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1、定语 从句有关定语从句 的概念(1 )定语从句:就是在复合句里充当定语的从句,它通常紧靠在所修饰的名词或代词后面。(2)先行词:就是被定语从句修饰的名词或代词。(3)关系词:引导定语从句的词叫关系词。关系词有关系代词who, whom, whose,which 和 that 等; 关系副词有when, where, why 等。 关系词不仅起连接作用,而且还代表先行词并在定语从句中担任某一句子成分,关系代词作主语、宾语、定语、表语等,关系副词作状语。如:This is the book that my father bought yesterday. 这就是我父亲昨天帮我买的那本书。说明:句中

2、修饰the book 的 that my father bought yesterday 就是定语从句;被定语从句所修饰的the book 这是先行词;代表 the book 的关系代词that在定语从句中作bought 的直接宾语。The time when he arrives is not known. 他到达的时间还不知道。说明:句中when he arrives 是定语从句,被定语从句修饰的the time 是先行词,关系副词 when 作时间状语。 关系代词的一般用法先行词是人,在从句中作主语用who,作宾语用whom 或 who,作定语用whose;先行词是物,在定语从句中作主语

3、或宾语都用which , 作定语用of which 或 whose 均可。 在限制性定语从句中which, who, whom 都可用 that代替。关系代词作宾语时常被省略。This is the man who helped me yesterday. 这就是昨天帮助我的那个人。(作主语)The teacher (who/whom/that) you want to see is coming. 你要见的老师来了。(作 see的宾语,可以省略)I met a boy whose father was an astronaut. 我认识一位男孩,他的父亲是宇航员。(作定语 )Here is

4、the coat which/that will be made to you. 这是一件做给你的衣服。(作主语)This is the factory (which/that) we visited last year.这就是我们去年参观的那家工厂。(作 visited 的宾语,可以省略)He has a book whose cover (=the cover of which) is very beautiful. 他有一本封面非常漂亮的书。关系副词的一般用法关系副词有when, where, why,在定语从句中作状语,分别表示时间、地点和原因。when 的先行词通常是time, da

5、y, season, age, occasion 等时间名词;where 的先行词通常是 place, city, town, village, house, case, situation, scenes等地点或情形名词;why 的先行词只能是reason。关系副词when 和 where 有时可用“介词 which”代替, why 可用 forwhich 代替。如:There are occasions when (=on which) one must yield. 任何人都有不得不屈服的时候。Beijing is the place where (=in which) I was bo

6、rn. 北京是我的出生地。Is this the reason why (=for which) he refused our offer? 这就是他拒绝我们帮助他的理由吗?注意: 先行词虽然是时间或地点,但若在定语从句中作主语或宾语时,要用关系代词。(1)The factory where his father worked has closed. 他父亲曾工作的那家工厂关闭了。(作状语 )比较: The factory which/that was built in 1978 has closed. 1978 年建的那家工厂关闭了。 (作主语 )(2) I lln ever forget

7、the days when we lived together. 我永远也忘不了我们一起生活的那些日子。(作状语 )比较: I lln ever forget the days (that) we spent in Australia. 我永远也忘不了我们在澳大利亚度过的那些日子。(作及物动词spent的宾语)(3) The reason (why) she was ill was that she had eaten bad meat. 她生病的原因是她吃了变质的肉。(作状语,用关系副词)比较: The reason (that) he gave for his absence was ob

8、viously fabricated. 他所说的缺席理由显然是编造的。(作gave 的宾语,用关系代词) 习惯上要用that 引导的定语从句(1)当先行词是指物的all, little, few, much, any, anything, everything, nothing, none,the one 时,或先行词被all, little, few, much, any, every, no, some等修饰时。All that can be done has been done. 能做的都已经做了。He will tell you everything that he heard abo

9、ut it. 他将告诉你他所听到的关于这件事的一切。There is little work that is fit for you. 没什么工作适合你做。I have eaten all the food that is left. 我把剩下的所有食物都吃了。(2)先行词是序数词或最高级形容词时,或者先行词被序数词(包括 last, next)、 最高级形容词及 the only, the very, the same, the last 等修饰时。This is the first film that I have seen since I came here.这是我到这里后所看的第一场电

10、影。This is the best that has been used against pollution. 这是用来防止污染的最好办法。This is the very book that I am looking for. 这正是我一直在寻找的那本书。(3)先行词包括人和物时。They often talk about the people and the things that they are interested in. 他们常常谈论那些他们感兴趣的人和事。(4)当主句是以who 或 which 开头的疑问句时,为了避免重复,多用that 引导。如:Which is the ho

11、use that caught fire last night? 昨晚失火的是那座房子?Who is the lady that is playing the piano? 在弹钢琴的那位小姐是谁? 习惯上不用that 引导的定语从句(1)在非限制性定语从句中,不以能用that引导。Yesterday I met Mary, who seemed very excided. 昨天我碰到了玛丽,她显得非常兴奋。(2)直接在介词后作宾语时,不能用that 引导,要用whom, whose 或 which,且不能省略。The house in which we live is not large.

