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1、高三英语下册期中检测试题参考学习第一节共 5小题;每题 1.5分,总分值 7.5分听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来 答复有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Which restaurant are the speakers most likely to choose?A. French. B. Italian. C. Chinese.2. What does the man mean?A. He ll go to the park with the woman.B.

2、The weather report is not always true.C. They d better stay indoors tomorrow.3. What s most important for the woman?A. Living environment. B. Convenient transportation.C. Job opportunities.4. Why is the man complaining?A. He dislikes filing documents. B. His work is always the same.C. His co-worker

3、was careless.5. How did Adam probably get the football?A. He bought it himself. B. He borrowed it from someone else.C. It was given to him as a birthday gift.第二节 共 15 小题;每题 1.5 分,总分值 22.5 分听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A 、B、C 三个选项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有 时间阅读各个小题,每题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时

4、间每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,答复第 67题。6. What does the man want the woman to do?A. To attend an art course. B. To paint a portrait of her mother.C. To pay for the portrait.7. How does the woman feel in the end?A. Unconfident. B. Annoyed. C. Excited.听第 7 段材料,答复第 8 10题。8. What does the woman show the man?A. So

5、me clothes. B. A magazine. C. A new store.9. What is the problem with the store?A. The clothes are too expensive. B. The clothes are not the right size.C. The clothes are not available.10. What will happen next Tuesday?A. There will be a party. B. The man can get what he wants.C. The clothes will be

6、 delivered to the man.听第 8段材料,答复第 1113 题。11. What did the woman do for the man?A. She cleaned his house. B. She made him breakfast.C. She said something nice about him.12. What does the man think the woman wants to do?A. Something unpleasant. B. Something sweet. C. Something funny.13. What do we kno

7、w about the woman?A. She is fond of shopping. B. She wants to borrow some money.C. She has taken up a new hobby.听第 9段材料,答复第 1416 题。14. What are speakers mainly talking about?A. An online service. B. The woman s favorite TV shows.C. The quality of TV shows nowadays.15. What does the woman like to wat

8、ch?A. Current TV shows. B. Movies rented from stores.C. Old TV shows.16. What does the man want to do?A. To buy a TV. B. To join Netflix. C. To watch a movie.听第 10 段材料,答复第 1720题。17. What s the speaker s suggestion in the talk?A. Getting a variety of clothes. B. Taking an umbrella in summer.C. Drinki

9、ng plenty of water.18. What s summer like in the United States?A. It lasts for about 5 months.B. It often rains in most areas.C. The temperature generally keeps the same.19. Why are many homes and buildings cool even in summer?A. They are built with special materials.B. Doors and windows are kept op

10、en.C. They often have fans or air conditioners.20. Where might the talk take place?A. In a classroom. B. On the radio. C. In a studio.第二局部:英语知识运用共两节 总分值 35 分:/ing up C. making up D. turning up31. this program is very controversial, it many teenagers.A. In spite of; appeals B. Despite; appeals toC. A

11、lthough; appeals D. Despite the fact that; appeals to32. He has learned, no matter what happens and how bad seems today,life goes on and it will be better tomorrow.A. that; it B. it; that C. it; it D. that; that33. he has learned through practice before him a lot in his future work.A. That; helping

12、B. What; helpedC. That; it helps D. What; will help34. Last week, part of China was struck by heavy snow, from effects the peopleare still suffering.A. that B. whose C. those D. what35. According to news reports personal of guns in the USA causes a lot oftrouble.A. wealth B. possession C. matter D.

13、problem第二节 完形填空共 20小题;每题 1分, 总分值 20 分阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出可以填 入空白处的选项。It s easy to see how to help some people, but what about those whose needs are not so obvious? This story may have happened a while back -but it was a 36 which has stayed with me and helped me ever since.It was Thanksgiv

14、ing Day and I was 37 with my parents at a shelter centre for the needy.Standing behind the counter, we 38 hot food to whoever came in. Most of the people who came here looked like they had been 39 hard times. Their clothes were so worn-out, and they were so dirty. In short, they looked needy!Then, a

15、 man came in , who looked _40_ but needy. He was well dressed, for he wore an expensive suit. I wondered what he was doing there and my jaw dropped in 41 when he joined the line for food. The closer he came to my service station, the more I 42 in a low voice. I wanted to know what this man was doing

