ip atio n requirement without a heat sink and why.软件笔试题1. how do you code an infin ite loop in c?2. volatile:what does the keyword volatile mean? give an exa mplecan a p arameter b

8、e both const and volatile? give an exa mplecan a poin ter be volatile? give an exa mple3. what are the values of a, b, and c after the followinginstructions:int a=5, b=7, c;c = a+b;4. what do the follow ing declarati ons mean? const int a;int const a;const int *a;int * const a;int const * a con st;5

9、. which of the followingstatements describe the use of the keyword static?within the body of a function:a static variable maintains its valuebetwee n function revocatio nswithin a module: a static variable is accessible by all functions within that modulewithin a module: a static function can only b

10、e called by other functions with in that module6. embedded systems always require the user to manipu late bits in registers or variables. given an integer variable a, write two code fragments. the first should set bit 5 of a. the sec ond shnuld clear bit 5 ofa. in both cases, the rema ining bits sho

11、uld be unm odified.7. what does the followi ng fun cti on return?char fooun sig ned int a = 6;iht b = -20;char c;return c;8. what will be the out put of the follow ing c code? mai nint k, num= 30;k =: 500); printf;9. what will the followi ng c code do?int *ptr;ptr =ox67a9;*ptr = oxaa55;10. what will

12、 be the out put of the follow c code?#defi ne p roductmai nint i = 3, j, k;j = p roduct;k = p roduct;printf;11. simp lify the followi ng boolea n exp ressi on! | )12. how many fli p-flop circuits are n eeded to divide by 16?13. pro vides 3 prop erties that make an os, a rtos?14. what is p re-e mp ti

13、 on?15. assumethe bc register value is 8538h, and the de register value is 62the value of register be after the followi ng assembly op erati ons:mov a,e sub emov e,amov a,bsbb dmov b,a16. in the assembly code show n belowloop: mvi e,78hdcr cjnz loophlthow many times is the dcr c op erati on executed

14、?17. describe the most efficie nt way to divide a nu mber by 4 in assembly Ian guage18. what value is stored in min the following assembly Ianguage code fragment if n=7?Idaa #nlabel1: cmpa #5bhi l3beq I2decabra 11Iabel2: clraIabel3: staa #m19. what is the state of a p rocess if a resource is not ava

15、ilable?#defi ne a 365*24*60*6020. using the #defi ne stateme nt, how would you declare a man ifest con sta ntthat retur ns the nu mber of sec onds in a year? disregard lea p years in your an swer.21. interrupts are an importantpart of embedded systems.con seque ntly, many p iler ven dors offer an ex

16、te nsion to sta ndard c to support in terru pts. typically, the keyword is _in terr upt. the followi ng routi ne . point out problems in the code._interrupt double pu te_areadouble area = pi * radius * radius; printf;return area;笆二;二三先汪案,高三机师结卩以师的教案n改:一 考业关首 -霊-的切价环轻学积注教泛玄上远冒课课沃周疔::二我S续:二致:勤主沟”二5A-,

17、+_”. .出色地-各项任校Rib组织全组教师进一步;习熟* 材的体系和特索新教材教学模*.组好新教材的研究*全0师师提供“ 学习的平台和“。m:住指*.认;习贯彻”改”神,以贯彻*基础教程改革*核心,以研 9学重*促进教* G根本,以教*二三团inyyimFi三“”及时工作及析二.项学指标:主主活动.冬G师的示” “ B合,慧”.组I围绕探索效”课”高照文史综合72加史对,科真学学科体知和思三习合感析态度=m:x = sS=i = 5SN N2S5问於.学习 比较积极主动.后 也很自觉当然与家 长监 督分不开部-:学:然数:整:数则二才三法根减数法正乘法:法含间::系-找方法有的方)还相当 的简捷。有的 学生只能接受老师教* 法.稍7 变动的问I就处理不了。,别学生老师 怎”也不会着銮冬I言昶裁癸良4 口情USav-山初级二;发与;g “:奥与会积堂比m沪111=in-.,.議形课课例展示交流En-hssPSZ-sss”五月教新式5教?组组;盘代动、教同比异教,动做指效、:=* -专业水平.获得i


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