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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑小幽默笑话简短_关于简短的英语小笑话欣赏 前苏联闻名作家高尔基说过,哪里有人,哪里就有笑声。从古到今,笑话是人们生活中不行缺少的调剂品。我整理了关于简短的英语小笑话,欢迎! 关于简短的英语小笑话篇一 开业大吉 A new business was opening . and one of the owners friends wanted to send him flowers for the occasion. 新公司开业了,开业典礼上,经理的一个伴侣送他一个花篮。 They arrived at the new business site and the

2、 owner read the card,. Rest in Peace. 经理高声朗读着花篮上的贺卡:安眠吧。 The owner was angry and called the florist to complain. 经理生气极了,打电话找来卖花的人要质问他是怎么回事。 After he had told the florist of the obvious mistake and how angry he was, the florist replied, Sir, Im really sorry for the mistake, but rather than getting an

3、gry, you should imagine this: somewhere, there is a funeral taking place today, and they have flowers with a note saying, . 花店老板来了,看到这个明显的错误和经理气急败坏的样子,他说:我真得很愧疚。但是与其这么生气,你倒不如这样想:有另外一个地方,今日要举办一个葬礼,他们将会收到一个花篮, Congratulations on your new location! 留言条上写着恭喜你有了新的归属! 关于简短的英语小笑话篇二 我妈妈不是那样子的 While doing re

4、novations in our house,one of the workmen paused to look at a flattering photoof mewearing makeup and a fancy gown. 在给我们家房子做翻新的时候,一个工人停下手中的活来看我的一张盛装照片,照片中的我化了妆,穿着珍贵的晚礼服。 I heard him let out a low whistle and ask my son, Joshua,Whos that?Thats my mom,Joshua answered. 我听到他小声地吹了一声口哨,然后问我的儿子Joshua,那人是谁?

5、那是我妈,Joshua回答。 Wow, the man said, my mother doesnt look like that.Yeah, my son said, well, neitherdoes mine. 哇,那男人说,我妈可不是这样子的。可不,我儿子说,呃,我妈也不是那样子的。 关于简短的英语小笑话篇三 晨起反应 The neighbor dropped in on a friendand found her sitting at the kitchen table,staring blankly ata half-empty cup of coffee,her three ki

6、ds squabbling loudly in the other room. 一个邻居顺道去访问自己的一位伴侣,发觉她正呆坐在厨房的桌子旁,眼睛茫然地盯着已经喝了一半的咖啡,她的三个孩子正在隔壁的房间里大声地喧哗。 Whats wrong ? she asked.The friend told her that she had morning sickness. 怎么了?她问。伴侣告知她自己不过是有点晨起反应。 Surprised the neighbor said,I didnt even know you were pregnant. 邻居特别惊讶,说,我甚至都不知道你又怀孕了! Im not. the harried young woman replied.Im just sick of mornings. 哦,我没有怀孕,年轻的妇人苦恼地回答,我只是腻烦透了早上而已! 看了关于简短的英语小笑话的人还看了: 1.关于英语小笑话简短 2.有关短小的英语小笑话观赏 3.简短英语小笑话 4.简短的英语笑话大全 5.超短简洁英语小笑话精选 6.关于最短的英文笑话观赏 第 3 页 共 3 页


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