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1、仁爱版英语七年级上册期末复习提纲仁爱版英语七年级上册期末复习提纲Unit3-4一、元音字母: Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu二、包含有以下元音的字母:1. ei Aa Hh Jj Kk 2. i: Ee Bb Cc Dd Gg Pp Tt Vv3. ai Ii Yy 4. ju: Uu Qq Ww5. e Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz三、以元音开头的字母有:Aa Ee Ii Oo Hh RrFf Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx以上12个字母前冠词须用an须用冠词 an 修饰的名词有: apple, orange, egg, eraser, animal, elephant, MP4须用

2、冠词an修饰的形容词有:old, English 四、哪些词出现,所跟名词须用复数形式?Useful expressions : Unit 2 有用的表达语1. Paul is tall . He has a round face . = Paul is tall with a round face .2. Let s go shopping tomorrow/Let s do sth.)Let me help you. ( Let sb.do sth.)3. -It looks very nice .-Thanks .4. It isn t Kangkang s , either .5. P

3、lease help us find him . ( help sb. do sth. / help sb. to do sth. / help sb. with sth.)Unit 3 Topic 1一.Grammar focus :语法(一般现在时)表示经常发生的事情或进行的动作肯定句:动词要么原形要么单三否定、疑问句:do / does +动词原形1. I have some friends here in China .a I don t have any friends here in China .-Do you have any friends here in China ? -

4、 Yes, I do . / No, I don t .2. He speaks Chinese . a He doesn t speak Chinese.-Does he speak Chinese ?-Yes, he does . / No, he doesn t .3. Jane likes the English corner .aJane doesn t like the English corner .-Does Jane like the English corner ?-Yes, she does . / No, she doesn t .4. 写出以下动词的单三形式:like

5、- want-speak-guess-teach-watchwashdogohaveplaybuysayfly trystudycarryworry总结:实义动词单三的构成形式:(1)在动词后加-s(2 )以 结尾的加-es(3 )以 字母+y结尾,去y改为i加-es二.Useful expressions :有用的表达语1.-Could you please tell me your name ?-Sure . My name is Michael .Could you ( please ) do sth ?请问,你能、吗?-Sure . /. / OK.2 .-May I study En

6、glish with you ?-No problem .May I do sth.? 我可以、吗? .没问题。can / could/ may/ would +3 . sb. like / likes非 Wlo = sb. like / likesvery muchsb. like / likes育血te欢sb. don t / doesn t like 一点也加喜l欢注意:at all必须放于 句末notat all其中not不会单独使用 要么don tat all/么doesn tat all4 . like sth. / like to do sth. / like doing sth

7、. 喜欢做、他有点喜欢游泳,但一点都不喜欢踢足球。5 .-Where does / do sb. live ?他住哪?(注意:Where 提问,结尾不可加in)-sb. live / lives in + 地点live with sb. 和.住一起6 .-Who is the letter from?信是谁写来的?-It from my pen pal .7 .-What he in the letter ? 信里说了些什么?-He he the Great Wall . 他说他想参观长城。(注意:want to do sth.想做某事)8. She seldom English . So h

8、er English is.他不常说英语,他的英语很差。9. speak / say/ talk / tell+语言,+说的内容,只有 可直接跟人,sb. ( about) sth. Chinese/ English,it again,it in English,hello ( sorry/ goodbye/ thanks) to sb.speak to sb./ say to sb. / talk to sb.与某人谈话 tell sb. sth. / tell sb. about sth.注意: speak/ say/ talk要想跟人须加to10. 我常帮他学英语。I often hel

9、p him English . =I often help him English.11. visit sp.参观某地 / visit sb.看望某人 12. the Great Wall 长城Unit 3 Topic 2一.Grammar focus :语法(关于职业及工作地点问答句)1.-Michael , What your?你父母是干什么的?-They office workers . are both 两者者B是、-What do you do? - I m a student .-What the man? - He s office worker.What do / does s

