写给老师的英文诗歌阅读 适合朗诵的英文诗歌.docx

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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑写给老师的英文诗歌阅读 适合朗诵的英文诗歌 诗歌是人类的语言珍宝,可以提高人的精神修养、艺术修养和语言修养。我整理了写给老师的英文诗歌,欢迎! 写给老师的英文诗歌篇一 teacher is a sun ,children are flowers! For all the great things you say and do The best teachers award goes to you. As another school term approaches wish your days turn our to be as great as you m

2、ake ours. You are the best. Your guidance makes me go far and do things differently. Sending flowers to my teacher. Your lessons are still the one that helps me. Your words are still fresh and warm. Youve swayed my life so deeply. Youre still my best teacher. A sweet and lovely gift to my favorite t

3、eacher. You are a special person in our life. We all love you, Sir! To Sir, With Love ! Thanks for being an inspiring teacher. You taught me to aim for success and to accept failure with courage. Warm thoughts of love and regards to our loving teachers. I want to be like you, when I grow up. Your gu

4、idance makes us to achieve what we have dreamt for. Thank you for being my teacher. Sending great love to the greatest teacher of the world. 写给老师的英文诗歌篇二 Wonderful Teacher With a special gift for learning And with a heart that deeply cares, You add a lot of love To everything you share, And even thou

5、gh You mean a lot, Youll never know how much, For you helped To change the world Through every life you touched. You sparked the creativity In the students whom you taught, And helped them strive for goals That could not be bought, You are such a special teacher That no words can truly tell However

6、much youre valued For the work you do so well. -Author Unknown 写给老师的英文诗歌篇三 A Teacher for All Seasons 老师如一年中的四季 A teacher is like Spring, Who nurtures new green sprouts, Encourages and leads them, Whenever they have doubts. 老师就象春天, 滋养着新生的小苗, 在他们困惑的时候, 引导并鼓舞着他们。 A teacher is like Summer, Whose sunny t

7、emperament Makes studying a pleasure, Preventing discontent. 老师就象夏天, 用那阳光般的心情 让学习变成一种乐趣, 同时让不快从今消逝。 A teacher is like Fall, With methods crisp and clear, Lessons of bright colors And a happy atmosphere. 老师就象秋天 用洁净利落的方式 让课程变得富有颜色 让气氛变得欢乐 A teacher is like Winter, While its snowing hard outside, Keepi

8、ng students comfortable, As a warm and helpful guide. 老师就象冬天, 尽管外面大雪纷纷 还让同学们保持着一份舒适 就象一位暖和有效的引导者 Teacher, you do all these things, With a pleasant attitude; Youre a teacher for all seasons, And you have my gratitude! 老师,你的所作所为 都是那么善意 您如一年中的四季 您让我心存感谢! By Joanna Fuchs 看了写给老师的英文诗歌的人还看了: 1.写给老师的英语诗歌 2.关于写给老师的英文诗歌 3.祝愿老师的英语诗歌 4.关于歌颂老师的英文诗歌 5.关于老师的英语诗 第 4 页 共 4 页


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