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1、第 1 页 Unit 2 My week Part(B) Let 教学目标与要求 1. 能够听懂、会说、会写句型:Do you often read books in this park? No, I dont. 并能在实际情境中正确运用 2. 能够独立完成Ask and answei部分的练习。 3. 能够独立完成Lets try部分的听音打勾练习,为对话的教学做铺垫。 重点 掌握句型 Do you often read books in this park? No, I don 要求学生能 在真实情境中运用。 难点 正确运用新学的词组和句型谈论周末的学习和生活情况 . 教具 单词卡片、图片

2、、课件。 教学环节 师生活动 Preparation 准备活动 1. Sing the song: Days of the week 2. 头脑风暴:每组每人说一种周末的活动,不能重复 . T:What do you do on Saturdays? S1: I read books. S2: I watch TV. S3: I do my homework. 3. 口语操练 51 : What day is it today? 52 : Its Monday. S1: What do you have on Mondays? S2: I have maths .I dont like Mon

3、days. I love Sundays. S1: What do you often do on Sundays? S2: I often . s talk 第 2 页 教学环节 师生活动 Presentation 新知呈现 1. Lets try 教师呈现课本第 17 页 Oliver 的图片, 向学生介绍说: This is Oliver. It s Saturday morning. Zhang Peng calls him.自然引出 Let s try分。 教师引导学生认真观察本部分图画,然后分别用一句话描述这两幅图画 . S1: He often cleans his room o

4、n the weekend. He often plays football on the weekend. (2) 教师播放 Lets try 录音,学生根据录音内容在方框内打勾 . (3) 教师检查学生完成情况。 2. Let s talk 教师接着引导: Oliver often clean his room on the weekend. What about Zhang Peng and Sarah. What do they oftendo on the weekend? Let s listen to the tape and tick or cross. Sarah often

5、 reads books in this park. ( ) Zhang often plays football in this park. ( ) (1) 听录音,理解录音内容大意。 (2) 播放录音,请学生跟读三遍。 (3) 操练对话。分角色进行操练,先集体(小组,男女生)后个人(同桌操 练)。 教学环节 师生活动 Practice巩固练习 1. 活动:最炫的周末活动 活动方式 : (1)学生使用句型: “What do you do on the weekends? I调查三四位同学,然后完成下列调查表。 第3页 、xActivity Namex Play pin g-p ong Pl

6、ay football Liste n to music Watch TV (2) 根据调查表,学生写调查报告,可使用下列句型: A,B and often watch TV (play p-ppng,.and )on Weekend. (3) 各组代表汇报调查结果。 (4) 教师公布周末最炫的活动. 2. 活动:脱口秀 活动方式:在指定的时间里,秀一秀谁能一口气说出最长的句子 . 女口: I often wash my clothes, clean my room, play the pipa, read books, play football and watch TV. 教学环节师生活动

7、 Production输出运用 1. Ask and an swer 让学生仿照示例在小组内进行对话做调查。 2. 活动:玩转周末 活动方式:在快乐转盘上写着各种周末的娱乐活动,如:看电视、踢足球、 听音乐、打乒乓球等,然后转动转盘,当转盘转到某个娱乐活动时,女口:看电视, 教师则问一些与转盘上不一样的活动,这时回答问题的同学则快速地说出转盘上 的娱乐活动。女口 : 转动指针到watch TV. T:Do you ofte n do your homework on the weeke nd? S1: No, I dont. I often watch TV on the weekend. 第

8、 4 页 如:转动指针到 listen to music. T:Do you often read books on the weekend? S1:No,I dont. I often listen to music on the weekend. 板书设计 Unit 2 My week B Let s talk read books play football play ping-pong listen to music Do you often play football on the weekend? Yes, I do. Do you often read books on the weekend? No, I don t. 教学反思


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