10、b. do ? = What + be + sb. ? = What + be +one s job/jobs升么工作的?What your brother do? =your brother?=What s your job / work ?(工作)2.-Where do / does sb. work / study / teach ?-sb. work(s) / study ( studies ) / teach (te aches ) in / at / on 地 +八、二. Useful expressions : 重要的表达语1. I m home.回到家了。2. - Come i

11、n and make yourself / yourselves at home . -Thanks . make oneself at home .就当 自 己在家样3. -What a nice place ! -Thank you.多漂亮的地方啊!(当得到他人赞美时都该说谢).4. Please have a seat .= Please take aseat. = Please sit down .请坐5. They are both office workers.他们俩都是办公室工作人员both (用于两者)/ all (用于三者以上)放在be动词后,实义动词前注意:动词 want/

12、 have/ like 前不可加are6. I have a happy family .我有个幸福的家庭7. There are five people in my family. We live in Beijing now .8. My grandfather lives with us and looks after Rose at home .我祖父和我们住在一起,在家照顾Rose9. look after sb.照看、照顾某人10.on a farm 在农场11.in a hospital /school / factory 在医院、学校、工厂12.in an office在办公室

13、13. an office worker办公室工作人员14. a photo of my family 我的全家福 15.on the sofa 在沙发上16. family tree 家谱Unit 3 Topic 3一.Grammar focus:语法1 .-Would you like something to drink ?想不想喝些东西?-Yes, a cup of tea , please. / No, thanks .something to drink 一些喝的东西 something to eat 一些吃的东西2 .-What would you like to have ?

14、你想吃(喝)些什么?-1 d like some rice and chicken . / Let me see 我想想看。3 .-Would you like to have dinner with me?想和我共进晚餐吗?-Yes, I d love to . / Yes, ISodryke to. m afraid I have to 二.Useful expressions:有用的就餐表达语1 .-May I take your order ? 请问,要点菜了吗?-Chicken and a bowl of rice , please .2 . Wait a moment , plea

15、se . 请不肖等。3 . May I help you ? = Can I help you ? 请问要吃 /喝/买些什么?What can I do for you ? 请问要吃/喝/买些什么?4 .-Four dollars , please . -Here you are . 给你5 .-What would you like to have for breakfast / lunch / supper ?你早/午/晚餐想吃什么?-1 d like bread and milk for breakfast/ lunch / supper.have for breakfast/ lunc

16、h / supper.早/午/晚餐吃、6 .-Why not / Why don t you have some vegetables ?-Good idea . I like vegetables very much .Why not / Why don t yo动+J原形7 .-Would you like some dumplings ?- No , thanks . I d like some rice .8 .-Help yourself / yourselves to some fish . 请随便吃些鱼吧。-Thanks .注意:如果是跟两个以上的人说的话,得用 yourselv

17、es o另外to (介词)+名词Please help some, children. 请随便吃些青菜吧。“Help some chicken and fish,.” He says to us.9 .-Would you like some more rice ? 再多吃些饭,好吗?-No , thanks . I im;询lT。10.I have many new friends here . They are all kind (friendly) to me .对、友好我和他两个对她都很友好。 and kind.我们大家对他都很好。We kind.11.I like many kind

18、s of 许多种 Chinese food , such as Sichuan food , Hunan food andGuangdong food . such as 例如 + 名词12. I m very glad to be her战很高兴来到这儿。be glad to do sth 很高兴做、我很高兴帮助他。I,m glad.13.would like sth. = want sth. would like to do sth. = want to do sth. 想要、 注意:如果跟动词,一定要加 to, would like没有人称和数的变化,无单三He visit the.=H

19、e the Wall.他想参观长城。Unit 4 Topic 1一.Grammar focus :语法1 . some / any的用法:共同点 都可以跟 和 名词区别:some (用于1.肯定句2.建议句 3.希望得到肯定回答的问句)any (用于否定句和疑问句中)在 would like / what about / how about / Why not 后一般用 some I want clothes for my daughter . Oh , we don t have milk .Would you like sugar or bread ? I don t want sugar