16、. 43 he wasnt going to take food 44 for those who were really in need!Then my mother 45 took me to one side. She said,“ You have 46that the needs of the people who come here must be purely physical: hunger, lack of 47 , clothing and so on. And this gentleman doesn t seem to have any of those 48 . Bu

17、t what if his needs are 49 ? What if he needs comfort, friends, or just to be among other human beings? Her words 50 me like a ton of bricks! I felt like I should 51 to the man -but I didn t .About a week later the shelter centre received a large 52 from an anonymous匿 名source. I can t help but 53 if

18、 it came from that man.Now, whenever I meet someone I remember my mother s lesson and try to send kindness and blessings 54 what they look like. Needs aren t always 55 . But kindness always makes a difference.36. A. situation B. secret C. lesson D. comment37. A. volunteering B. practising C. trainin

19、g D. performing38. A. recommended B. collected C. delivered D. distributed39. A. looking for B. going through C. learning from D. preparing for40. A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing41. A. peace B. respect C. delight D. amazement42. A. declared B. remarked C. complained D. argued43. A.

20、 Generally B. Surely C. Largely D. Probably44. A. meant B. applied C. watched D. answered45. A. rudely B. excitedly C. slowly D. quietly46. A. assumed B. ignored C. announced D. confirmed47. A. food B. shelter C. water D. coats48. A. problems B. choices C. satisfactions D. feelings49. A. natural B.

21、practical C. valuable D. emotional50. A. encouraged B. struck C. wounded D. disappointed51. A. respond B. suggest C. describe D. apologize52. A. order B. baggage C. donation D. bill53. A. imagine B. wonder C. realize D. admit54. A. in honor ofB. for fear of C. regardless of D. in spite of55. A. visi

22、ble B. reasonable C. ridiculous D. mysterious第三局部 阅读理解共 20 小题;每题 2 分,总分值 40 分阅读以下短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出选项。AAt a certain time in our lives we consider every place as the possible site for a house. I have thus searched the country within a dozen miles of where I live. In imagination I have bought al

23、l the farms, one after another, and I knew their prices.The nearest thing that I came to actual ownership was when I bought the Hollowell place. But before the owner completed the sale with me, his wife changed her mind and wished to keep it, and he offered me additional dollars to return the farm t

24、o him. However, I let him keep the additional dollars and sold him the farm for just what I gave for it.The real attraction of the Hollowell farm to me was its position, being about two miles from the village, half a mile from the nearest neighbor, bounded on one side by the river, and separated fro

25、m the highway by a wide field. The poor condition of the house and fences showed that it hadn t been used for some time. I remembered from my earliest trip up the river that the house used to be hidden behind a forest area, and I was in a hurry to buy it before the owner finished getting out some ro

26、cks, cutting down the apple trees, and clearing away some young trees which had grown up in the fields. I wanted to buy it before he made any more of his improvements. But it turned out as I have said.I was not really troubled by the loss. I had always had a garden, but I dont think I was ready for

27、a large farm. I believe that as long as possible it is better to live free and uncommitted 无牵挂的 . It makes but little difference whether you own a farm or not.56. What do we know about the author?A. He wanted to buy the oldest farm near where he lived.B. He made a study of many farms before buying.C

28、. He made money by buying and selling farms.D. He had the money to buy the best farm in the country.57. Why did the author decide to buy the Hollowell place?A. It was of good market value. B. It was next to the highway.C. It was in a good position. D. It was behind a nice garden.58. Why did the auth

29、or want to buy the farm in a hurry?A. He was afraid the owner might changes his mind.B. He hoped to enlarge the forest on the farm.C. He wanted to keep the farm as it was.D. He was eager to become a farm owner.59. The underlined words“the loss in the last paragraph refer to _.A. the money the author

30、 lost in buying the farmB. the sale of the garden in the Hollowell placeC. the removal of the trees around the houseD. the failure to possess the Hollowell place60. What does the author believe as important in life?A. To own a farm B. To satisfy his needsC. To be free from worries D. To live in the

31、countrysideBIn a moment of personal crisis, how much help can you expect from a New York taxi driver? I began studying this question and found the answers interesting.One morning I got into three different taxis and announced,s my fir“st Wdaeyll, itback in New York in seven years. Ive been in prison

32、. Not a single driver replied, sotried again.“ Yeah, I shot a man in Reno. I explained, hoping the driver wouwhy, but nobody asked. The only response came from a Ghanaian driver, is in Ne vada? Taxi drivers were uniformly sympathetic when I said Id just been fired. “ Thisis America, a Haitian driver

