广东省2013届高三英语一轮复习 M6 unit 16 Stories(1)学案 北师大版.doc

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1、2013届高三广东北师大版英语一轮复习学案:M6 unit 16 Stories(1)1. come across (=happen to meet / find; knock into)(偶然)发现、遇到 该词组不可用于被动语态。 She came across some old photographs in a drawer. 她在抽屉里偶然发现一些旧照片。用come的适当短语填空1. It _ that hed been telling lies. 2. How did the accident _?3. Your speech _ very well; everyone underst

2、ands your opinion now. 4. Its already 10 oclock. I wonder how it _ that she was two hours late on such a short trip.5. I _ an old school friend in Oxford Street this morning.6. The book will _ next month.【答案】1. came out 2. come about3. came across4. came about5. came across6. come out 2. occur vi. (

3、尤指意外地)发生, 该词不可用于被动语态 A serious traffic accident occurred on Route 66 last night. 昨晚在66号公路发生了一起严重的交通事故。(想法、念头等)浮现sth. occur to sb.某人想到了某事It occurs to sb. that某人突然想到It occurred to me that I would go and talk to Mr. Hans.我突然想到去找汉斯先生谈谈。The idea occurred to him when he saw an apple fall down.他看到一个苹果掉下来的时

4、候,就有了这个想法。occur, happen与take placeoccur与happen一般都用来描述偶然发生的事 件,二者均无被动语态,表示“发生”时可以互 换;如果表示“某想法”出现在人的头脑之 中,则occur不能换成happen; happen还表示 “碰巧,恰好”之意。take place通常是指人为的、有计划的事件发 生或举办,无被动语态。用occur, happen, take place的适当形式填空1. 什么时候举办运动会? When will the sports meet _?2. 火灾是什么时候发生的? When did the fire _?3. 我要出门的时候,

5、突然想起还没吃早餐呢。 Just as I was leaving home, _ that I hadnt had breakfast.take placehappen / occurit occurred to me3. regardvt. 看待;当作 regard sb. / sth. as sth. 认为是,把看作 Ive been regarding you as my close friend. 我一直把你当密友。n. 问候;致意(常用复数形式) Please give my regards to your parents. 请代我问候你的父母。人们认为他是镇里最好的牙医。 _ _

6、他不顾及我在此事上的感受继续往下说。 _ _He was regarded as the best dentist in the town.He continued speaking, regardless of my feeling on the matter.4. stand out 突出,引人注目,卓越,杰出 His height makes him stand out in the crowd. 他身材高大,因此在人群中很引人注目。 stand out + from Her work stands out from the rest. 她的工作表现比其他人好。5. awakev. (a

7、woke, awaken) 叫醒,唤醒,醒来 Every morning the noise downstairs would awake me. 每天早上楼下的噪音都会把我吵醒。adj. 只用作表语或后置定语,不能用作前置定 语。其反义词是asleep。 Is the baby awake or asleep? 宝宝睡着了还是醒着?awake与wake wake用作及物或不及物动词,过去式为woke,过去分词woken,意义与awake相同,常与up连用。wake还可表示“激起(争论等),唤起(回忆等)”的意思。 My mother awakes me at 7 every day. 我妈妈

8、每天7点把我叫醒。 =My mother wakes me (up) at 7 every day.I didnt sleep well last night I awoke at mid-night.=I didnt sleep well last night I woke up at mid-night.我昨晚没睡好半夜醒了。The incident woke memories of his past sufferings.这件事唤起了他对过去苦难经历的回忆。waking hours 清醒的时候awake不与up连用; wake up的宾语是人称代词时必须置于两个 词之间。 误:wake

9、up him 正:wake him up他醒来时发现只有他一个人在家。 _ _我思念家人,彻夜未眠。 _When he awoke / woke up, he found that he was home alone.I have lain awake all night missing my family.6. (its) my pleasure与with pleasure当某人因你的帮助而感谢你时,你表示“不客 气,不用谢”,常用(Its) my pleasure。而当某人有求于你,你表示乐于接受请求时,则 用with pleasure来回答。 Thanks a lot for helpi

10、ng me with these bags. Its my pleasure.非常感谢你帮我拿包。不客气。 Can you give me a lift home? With pleasure.你能捎我回家吗?我很乐意。pleasure作名词可表示“快乐,愉快”,也可表示“快乐的事情”。It is a pleasure to hear her sing.听她唱歌是一桩乐事。He listened with pleasure to the beautiful music.他陶醉在美妙的音乐中。 I go sailing for pleasure. 我驾驶帆船是为了取乐。这工作对我是一种乐事。 _

11、她似乎对我们的痛苦幸灾乐祸。 _ _The work is a pleasure to me.She seemed to take pleasure in our suffering.7. knock over=knock down 撞倒,撞翻 The truck knocked over / down more than 20 people before it completely stopped. 卡车撞倒了20多个人后才完全停下来。knock可作名词,表示“打击,敲打,敲门”。The hard knock made her cry. 沉重的一击使她哭了。有人在敲门。 _ _他在门上钉了几

12、颗钉子。 _Someone is knocking at the door. / There is a knock at the door.He knocked several nails into the door.8. burst vi. 突然After the performance the audience burst into wild applause.表演结束时观众中(突然)响起雷鸣般的掌声。听到他讲的滑稽故事,人们突然大笑起来。(一句多译)_People burst out laughing when hearing his funny story. / People burst into laughter when hearing his funny story. / People couldnt help laughing when hearing his funny story. / People couldnt resist laughing when hearing his funny story.6


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