20、 .Why not have fish? What about chicken?2 .不可数名词和可数名词:many / how many / a few / few +可数名词复数much / how much / a little / little + 不可数名词twelve bottles of milk a glass of apple juice twenty glasses of water a bag of noodles a kilo of eggs / two kilos of rice三盒牛奶 四箱橘子 两瓶橘汁 12公斤米二.Useful expressions :有用的

21、购物表达语1 .- Can I help you ? / May I help you ?-Yes , please . I d like the yellow-dressI m jusobking .Thanks .)-What can I do for you ? ./ I want some clothes for my son ./ We need2 .-Can I try it on ? -Sure . ( Maria tries on the dress.) 我能试穿一下吗? Why not try them (指鞋子、裤子时用 ) on?为什么不试穿一下呢? 为什么不试穿一下那条

22、裤子/那双鞋子呢?Why not the / that/?try on sth. / try sth. on / try it (them )on 试穿a pair of pants / shoes/ glasses一条裤子/ 一双鞋子 /一幅眼镜3 .-How much is it ?-It s only 70 yuan , madam 多少钱?-How much + is / are + sth. ?-It s / They re 指复数的东西时,特别是指裤子、鞋子时回答须用 4 .-That s fine太好了 -We will it = We ll 我他就买下了5 .-How do y

23、ou like the pants / the pair of pants ?你觉得那条裤子怎么样?-They are (鞋子、裤子须用They are) too long .-What do you think of this pair of shoes ? 你觉得这双鞋子怎么样?-Oh, I don t like the删子、裤子须用 them) at all .我一点都喜欢do you sth./ sb. ? =do you sth. / sb.?6 .-80 yuan ! Are you kidding ? Well , I ll think about it . Thanks all

24、 the same .80元?你开玩笑吗?我得考虑一下。还是要谢谢你。think about 思考,考虑 think of 认为,想起7 .-He wants to buy something for his family .他想买些东西给家人。buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb.买东西给某人你能给我买些盐吗?Could you some salt?= Could you buy salt?8 . -How do we need ?我们需要多少瓶?-Six bottles .9 .-that? 就这些了吗? -1 think so . / I don t think

25、so .10 .-Would you like some bread ?想吃些面包吗?-Yes , please .11 . Don t别担心 I can help you .=help you.我会帮你的。worry about sb./ sth.担心某人/某事别担心我。Don t.12 . over there 在那儿13 .make a shopping list 制定购物单 / make a cake 做蛋糕 / make a plane 做飞机模型 / make dumplings包饺子/泡茶Unit 4 Topic 2一.Grammar focus :语法1 .you for a

26、picnic with me ? 你想和我起去里予餐吗?-Oh , I d love我很想去。go for a picnic 去野餐 have a picnic 野餐2 . 1) What about the blue?兰色那条/双怎么样呢?3 ) -a kite with me ? 和我一起放风筝怎么样呢?-1 d like, but I time / I m not我很想去,但恐怕我没空。3)dinner with me tomorrow ?明天和我共进晚餐怎样?4) -What about tomorrow ? 明天去逛街好吗?-That very nice . 太好了。What abo

27、ut / How about sth. / sb. ? What about / How about doing sth .(介词about跟)二.Useful expressions:有用的打电话表达语1 .-Hello ? -Hello, Jane ! This is Kangkang .(打电话介绍自己用)-Are you this Sunday ? 这星期天有空吗?-Yes . What s直的。什么事啊? have time = be free 有空2 .-May I Maria ? 请找 Maria 接电话好吗?-Just a moment , please .请稍等-Sorry

28、, she/now ? 抱歉,他不在家。Who s this /that ?你是哪位?(打电话问对方用 /)be in = be at home 在家 不在家 be3 . This is Mary (). Is Lisa () ? 我是 Mary,你是 Lisa 吗?4 .-Can I him the message?要不要我给他捎个口信呢?或Can I a message for you ?要不要我帮你捎个口信呢? It s very/you . 你真是太好了。5 .- Could youthis evening ?你能请/叫她给我回个电话吗?-.当然可以。/没问题。6 . - Don, t

