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1、2011 廣東/香港工業技術合作計劃 綠色能源綠色能源集成電路和集成電路和集成電路和解決方案解決方案 1、主題 綠色能源集成電路和解決方案 隨著電子產品消費的增長,人類需要消耗越來越多的化石燃料。然而,燃燒化石 燃料有很多的不良後果。它增加溫室氣體比如二氧化碳的排放使全球變暖。它也產 生有毒氣體如二氧化碳,二氧化硫和一氧化氮等。在燃煤發電過程中,排放的有毒廢 物中,還包括放射性釷和鈿以及重金屬如鉛。這就是人們為什麼對綠色能源解決方 案濃厚興趣的原因。綠色能源解決方案包括使用可再生能源發電及減少能源的消 耗。可再生能源是清潔的,可再生的,自然的及環保的。高效的能源使用節省電力,從 而減緩全球變暖

2、。 可再生能源有如下幾個來源:早期的能源是利用風能和水能。早在數百年前,人 類已經可以使用風車和水車工作。在 20 世紀,地熱發電,太陽能發電和潮汐發電也獲 得了廣泛的認可。 無論何種來源的綠色能源,都需要先進的電子設備來控制能量的產生和傳輸。 例如,風力發電機可能需要馬達機控制 IC ,DC- DC 轉換器,DC- AC 轉換器,以及處理 器控制和優化各種系統的操作。再比如,太陽能電池供電的 LED 驅動器及無線控制 的照明系統可大 大節省電能。 3、目的 研發一批 IC 和基於 IC 的解決方案,用於再生能源發電和高效使用能源 4、研究任務和目標 任務: 2、 背景 -研究各種綠色能源發電

3、和節能解決方案的電子產品需求。 -定義這些解決方案芯片的功能和規格。 -開發這些集成電路。 -展示這些集成電路的解決方案。 目標: -提供一個新穎的綠色能源解決方案和電子產品需求的具體描述。 -提供解決方案 IC 的規格。 -提供這些 IC 的設計,佈局和矽樣品。 -提供這些解決方案演示。 5、商業及社會效益 成功實施綠色能源集成電路將有利於建設和優化清潔的可再生能源或有效地利 用能源。綠色電源將能夠滿足社會的能源需求,同時將對環境的影響保持在最低限 度。 2011 Guangdong/Hong Kong Tech no logy Cooperatio n Scheme In tegrated

4、 Circuits and Soluti ons for Gree n En ergy 1.Theme In tegrated Circuits and Soluti ons for Gree n En ergy 2.Backgro und As the con sumpti on for electricity in creases, more and more fossil fuels are con sumed to satisfy this dema nd. However, bur ning fossil fuels has many un desirable con seque n

5、ces. It releases gree n-house gases such as carb on dioxide which leads to global warm in g. It also creates toxic fumes such as carb on dioxide, sulfur dioxide and n itric oxide. In the case of bur ning coal to gen erate electricity, the toxic emissi ons also in clude radioactive products in cludi

6、ng Thorium and Uranium as well as heavy metals such as lead. That is why there is a strong interest in green energy solutions. These include gen erati on of ren ewable en ergies and reduct ion of en ergy con sumpti on. The ren ewable en ergies are clea n, re newable, n atural, and frie ndly to the e

7、n vir onment. Efficie ncy of en ergy usage saves electricity, thus slows the global warmi ng. Ren ewable en ergies can be harvested from several sources. The oldest ones are wi nd and water. Huma ns have bee n harvesti ng wind power in the form of wind mills and hydro power in the form of water mill

8、s for centuries. In the 20th century, geo-thermal power, solar power and tidal power have also gained recognition. Regardless of the source of the gree n en ergy, sophisticated electr onics are n eeded to control the generation and the transmission of the energy produced. For example, a wind mill ge

9、n erator may require motor con trol ICs, DC-DC conv erters, DC-AC conv erters, as well as processors to control and optimize the various operations of the system. For ano ther example, solar cell powered LED drivers with wireless con trol for gen eral lighting can save power significantly. 3.0bjecti

10、ve Create a range of ICs and IC-e nabled soluti ons for gen erati on of ren ewable en ergies and efficie nt use of en ergy. 4. Research Tasks and Targets Tasks: a. Research the electr onics requireme nts of various gree n en ergy gen erati on and sav ing solutio ns. b. Define functions and specifica

11、tions of the ICs that can enable these solutions. c. Im pleme nt these ICs. d. Dem on strate the soluti ons en abled by these ICs. Targets: e. Deliver a descripti on of no vel gree n en ergy solutio ns and defi ne electr onics requireme nts. f. Deliver specs of ICs that can en able these soluti ons.

12、 g. Deliver desig n, layout, and Si samples of these ICs. h. Deliver dem on strati on of the soluti ons. 5. Be nefits to Busin ess and In stituti ons Successful impleme ntati on of gree n en ergy ICs will facilitate the con struct ion and optimizatio n of clea n, ren ewable en ergy sources or efficie nt use of en ergy. Gree n power will be able to satisfy the energy needs of the society while keeping the impacts to the environment at a minimum.


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