九年级英语上册 Unit 5《It must belong to Carla》教案 人教新目标版.doc

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1、Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.Course Standards in this unit:FunctionsHow to make inferences. Key words(1) picnic, appointment, worried, chase, mystery, neighbor, garbage, escape, (2) belong to, use upKey structuresThe usages of modal verbs: can, could, may, might and must Target language(1) Whose v

2、olleyball is this? It must be Carlas. She loves volleyball.(2) Whose French book is this? It could be Alis. She studies French.(3) Whose guitar is this? It might belong to Alice. She plays the guitar.(4) Whose T-shirt is this? It cant be Johns. Its much too small for him.Learning strategiesSequencin

3、g, DeducingPeriodFour periods to six periods.Teaching RecoursesInformation and photos about UFO.Newspaper articles from 21st century or other English papers.Photos of Sports players from .A tape recorder and cassette of this unit.A short quiz after finish teaching goals.Section AGoals(1) To learn mu

4、st, might, could and cant for making inferences.(2) Understand the conversation about making inferences.(3) Bottom-down method.Procedures1.Warming upLearn about modal verbs: Modal verbs are used to express ideas such as possibility, intention, obligation and necessity. Here are the examples of can,

5、could, may, might and must.2. PresentationIntroduce must: must means certainty.a. That must be Jerry. They said he was tall with bright red hair. b. That must have been the right restaurant. There are no other restaurants on this street. c. NO FUTURE FORM3. Practicea. Looking and writing Hello, clas

6、s. On page 34 is a picture with many things in it. Write the things you see in the correct picture.b. Listening and matchingYou are going to listen and match on page 34 each person with a thing and a reason. Pay attention to the use of MUST in the sentences. Columns in the chart.c Pair workIn pairs

7、practice the conversation in the picture on page 34.Then make conversations using information in the chart in 1b.Whose volleyball is this?It must be Carlas. She loves volleyball.Whose books are these?They must be Marys. The man is her favorite author.Whose CD is this?It must be Graces. She likes lis

8、tening to classical music.4. Listening a. Bob and Anna found a backpack outside their school gate. Listen to their conversation and write down the things found in the backpack. Pay attention to the usages of other modal verbs about making inferences cant, could, might.b. Listening and filling Next y

9、ou are to listen to the tape once again. Fill in the blanks with modal verbs you hear used to make inferences.c. Filling and telling On page 35 is a chart in which you will see 8 sentences. A word is missing from each sentence. Fill in a word from this unit.5. ConsolidationReading, numbering and cir

10、cling On page 36 you see a box. In it is a thank-you message from Linda to Anna. Read it, number the 5 parts and circle the words you dont know.Subject: Thanks! From: Linda_ If you have any idea where it might be, please call me._ I think I dropped it during the concert. So it might still be in the

11、symphony hall._ I tried to call you but your mom said you were still at your optometrist appointment (I hope your new glasses look nice!)._ I really need it because I have a math test on algebra tomorrow. Its crucial that I study for it because it counts 30% to the final exam._ Im really anxious, be

12、cause I cant find my backpack.Thanks, LindaActivity 1 Collect some objects from the students and infer their owners.A: Here are some earrings. The owner cant be a boy. B: Well, it could be a boy. The earring might be a present for his mother.6. HomeworkLook and sayLook at the picture below and say w

13、hat is happening. Section BGoals1.Go on learning modal verbs: must, might, could, cant to infer things.2.Develop the students abilities in listening, speaking, reading and writing about modal verbs above. ProceduresHello, class. Have you ever seen any UFOs or aliens? What are they? How do they look?

14、 Now turn to page 37, look at the pictures and write a sentence about each picture. Use must, might, could and cant for making inferences.a. The UFO is landing. It is coming down from the sky!b. The terrible, ugly, frightening alien is chasing the two people. c. The frightened man is looking back at

15、 the alien.d. A woman with camera is shooting films. e. They must be making a movie.1.Looking and writing2. Listening 3.Pair worka. Listening and numbering To know more about the UFO and aliens you shall listen to a recording. While listening pay attention to the uses of must, might, could and cant

16、for making inferences and try to number the pictures on page 37.b. Listening and completingYou are going to listen to the tape again and complete the sentences in the box on page 37. Use must, might, could and cant for making inferences.They seeThe man saysThe woman saysa. a man runningHe could be r

17、unning for exercises.He might be late for work.b.something in the skyIt could be a helicopter.It must be a UFO.c.a strange creatureIt must be an alien.I must be dreaming.d. a woman with a cameraShe could be from the TV news.They must be making a movie.In pairs role play the conversations between the