12、我们住院的房子不大。I know the young man with whom you live. 我认识和你住在一起的那个年青人。但当介词放在从句的末尾时,可以用that 替代 which, who 替代 whom,也可以省略关系代词。如:The house (which/that) we live in is not large. 我们住院的房子不大。I know the man (whom/who/that) you live with. 我认识和你住在一起的那个人。(3)当先行词是指人的all, any, few, one(s), anyone, everyone, people 等

13、时,多用who。如:Anyone who is over sixteen is allowed in. 任何超过十六岁的人都允许进去。I met someone who said he knew you. 我碰到一个人,他说认识你。He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find his stick. (谚 )欲加之罪,何患无辞。(4)当先行词与关系代词之间有较复杂的短语或从句隔开时。I was the only person in my office who was invited. 我是我们办公室里唯一受到邀 请的人。A new mast

14、er will come tomorrow who will teach you German.有位新校长明天来,他将教你们德语。关系词的选择1. 一看先行词的意义,即分清先行词是指人、指物、时间、地点还是原因,如指物时不能用 who 或 whom,指人时通常不用which 等。2. 二看关系词的句法功能,即分清关系词是担任什么句子成分,是作主语还是宾语、是作定语还是状语等,如作定语通常用whose,有时也用which ;作状语要用when, where,why。注意,不要一看到先行词为表时间、地点、原因的名词,就认为一定要用when, where, why 来引导定语从句,要注意分清它们在定

15、语从句充当什么成分。如:I forget the time when he will come. 我忘记了他来的时间。(when 引导定语从句,在定语从句中用作状语)I forget the time that he told me. 我忘记了他告诉我的时间。(that 引导定语从句,在定语从句中用作宾语)The reason why he can ct ome is that he is ill. 他不能来的原因是他病了。(why 引导定语从句,在定语从句中用作状语)The reason that he told me is not true. 他告诉我的原因不真实。(that 引导定语从句

16、,在定语从句中用作宾语)3. 三看定语从句的种类,即分清是限制性定语从句还是非限制性定语从句,如that和why 通常不引导非限制性定语从句。注意, 不要一看到逗号就认为是非限制性定语从句。如:If you vereally said that to her, will cause real trouble.A. that B. which C. as D. what此题答案是A, 不是 B。 尽管空格前有逗号,但这并不是非限制性定语从句,所以不能填which。正确的理解是:If you ver eally said that to her 是一个条件状语从句,逗号后的句子是主句,空格处填th

17、at用作主句主语。限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句 的区别1. 形式不同限定性定语从句主句和从句之间不用逗号隔开,口语中使用时也不停顿;而非限定性定语从句与主句之间通常有逗号隔开,口语中使用时有停顿。2. 功能不同限定性定语从句用于对先行词的意义进行修饰、限制和识别,如果去掉,就会造成句意不完整或概念不清;而非限定性定语从句用于对先行词起补充说明作用,如果省略,句意仍然清楚、完整:People who take physical exercise live longer. 进行体育锻炼的人活得长些。(若把从句去掉句子就失去意义)His daughter, who is in Boston no

18、w, is coming home next week. 他女儿现在在波士顿,下星期回来。(若把从句去句子意义仍然完整)3. 翻译不同在翻译定语从句时,一般把限定性定语从句翻译在它所修饰的先行词之前,而把非限定性定语从句与主句分开:He is the man whose car was stolen. 他就是汽车被窃的那个人。I vein vited Jim, who lives in the next flat. 我邀请了吉姆,他就住在隔壁。4. 含义不同比较:I have a sister who is a doctor. 我有一个当医生的姐姐。(姐姐不止一个)I have a siste

19、r, who is a doctor. 我有一个姐姐,她是当医生的。(只有一个姐姐)5. 先行词不同限定性定语从句的先行词只能是名词或代词,而非限定性定语从句的先行词则可以是名词或代词,也可以是短语或句子;另外, 当先行词为专有名词或其他具有独一无二性的普通名词时,通常要用非限定性定语从句,而不用限制性定语从句:Peter drove too fast, which was dangerous. 彼得开车很快,这是很危险的。(which 指 drive too fast)He changed his mind, which made me very angry. 他改变了主意,这使我很生气。(