29、 your guitar .另1J忘了带吉它。-.forget to do sth.忘t己做某事我忘记告诉他这件事。Iit.她经常忘记带作业到学校。She often her homework to school.8. I have to cook . He has to carry water .我得煮饭,他得提水.have(has) to +动词原形不得不做某事我们得回家了,而她得做作业了 . We home, and shehomework.你得吃早餐了吗? you?他不得不起床了吗? he?9. be afraid害怕,恐怕恐怕我无法跟你去游泳了.I m I can t go you.

30、10. fly a kite放风筝 他通常星期天去放风筝。He usually a kite Sunday.11. this evening / morning / afternoon / year / Sunday / Sunday afternoon今晚/今早/今天下午/今年/这星期天/这星期天下午注意:this前不可加in, on,at等介词12. call sb. / give sb. a call / make a telephone call ( to sb.)给某人打电话13. call ( sb )back给某人回电话 21. carry water提水14v.play soc

31、cer/basketball 踢足球/篮球 23 .play the guitar 弹吉它15. take a message for sb./ give a message to sb. = give sb. a messag断某人捎口信Unit 4 Topic 3一.Grammar focus :语法 1.-Excuse me . What time is it , please ? 请问,几点了 ? -It s nine -Excuse me . What s the time , please ?s ele1en11Steen )sieteven (foH45)s one (1:40)

32、s twelve (12:30).)-It s a eleven. ( ItIt,s a. = It-It s. ( ItIt s twelve . ( It总结:时间表达语用法 凡是整点钟,用o clock凡是15分钟,用a quarter past ;凡是45分钟用a quarter to凡是半小时,用half past ;凡是在半小时以内,用介词past;凡是在半小时以上,用介词to,别忘记点钟要进一位。Useful expressions :有用的表达语1 .-Let s go to the zoo叫 我们去动物园吧.Don t. Let me help you 别担心,我帮你.let

33、 sb. do (动原)sth.让某人做某事let me与let 二选一,me与不可并存。2 .-What animals do you like best ? 你最喜欢的动物是什么?-I like elephants best .=What are your favorite animals ?-Monkeys are my favorite animals .What favorite animal? 他最喜欢的动物是什么 ?3. It s time to go home该回家了。 See you next time 下次见.It s time to do sth. / It s time

34、 for sth. /It s time for sb.格 me/ yo / him / her / us / them ) to do sth.某人该做某事了 .该吃早餐了 It s time. = It s time.我们该睡觉了 .It ,s time.4. -What s wrong with you ?你怎么啦? -I can t find my way home找不到回家的路 What s wrong with sb.赛格)/ sth. ? 某人/某物怎么了 ?他眼睛怎么了 ?eyes?5. Here we are .我们到了 Here you are 给你 Here it is

35、.在这 / 给你 我们都到了吗? we?6. It ,s very you help 礴助我们你真是太好了.It s very kind / nice of sb. ( to do sth.)7. Thank you for sth. / Thanks for doing sth. 谢谢你、谢谢你的帮助。 Thank you for= Thank you for.8. have breakfast / have lunch / have supper / dinner 吃早 /午 /晚餐9. get up 起床 10. go to school 去上学 11.go home 回家 12. go

36、 to bed 去睡觉13. do one(形物代)homework 做作业 14. watch TV 看电视14. .My friend has lunch at twelve o动t司c+ck .+ 点钟16. in the morning / in the afternoon / in the evening in + 早上/T午/晚上17. on Sunday night / on Sunday 在星期天晚上 on + 某一天18. next time 下次/ next Sunday 下周日 / next year 明年19. bring / give sth. to sb.= bring / give sb. sth.区另1J bring sth. here bring me/ us sth. take sth. therebring / take / carry总结:1、经常跟动词原形的词、句有: 2、经常跟动词+ing的词、句有:3、经常跟to +动词原形的词、句有:8


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