33、 said. “ Onedoor is closed. Another is open. He argued against my plan to burn down my bosss house. A Pakistani driver even turned down achance to profit from my loss of hope; he refused to take me to the middle of George Washington Bridge a $20 trip. “ Whyyou want to go there? Go home and relax. Do

34、nt worry. Take a new job.One very hot weekday in July, while wearing a red ski mask and holding a stuffed pillowcase with the word “ BANK on it, I tried calling a taxi five times outside different banks. The driver picked me up every time. My ride with a Haitian driver was typical of the superb assi

35、stance I received.“Let s go across the park. I said.“I just robbed the bank there. I got $25,000.“ $25,000? he asked.“ Yeah, you think it was wrong to take it?“No, man. I work 8 hours and I dont make almost $70. If I can do that, I do it too.As we approached 86th and Lexington, I pointed to the Chem

36、ical Bank.“Hey, theres another bank, I said,“ Could you wait here a minute while I go ins“No,I cant wait. Pay me now. His reluctance may have something to do with moneytaxi drivers think the rate for waiting time is too low but I think he wanted me to learn that even a bank robber cant expect uncond

37、itional support.61. From the Ghanaian drivers response, we can infer that .A. he was indifferent to the killing B. he was afraid of the authorC. he looked down upon the author D. he thought the author was crazy62. Why did the Pakistani driver refuse to take the author to the middle of the George Was

38、hington Bridge?A. Because he was able to help the author to find a new job.B. Because he wanted to go home and relax.C. Because it was far away from his home.D. Because he thought that the author would commit suicide.63. What is the author s interpretation of the driver s reluctance“ to wait outside

39、 theChemical bank ?A. The driver was too busy to wait.B. The driver thought it wrong to support a taxi rider unconditionally.C. The driver was frightened and wanted to leave him as soon as possible.D. The driver did not want to help a suspect to escape from a bank robbery.64. Which of the following

40、statements is true about New York taxi drivers?A. They are ready to help you do whatever you want to.B. they often refuse to pick up those who would kill themselves.C. They are sympathetic with those who are out of work.D. They work only for money.65. The passage mainly discusses .A. how to please t

41、axi drivers.B. how to deal with taxi driversC. the attitudes of taxi drivers towards riders with problemsD. the attitudes of taxi drivers towards their workCMulch 护盖物 ; 护根层 is important to farmers. Mulch is a protective cover of material that is spread on top of soil. It is usually made out of organ

42、ic material, like crop waste. Farmers may keep the remains of maize or other crops on top of the soil. This creates mulch on the soil surface. The plant remains help protect the soil against wind and water damage. Mulching is one of the best things people can do for their plants. Mulch not only prot

43、ects the soil against wind and water damage.It also helps keep the soil from getting too dry, and reduces the need for watering plants. It also limits temperature changes in the soil. And it stops unwanted plants, or weeds, from growing.Organic mulch improves the condition of soil. As the mulch brea

44、ks down, it provides material which keeps the soil from getting hard. This improves the growth of roots and increases the movement of water through the soil. It also improves the ability of the soil to hold water. Organic mulch contains nutrients for plants. It also provides a good environment for e

45、arthworms and other helpful organisms in the soil.The United States Department of Agriculture says it is easy to find organic mulch materials. Cut-up leaves and small pieces of tree bark can be used. Grass cuttings are also a good mulch for plants. Mulch from newspapers works well in controlling wee

46、ds.The best time to add mulch depends on your goal. Mulch provides a thick barrier between the soil and the air. This helps to reduce temperature changes in the soil. As a result, mulched soil will be cooler than other soil in the summer. In winter, the mulched soil may not freeze as deeply as other

47、 soil. The best time is after the ground has frozen, but before the coldest weather arrives. Spreading mulch before the ground has frozen may attract small animals searching for a warm place to spend the winter. Delaying the spreading should prevent this problem. The animals will probably find anoth

48、er place to live.66. The author tells us the following EXCEPT .A. what mulch is and its benefitsB. the best time to add mulchC. what can be mulch on the soil surfaceD. the bad effects of mulch67. The following can be used as organic materials to make mulch EXCEPT .A. tree barks B. cut-up leaves C. grass cuttings D. plastic68. Which of the following is the benefit of mulch?A. Prot


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