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1、Let Us Con ti nuelyndon baines joh nson let us con ti nuedelivered 27 november 1963演讲者简介:美国第三十六任总统,是20世纪60年代一位叱咤风云、同时也颇具争议的总统。他推行的great society 社会改革,其规模之大、影响之深远,甚至超过 了三十年代的罗斯福新政。在这场改革运动中,他为美国民权运动做出了巨大的 贡献。可同时,他又是领着美国进一步深陷越战泥沼的悲剧人物。尽管越战的根 源要追溯到他之前的数位总统,美国既定的越战政策也不是以他一人之力所能扭 转的,但最终,反战的炮火无情的轰击在了他的身上。mr

2、. sp eaker, mr. p reside nt, members of the house, members of the sen ate, my fellow america ns:all i have i would have give n gladly not to be sta nding here today.the greatest leader of our time has bee n struck dow n by the foulestdeed of our time. today, john fitzgerald kennedy lives on in the i

3、mmortal words and works that he left behind. he lives on in the mind and memories of mankind. he lives on in the hearts of his countrymen. no words are sad eno ugh to exp ress our sense of loss. no words are strong eno ugh to exp ress our determ in atio n to con ti nue the forward thrust of america

4、that he bega n.the dream of conquering the vastness of space, the dream of partn ershi p across theatla ntic -and across the p acific as well -thedrive and by his dedication. and now the ideas n obly rep rese nted mustand will be tran slateddream of a peace corps in less developed nations, the dream

5、 of education for all of our children, the dream of jobs for all who seek them and need them, the dream of care for our elderly, the dream of an all-out attack on men tal ill ness, and above all, the dream of equal rights for all americans, whatever their race or color. these and other american drea

6、ms have bee n vitalizedby hisand the ideals which he sounder john kennedy sinto effective action.leadershi p, this n atio n has dem on strated thatit has the courage to seek p eace, and it has the fortitude to risk war. we have pro ved that we are a good and reliable frie nd to those who seek p eace

7、 and freedom. we have show n that we can also be a formidable foe to those who reject the p ath of p eace and those who seek to imp ose upon us or our allies the yoke of tyranny. this nation will keep its mitments from south vietnam to west berlin. wewill be unceasing in the search for peace, resour

8、ceful in our pu rsuit of areas of agreeme nt - eve n with those with whomwe differ - and generous and loyal to those who join withus in moncause.in this age whe n there can be no losers in p eace and no victors in war, we must recog nize the obligati on to match n ati onal stre ngth with national re

9、straint. we must be prepared at one and the sametime the confron tati on of po wer and thelimitati on of po wer. we mustto defe nd the n atio nal in terest and to n egotiate the mon in terest. this is the p ath that we shall continue to pu rsue. those who test our courage will find it strong, and th

10、ose who seek our frie ndsh ip will find it hono rable. we will dem on strate anew that the stro ng can be just in the use of stre ngth, and the just can be strong in the defe nse of justice.and let all know we will exte nd no sp ecial p rivilege and imp ose no persecution.we will carry on the fight

11、against poverty, and misery, anddisease, and ignoran ce, in other lands and in our own. we will serve all the n ati on, not one sect ion or one sector, or one group, but all america ns.these are the un ited states: a un ited people with a un ited purp ose.our american unity does not depend upon unan

12、imity. we have differences; but now, as in the past, we can derive from those differences stre ngth, not weak ness, wisdom, not des pair. both as a people and a government, we can unite upon a program, a program which is wise and just, en lighte ned and con structive.for 32 years capitol hill has be

13、en myhome. i have shared manymoments pride with you, pride in the ability of the congress of the united states act, to meet any crisis, to distill from our differences strong programs n ati onal acti on. an assass in s bullet has thrust upon me the awesomefor bothbe readyoftoofburden of the presiden

14、cy. i amhere today to say i need your help. i cannot bear this burden alone. i need the help of all americans, and all america.this n ati on has exp erie need a profound shock, and in this critical mome nt, it is our duty, yours and mine, as the gover nment of the un ited states, to do away with unc

15、ertainty and doubt and delay, and to show that we are cap able of decisive acti on; that from the brutal loss of our leader we will derive not weak ness, but stre ngth; that we can and will act and act now.from this chamber of rep rese ntative gover nmen t, let all the world know and none misun ders

16、ta nd that i rededicate this gover nment to the unswerving support of the united nations, to the honorable and determined executi on of our mitme nts to our allies, to the maintenance of military strength second to none, to the defense of the strength and the stability of the dollar, to the expansio

17、n of our foreign trade, to the reinforcement of our programs of mutual assistanee and cooperation in asia and africa, and to our allia nee for p rogress in this hemis phere.on the 20th day of ja nuary, in 19 and 61, joh n f. kenn edy told his coun tryme n that our n ati onal work would not be fini s

18、hed“ in the firstthousa nd days, nor in the life of this admi nistrati on, nor eve n p erha ps in our lifetime on this planet.”“but, ” he said, “let us begin.”today in this mome nt of new resolve, i would say to all my fellow america ns, let us con ti nue.this is our challe nge - not to hesitate, no