18、 man and woman. Use must, might, could and cant for making inferences. A: Why do you think the man is running?B: He could be running for exercise.A: No, hes wearing a suit. He might be running to catch a bus.B: Theres something in the sky. It could be a helicopter.A: No, it cant be a helicopter. It

19、must be a UFO.B: And theres a strange creature getting out. It must be an alien.A: I must be dreaming.B: Look, theres a woman with a camera.A: She could be from the TV news.B: Oh! They must be making a movie.4. Readinga. Reading and underlining Theres a newspaper article here on page 38. Read it, un

20、derline what causes the strange things and circle all the expressions used.b. Strange events in Bell Tower neighborhood Our neighborhood used to be very quiet. However, these days, strange things are happening in our neighborhood and everyone is unhappy. Zhou Gu, the local school teacher is extremel

21、y worried. When he was interviewed by the local newspaper, he said, “Every night we hear strange noises outside our window. My wife thinks that it could be an animal, but my friends and I think it must be teenagers having fun. My parents called the police, but they cant find anything strange. They t

22、hink it might be the wind. I dont think so!”Zhous next door neighbor Qi Hui is unhappy too. “At first, I thought it might be a dog, but I cant see a dog and I still hear the noises outside.” Everyone in our neighborhood is worried, and everyone has his or her ideas. There must be something visiting

23、the homes in our neighborhood, but what is it?5. Writinga. Write another paragraph After read the newspaper article about Strange events in Bell Tower. Now use the notes on page 38 to write another paragraph about the events. Use must, might, could and cant for making inferences in your writing.B.Lo

24、ok and complete The end of the Strange events in Bell Tower with must, might, could and cant to infer.6. SpeakingTell your classmates about an image about future and let them make a suggestion about whats like in 20 years later. Use must, might, could and cant for making inferences in a group of fou

25、r people.For example,A: In2026, I can swim under the sea like fish.B: Maybe it means we might as light as a fish.A: In2026, I neednt chase the bus to school. B: Maybe it means we can have another spacecraft like UFO.7. HomeworkHere are four pictures of famous sports players you can guess who they ar

26、e with modal verbs like can, cant, could, might, must and so on.Self check1. Vocabulary (Fill in the blanks with the right forms of these words.)picnic, appintent, worried, chase, mystery, neighbor, garbage, escape, belong to, use up(1) Could you get some color oil for me? Mine has _.(2) Harry made

27、an important _ with Susan yesterday.(3) The old man looked _ because he couldnt find his way home in this big city.(4) My grandpa was telling a _, so everyone in the room listened carefully.(5) We all look forward to having a _ if we pass the exam.(6) I want to _ from the dirtiest _.(7) The dog is _

28、 a chick, its _ my _.2. Filling the blanksOn page 39 you will see 5 sentences. Now read them and fill in each blank with a correct word given. Make necessary changes to the form.Then make your own sentence with each word. Keys: 1. favorite 2. careful 3. worried 4. anxious 5. strangeYour own sentence

29、s might be: (1) Im very anxious about it.(2) These days, everyone is extremely worried about the weather.(3) We hear strange noises outside our classroom. (4) You are not very careful of the aliens swimming in the river.(5) My parents are my favorite teachers of English.3. Read the proverbs and tell

30、 what they mean. Use must, might, could and cant for making inferences. a. One finger cannot lift a small stone.Maybe it means only one person alone cant do a thing very well.b. When an ant says “ocean”, hes talking about a small pool.Maybe it means different persons might have different understandi

31、ng of the same thing.c. It is less of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest.Maybe it means being dishonest could be worse than being poor.d. Be careful of the person who does not talk, and the dog that does not bark.Maybe it means the person who does not talk, and the dog that does not bark must

32、 be more dangerous.e. You cant wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.Maybe it means a bad person cant be stopped from doing bad things. f. Tell me and Ill forget. Show me, and I may not remember. Let me try, and Ill understand.Maybe it means doing is learning, and teaching might not be very e

33、ffective. g. Dont let yesterday use up too much of today.Maybe it means what was done yesterday cant be changed. h. He who would do great things should not attempt them all alone.Maybe it means one cant do a great thing alone all by oneself.4. Circling the odd wordOn page 39 is a box with 5 groups o

34、f words. Read them and circle the one that does not belong. a. escape owner chase runb. picnic lunch dinner alienc. land apple ice cream chickend. creature alien exercise visitore. lost grass tree flowerKeys: 1. escape owner chase run 2. picnic lunch dinner alien3. land apple ice cream chicken 4. creature alien exercise visitor5. lost grass tree flower8用心 爱心 专心


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