20、which 指整个主句)Mr. Smith, who is our boss, will leave for Japan next week. 我们的老板史密斯先生 下周要去日本。(先行词为专有名词,要用非限制性定语从句修饰)Her father, who has a lot of money, wishes her to study abroad. 她父亲很有钱,希望她出国学习。(先行词为表独一无二意义的普通名词,要用非限制性定语从句修饰)6. 关系词不同关系词 that 和 why 可用于限制性定语从句中,通常不用于非限制性定语从句;另外,在限制性定语从句中,关系词有时可以省略,而在非限定

21、性定语从句中关系词一律不省略。关系代词作定语的定语从句1、 whose关系代词在从句中作定语表示所属关系,先行词是人,表示“先行词这个人的”,用whose;先行词是事物,表示“先行词这个事物的”,用whose 或 the of which 或 ofwhich 都可以。如:The treasure some of which has been recovered, has been sent to the British Museum. 这些宝藏已送往大英博物馆,其中有一些是失而复得的。2、 which关系代词which 用作定语时,含有类似this 或 that 的含义。如:She may b

22、e late, in which case we ought to wait for her. 她可能迟到,因此我们应该等她。He lost his temper, at which point I decided to go home. 他发脾气了,这时我就决定回家了。I may have to work late, in which case I ltle lephone. 我可能得晚点下班,那样我会打电话的。The speaker paused to examine his notes, at which point a loud crash was heard. 讲演者停下来查阅他的笔

23、记,就在这时,听到了砰的一声巨响。He was appointed Lord Chancellor, in which post he spent the rest of his life. 他被任命为大法官,在这个职位上度过了他的后半生。Sometimes feta is very salty, in which case no salt needs to be added. 有时,羊奶干 酪很咸。如果这样的话,就不必加盐了。as 可以代替整个句子或一件事,引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中作主语、宾语或表语,意为“正如,就像,据”;从句位置可置于主句之前或之后,有时也可作为插入语置于句中,一般

24、用逗号和主句隔开。as 的这种用法常见于以下这些结构:as we can see, as can be seen, as we know,as is ( well ) known,as may be imagined,as often happens,as has been said before, as was mentioned above,as is often the case,as/indeed it is,etc.neither 用法1 neither 用作形容词,表示(两者)都不,置于单数名词之前。Neither article is made in Beijing.这两种物品都

25、不是北京制造的。I will participate in neither game.那两项比赛我都不参加。We discussed neither subject. 这两个问题我们都没有讨论。提醒注意:在口语中以not. either.替换 neither 使用的情形也很多。例如:They bought neither house. = They didnt buy either house.两间房子他们都没买。2 neither 用作代词,表示两者都不,双方均不。例如:He answered neither of the letters.他两封信都没回。She bought two toy

26、s, but neither can please the child.她买了两个玩具,却没有一个能让小孩高兴。-Which one would you like? 你喜欢哪一个?-Neither. 两个都不喜欢。此时, 与 neither 用法较为接近的词是none, 但 none 的含义略有不同,none 表示(三者以上)所有的 都不 。例如:None of us are perfect. 人无完人。提醒注意:neither 作主语时,通常被视为单数,但从意义上讲也可视为复数。Neither of the cars was / were damaged.两部车都没有受损。3 neither

27、 用作连词,常用短语为neither.nor., 表示既不 也不 。例如:Neither he nor I am well educated.他和我都没受过良好教育。I have neither time nor money.我既没时间也没钱。The novel is neither realistic nor poetic.那部小说既不写实也没有诗意。提醒注意: neither 和 nor 后面接同一词性的单词或短语。 neither.nor.结构用作主语时,谓语动词必须与nor 后面的名词或代词在人称及数上保持一致,即所谓的就近原则。在表示 既 也 ,即 两者都 时,常用短语both.and. ;表示 或者 或者 (即二者选一)时,常用短语either.or.。4 neither 用作副词,作 也不 解释,放在句首,表示前面否定的内容也适用于另一个人或物,句子须采用部分倒装。此时也可用nor 替换 neither 使用。-I dont like this dress.我不喜欢这件连衣裙。-Neither / Nor do I. 我也不喜欢。If you dont suppose the plan, neither / nor will I.如果你不支持那项计划,我也不支持。提醒注意:neither 之后的主语要置于助动词或系动词之后。


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