[小学生英文故事小短文四年级] 儿童英文故事小短文.docx

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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑小学生英文故事小短文四年级 儿童英文故事小短文 英语是学习语言学问、提高英语语言力量的有效途径,也是人们猎取外部信息、了解世界的主要手段。我细心收集了学校生四班级英文故事小短文,供大家观赏学习! 学校生四班级英文故事小短文篇1 班门弄斧 Lu Ban (鲁班) was supposed to be a consummate carpenter in ancient times. 古代有一个建筑和雕刻技术特别超群的人,名叫鲁班。 It is said that he once carved a wooden phoenix that was so lifeli

2、ke that it actually flew in the sky for three days. 传奇他曾用木头制作了一只五彩斑斓的凤凰,能够在空中飞行三天不掉下来。 Thus it was considered the height of folly to show off ones skill with an axe in front of Lu Ban. 谁敢在鲁班门前卖弄使用斧子的技术,也就是说,想在大行家面前显示自的本事,这种太不虚心的可笑行为,就叫做班门弄斧( 这句成语有时也用作自谦之词,表示自己不敢在行家面前卖弄自己的小本事)。 学校生四班级英文故事小短文篇2 to con

3、tradict oneself 自相冲突 A man of the state of Chu (ch gu 楚国) had a spear and a shield for sale. 楚国有个卖兵器的人,在市场上卖矛和盾。 He was loud in praises of his shield.My shield is so strong that nothing can pierce it through. 为了让人家情愿买他的货,他先举起盾向人们夸口道:你们看,我的盾是世上最结实的盾,任何锐利的东西都不能刺穿它。 He also sang praises of his spear.My

4、 spear is so strong that it can pierce through anything. 接着又举起他的矛,向人吹嘘说:你们再看看我的矛,它锐利无比,无坚不摧,无论多么坚硬的盾,都挡不住它,一刺就穿! What would happen, he was asked, if your spear is used to pierce your shield? 人群中有人问道:假如用你的矛去刺你的盾,结果怎么样? It is impossible for an impenetrable shield to coexist with a spear that finds not

5、hing impenetrable. 这世界上一样无坚不摧的东西永久不会与一样什么都能摧毁的东西共存。 学校生四班级英文故事小短文篇3 hem and haw 迟疑不决 The You is a kind of wild animal which is by nature extremely suspicious. 犹是一种野兽,它天生性情特别多疑。 Whenever it hears a sound, it immediately becomes afraid, suspecting that there is a hunternearby who is trying to catch it

6、, or another animal that wants to harm it. It runs up into a tree and hides, peeking out its head and scanning all around. 不论它在甚么地方找食物,或是漫步,一听到声音就可怕。它怀疑有猎人要来抓它,或是别的野兽要来害它,就惊慌地爬到树上躲起来。再把头探出来,偷偷地看。 After a while it climbs back down, looking here and looking there. 过了一会儿,又从树上跳下来,在地上东张西望地看看那边。 Only when

7、 it is sure that there is nothing around does it finally begin to relax. 始终到什么也没观察,才定下心来。 But then pretty soon, it will again grow afraid, and running up into a tree, begin the sameroutine all over again. 但是过了一会儿,它又懹疑起来,就又爬到树上,在树上停一会儿,定定心,认为没有什么危急了,才从树上跳下来。 Time and time again, the You repeats this,

8、 with the result that it spends half of its day running up and down trees, and wastes a lot of energy. 就这样一次又一次地跳上跳下,跳了大半天,总是白费劲气。 So, when someone is very hesitant, and cannot make a decision, others often say of this person that the You cannot decide. 后来的人,由于犹天生好疑心,不坚决,所以当一个人处理事情时,没有办法,不知道怎样处理,就叫做迟疑不决。 看了学校生四班级英文故事小短文的人还看了: 1.学校四班级英语故事短文 2.学校生四班级英语故事大全 3.学校四班级英语小短文4篇 4.适合四班级的英语故事大全 5.四班级英文故事小短文带翻译 6.四班级最简短英语故事 第 3 页 共 3 页


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