19、t to p ause, not to turnabout and lin ger over this evil mome nt, but to con ti nue on our course so that we may fulfill the desti ny that history has set for us.our most immediate tasks are here on this hill. first, no memorialorati on or eulogy could more elo que ntly honor p reside nt kenn edy s

20、memory tha n the earliest p ossiblep assage of the civil rights bill for which hefought so long, we have talked long eno ugh in this country about equal rights. we have talked for a hundred years or more. it is time now to write the n ext cha pter, and to write it in the books of law. i urge you aga

21、 in, as i did in 19 and 57 and aga in in 19 and 60, to enact a civil rights law so that we can move forward to elim in ate from this n ati on every trace of discrim in ati on and opp ressi on that is based upon race or color. there could be no greater source of stre ngth to this n ati on both at hom

22、e and abroad.and sec ond, no act of ours could more fitt in gly con ti nue the work of p reside nt kenn edy tha n the early p assage of the tax bill for which he fought all this long year. this is a billdesig ned to in crease our n ati onaline and federal reve nu es, and to pro vide in sura nee aga

23、inst recessi on. that bill, if passed without delay, meansmore security for those nowworking, more jobs for those now without them, and more incentive for our economy.in short, this is no time for delay. it is a time for action - strong, forward-look ing acti on on the pending educati on bills to he

24、lp bring the light of learningto every home and hamlet in america; strong,forward-lookingaction on youth employment opportunities; strong,forward-lookingaction on the pending foreign aid bill, making clear thatwe are not forfeit ing our res pon sibilities to this hemis phere or to the world, nor era

25、s ing executive flexibility in the con duct of our foreig n affairs; and strong, prompt, and forward-lookingaction on the remainingapprop riati on bills.in this new sp irit of action, the con gress can expect the full coop erati on and support of the executive bran ch. and, in p articular, i pl edge

26、 that the expen ditures of your gover nment will be adm ini stered with the utmost thrift and frugality. i will in sist that the gover nment get a dollar s value for a dollar spent.the government will set an exampleof p rude nee and economy.this does not mea n that we will not meet our un filled n e

27、eds or that we will not honor our mitme nts. we will do both.as one who has long served in both houses of the con gress, i firmly believe in the independence and the in tegrity of the legislative bran ch. and i promise you that i shall always respect this. it is deep in the marrow of my bones. with

28、equal firmness, i believe in the capacity and i believe in the ability of the con gress, des pite the divisi ons of opinions which characterize our n ati on, to act - to act wisely, to act vigorously, to act sp eedily whe n the n eed arises.the n eed is here. the n eed is no w. i ask your help.we me

29、et in grief, but let us also meet in ren ewed dedicatio n andrenewed vigor. let us meet in action, in toleranee,and in mutualun dersta nding.-that americajohn kennedy s death mands what his life conveyed must move forward.the time has e for america ns of all races and creeds and p olitical beliefs t

30、o un dersta nd and to res pect one ano ther. so let us put an end to the teach ing and the p reach ing of hate and evil and viole nee. let us turn away from the fan atics of the far left and the far right, from the apostles of bitternessand bigotry, from those defiant of law, and thosewho pour venom

31、 into our nation s bloodstream.i profoundly hope that the tragedy and the torment of these terrible days will bind us together in new fellowship,making us one people in ourhour of sorrow.so let us here highly resolve that joh n fitzgerald kenn edy did not live or die in vain.andon this thanksgiving

32、eve, as we gather together to ask the lord s bless ing, and give him our tha nks, let us un ite in those familiar and cherished words:america, america,god shed his grace on thee, and crow n thy goodwith brotherhoodfrom sea to shi ning sea.笆二;二三先汪案,高三机师结卩以师的教案n改:一 考业关首 -霊-的切价环轻学积注教泛玄上远冒课课沃周疔::二我S续:二致

33、:勤主沟”二5A-,+_”. .出色地-各项任校Rib组织全组教师进一步;习熟* 材的体系和特索新教材教学模*.组好新教材的研究*全0师师提供“ 学习的平台和“。m:住指*.认;习贯彻”改”神,以贯彻*基础教程改革*核心,以研 9学重*促进教* G根本,以教*二三团inyyimFi三“”及时工作及析二.项学指标:主主活动.冬G师的示” “ B合,慧”.组I围绕探索效”课”高照文史综合72加史对,科真学学科体知和思三习合感析态度=m:x = sS=i = 5SN N2S5问於.学习 比较积极主动.后 也很自觉当然与家 长监 督分不开部-:学:然数:整:数则二才三法根减数法正乘法:法含间::系-找方法有的方)还相当 的简捷。有的 学生只能接受老师教* 法.稍7 变动的问I就处理不了。,别学生老师 怎”也不会着銮冬I言昶裁癸良4 口情USav-山初级二;发与;g “:奥与会积堂比m沪111=in-.,.議形课课例展示交流En-hssPSZ-sss”五月教新式5教?组组;盘代动、教同比异教,动做指效、:=* -专业水平.获得i


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